2020-02-25 12:51:12 +02:00

767 lines
25 KiB

// Copyright 2019 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package snapshot
import (
var (
// aggregatorMemoryLimit is the maximum size of the bottom-most diff layer
// that aggregates the writes from above until it's flushed into the disk
// layer.
// Note, bumping this up might drastically increase the size of the bloom
// filters that's stored in every diff layer. Don't do that without fully
// understanding all the implications.
aggregatorMemoryLimit = uint64(4 * 1024 * 1024)
// aggregatorItemLimit is an approximate number of items that will end up
// in the agregator layer before it's flushed out to disk. A plain account
// weighs around 14B (+hash), a storage slot 32B (+hash), a deleted slot
// 0B (+hash). Slots are mostly set/unset in lockstep, so thet average at
// 16B (+hash). All in all, the average entry seems to be 15+32=47B. Use a
// smaller number to be on the safe side.
aggregatorItemLimit = aggregatorMemoryLimit / 42
// bloomTargetError is the target false positive rate when the aggregator
// layer is at its fullest. The actual value will probably move around up
// and down from this number, it's mostly a ballpark figure.
// Note, dropping this down might drastically increase the size of the bloom
// filters that's stored in every diff layer. Don't do that without fully
// understanding all the implications.
bloomTargetError = 0.02
// bloomSize is the ideal bloom filter size given the maximum number of items
// it's expected to hold and the target false positive error rate.
bloomSize = math.Ceil(float64(aggregatorItemLimit) * math.Log(bloomTargetError) / math.Log(1/math.Pow(2, math.Log(2))))
// bloomFuncs is the ideal number of bits a single entry should set in the
// bloom filter to keep its size to a minimum (given it's size and maximum
// entry count).
bloomFuncs = math.Round((bloomSize / float64(aggregatorItemLimit)) * math.Log(2))
// bloomHashesOffset is a runtime constant which determines which part of the
// the account/storage hash the hasher functions looks at, to determine the
// bloom key for an account/slot. This is randomized at init(), so that the
// global population of nodes do not all display the exact same behaviour with
// regards to bloom content
bloomHasherOffset = 0
func init() {
// Init bloomHasherOffset in the range [0:24] (requires 8 bytes)
bloomHasherOffset = rand.Intn(25)
// diffLayer represents a collection of modifications made to a state snapshot
// after running a block on top. It contains one sorted list for the account trie
// and one-one list for each storage tries.
// The goal of a diff layer is to act as a journal, tracking recent modifications
// made to the state, that have not yet graduated into a semi-immutable state.
type diffLayer struct {
origin *diskLayer // Base disk layer to directly use on bloom misses
parent snapshot // Parent snapshot modified by this one, never nil
memory uint64 // Approximate guess as to how much memory we use
root common.Hash // Root hash to which this snapshot diff belongs to
stale bool // Signals that the layer became stale (state progressed)
accountList []common.Hash // List of account for iteration. If it exists, it's sorted, otherwise it's nil
accountData map[common.Hash][]byte // Keyed accounts for direct retrival (nil means deleted)
storageList map[common.Hash][]common.Hash // List of storage slots for iterated retrievals, one per account. Any existing lists are sorted if non-nil
storageData map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte // Keyed storage slots for direct retrival. one per account (nil means deleted)
diffed *bloomfilter.Filter // Bloom filter tracking all the diffed items up to the disk layer
lock sync.RWMutex
// accountBloomHasher is a wrapper around a common.Hash to satisfy the interface
// API requirements of the bloom library used. It's used to convert an account
// hash into a 64 bit mini hash.
type accountBloomHasher common.Hash
func (h accountBloomHasher) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { panic("not implemented") }
func (h accountBloomHasher) Sum(b []byte) []byte { panic("not implemented") }
func (h accountBloomHasher) Reset() { panic("not implemented") }
func (h accountBloomHasher) BlockSize() int { panic("not implemented") }
func (h accountBloomHasher) Size() int { return 8 }
func (h accountBloomHasher) Sum64() uint64 {
return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(h[bloomHasherOffset : bloomHasherOffset+8])
// storageBloomHasher is a wrapper around a [2]common.Hash to satisfy the interface
// API requirements of the bloom library used. It's used to convert an account
// hash into a 64 bit mini hash.
type storageBloomHasher [2]common.Hash
func (h storageBloomHasher) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { panic("not implemented") }
func (h storageBloomHasher) Sum(b []byte) []byte { panic("not implemented") }
func (h storageBloomHasher) Reset() { panic("not implemented") }
func (h storageBloomHasher) BlockSize() int { panic("not implemented") }
func (h storageBloomHasher) Size() int { return 8 }
func (h storageBloomHasher) Sum64() uint64 {
return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(h[0][bloomHasherOffset:bloomHasherOffset+8]) ^
// newDiffLayer creates a new diff on top of an existing snapshot, whether that's a low
// level persistent database or a hierarchical diff already.
func newDiffLayer(parent snapshot, root common.Hash, accounts map[common.Hash][]byte, storage map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte) *diffLayer {
// Create the new layer with some pre-allocated data segments
dl := &diffLayer{
parent: parent,
root: root,
accountData: accounts,
storageData: storage,
switch parent := parent.(type) {
case *diskLayer:
case *diffLayer:
panic("unknown parent type")
// Determine memory size and track the dirty writes
for _, data := range accounts {
dl.memory += uint64(common.HashLength + len(data))
// Fill the storage hashes and sort them for the iterator
dl.storageList = make(map[common.Hash][]common.Hash)
for accountHash, slots := range storage {
// If the slots are nil, sanity check that it's a deleted account
if slots == nil {
// Ensure that the account was just marked as deleted
if account, ok := accounts[accountHash]; account != nil || !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("storage in %#x nil, but account conflicts (%#x, exists: %v)", accountHash, account, ok))
// Everything ok, store the deletion mark and continue
dl.storageList[accountHash] = nil
// Storage slots are not nil so entire contract was not deleted, ensure the
// account was just updated.
if account, ok := accounts[accountHash]; account == nil || !ok {
log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("storage in %#x exists, but account nil (exists: %v)", accountHash, ok))
// Determine memory size and track the dirty writes
for _, data := range slots {
dl.memory += uint64(common.HashLength + len(data))
dl.memory += uint64(len(dl.storageList) * common.HashLength)
return dl
// rebloom discards the layer's current bloom and rebuilds it from scratch based
// on the parent's and the local diffs.
func (dl *diffLayer) rebloom(origin *diskLayer) {
defer dl.lock.Unlock()
defer func(start time.Time) {
// Inject the new origin that triggered the rebloom
dl.origin = origin
// Retrieve the parent bloom or create a fresh empty one
if parent, ok := dl.parent.(*diffLayer); ok {
dl.diffed, _ = parent.diffed.Copy()
} else {
dl.diffed, _ = bloomfilter.New(uint64(bloomSize), uint64(bloomFuncs))
// Iterate over all the accounts and storage slots and index them
for hash := range dl.accountData {
for accountHash, slots := range dl.storageData {
for storageHash := range slots {
dl.diffed.Add(storageBloomHasher{accountHash, storageHash})
// Calculate the current false positive rate and update the error rate meter.
// This is a bit cheating because subsequent layers will overwrite it, but it
// should be fine, we're only interested in ballpark figures.
k := float64(dl.diffed.K())
n := float64(dl.diffed.N())
m := float64(dl.diffed.M())
snapshotBloomErrorGauge.Update(math.Pow(1.0-math.Exp((-k)*(n+0.5)/(m-1)), k))
// Root returns the root hash for which this snapshot was made.
func (dl *diffLayer) Root() common.Hash {
return dl.root
// Stale return whether this layer has become stale (was flattened across) or if
// it's still live.
func (dl *diffLayer) Stale() bool {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
return dl.stale
// Account directly retrieves the account associated with a particular hash in
// the snapshot slim data format.
func (dl *diffLayer) Account(hash common.Hash) (*Account, error) {
data, err := dl.AccountRLP(hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(data) == 0 { // can be both nil and []byte{}
return nil, nil
account := new(Account)
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(data, account); err != nil {
return account, nil
// AccountRLP directly retrieves the account RLP associated with a particular
// hash in the snapshot slim data format.
func (dl *diffLayer) AccountRLP(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) {
// Check the bloom filter first whether there's even a point in reaching into
// all the maps in all the layers below
hit := dl.diffed.Contains(accountBloomHasher(hash))
// If the bloom filter misses, don't even bother with traversing the memory
// diff layers, reach straight into the bottom persistent disk layer
if !hit {
return dl.origin.AccountRLP(hash)
// The bloom filter hit, start poking in the internal maps
return dl.accountRLP(hash, 0)
// accountRLP is an internal version of AccountRLP that skips the bloom filter
// checks and uses the internal maps to try and retrieve the data. It's meant
// to be used if a higher layer's bloom filter hit already.
func (dl *diffLayer) accountRLP(hash common.Hash, depth int) ([]byte, error) {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
// If the layer was flattened into, consider it invalid (any live reference to
// the original should be marked as unusable).
if dl.stale {
return nil, ErrSnapshotStale
// If the account is known locally, return it. Note, a nil account means it was
// deleted, and is a different notion than an unknown account!
if data, ok := dl.accountData[hash]; ok {
if n := len(data); n > 0 {
} else {
return data, nil
// Account unknown to this diff, resolve from parent
if diff, ok := dl.parent.(*diffLayer); ok {
return diff.accountRLP(hash, depth+1)
// Failed to resolve through diff layers, mark a bloom error and use the disk
return dl.parent.AccountRLP(hash)
// Storage directly retrieves the storage data associated with a particular hash,
// within a particular account. If the slot is unknown to this diff, it's parent
// is consulted.
func (dl *diffLayer) Storage(accountHash, storageHash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) {
// Check the bloom filter first whether there's even a point in reaching into
// all the maps in all the layers below
hit := dl.diffed.Contains(storageBloomHasher{accountHash, storageHash})
// If the bloom filter misses, don't even bother with traversing the memory
// diff layers, reach straight into the bottom persistent disk layer
if !hit {
return dl.origin.Storage(accountHash, storageHash)
// The bloom filter hit, start poking in the internal maps
return, storageHash, 0)
// storage is an internal version of Storage that skips the bloom filter checks
// and uses the internal maps to try and retrieve the data. It's meant to be
// used if a higher layer's bloom filter hit already.
func (dl *diffLayer) storage(accountHash, storageHash common.Hash, depth int) ([]byte, error) {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
// If the layer was flattened into, consider it invalid (any live reference to
// the original should be marked as unusable).
if dl.stale {
return nil, ErrSnapshotStale
// If the account is known locally, try to resolve the slot locally. Note, a nil
// account means it was deleted, and is a different notion than an unknown account!
if storage, ok := dl.storageData[accountHash]; ok {
if storage == nil {
return nil, nil
if data, ok := storage[storageHash]; ok {
if n := len(data); n > 0 {
} else {
return data, nil
// Storage slot unknown to this diff, resolve from parent
if diff, ok := dl.parent.(*diffLayer); ok {
return, storageHash, depth+1)
// Failed to resolve through diff layers, mark a bloom error and use the disk
return dl.parent.Storage(accountHash, storageHash)
// Update creates a new layer on top of the existing snapshot diff tree with
// the specified data items.
func (dl *diffLayer) Update(blockRoot common.Hash, accounts map[common.Hash][]byte, storage map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte) *diffLayer {
return newDiffLayer(dl, blockRoot, accounts, storage)
// flatten pushes all data from this point downwards, flattening everything into
// a single diff at the bottom. Since usually the lowermost diff is the largest,
// the flattening bulds up from there in reverse.
func (dl *diffLayer) flatten() snapshot {
// If the parent is not diff, we're the first in line, return unmodified
parent, ok := dl.parent.(*diffLayer)
if !ok {
return dl
// Parent is a diff, flatten it first (note, apart from weird corned cases,
// flatten will realistically only ever merge 1 layer, so there's no need to
// be smarter about grouping flattens together).
parent = parent.flatten().(*diffLayer)
defer parent.lock.Unlock()
// Before actually writing all our data to the parent, first ensure that the
// parent hasn't been 'corrupted' by someone else already flattening into it
if parent.stale {
panic("parent diff layer is stale") // we've flattened into the same parent from two children, boo
parent.stale = true
// Overwrite all the updated accounts blindly, merge the sorted list
for hash, data := range dl.accountData {
parent.accountData[hash] = data
// Overwrite all the updates storage slots (individually)
for accountHash, storage := range dl.storageData {
// If storage didn't exist (or was deleted) in the parent; or if the storage
// was freshly deleted in the child, overwrite blindly
if parent.storageData[accountHash] == nil || storage == nil {
parent.storageData[accountHash] = storage
// Storage exists in both parent and child, merge the slots
comboData := parent.storageData[accountHash]
for storageHash, data := range storage {
comboData[storageHash] = data
parent.storageData[accountHash] = comboData
// Return the combo parent
return &diffLayer{
parent: parent.parent,
origin: parent.origin,
root: dl.root,
storageList: parent.storageList,
storageData: parent.storageData,
accountList: parent.accountList,
accountData: parent.accountData,
diffed: dl.diffed,
memory: parent.memory + dl.memory,
// AccountList returns a sorted list of all accounts in this difflayer.
func (dl *diffLayer) AccountList() []common.Hash {
defer dl.lock.Unlock()
if dl.accountList != nil {
return dl.accountList
accountList := make([]common.Hash, len(dl.accountData))
i := 0
for k, _ := range dl.accountData {
accountList[i] = k
// This would be a pretty good opportunity to also
// calculate the size, if we want to
dl.accountList = accountList
return dl.accountList
// StorageList returns a sorted list of all storage slot hashes
// in this difflayer for the given account.
func (dl *diffLayer) StorageList(accountHash common.Hash) []common.Hash {
defer dl.lock.Unlock()
if dl.storageList[accountHash] != nil {
return dl.storageList[accountHash]
accountStorageMap := dl.storageData[accountHash]
accountStorageList := make([]common.Hash, len(accountStorageMap))
i := 0
for k, _ := range accountStorageMap {
accountStorageList[i] = k
// This would be a pretty good opportunity to also
// calculate the size, if we want to
dl.storageList[accountHash] = accountStorageList
return accountStorageList
type Iterator interface {
// Next steps the iterator forward one element, and returns false if
// the iterator is exhausted
Next() bool
// Key returns the current key
Key() common.Hash
// Seek steps the iterator forward as many elements as needed, so that after
// calling Next(), the iterator will be at a key higher than the given hash
func (dl *diffLayer) newIterator() Iterator {
return &dlIterator{dl, -1}
type dlIterator struct {
layer *diffLayer
index int
func (it *dlIterator) Next() bool {
if it.index < len(it.layer.accountList) {
return it.index < len(it.layer.accountList)
func (it *dlIterator) Key() common.Hash {
if it.index < len(it.layer.accountList) {
return it.layer.accountList[it.index]
return common.Hash{}
func (it *dlIterator) Seek(key common.Hash) {
// Search uses binary search to find and return the smallest index i
// in [0, n) at which f(i) is true
size := len(it.layer.accountList)
index := sort.Search(size,
func(i int) bool {
v := it.layer.accountList[i]
return bytes.Compare(key[:], v[:]) < 0
it.index = index - 1
type binaryIterator struct {
a Iterator
b Iterator
aDone bool
bDone bool
k common.Hash
func (dl *diffLayer) newBinaryIterator() Iterator {
parent, ok := dl.parent.(*diffLayer)
if !ok {
// parent is the disk layer
return dl.newIterator()
l := &binaryIterator{
a: dl.newIterator(),
b: parent.newBinaryIterator()}
l.aDone = !l.a.Next()
l.bDone = !l.b.Next()
return l
func (it *binaryIterator) Next() bool {
if it.aDone && it.bDone {
return false
nextB := it.b.Key()
nextA := it.a.Key()
if it.aDone {
it.bDone = !it.b.Next()
it.k = nextB
return true
if it.bDone {
it.aDone = !it.a.Next()
it.k = nextA
return true
if diff := bytes.Compare(nextA[:], nextB[:]); diff < 0 {
it.aDone = !it.a.Next()
it.k = nextA
return true
} else if diff == 0 {
// Now we need to advance one of them
it.aDone = !it.a.Next()
goto first
it.bDone = !it.b.Next()
it.k = nextB
return true
func (it *binaryIterator) Key() common.Hash {
return it.k
func (it *binaryIterator) Seek(key common.Hash) {
panic("todo: implement")
func (dl *diffLayer) iterators() []Iterator {
if parent, ok := dl.parent.(*diffLayer); ok {
iterators := parent.iterators()
return append(iterators, dl.newIterator())
return []Iterator{dl.newIterator()}
// fastIterator is a more optimized multi-layer iterator which maintains a
// direct mapping of all iterators leading down to the bottom layer
type fastIterator struct {
iterators []Iterator
initiated bool
// Len returns the number of active iterators
func (fi *fastIterator) Len() int {
return len(fi.iterators)
// Less implements sort.Interface
func (fi *fastIterator) Less(i, j int) bool {
a := fi.iterators[i].Key()
b := fi.iterators[j].Key()
return bytes.Compare(a[:], b[:]) < 0
// Swap implements sort.Interface
func (fi *fastIterator) Swap(i, j int) {
fi.iterators[i], fi.iterators[j] = fi.iterators[j], fi.iterators[i]
// Next implements the Iterator interface. It returns false if no more elemnts
// can be retrieved (false == exhausted)
func (fi *fastIterator) Next() bool {
if len(fi.iterators) == 0 {
return false
if !fi.initiated {
// Don't forward first time -- we had to 'Next' once in order to
// do the sorting already
fi.initiated = true
return true
return fi.innerNext(0)
// innerNext handles the next operation internally,
// and should be invoked when we know that two elements in the list may have
// the same value.
// For example, if the list becomes [2,3,5,5,8,9,10], then we should invoke
// innerNext(3), which will call Next on elem 3 (the second '5'). It will continue
// along the list and apply the same operation if needed
func (fi *fastIterator) innerNext(pos int) bool {
if !fi.iterators[pos].Next() {
//Exhausted, remove this iterator
if len(fi.iterators) == 0 {
return false
return true
if pos == len(fi.iterators)-1 {
// Only one iterator left
return true
// We next:ed the elem at 'pos'. Now we may have to re-sort that elem
val, neighbour := fi.iterators[pos].Key(), fi.iterators[pos+1].Key()
diff := bytes.Compare(val[:], neighbour[:])
if diff < 0 {
// It is still in correct place
return true
if diff == 0 {
// It has same value as the neighbour. So still in correct place, but
// we need to iterate on the neighbour
fi.innerNext(pos + 1)
return true
// At this point, the elem is in the wrong location, but the
// remaining list is sorted. Find out where to move the elem
iterationNeeded := false
index := sort.Search(len(fi.iterators), func(n int) bool {
if n <= pos {
// No need to search 'behind' us
return false
if n == len(fi.iterators)-1 {
// Can always place an elem last
return true
neighbour := fi.iterators[n+1].Key()
diff := bytes.Compare(val[:], neighbour[:])
if diff == 0 {
// The elem we're placing it next to has the same value,
// so it's going to need further iteration
iterationNeeded = true
return diff < 0
fi.move(pos, index)
if iterationNeeded {
return true
// move moves an iterator to another position in the list
func (fi *fastIterator) move(index, newpos int) {
if newpos > len(fi.iterators)-1 {
newpos = len(fi.iterators) - 1
var (
elem = fi.iterators[index]
middle = fi.iterators[index+1 : newpos+1]
suffix []Iterator
if newpos < len(fi.iterators)-1 {
suffix = fi.iterators[newpos+1:]
fi.iterators = append(fi.iterators[:index], middle...)
fi.iterators = append(fi.iterators, elem)
fi.iterators = append(fi.iterators, suffix...)
// remove drops an iterator from the list
func (fi *fastIterator) remove(index int) {
fi.iterators = append(fi.iterators[:index], fi.iterators[index+1:]...)
// Key returns the current key
func (fi *fastIterator) Key() common.Hash {
return fi.iterators[0].Key()
func (fi *fastIterator) Seek(key common.Hash) {
// We need to apply this across all iterators
var seen = make(map[common.Hash]struct{})
length := len(fi.iterators)
for i, it := range fi.iterators {
for {
if !it.Next() {
// To be removed
// swap it to the last position for now
fi.iterators[i], fi.iterators[length-1] = fi.iterators[length-1], fi.iterators[i]
v := it.Key()
if _, exist := seen[v]; !exist {
seen[v] = struct{}{}
// Now remove those that were placed in the end
fi.iterators = fi.iterators[:length]
// The list is now totally unsorted, need to re-sort the entire list
fi.initiated = false
// The fast iterator does not query parents as much.
func (dl *diffLayer) newFastIterator() Iterator {
f := &fastIterator{dl.iterators(), false}
return f
// Debug is a convencience helper during testing
func (fi *fastIterator) Debug() {
for _, it := range fi.iterators {
fmt.Printf(" %v ", it.Key()[31])