import { Turnkey, TurnkeyApiTypes } from '@turnkey/sdk-server'; // Default path for the first Ethereum address in a new HD wallet. // See, paths are in the form: // m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index // - Purpose is a constant set to 44' following the BIP43 recommendation. // - Coin type is set to 60 (ETH) -- see // - Account, Change, and Address Index are set to 0 import { DEFAULT_ETHEREUM_ACCOUNTS } from '@turnkey/sdk-server'; import { getConfig } from './utils'; import { Service } from './service'; type TAttestation = TurnkeyApiTypes['v1Attestation']; type CreateUserParams = { userName: string; userEmail: string; challenge: string; attestation: TAttestation; }; export async function createUser( service: Service, { userName, userEmail, challenge, attestation }: CreateUserParams, ) { try { if (await service.getUserByEmail(userEmail)) { throw new Error(`User already exists: ${userEmail}`); } const config = await getConfig(); const turnkey = new Turnkey(config.turnkey); const apiClient = turnkey.api(); const walletName = `Default ETH Wallet`; const createSubOrgResponse = await apiClient.createSubOrganization({ subOrganizationName: `Default SubOrg for ${userEmail}`, rootQuorumThreshold: 1, rootUsers: [ { userName, userEmail, apiKeys: [], authenticators: [ { authenticatorName: 'Passkey', challenge, attestation, }, ], }, ], wallet: { walletName: walletName, accounts: DEFAULT_ETHEREUM_ACCOUNTS, }, }); const subOrgId = refineNonNull(createSubOrgResponse.subOrganizationId); const wallet = refineNonNull(createSubOrgResponse.wallet); const result = { id: wallet.walletId, address: wallet.addresses[0], subOrgId: subOrgId, }; console.log('Turnkey success', result); const user = await service.createUser({ name: userName, email: userEmail, subOrgId, ethAddress: wallet.addresses[0], turnkeyWalletId: wallet.walletId, }); console.log('New user', user); return user; } catch (e) { console.error('Failed to create user:', e); throw e; } } export async function authenticateUser( service: Service, signedWhoamiRequest: { url: string; body: any; stamp: { stampHeaderName: string; stampHeaderValue: string; }; }, ) { try { const tkRes = await fetch(signedWhoamiRequest.url, { method: 'POST', body: signedWhoamiRequest.body, headers: { [signedWhoamiRequest.stamp.stampHeaderName]: signedWhoamiRequest.stamp.stampHeaderValue, }, }); console.log('AUTH RESULT', tkRes.status); if (tkRes.status !== 200) { console.log(await tkRes.text()); return null; } const orgId = (await tkRes.json()).organizationId; const user = await service.getUserBySubOrgId(orgId); return user; } catch (e) { console.error('Failed to authenticate:', e); throw e; } } function refineNonNull( input: T | null | undefined, errorMessage?: string, ): T { if (input == null) { throw new Error(errorMessage ?? `Unexpected ${JSON.stringify(input)}`); } return input; }