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/* EVMC: Ethereum Client-VM Connector API.
* Copyright 2018-2019 The EVMC Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
2019-06-26 21:22:42 +00:00
#pragma once
#include <evmc/evmc.h>
#include <evmc/helpers.h>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <utility>
/// EVMC C++ API - wrappers and bindings for C++
/// @ingroup cpp
namespace evmc
/// @copydoc evmc_result
/// This is a RAII wrapper for evmc_result and objects of this type
/// automatically release attached resources.
class result : private evmc_result
using evmc_result::create_address;
using evmc_result::gas_left;
using evmc_result::output_data;
using evmc_result::output_size;
using evmc_result::status_code;
/// Converting constructor from raw evmc_result.
explicit result(evmc_result const& res) noexcept : evmc_result{res} {}
/// Destructor responsible for automatically releasing attached resources.
~result() noexcept
if (release)
/// Move constructor.
result(result&& other) noexcept : evmc_result{other}
other.release = nullptr; // Disable releasing of the rvalue object.
/// Move assignment operator.
/// The self-assigment MUST never happen.
/// @param other The other result object.
/// @return The reference to the left-hand side object.
result& operator=(result&& other) noexcept
this->~result(); // Release this object.
static_cast<evmc_result&>(*this) = other; // Copy data.
other.release = nullptr; // Disable releasing of the rvalue object.
return *this;
/// Releases the ownership and returns the raw copy of evmc_result.
/// This method drops the ownership of the result
/// (result's resources are not going to be released when this object is destructed).
/// It is the caller's responsibility having the returned copy of the result to release it.
/// This object MUST NOT be used after this method is invoked.
/// @return The copy of this object converted to raw evmc_result.
evmc_result release_raw() noexcept
const auto out = evmc_result{*this}; // Copy data.
this->release = nullptr; // Disable releasing of this object.
return out;
/// @copybrief evmc_instance
/// This is a RAII wrapper for evmc_instance and objects of this type
/// automatically destroys the VM instance.
class vm
/// Converting constructor from evmc_instance.
explicit vm(evmc_instance* instance) noexcept : m_instance{instance} {}
/// Destructor responsible for automatically destroying the VM instance.
~vm() noexcept { m_instance->destroy(m_instance); }
/// The constructor that captures a VM instance and configures the instance
/// with provided list of options.
vm(evmc_instance* instance,
std::initializer_list<std::pair<const char*, const char*>> options) noexcept
: m_instance{instance}
for (auto option : options)
set_option(option.first, option.second);
/// Checks whenever the VM instance is ABI compatible with the current EVMC API.
bool is_abi_compatible() const noexcept { return m_instance->abi_version == EVMC_ABI_VERSION; }
/// @copydoc evmc_instance::name
char const* name() const noexcept { return m_instance->name; }
/// @copydoc evmc_instance::version
char const* version() const noexcept { return m_instance->version; }
2019-06-26 21:22:42 +00:00
/// @copydoc evmc::instance::get_capabilities
evmc_capabilities_flagset get_capabilities() const noexcept
return m_instance->get_capabilities(m_instance);
/// @copydoc evmc_set_option()
evmc_set_option_result set_option(const char name[], const char value[]) noexcept
return evmc_set_option(m_instance, name, value);
/// @copydoc evmc_execute()
result execute(evmc_context& ctx,
evmc_revision rev,
const evmc_message& msg,
const uint8_t* code,
size_t code_size) noexcept
return result{m_instance->execute(m_instance, &ctx, rev, &msg, code, code_size)};
evmc_instance* const m_instance = nullptr;
/// The EVMC Host interface
class HostInterface
virtual ~HostInterface() noexcept = default;
/// @copydoc evmc_host_interface::account_exists
virtual bool account_exists(const evmc_address& addr) noexcept = 0;
/// @copydoc evmc_host_interface::get_storage
virtual evmc_bytes32 get_storage(const evmc_address& addr,
const evmc_bytes32& key) noexcept = 0;
/// @copydoc evmc_host_interface::set_storage
virtual evmc_storage_status set_storage(const evmc_address& addr,
const evmc_bytes32& key,
const evmc_bytes32& value) noexcept = 0;
/// @copydoc evmc_host_interface::get_balance
virtual evmc_uint256be get_balance(const evmc_address& addr) noexcept = 0;
/// @copydoc evmc_host_interface::get_code_size
virtual size_t get_code_size(const evmc_address& addr) noexcept = 0;
/// @copydoc evmc_host_interface::get_code_hash
virtual evmc_bytes32 get_code_hash(const evmc_address& addr) noexcept = 0;
/// @copydoc evmc_host_interface::copy_code
virtual size_t copy_code(const evmc_address& addr,
size_t code_offset,
uint8_t* buffer_data,
size_t buffer_size) noexcept = 0;
/// @copydoc evmc_host_interface::selfdestruct
virtual void selfdestruct(const evmc_address& addr,
const evmc_address& beneficiary) noexcept = 0;
/// @copydoc evmc_host_interface::call
virtual result call(const evmc_message& msg) noexcept = 0;
/// @copydoc evmc_host_interface::get_tx_context
virtual evmc_tx_context get_tx_context() noexcept = 0;
/// @copydoc evmc_host_interface::get_block_hash
virtual evmc_bytes32 get_block_hash(int64_t block_number) noexcept = 0;
/// @copydoc evmc_host_interface::emit_log
virtual void emit_log(const evmc_address& addr,
const uint8_t* data,
size_t data_size,
const evmc_bytes32 topics[],
size_t num_topics) noexcept = 0;
/// Wrapper around EVMC host context / host interface.
/// To be used by VM implementations as better alternative to using ::evmc_context directly.
class HostContext : public HostInterface
evmc_context* context = nullptr;
evmc_tx_context tx_context = {};
/// Implicit converting constructor from evmc_context.
HostContext(evmc_context* ctx) noexcept : context{ctx} {} // NOLINT
bool account_exists(const evmc_address& address) noexcept final
return context->host->account_exists(context, &address);
evmc_bytes32 get_storage(const evmc_address& address, const evmc_bytes32& key) noexcept final
return context->host->get_storage(context, &address, &key);
evmc_storage_status set_storage(const evmc_address& address,
const evmc_bytes32& key,
const evmc_bytes32& value) noexcept final
return context->host->set_storage(context, &address, &key, &value);
evmc_uint256be get_balance(const evmc_address& address) noexcept final
return context->host->get_balance(context, &address);
size_t get_code_size(const evmc_address& address) noexcept final
return context->host->get_code_size(context, &address);
evmc_bytes32 get_code_hash(const evmc_address& address) noexcept final
return context->host->get_code_hash(context, &address);
size_t copy_code(const evmc_address& address,
size_t code_offset,
uint8_t* buffer_data,
size_t buffer_size) noexcept final
return context->host->copy_code(context, &address, code_offset, buffer_data, buffer_size);
void selfdestruct(const evmc_address& address, const evmc_address& beneficiary) noexcept final
context->host->selfdestruct(context, &address, &beneficiary);
result call(const evmc_message& message) noexcept final
return result{context->host->call(context, &message)};
/// @copydoc HostInterface::get_tx_context()
/// The implementation caches the received transaction context
/// by assuming that the block timestamp should never be zero.
/// @return The cached transaction context.
evmc_tx_context get_tx_context() noexcept final
if (tx_context.block_timestamp == 0)
tx_context = context->host->get_tx_context(context);
return tx_context;
evmc_bytes32 get_block_hash(int64_t number) noexcept final
return context->host->get_block_hash(context, number);
void emit_log(const evmc_address& address,
const uint8_t* data,
size_t data_size,
const evmc_bytes32 topics[],
size_t topics_count) noexcept final
context->host->emit_log(context, &address, data, data_size, topics, topics_count);
/// Abstract class to be used by Host implementations.
/// When implementing EVMC Host, you can directly inherit from the evmc::Host class.
/// This way your implementation will be simpler by avoiding manual handling
/// of the ::evmc_context and the ::evmc_context::host.
class Host : public HostInterface, public evmc_context
inline Host() noexcept;
namespace internal
inline bool account_exists(evmc_context* h, const evmc_address* addr) noexcept
return static_cast<Host*>(h)->account_exists(*addr);
inline evmc_bytes32 get_storage(evmc_context* h,
const evmc_address* addr,
const evmc_bytes32* key) noexcept
return static_cast<Host*>(h)->get_storage(*addr, *key);
inline evmc_storage_status set_storage(evmc_context* h,
const evmc_address* addr,
const evmc_bytes32* key,
const evmc_bytes32* value) noexcept
return static_cast<Host*>(h)->set_storage(*addr, *key, *value);
inline evmc_uint256be get_balance(evmc_context* h, const evmc_address* addr) noexcept
return static_cast<Host*>(h)->get_balance(*addr);
inline size_t get_code_size(evmc_context* h, const evmc_address* addr) noexcept
return static_cast<Host*>(h)->get_code_size(*addr);
inline evmc_bytes32 get_code_hash(evmc_context* h, const evmc_address* addr) noexcept
return static_cast<Host*>(h)->get_code_hash(*addr);
inline size_t copy_code(evmc_context* h,
const evmc_address* addr,
size_t code_offset,
uint8_t* buffer_data,
size_t buffer_size) noexcept
return static_cast<Host*>(h)->copy_code(*addr, code_offset, buffer_data, buffer_size);
inline void selfdestruct(evmc_context* h,
const evmc_address* addr,
const evmc_address* beneficiary) noexcept
static_cast<Host*>(h)->selfdestruct(*addr, *beneficiary);
inline evmc_result call(evmc_context* h, const evmc_message* msg) noexcept
return static_cast<Host*>(h)->call(*msg).release_raw();
inline evmc_tx_context get_tx_context(evmc_context* h) noexcept
return static_cast<Host*>(h)->get_tx_context();
inline evmc_bytes32 get_block_hash(evmc_context* h, int64_t block_number) noexcept
return static_cast<Host*>(h)->get_block_hash(block_number);
inline void emit_log(evmc_context* h,
const evmc_address* addr,
const uint8_t* data,
size_t data_size,
const evmc_bytes32 topics[],
size_t num_topics) noexcept
static_cast<Host*>(h)->emit_log(*addr, data, data_size, topics, num_topics);
constexpr evmc_host_interface interface{
account_exists, get_storage, set_storage, get_balance, get_code_size, get_code_hash,
copy_code, selfdestruct, call, get_tx_context, get_block_hash, emit_log,
} // namespace internal
inline Host::Host() noexcept : evmc_context{&internal::interface} {}
} // namespace evmc