* swarm/network/simulation: increase the sleep duration for TestRun * cmd/swarm, swarm: fix failing tests on mac * cmd/swarm: update TestCLISwarmFs skip comment * swarm/network/simulation: adjust disconnections on simulation close * swarm/network/simulation: call cleanups after net shutdown
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// Copyright 2018 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package stream
import (
crand "crypto/rand"
mockdb "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/swarm/storage/mock/db"
const testMinProxBinSize = 2
const MaxTimeout = 600
type synctestConfig struct {
addrs [][]byte
hashes []storage.Address
idToChunksMap map[discover.NodeID][]int
chunksToNodesMap map[string][]int
addrToIDMap map[string]discover.NodeID
//This test is a syncing test for nodes.
//One node is randomly selected to be the pivot node.
//A configurable number of chunks and nodes can be
//provided to the test, the number of chunks is uploaded
//to the pivot node, and we check that nodes get the chunks
//they are expected to store based on the syncing protocol.
//Number of chunks and nodes can be provided via commandline too.
func TestSyncingViaGlobalSync(t *testing.T) {
//if nodes/chunks have been provided via commandline,
//run the tests with these values
if *nodes != 0 && *chunks != 0 {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Running test with %d chunks and %d nodes...", *chunks, *nodes))
testSyncingViaGlobalSync(t, *chunks, *nodes)
} else {
var nodeCnt []int
var chnkCnt []int
//if the `longrunning` flag has been provided
//run more test combinations
if *longrunning {
chnkCnt = []int{1, 8, 32, 256, 1024}
nodeCnt = []int{16, 32, 64, 128, 256}
} else {
//default test
chnkCnt = []int{4, 32}
nodeCnt = []int{32, 16}
for _, chnk := range chnkCnt {
for _, n := range nodeCnt {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Long running test with %d chunks and %d nodes...", chnk, n))
testSyncingViaGlobalSync(t, chnk, n)
func TestSyncingViaDirectSubscribe(t *testing.T) {
//if nodes/chunks have been provided via commandline,
//run the tests with these values
if *nodes != 0 && *chunks != 0 {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Running test with %d chunks and %d nodes...", *chunks, *nodes))
err := testSyncingViaDirectSubscribe(*chunks, *nodes)
if err != nil {
} else {
var nodeCnt []int
var chnkCnt []int
//if the `longrunning` flag has been provided
//run more test combinations
if *longrunning {
chnkCnt = []int{1, 8, 32, 256, 1024}
nodeCnt = []int{32, 16}
} else {
//default test
chnkCnt = []int{4, 32}
nodeCnt = []int{32, 16}
for _, chnk := range chnkCnt {
for _, n := range nodeCnt {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Long running test with %d chunks and %d nodes...", chnk, n))
err := testSyncingViaDirectSubscribe(chnk, n)
if err != nil {
func testSyncingViaGlobalSync(t *testing.T, chunkCount int, nodeCount int) {
sim := simulation.New(map[string]simulation.ServiceFunc{
"streamer": func(ctx *adapters.ServiceContext, bucket *sync.Map) (s node.Service, cleanup func(), err error) {
id := ctx.Config.ID
addr := network.NewAddrFromNodeID(id)
store, datadir, err := createTestLocalStorageForID(id, addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
bucket.Store(bucketKeyStore, store)
cleanup = func() {
localStore := store.(*storage.LocalStore)
db := storage.NewDBAPI(localStore)
kad := network.NewKademlia(addr.Over(), network.NewKadParams())
delivery := NewDelivery(kad, db)
r := NewRegistry(addr, delivery, db, state.NewInmemoryStore(), &RegistryOptions{
DoSync: true,
SyncUpdateDelay: 3 * time.Second,
bucket.Store(bucketKeyRegistry, r)
return r, cleanup, nil
defer sim.Close()
log.Info("Initializing test config")
conf := &synctestConfig{}
//map of discover ID to indexes of chunks expected at that ID
conf.idToChunksMap = make(map[discover.NodeID][]int)
//map of overlay address to discover ID
conf.addrToIDMap = make(map[string]discover.NodeID)
//array where the generated chunk hashes will be stored
conf.hashes = make([]storage.Address, 0)
err := sim.UploadSnapshot(fmt.Sprintf("testing/snapshot_%d.json", nodeCount))
if err != nil {
ctx, cancelSimRun := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Minute)
defer cancelSimRun()
result := sim.Run(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, sim *simulation.Simulation) error {
nodeIDs := sim.UpNodeIDs()
for _, n := range nodeIDs {
//get the kademlia overlay address from this ID
a := network.ToOverlayAddr(n.Bytes())
//append it to the array of all overlay addresses
conf.addrs = append(conf.addrs, a)
//the proximity calculation is on overlay addr,
//the p2p/simulations check func triggers on discover.NodeID,
//so we need to know which overlay addr maps to which nodeID
conf.addrToIDMap[string(a)] = n
//get the the node at that index
//this is the node selected for upload
node := sim.RandomUpNode()
item, ok := sim.NodeItem(node.ID, bucketKeyStore)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("No localstore")
lstore := item.(*storage.LocalStore)
hashes, err := uploadFileToSingleNodeStore(node.ID, chunkCount, lstore)
if err != nil {
return err
conf.hashes = append(conf.hashes, hashes...)
if _, err := sim.WaitTillHealthy(ctx, 2); err != nil {
return err
// File retrieval check is repeated until all uploaded files are retrieved from all nodes
// or until the timeout is reached.
allSuccess := false
var gDir string
var globalStore *mockdb.GlobalStore
if *useMockStore {
gDir, globalStore, err = createGlobalStore()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Something went wrong; using mockStore enabled but globalStore is nil")
defer func() {
err := globalStore.Close()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error closing global store! %v", "err", err)
for !allSuccess {
for _, id := range nodeIDs {
//for each expected chunk, check if it is in the local store
localChunks := conf.idToChunksMap[id]
localSuccess := true
for _, ch := range localChunks {
//get the real chunk by the index in the index array
chunk := conf.hashes[ch]
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("node has chunk: %s:", chunk))
//check if the expected chunk is indeed in the localstore
var err error
if *useMockStore {
//use the globalStore if the mockStore should be used; in that case,
//the complete localStore stack is bypassed for getting the chunk
_, err = globalStore.Get(common.BytesToAddress(id.Bytes()), chunk)
} else {
//use the actual localstore
item, ok := sim.NodeItem(id, bucketKeyStore)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Error accessing localstore")
lstore := item.(*storage.LocalStore)
_, err = lstore.Get(ctx, chunk)
if err != nil {
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Chunk %s NOT found for id %s", chunk, id))
localSuccess = false
// Do not get crazy with logging the warn message
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
} else {
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Chunk %s IS FOUND for id %s", chunk, id))
allSuccess = localSuccess
if !allSuccess {
return fmt.Errorf("Not all chunks succeeded!")
return nil
if result.Error != nil {
The test generates the given number of chunks
For every chunk generated, the nearest node addresses
are identified, we verify that the nodes closer to the
chunk addresses actually do have the chunks in their local stores.
The test loads a snapshot file to construct the swarm network,
assuming that the snapshot file identifies a healthy
kademlia network. The snapshot should have 'streamer' in its service list.
func testSyncingViaDirectSubscribe(chunkCount int, nodeCount int) error {
sim := simulation.New(map[string]simulation.ServiceFunc{
"streamer": func(ctx *adapters.ServiceContext, bucket *sync.Map) (s node.Service, cleanup func(), err error) {
id := ctx.Config.ID
addr := network.NewAddrFromNodeID(id)
store, datadir, err := createTestLocalStorageForID(id, addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
bucket.Store(bucketKeyStore, store)
cleanup = func() {
localStore := store.(*storage.LocalStore)
db := storage.NewDBAPI(localStore)
kad := network.NewKademlia(addr.Over(), network.NewKadParams())
delivery := NewDelivery(kad, db)
r := NewRegistry(addr, delivery, db, state.NewInmemoryStore(), nil)
bucket.Store(bucketKeyRegistry, r)
fileStore := storage.NewFileStore(storage.NewNetStore(localStore, nil), storage.NewFileStoreParams())
bucket.Store(bucketKeyFileStore, fileStore)
return r, cleanup, nil
defer sim.Close()
ctx, cancelSimRun := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Minute)
defer cancelSimRun()
conf := &synctestConfig{}
//map of discover ID to indexes of chunks expected at that ID
conf.idToChunksMap = make(map[discover.NodeID][]int)
//map of overlay address to discover ID
conf.addrToIDMap = make(map[string]discover.NodeID)
//array where the generated chunk hashes will be stored
conf.hashes = make([]storage.Address, 0)
err := sim.UploadSnapshot(fmt.Sprintf("testing/snapshot_%d.json", nodeCount))
if err != nil {
return err
result := sim.Run(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, sim *simulation.Simulation) error {
nodeIDs := sim.UpNodeIDs()
for _, n := range nodeIDs {
//get the kademlia overlay address from this ID
a := network.ToOverlayAddr(n.Bytes())
//append it to the array of all overlay addresses
conf.addrs = append(conf.addrs, a)
//the proximity calculation is on overlay addr,
//the p2p/simulations check func triggers on discover.NodeID,
//so we need to know which overlay addr maps to which nodeID
conf.addrToIDMap[string(a)] = n
var subscriptionCount int
filter := simulation.NewPeerEventsFilter().Type(p2p.PeerEventTypeMsgRecv).Protocol("stream").MsgCode(4)
eventC := sim.PeerEvents(ctx, nodeIDs, filter)
for j, node := range nodeIDs {
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Start syncing subscriptions: %d", j))
//start syncing!
item, ok := sim.NodeItem(node, bucketKeyRegistry)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("No registry")
registry := item.(*Registry)
var cnt int
cnt, err = startSyncing(registry, conf)
if err != nil {
return err
//increment the number of subscriptions we need to wait for
//by the count returned from startSyncing (SYNC subscriptions)
subscriptionCount += cnt
for e := range eventC {
if e.Error != nil {
return e.Error
if subscriptionCount == 0 {
//select a random node for upload
node := sim.RandomUpNode()
item, ok := sim.NodeItem(node.ID, bucketKeyStore)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("No localstore")
lstore := item.(*storage.LocalStore)
hashes, err := uploadFileToSingleNodeStore(node.ID, chunkCount, lstore)
if err != nil {
return err
conf.hashes = append(conf.hashes, hashes...)
if _, err := sim.WaitTillHealthy(ctx, 2); err != nil {
return err
var gDir string
var globalStore *mockdb.GlobalStore
if *useMockStore {
gDir, globalStore, err = createGlobalStore()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Something went wrong; using mockStore enabled but globalStore is nil")
defer os.RemoveAll(gDir)
// File retrieval check is repeated until all uploaded files are retrieved from all nodes
// or until the timeout is reached.
allSuccess := false
for !allSuccess {
for _, id := range nodeIDs {
//for each expected chunk, check if it is in the local store
localChunks := conf.idToChunksMap[id]
localSuccess := true
for _, ch := range localChunks {
//get the real chunk by the index in the index array
chunk := conf.hashes[ch]
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("node has chunk: %s:", chunk))
//check if the expected chunk is indeed in the localstore
var err error
if *useMockStore {
//use the globalStore if the mockStore should be used; in that case,
//the complete localStore stack is bypassed for getting the chunk
_, err = globalStore.Get(common.BytesToAddress(id.Bytes()), chunk)
} else {
//use the actual localstore
item, ok := sim.NodeItem(id, bucketKeyStore)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Error accessing localstore")
lstore := item.(*storage.LocalStore)
_, err = lstore.Get(ctx, chunk)
if err != nil {
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Chunk %s NOT found for id %s", chunk, id))
localSuccess = false
// Do not get crazy with logging the warn message
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
} else {
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Chunk %s IS FOUND for id %s", chunk, id))
allSuccess = localSuccess
if !allSuccess {
return fmt.Errorf("Not all chunks succeeded!")
return nil
if result.Error != nil {
return result.Error
log.Info("Simulation terminated")
return nil
//the server func to start syncing
//issues `RequestSubscriptionMsg` to peers, based on po, by iterating over
//the kademlia's `EachBin` function.
//returns the number of subscriptions requested
func startSyncing(r *Registry, conf *synctestConfig) (int, error) {
var err error
kad, ok := r.delivery.overlay.(*network.Kademlia)
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Not a Kademlia!")
subCnt := 0
//iterate over each bin and solicit needed subscription to bins
kad.EachBin(r.addr.Over(), pof, 0, func(conn network.OverlayConn, po int) bool {
//identify begin and start index of the bin(s) we want to subscribe to
histRange := &Range{}
err = r.RequestSubscription(conf.addrToIDMap[string(conn.Address())], NewStream("SYNC", FormatSyncBinKey(uint8(po)), true), histRange, Top)
if err != nil {
log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error in RequestSubsciption! %v", err))
return false
return true
return subCnt, nil
//map chunk keys to addresses which are responsible
func mapKeysToNodes(conf *synctestConfig) {
kmap := make(map[string][]int)
nodemap := make(map[string][]int)
//build a pot for chunk hashes
np := pot.NewPot(nil, 0)
indexmap := make(map[string]int)
for i, a := range conf.addrs {
indexmap[string(a)] = i
np, _, _ = pot.Add(np, a, pof)
//for each address, run EachNeighbour on the chunk hashes pot to identify closest nodes
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Generated hash chunk(s): %v", conf.hashes))
for i := 0; i < len(conf.hashes); i++ {
pl := 256 //highest possible proximity
var nns []int
np.EachNeighbour([]byte(conf.hashes[i]), pof, func(val pot.Val, po int) bool {
a := val.([]byte)
if pl < 256 && pl != po {
return false
if pl == 256 || pl == po {
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("appending %s", conf.addrToIDMap[string(a)]))
nns = append(nns, indexmap[string(a)])
nodemap[string(a)] = append(nodemap[string(a)], i)
if pl == 256 && len(nns) >= testMinProxBinSize {
//maxProxBinSize has been reached at this po, so save it
//we will add all other nodes at the same po
pl = po
return true
kmap[string(conf.hashes[i])] = nns
for addr, chunks := range nodemap {
//this selects which chunks are expected to be found with the given node
conf.idToChunksMap[conf.addrToIDMap[addr]] = chunks
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Map of expected chunks by ID: %v", conf.idToChunksMap))
conf.chunksToNodesMap = kmap
//upload a file(chunks) to a single local node store
func uploadFileToSingleNodeStore(id discover.NodeID, chunkCount int, lstore *storage.LocalStore) ([]storage.Address, error) {
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Uploading to node id: %s", id))
fileStore := storage.NewFileStore(lstore, storage.NewFileStoreParams())
size := chunkSize
var rootAddrs []storage.Address
for i := 0; i < chunkCount; i++ {
rk, wait, err := fileStore.Store(context.TODO(), io.LimitReader(crand.Reader, int64(size)), int64(size), false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = wait(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rootAddrs = append(rootAddrs, (rk))
return rootAddrs, nil