# frontend This is a [vite](https://vitejs.dev/) [react](https://reactjs.org/) [nextjs](https://nextjs.org/) project in a [yarn workspace](https://yarnpkg.com/features/workspaces). ## Getting Started ### Install dependencies In the root of the project, run: ```zsh yarn ``` ### Build backend ```zsh yarn build --ignore-frontend ``` ### Environment variables #### Local Copy the `.env.example` file to `.env`: ```zsh cp .env.example .env ``` #### Staging environment variables Change in [deployer/deploy-frontend.staging.sh](/packages/deployer/deploy-frontend.staging.sh) #### Production environment variables Change in [deployer/deploy-frontend.sh](/packages/deployer/deploy-frontend.sh) ### Run development server ```zsh yarn dev ``` ## Deployment From the root of the project, run: ### Staging ```zsh cd packages/deployer && ./deploy-frontend.staging.sh ``` ### Production ```zsh cd packages/deployer && ./deploy-frontend.sh ``` ### Deployment status Check the status of the deployment [here](https://webapp-deployer.apps.snowballtools.com)