When deploying contracts, you should use the latest released version of Solidity. This is because breaking changes as well as new features and bug fixes are introduced regularly. We currently use a 0.x version number `to indicate this fast pace of change <https://semver.org/#spec-item-4>`_.
Solidity recently released the 0.5.x version that introduced a lot of breaking changes. Make sure you read :doc:`the full list <050-breaking-changes>`.
If you are new to the concept of smart contracts we recommend you start with
:ref:`an example smart contract <simple-smart-contract>` written
in Solidity. When you are ready for more detail, we recommend you read the
:doc:`"Solidity by Example" <solidity-by-example>` and :doc:`"Solidity in Depth" <solidity-in-depth>` sections to learn the core concepts of the language.
For further reading, try :ref:`the basics of blockchains <blockchain-basics>`
and details of the :ref:`Ethereum Virtual Machine <the-ethereum-virtual-machine>`.
You can always try out code examples in your browser with the
`Remix IDE <https://remix.ethereum.org>`_. Remix is a web browser based IDE
that allows you to write Solidity smart contracts, then deploy and run the
smart contracts. It can take a while to load, so please be patient.