Austin Roberts adcf21f453 Implement snapshot if snapshot trie is not available
We want to be able to capture StateUpdates even if the Geth snapshot
trie is in a weird state and can't offer the snapshot we're looking
for. This adds our own implementation of the Snapshot() interface
so that we can continue collecting the necessary information to make
it available to the StateUpdates hook.
2022-03-14 10:50:54 -05:00

71 lines
2.5 KiB

package state
import (
type pluginSnapshot struct {
root common.Hash
func (s *pluginSnapshot) Root() common.Hash {
return s.root
func (s *pluginSnapshot) Account(hash common.Hash) (*snapshot.Account, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not implemented")
func (s *pluginSnapshot) AccountRLP(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not implemented")
func (s *pluginSnapshot) Storage(accountHash, storageHash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not implemented")
func PluginStateUpdate(pl *plugins.PluginLoader, blockRoot, parentRoot common.Hash, destructs map[common.Hash]struct{}, accounts map[common.Hash][]byte, storage map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte, codeUpdates map[common.Hash][]byte) {
fnList := pl.Lookup("StateUpdate", func(item interface{}) bool {
_, ok := item.(func(core.Hash, core.Hash, map[core.Hash]struct{}, map[core.Hash][]byte, map[core.Hash]map[core.Hash][]byte, map[core.Hash][]byte))
return ok
coreDestructs := make(map[core.Hash]struct{})
for k, v := range destructs {
coreDestructs[core.Hash(k)] = v
coreAccounts := make(map[core.Hash][]byte)
for k, v := range accounts {
coreAccounts[core.Hash(k)] = v
coreStorage := make(map[core.Hash]map[core.Hash][]byte)
for k, v := range storage {
coreStorage[core.Hash(k)] = make(map[core.Hash][]byte)
for h, d := range v {
coreStorage[core.Hash(k)][core.Hash(h)] = d
coreCode := make(map[core.Hash][]byte)
for k, v := range codeUpdates {
coreCode[core.Hash(k)] = v
for _, fni := range fnList {
if fn, ok := fni.(func(core.Hash, core.Hash, map[core.Hash]struct{}, map[core.Hash][]byte, map[core.Hash]map[core.Hash][]byte, map[core.Hash][]byte)); ok {
fn(core.Hash(blockRoot), core.Hash(parentRoot), coreDestructs, coreAccounts, coreStorage, coreCode)
func pluginStateUpdate(blockRoot, parentRoot common.Hash, destructs map[common.Hash]struct{}, accounts map[common.Hash][]byte, storage map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte, codeUpdates map[common.Hash][]byte) {
if plugins.DefaultPluginLoader == nil {
log.Warn("Attempting StateUpdate, but default PluginLoader has not been initialized")
PluginStateUpdate(plugins.DefaultPluginLoader, blockRoot, parentRoot, destructs, accounts, storage, codeUpdates)