import { Account } from './account'; import { DENOM } from './constants'; import { Registry } from './index'; import { createTestAccounts, getConfig } from './testing/helper'; const { chainId, rpcEndpoint, gqlEndpoint, privateKey, fee } = getConfig(); jest.setTimeout(90 * 1000); const registryTests = () => { let registry: Registry; beforeAll(async () => { registry = new Registry(gqlEndpoint, rpcEndpoint, { chainId }); }); test('Get account info.', async () => { const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); await account.init(); const accounts = await registry.getAccounts([account.address]); expect(accounts).toHaveLength(1); const [accountObj] = accounts; expect(accountObj.address).toBe(account.address); expect(accountObj.pubKey).toBe(account.encodedPubkey); expect(accountObj.number).toBe('0'); expect(accountObj.sequence).toBeDefined(); expect(accountObj.balance).toHaveLength(1); const [{ type, quantity }] = accountObj.balance; expect(type).toBe(DENOM); expect(quantity).toBeDefined(); }); test('Get account balance.', async () => { const mnenonic1 = Account.generateMnemonic(); const otherAccount = await Account.generateFromMnemonic(mnenonic1); await otherAccount.init(); await registry.sendCoins({ denom: DENOM, amount: '10000', destinationAddress: otherAccount.address }, privateKey, fee); const [accountObj] = await registry.getAccounts([otherAccount.address]); expect(accountObj).toBeDefined(); expect(accountObj.address).toBe(otherAccount.address); const [{ type, quantity }] = accountObj.balance; expect(type).toBe(DENOM); expect(quantity).toBe('10000'); }); describe('Batch txs', () => { let accounts: Account[]; beforeAll(async () => { // Fund 10 new accounts for the test accounts = await createTestAccounts(10); for (let i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) { await registry.sendCoins({ denom: DENOM, amount: '1000000', destinationAddress: accounts[i].address }, privateKey, fee); } }); test('All txs get included in a single block.', async () => { // Send a bond creation tx from each account await Promise.all( => registry.createBond({ denom: DENOM, amount: '100000' }, account.getPrivateKey(), fee) )); const laconicClient = await registry.getLaconicClient(accounts[0]); const bondCreationTxs = await Promise.all( (account) => { // Get the bond creation tx for each account const [tx] = await laconicClient.searchTx(`message.sender='${account.address}' AND message.action='/'`); return tx; })); // Check that all txs are in the same block const expectedBlockHeight = bondCreationTxs[0].height; expect(bondCreationTxs.every(tx => tx.height === expectedBlockHeight)).toBe(true); }); }); }; describe('Registry', registryTests);