import assert from 'assert'; import debug from 'debug'; import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; import { Octokit } from 'octokit'; import { inc as semverInc } from 'semver'; import { DeepPartial } from 'typeorm'; import { Account, DEFAULT_GAS_ESTIMATION_MULTIPLIER, Registry as LaconicRegistry, getGasPrice, parseGasAndFees } from '@cerc-io/registry-sdk'; import { DeliverTxResponse, IndexedTx } from '@cosmjs/stargate'; import { RegistryConfig } from './config'; import { ApplicationRecord, Deployment, ApplicationDeploymentRequest, ApplicationDeploymentRemovalRequest } from './entity/Deployment'; import { AppDeploymentRecord, AppDeploymentRemovalRecord, AuctionParams, DeployerRecord } from './types'; import { getConfig, getRepoDetails, registryTransactionWithRetry, sleep } from './utils'; const log = debug('snowball:registry'); const APP_RECORD_TYPE = 'ApplicationRecord'; const APP_DEPLOYMENT_AUCTION_RECORD_TYPE = 'ApplicationDeploymentAuction'; const APP_DEPLOYMENT_REQUEST_TYPE = 'ApplicationDeploymentRequest'; const APP_DEPLOYMENT_REMOVAL_REQUEST_TYPE = 'ApplicationDeploymentRemovalRequest'; const APP_DEPLOYMENT_RECORD_TYPE = 'ApplicationDeploymentRecord'; const APP_DEPLOYMENT_REMOVAL_RECORD_TYPE = 'ApplicationDeploymentRemovalRecord'; const WEBAPP_DEPLOYER_RECORD_TYPE = 'WebappDeployer' const SLEEP_DURATION = 1000; // TODO: Move registry code to registry-sdk/watcher-ts export class Registry { private registry: LaconicRegistry; private registryConfig: RegistryConfig; constructor(registryConfig: RegistryConfig) { this.registryConfig = registryConfig; const gasPrice = getGasPrice(registryConfig.fee.gasPrice); this.registry = new LaconicRegistry( registryConfig.gqlEndpoint, registryConfig.restEndpoint, { chainId: registryConfig.chainId, gasPrice } ); } async createApplicationRecord({ octokit, repository, commitHash, appType, }: { octokit: Octokit repository: string; commitHash: string; appType: string; }): Promise<{ applicationRecordId: string; applicationRecordData: ApplicationRecord; }> { const { repo, repoUrl, packageJSON } = await getRepoDetails(octokit, repository, commitHash) // Use registry-sdk to publish record // Reference: // Fetch previous records const records = await this.registry.queryRecords( { type: APP_RECORD_TYPE, name: }, true ); // Get next version of record const bondRecords = records.filter( (record: any) => record.bondId === this.registryConfig.bondId ); const [latestBondRecord] = bondRecords.sort( (a: any, b: any) => new Date(b.createTime).getTime() - new Date(a.createTime).getTime() ); const nextVersion = semverInc( latestBondRecord?.attributes.version ?? '0.0.0', 'patch' ); assert(nextVersion, 'Application record version not valid'); // Create record of type ApplicationRecord and publish const applicationRecord = { type: APP_RECORD_TYPE, version: nextVersion, repository_ref: commitHash, repository: [repoUrl], app_type: appType, name: repo, ...(packageJSON.description && { description: packageJSON.description }), ...(packageJSON.homepage && { homepage: packageJSON.homepage }), ...(packageJSON.license && { license: packageJSON.license }), ...( && { author: typeof === 'object' ? JSON.stringify( : }), ...(packageJSON.version && { app_version: packageJSON.version }) }; const fee = parseGasAndFees(this.registryConfig.fee.gas, this.registryConfig.fee.fees); const result = await registryTransactionWithRetry(() => this.registry.setRecord( { privateKey: this.registryConfig.privateKey, record: applicationRecord, bondId: this.registryConfig.bondId }, this.registryConfig.privateKey, fee ) ); log(`Published application record ${}`); log('Application record data:', applicationRecord); // TODO: Discuss computation of LRN const lrn = this.getLrn(repo); log(`Setting name: ${lrn} for record ID: ${}`); await sleep(SLEEP_DURATION); await registryTransactionWithRetry(() => this.registry.setName( { cid:, lrn }, this.registryConfig.privateKey, fee ) ); await sleep(SLEEP_DURATION); await registryTransactionWithRetry(() => this.registry.setName( { cid:, lrn: `${lrn}@${applicationRecord.app_version}` }, this.registryConfig.privateKey, fee ) ); await sleep(SLEEP_DURATION); await registryTransactionWithRetry(() => this.registry.setName( { cid:, lrn: `${lrn}@${applicationRecord.repository_ref}` }, this.registryConfig.privateKey, fee ) ); return { applicationRecordId:, applicationRecordData: applicationRecord }; } async createApplicationDeploymentAuction( appName: string, octokit: Octokit, auctionParams: AuctionParams, data: DeepPartial, ): Promise<{ applicationDeploymentAuctionId: string; }> { assert(data.project?.repository, 'Project repository not found'); await this.createApplicationRecord({ octokit, repository: data.project.repository, appType: data.project!.template!, commitHash: data.commitHash!, }); const lrn = this.getLrn(appName); const config = await getConfig(); const auctionConfig =; const fee = parseGasAndFees(this.registryConfig.fee.gas, this.registryConfig.fee.fees); const auctionResult = await registryTransactionWithRetry(() => this.registry.createProviderAuction( { commitFee: auctionConfig.commitFee, commitsDuration: auctionConfig.commitsDuration, revealFee: auctionConfig.revealFee, revealsDuration: auctionConfig.revealsDuration, denom: auctionConfig.denom, maxPrice: auctionParams.maxPrice, numProviders: auctionParams.numProviders, }, this.registryConfig.privateKey, fee ) ); if (! { throw new Error('Error creating auction'); } // Create record of type applicationDeploymentAuction and publish const applicationDeploymentAuction = { application: lrn, auction:, type: APP_DEPLOYMENT_AUCTION_RECORD_TYPE, }; const result = await registryTransactionWithRetry(() => this.registry.setRecord( { privateKey: this.registryConfig.privateKey, record: applicationDeploymentAuction, bondId: this.registryConfig.bondId }, this.registryConfig.privateKey, fee ) ); log(`Application deployment auction created: ${}`); log(`Application deployment auction record published: ${}`); log('Application deployment auction data:', applicationDeploymentAuction); return { applicationDeploymentAuctionId:, }; } async createApplicationDeploymentRequest(data: { deployment: Deployment, appName: string, repository: string, auctionId?: string | null, lrn: string, environmentVariables: { [key: string]: string }, dns: string, payment?: string | null }): Promise<{ applicationDeploymentRequestId: string; applicationDeploymentRequestData: ApplicationDeploymentRequest; }> { const lrn = this.getLrn(data.appName); const records = await this.registry.resolveNames([lrn]); const applicationRecord = records[0]; if (!applicationRecord) { throw new Error(`No record found for ${lrn}`); } // Create record of type ApplicationDeploymentRequest and publish const applicationDeploymentRequest = { type: APP_DEPLOYMENT_REQUEST_TYPE, version: '1.0.0', name: `${}@${applicationRecord.attributes.app_version}`, application: `${lrn}@${applicationRecord.attributes.app_version}`, dns: data.dns, // config: JSON.stringify({ env: data.environmentVariables }), meta: JSON.stringify({ note: `Added by Snowball @ ${DateTime.utc().toFormat( "EEE LLL dd HH:mm:ss 'UTC' yyyy" )}`, repository: data.repository, repository_ref: data.deployment.commitHash }), deployer: data.lrn, ...(data.auctionId && { auction: data.auctionId }), ...(data.payment && { payment: data.payment }), }; await sleep(SLEEP_DURATION); const fee = parseGasAndFees(this.registryConfig.fee.gas, this.registryConfig.fee.fees); const result = await registryTransactionWithRetry(() => this.registry.setRecord( { privateKey: this.registryConfig.privateKey, record: applicationDeploymentRequest, bondId: this.registryConfig.bondId }, this.registryConfig.privateKey, fee ) ); log(`Application deployment request record published: ${}`); log('Application deployment request data:', applicationDeploymentRequest); return { applicationDeploymentRequestId:, applicationDeploymentRequestData: applicationDeploymentRequest }; } async getAuctionWinningDeployerRecords( auctionId: string ): Promise { const records = await this.registry.getAuctionsByIds([auctionId]); const auctionResult = records[0]; let deployerRecords = []; const { winnerAddresses } = auctionResult; for (const auctionWinner of winnerAddresses) { const records = await this.getDeployerRecordsByFilter({ paymentAddress: auctionWinner, }); const newRecords = records.filter(record => { return record.names !== null && record.names.length > 0; }); for (const record of newRecords) { if ( { deployerRecords.push(record); break; } } } return deployerRecords; } async releaseDeployerFunds( auctionId: string ): Promise { const fee = parseGasAndFees(this.registryConfig.fee.gas, this.registryConfig.fee.fees); const auction = await registryTransactionWithRetry(() => this.registry.releaseFunds( { auctionId }, this.registryConfig.privateKey, fee ) ); return auction; } /** * Fetch ApplicationDeploymentRecords for deployments */ async getDeploymentRecords( deployments: Deployment[] ): Promise { // Fetch ApplicationDeploymentRecords for corresponding ApplicationRecord set in deployments // TODO: Implement Laconicd GQL query to filter records by multiple values for an attribute const records = await this.registry.queryRecords( { type: APP_DEPLOYMENT_RECORD_TYPE }, true ); // Filter records with ApplicationDeploymentRequestId ID and Deployment specific URL return records.filter((record: AppDeploymentRecord) => deployments.some( (deployment) => deployment.applicationDeploymentRequestId === record.attributes.request && record.attributes.url.includes( ) ); } /** * Fetch WebappDeployer Records by filter */ async getDeployerRecordsByFilter(filter: { [key: string]: any }): Promise { return this.registry.queryRecords( { type: WEBAPP_DEPLOYER_RECORD_TYPE, ...filter }, true ); } /** * Fetch ApplicationDeploymentRecords by filter */ async getDeploymentRecordsByFilter(filter: { [key: string]: any }): Promise { return this.registry.queryRecords( { type: APP_DEPLOYMENT_RECORD_TYPE, ...filter }, true ); } /** * Fetch ApplicationDeploymentRemovalRecords for deployments */ async getDeploymentRemovalRecords( deployments: Deployment[] ): Promise { // Fetch ApplicationDeploymentRemovalRecords for corresponding ApplicationDeploymentRecord set in deployments const records = await this.registry.queryRecords( { type: APP_DEPLOYMENT_REMOVAL_RECORD_TYPE }, true ); // Filter records with ApplicationDeploymentRecord and ApplicationDeploymentRemovalRequest IDs return records.filter((record: AppDeploymentRemovalRecord) => deployments.some( (deployment) => deployment.applicationDeploymentRemovalRequestId === record.attributes.request && deployment.applicationDeploymentRecordId === record.attributes.deployment ) ); } async createApplicationDeploymentRemovalRequest(data: { deploymentId: string; deployerLrn: string; auctionId?: string | null; payment?: string | null; }): Promise<{ applicationDeploymentRemovalRequestId: string; applicationDeploymentRemovalRequestData: ApplicationDeploymentRemovalRequest; }> { const applicationDeploymentRemovalRequest = { type: APP_DEPLOYMENT_REMOVAL_REQUEST_TYPE, version: '1.0.0', deployment: data.deploymentId, deployer: data.deployerLrn, ...(data.auctionId && { auction: data.auctionId }), ...(data.payment && { payment: data.payment }), }; const fee = parseGasAndFees(this.registryConfig.fee.gas, this.registryConfig.fee.fees); const result = await registryTransactionWithRetry(() => this.registry.setRecord( { privateKey: this.registryConfig.privateKey, record: applicationDeploymentRemovalRequest, bondId: this.registryConfig.bondId }, this.registryConfig.privateKey, fee ) ); log(`Application deployment removal request record published: ${}`); log('Application deployment removal request data:', applicationDeploymentRemovalRequest); return { applicationDeploymentRemovalRequestId:, applicationDeploymentRemovalRequestData: applicationDeploymentRemovalRequest }; } async getCompletedAuctionIds(auctionIds: string[]): Promise { if (auctionIds.length === 0) { return []; } const auctions = await this.registry.getAuctionsByIds(auctionIds); const completedAuctions = auctions .filter((auction: { id: string, status: string }) => auction.status === 'completed') .map((auction: { id: string, status: string }) =>; return completedAuctions; } async getRecordsByName(name: string): Promise { return this.registry.resolveNames([name]); } async getAuctionData(auctionId: string): Promise { return this.registry.getAuctionsByIds([auctionId]); } async sendTokensToAccount(receiverAddress: string, amount: string): Promise { const fee = parseGasAndFees(this.registryConfig.fee.gas, this.registryConfig.fee.fees); const account = await this.getAccount(); const laconicClient = await this.registry.getLaconicClient(account); const txResponse: DeliverTxResponse = await registryTransactionWithRetry(() => laconicClient.sendTokens(account.address, receiverAddress, [ { denom: 'alnt', amount } ], fee || DEFAULT_GAS_ESTIMATION_MULTIPLIER) ); return txResponse; } async getAccount(): Promise { const account = new Account(Buffer.from(this.registryConfig.privateKey, 'hex')); await account.init(); return account; } async getTxResponse(txHash: string): Promise { const account = await this.getAccount(); const laconicClient = await this.registry.getLaconicClient(account); const txResponse: IndexedTx | null = await laconicClient.getTx(txHash); return txResponse; } getLrn(appName: string): string { assert(this.registryConfig.authority, "Authority doesn't exist"); return `lrn://${this.registryConfig.authority}/applications/${appName}`; } }