import assert from 'assert'; import debug from 'debug'; import fs from 'fs-extra'; import { Octokit } from 'octokit'; import path from 'path'; import toml from 'toml'; import { DataSource, DeepPartial, EntityTarget, ObjectLiteral } from 'typeorm'; import { Config } from './config'; import { DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH } from './constants'; import { PackageJSON } from './types'; const log = debug('snowball:utils'); export async function getConfig() { // TODO: get config path using cli return await _getConfig(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH); } const _getConfig = async ( configFile: string, ): Promise => { const configFilePath = path.resolve(configFile); const fileExists = await fs.pathExists(configFilePath); if (!fileExists) { throw new Error(`Config file not found: ${configFilePath}`); } const config = toml.parse(await fs.readFile(configFilePath, 'utf8')); log('config', JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); return config; }; export const checkFileExists = async (filePath: string): Promise => { try { await fs.access(filePath, fs.constants.F_OK); return true; } catch (err) { log(err); return false; } }; export const getEntities = async (filePath: string): Promise => { const entitiesData = await fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf-8'); const entities = JSON.parse(entitiesData); return entities; }; export const loadAndSaveData = async ( entityType: EntityTarget, dataSource: DataSource, entities: any, relations?: any | undefined, ): Promise => { const entityRepository = dataSource.getRepository(entityType); const savedEntity: Entity[] = []; for (const entityData of entities) { let entity = entityRepository.create(entityData as DeepPartial); if (relations) { for (const field in relations) { const valueIndex = String(field + 'Index'); entity = { ...entity, [field]: relations[field][entityData[valueIndex]], }; } } const dbEntity = await; savedEntity.push(dbEntity); } return savedEntity; }; export const sleep = async (ms: number): Promise => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); export const getRepoDetails = async ( octokit: Octokit, repository: string, commitHash: string | undefined, ): Promise<{ repo: string; packageJSON: PackageJSON; repoUrl: string; }> => { const [owner, repo] = repository.split('/'); const { data: packageJSONData } = await{ owner, repo, path: 'package.json', ref: commitHash, }); if (!packageJSONData) { throw new Error('Package.json file not found'); } assert(!Array.isArray(packageJSONData) && packageJSONData.type === 'file'); const packageJSON: PackageJSON = JSON.parse(atob(packageJSONData.content)); assert(, "name field doesn't exist in package.json"); const repoUrl = ( await{ owner, repo, }) ).data.html_url; return { repo, packageJSON, repoUrl }; } // Wrapper method for registry txs to retry once if 'account sequence mismatch' occurs export const registryTransactionWithRetry = async ( txMethod: () => Promise ): Promise => { try { return await txMethod(); } catch (error: any) { if (!error.message.includes('account sequence mismatch')) { throw error; } console.error(`Transaction failed due to account sequence mismatch. Retrying...`); try { return await txMethod(); } catch (retryError: any) { throw new Error(`Transaction failed again after retry: ${retryError.message}`); } } }