[server] host = "" port = 8000 gqlPath = "/graphql" [server.session] secret = "" # Frontend webapp URL origin appOriginUrl = "http://localhost:3000" # Set to true if server running behind proxy trustProxy = false # Backend URL hostname domain = "localhost" [database] dbPath = "db/snowball" [gitHub] webhookUrl = "" [gitHub.oAuth] clientId = "" clientSecret = "" [registryConfig] fetchDeploymentRecordDelay = 5000 checkAuctionStatusDelay = 5000 restEndpoint = "http://localhost:1317" gqlEndpoint = "http://localhost:9473/api" chainId = "laconic_9000-1" privateKey = "" bondId = "" authority = "" [registryConfig.fee] gas = "" fees = "" gasPrice = "1alnt" # Durations are set to 2 mins as deployers may take time with ongoing deployments and auctions [auction] commitFee = "100000" commitsDuration = "120s" revealFee = "100000" revealsDuration = "120s" denom = "alnt"