Martin Holst Swende b44f24e3e6
core, trie: speed up some tests with quadratic processing flaw ()
This commit fixes a flaw in two testcases, and brings down the exec-time from ~40s to ~8s for trie/TestIncompleteSync.

The checkConsistency was performed over and over again on the complete set of nodes, not just the recently added, turning it into a quadratic runtime.
2020-12-10 14:48:32 +01:00

479 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package trie
import (
// makeTestTrie create a sample test trie to test node-wise reconstruction.
func makeTestTrie() (*Database, *SecureTrie, map[string][]byte) {
// Create an empty trie
triedb := NewDatabase(memorydb.New())
trie, _ := NewSecure(common.Hash{}, triedb)
// Fill it with some arbitrary data
content := make(map[string][]byte)
for i := byte(0); i < 255; i++ {
// Map the same data under multiple keys
key, val := common.LeftPadBytes([]byte{1, i}, 32), []byte{i}
content[string(key)] = val
trie.Update(key, val)
key, val = common.LeftPadBytes([]byte{2, i}, 32), []byte{i}
content[string(key)] = val
trie.Update(key, val)
// Add some other data to inflate the trie
for j := byte(3); j < 13; j++ {
key, val = common.LeftPadBytes([]byte{j, i}, 32), []byte{j, i}
content[string(key)] = val
trie.Update(key, val)
// Return the generated trie
return triedb, trie, content
// checkTrieContents cross references a reconstructed trie with an expected data
// content map.
func checkTrieContents(t *testing.T, db *Database, root []byte, content map[string][]byte) {
// Check root availability and trie contents
trie, err := NewSecure(common.BytesToHash(root), db)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to create trie at %x: %v", root, err)
if err := checkTrieConsistency(db, common.BytesToHash(root)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("inconsistent trie at %x: %v", root, err)
for key, val := range content {
if have := trie.Get([]byte(key)); !bytes.Equal(have, val) {
t.Errorf("entry %x: content mismatch: have %x, want %x", key, have, val)
// checkTrieConsistency checks that all nodes in a trie are indeed present.
func checkTrieConsistency(db *Database, root common.Hash) error {
// Create and iterate a trie rooted in a subnode
trie, err := NewSecure(root, db)
if err != nil {
return nil // Consider a non existent state consistent
it := trie.NodeIterator(nil)
for it.Next(true) {
return it.Error()
// Tests that an empty trie is not scheduled for syncing.
func TestEmptySync(t *testing.T) {
dbA := NewDatabase(memorydb.New())
dbB := NewDatabase(memorydb.New())
emptyA, _ := New(common.Hash{}, dbA)
emptyB, _ := New(emptyRoot, dbB)
for i, trie := range []*Trie{emptyA, emptyB} {
sync := NewSync(trie.Hash(), memorydb.New(), nil, NewSyncBloom(1, memorydb.New()))
if nodes, paths, codes := sync.Missing(1); len(nodes) != 0 || len(paths) != 0 || len(codes) != 0 {
t.Errorf("test %d: content requested for empty trie: %v, %v, %v", i, nodes, paths, codes)
// Tests that given a root hash, a trie can sync iteratively on a single thread,
// requesting retrieval tasks and returning all of them in one go.
func TestIterativeSyncIndividual(t *testing.T) { testIterativeSync(t, 1, false) }
func TestIterativeSyncBatched(t *testing.T) { testIterativeSync(t, 100, false) }
func TestIterativeSyncIndividualByPath(t *testing.T) { testIterativeSync(t, 1, true) }
func TestIterativeSyncBatchedByPath(t *testing.T) { testIterativeSync(t, 100, true) }
func testIterativeSync(t *testing.T, count int, bypath bool) {
// Create a random trie to copy
srcDb, srcTrie, srcData := makeTestTrie()
// Create a destination trie and sync with the scheduler
diskdb := memorydb.New()
triedb := NewDatabase(diskdb)
sched := NewSync(srcTrie.Hash(), diskdb, nil, NewSyncBloom(1, diskdb))
nodes, paths, codes := sched.Missing(count)
var (
hashQueue []common.Hash
pathQueue []SyncPath
if !bypath {
hashQueue = append(append(hashQueue[:0], nodes...), codes...)
} else {
hashQueue = append(hashQueue[:0], codes...)
pathQueue = append(pathQueue[:0], paths...)
for len(hashQueue)+len(pathQueue) > 0 {
results := make([]SyncResult, len(hashQueue)+len(pathQueue))
for i, hash := range hashQueue {
data, err := srcDb.Node(hash)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to retrieve node data for hash %x: %v", hash, err)
results[i] = SyncResult{hash, data}
for i, path := range pathQueue {
data, _, err := srcTrie.TryGetNode(path[0])
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to retrieve node data for path %x: %v", path, err)
results[len(hashQueue)+i] = SyncResult{crypto.Keccak256Hash(data), data}
for _, result := range results {
if err := sched.Process(result); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to process result %v", err)
batch := diskdb.NewBatch()
if err := sched.Commit(batch); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to commit data: %v", err)
nodes, paths, codes = sched.Missing(count)
if !bypath {
hashQueue = append(append(hashQueue[:0], nodes...), codes...)
} else {
hashQueue = append(hashQueue[:0], codes...)
pathQueue = append(pathQueue[:0], paths...)
// Cross check that the two tries are in sync
checkTrieContents(t, triedb, srcTrie.Hash().Bytes(), srcData)
// Tests that the trie scheduler can correctly reconstruct the state even if only
// partial results are returned, and the others sent only later.
func TestIterativeDelayedSync(t *testing.T) {
// Create a random trie to copy
srcDb, srcTrie, srcData := makeTestTrie()
// Create a destination trie and sync with the scheduler
diskdb := memorydb.New()
triedb := NewDatabase(diskdb)
sched := NewSync(srcTrie.Hash(), diskdb, nil, NewSyncBloom(1, diskdb))
nodes, _, codes := sched.Missing(10000)
queue := append(append([]common.Hash{}, nodes...), codes...)
for len(queue) > 0 {
// Sync only half of the scheduled nodes
results := make([]SyncResult, len(queue)/2+1)
for i, hash := range queue[:len(results)] {
data, err := srcDb.Node(hash)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to retrieve node data for %x: %v", hash, err)
results[i] = SyncResult{hash, data}
for _, result := range results {
if err := sched.Process(result); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to process result %v", err)
batch := diskdb.NewBatch()
if err := sched.Commit(batch); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to commit data: %v", err)
nodes, _, codes = sched.Missing(10000)
queue = append(append(queue[len(results):], nodes...), codes...)
// Cross check that the two tries are in sync
checkTrieContents(t, triedb, srcTrie.Hash().Bytes(), srcData)
// Tests that given a root hash, a trie can sync iteratively on a single thread,
// requesting retrieval tasks and returning all of them in one go, however in a
// random order.
func TestIterativeRandomSyncIndividual(t *testing.T) { testIterativeRandomSync(t, 1) }
func TestIterativeRandomSyncBatched(t *testing.T) { testIterativeRandomSync(t, 100) }
func testIterativeRandomSync(t *testing.T, count int) {
// Create a random trie to copy
srcDb, srcTrie, srcData := makeTestTrie()
// Create a destination trie and sync with the scheduler
diskdb := memorydb.New()
triedb := NewDatabase(diskdb)
sched := NewSync(srcTrie.Hash(), diskdb, nil, NewSyncBloom(1, diskdb))
queue := make(map[common.Hash]struct{})
nodes, _, codes := sched.Missing(count)
for _, hash := range append(nodes, codes...) {
queue[hash] = struct{}{}
for len(queue) > 0 {
// Fetch all the queued nodes in a random order
results := make([]SyncResult, 0, len(queue))
for hash := range queue {
data, err := srcDb.Node(hash)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to retrieve node data for %x: %v", hash, err)
results = append(results, SyncResult{hash, data})
// Feed the retrieved results back and queue new tasks
for _, result := range results {
if err := sched.Process(result); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to process result %v", err)
batch := diskdb.NewBatch()
if err := sched.Commit(batch); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to commit data: %v", err)
queue = make(map[common.Hash]struct{})
nodes, _, codes = sched.Missing(count)
for _, hash := range append(nodes, codes...) {
queue[hash] = struct{}{}
// Cross check that the two tries are in sync
checkTrieContents(t, triedb, srcTrie.Hash().Bytes(), srcData)
// Tests that the trie scheduler can correctly reconstruct the state even if only
// partial results are returned (Even those randomly), others sent only later.
func TestIterativeRandomDelayedSync(t *testing.T) {
// Create a random trie to copy
srcDb, srcTrie, srcData := makeTestTrie()
// Create a destination trie and sync with the scheduler
diskdb := memorydb.New()
triedb := NewDatabase(diskdb)
sched := NewSync(srcTrie.Hash(), diskdb, nil, NewSyncBloom(1, diskdb))
queue := make(map[common.Hash]struct{})
nodes, _, codes := sched.Missing(10000)
for _, hash := range append(nodes, codes...) {
queue[hash] = struct{}{}
for len(queue) > 0 {
// Sync only half of the scheduled nodes, even those in random order
results := make([]SyncResult, 0, len(queue)/2+1)
for hash := range queue {
data, err := srcDb.Node(hash)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to retrieve node data for %x: %v", hash, err)
results = append(results, SyncResult{hash, data})
if len(results) >= cap(results) {
// Feed the retrieved results back and queue new tasks
for _, result := range results {
if err := sched.Process(result); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to process result %v", err)
batch := diskdb.NewBatch()
if err := sched.Commit(batch); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to commit data: %v", err)
for _, result := range results {
delete(queue, result.Hash)
nodes, _, codes = sched.Missing(10000)
for _, hash := range append(nodes, codes...) {
queue[hash] = struct{}{}
// Cross check that the two tries are in sync
checkTrieContents(t, triedb, srcTrie.Hash().Bytes(), srcData)
// Tests that a trie sync will not request nodes multiple times, even if they
// have such references.
func TestDuplicateAvoidanceSync(t *testing.T) {
// Create a random trie to copy
srcDb, srcTrie, srcData := makeTestTrie()
// Create a destination trie and sync with the scheduler
diskdb := memorydb.New()
triedb := NewDatabase(diskdb)
sched := NewSync(srcTrie.Hash(), diskdb, nil, NewSyncBloom(1, diskdb))
nodes, _, codes := sched.Missing(0)
queue := append(append([]common.Hash{}, nodes...), codes...)
requested := make(map[common.Hash]struct{})
for len(queue) > 0 {
results := make([]SyncResult, len(queue))
for i, hash := range queue {
data, err := srcDb.Node(hash)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to retrieve node data for %x: %v", hash, err)
if _, ok := requested[hash]; ok {
t.Errorf("hash %x already requested once", hash)
requested[hash] = struct{}{}
results[i] = SyncResult{hash, data}
for _, result := range results {
if err := sched.Process(result); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to process result %v", err)
batch := diskdb.NewBatch()
if err := sched.Commit(batch); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to commit data: %v", err)
nodes, _, codes = sched.Missing(0)
queue = append(append(queue[:0], nodes...), codes...)
// Cross check that the two tries are in sync
checkTrieContents(t, triedb, srcTrie.Hash().Bytes(), srcData)
// Tests that at any point in time during a sync, only complete sub-tries are in
// the database.
func TestIncompleteSync(t *testing.T) {
// Create a random trie to copy
srcDb, srcTrie, _ := makeTestTrie()
// Create a destination trie and sync with the scheduler
diskdb := memorydb.New()
triedb := NewDatabase(diskdb)
sched := NewSync(srcTrie.Hash(), diskdb, nil, NewSyncBloom(1, diskdb))
var added []common.Hash
nodes, _, codes := sched.Missing(1)
queue := append(append([]common.Hash{}, nodes...), codes...)
for len(queue) > 0 {
// Fetch a batch of trie nodes
results := make([]SyncResult, len(queue))
for i, hash := range queue {
data, err := srcDb.Node(hash)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to retrieve node data for %x: %v", hash, err)
results[i] = SyncResult{hash, data}
// Process each of the trie nodes
for _, result := range results {
if err := sched.Process(result); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to process result %v", err)
batch := diskdb.NewBatch()
if err := sched.Commit(batch); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to commit data: %v", err)
for _, result := range results {
added = append(added, result.Hash)
// Check that all known sub-tries in the synced trie are complete
if err := checkTrieConsistency(triedb, result.Hash); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("trie inconsistent: %v", err)
// Fetch the next batch to retrieve
nodes, _, codes = sched.Missing(1)
queue = append(append(queue[:0], nodes...), codes...)
// Sanity check that removing any node from the database is detected
for _, node := range added[1:] {
key := node.Bytes()
value, _ := diskdb.Get(key)
if err := checkTrieConsistency(triedb, added[0]); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("trie inconsistency not caught, missing: %x", key)
diskdb.Put(key, value)
// Tests that trie nodes get scheduled lexicographically when having the same
// depth.
func TestSyncOrdering(t *testing.T) {
// Create a random trie to copy
srcDb, srcTrie, srcData := makeTestTrie()
// Create a destination trie and sync with the scheduler, tracking the requests
diskdb := memorydb.New()
triedb := NewDatabase(diskdb)
sched := NewSync(srcTrie.Hash(), diskdb, nil, NewSyncBloom(1, diskdb))
nodes, paths, _ := sched.Missing(1)
queue := append([]common.Hash{}, nodes...)
reqs := append([]SyncPath{}, paths...)
for len(queue) > 0 {
results := make([]SyncResult, len(queue))
for i, hash := range queue {
data, err := srcDb.Node(hash)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to retrieve node data for %x: %v", hash, err)
results[i] = SyncResult{hash, data}
for _, result := range results {
if err := sched.Process(result); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to process result %v", err)
batch := diskdb.NewBatch()
if err := sched.Commit(batch); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to commit data: %v", err)
nodes, paths, _ = sched.Missing(1)
queue = append(queue[:0], nodes...)
reqs = append(reqs, paths...)
// Cross check that the two tries are in sync
checkTrieContents(t, triedb, srcTrie.Hash().Bytes(), srcData)
// Check that the trie nodes have been requested path-ordered
for i := 0; i < len(reqs)-1; i++ {
if len(reqs[i]) > 1 || len(reqs[i+1]) > 1 {
// In the case of the trie tests, there's no storage so the tuples
// must always be single items. 2-tuples should be tested in state.
t.Errorf("Invalid request tuples: len(%v) or len(%v) > 1", reqs[i], reqs[i+1])
if bytes.Compare(compactToHex(reqs[i][0]), compactToHex(reqs[i+1][0])) > 0 {
t.Errorf("Invalid request order: %v before %v", compactToHex(reqs[i][0]), compactToHex(reqs[i+1][0]))