Update transaction response parsing #4

nabarun merged 1 commits from nv-parse-response into main 2024-03-12 04:56:00 +00:00

Part of https://www.notion.so/Create-laconic-registry-SDK-d3a636d4aba44f7cbba3bd99b7146811

  • Handle errors in the tx response
  • Move response parsing to client class
  • Run previously skipped naming tests
Part of https://www.notion.so/Create-laconic-registry-SDK-d3a636d4aba44f7cbba3bd99b7146811 - Handle errors in the tx response - Move response parsing to client class - Run previously skipped naming tests
prathamesh added 1 commit 2024-03-11 13:43:16 +00:00
prathamesh changed title from [WIP] Update chain transaction response parsing to [WIP] Update transaction response parsing 2024-03-11 13:43:53 +00:00
prathamesh changed title from [WIP] Update transaction response parsing to Update transaction response parsing 2024-03-11 13:45:05 +00:00
Authority tests
  ✓ Reserve authority. (3116 ms)
  With authority reserved
    ✓ Lookup authority. (6 ms)
    ✓ Lookup non existing authority (3 ms)
    ✓ Reserve already reserved authority (3123 ms)
    ✓ Reserve sub-authority. (3120 ms)
    ✓ Reserve sub-authority with different owner. (9502 ms)
    ✓ Set name for unbonded authority (3151 ms)
    ✓ Set authority bond (3119 ms)
Naming tests
  ✓ Set name (6240 ms)
  ✓ Set name without reserving authority (3115 ms)
  ✓ Set name for non-owned authority (9342 ms)
  ✓ Delete name for non-owned authority. (12506 ms)
  ✓ Lookup non existing name (5 ms)
  ✓ Resolve non existing name (3 ms)
Authority tests ✓ Reserve authority. (3116 ms) With authority reserved ✓ Lookup authority. (6 ms) ✓ Lookup non existing authority (3 ms) ✓ Reserve already reserved authority (3123 ms) ✓ Reserve sub-authority. (3120 ms) ✓ Reserve sub-authority with different owner. (9502 ms) ✓ Set name for unbonded authority (3151 ms) ✓ Set authority bond (3119 ms) Naming tests ✓ Set name (6240 ms) ✓ Set name without reserving authority (3115 ms) ✓ Set name for non-owned authority (9342 ms) ✓ Delete name for non-owned authority. (12506 ms) ✓ Lookup non existing name (5 ms) ✓ Resolve non existing name (3 ms)
nabarun merged commit 7fe256e714 into main 2024-03-12 04:56:00 +00:00
nabarun deleted branch nv-parse-response 2024-03-12 04:56:01 +00:00
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Reference: cerc-io/registry-sdk#4
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