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#!/usr/bin/env node
const process = require('process')
const fs = require('fs')
const compiler = require('solc')
2023-06-19 09:29:00 +00:00
'legacy-optimize': {optimize: true, viaIR: false},
'legacy-no-optimize': {optimize: false, viaIR: false},
'via-ir-optimize': {optimize: true, viaIR: true},
'via-ir-no-optimize': {optimize: false, viaIR: true},
function loadSource(sourceFileName, stripSMTPragmas)
source = fs.readFileSync(sourceFileName).toString()
if (stripSMTPragmas)
// NOTE: replace() with string parameter replaces only the first occurrence.
return source.replace('pragma experimental SMTChecker;', '');
return source
function cleanString(string)
if (string !== undefined)
string = string.trim()
return (string !== '' ? string : undefined)
let inputFiles = []
let stripSMTPragmas = false
let presets = []
for (let i = 2; i < process.argv.length; ++i)
if (process.argv[i] === '--strip-smt-pragmas')
stripSMTPragmas = true
else if (process.argv[i] === '--preset')
if (i + 1 === process.argv.length)
throw Error("Option --preset was used, but no preset name given.")
presets.push(process.argv[i + 1])
if (presets.length === 0)
presets = ['legacy-no-optimize', 'legacy-optimize']
for (const preset of presets)
if (!(preset in SETTINGS_PRESETS))
throw Error(`Invalid preset name: ${preset}.`)
for (const preset of presets)
settings = SETTINGS_PRESETS[preset]
for (const filename of inputFiles)
let input = {
language: 'Solidity',
sources: {
[filename]: {content: loadSource(filename, stripSMTPragmas)}
settings: {
optimizer: {enabled: settings.optimize},
2023-06-19 09:29:00 +00:00
// NOTE: We omit viaIR rather than set it to false to handle older versions that don't have it.
viaIR: settings.viaIR ? true : undefined,
outputSelection: {'*': {'*': ['evm.bytecode.object', 'metadata']}}
if (!stripSMTPragmas)
input['settings']['modelChecker'] = {engine: 'none'}
let serializedOutput
let result
const serializedInput = JSON.stringify(input)
let internalCompilerError = false
serializedOutput = compiler.compile(serializedInput)
catch (exception)
internalCompilerError = true
if (!internalCompilerError)
result = JSON.parse(serializedOutput)
if ('errors' in result)
for (const error of result['errors'])
// JSON interface still returns contract metadata in case of an internal compiler error while
// CLI interface does not. To make reports comparable we must force this case to be detected as
// an error in both cases.
if (['UnimplementedFeatureError', 'CompilerError', 'CodeGenerationError', 'YulException'].includes(error['type']))
internalCompilerError = true
if (
internalCompilerError ||
!('contracts' in result) ||
Object.keys(result['contracts']).length === 0 ||
Object.keys(result['contracts']).every(file => Object.keys(result['contracts'][file]).length === 0)
// NOTE: do not exit here because this may be run on source which cannot be compiled
console.log(filename + ': <ERROR>')
for (const contractFile in result['contracts'])
for (const contractName in result['contracts'][contractFile])
const contractResults = result['contracts'][contractFile][contractName]
let bytecode = '<NO BYTECODE>'
let metadata = '<NO METADATA>'
if (
'evm' in contractResults &&
'bytecode' in contractResults['evm'] &&
'object' in contractResults['evm']['bytecode'] &&
cleanString(contractResults.evm.bytecode.object) !== undefined
bytecode = cleanString(contractResults.evm.bytecode.object)
if ('metadata' in contractResults && cleanString(contractResults.metadata) !== undefined)
metadata = contractResults.metadata
console.log(filename + ':' + contractName + ' ' + bytecode)
console.log(filename + ':' + contractName + ' ' + metadata)