Reworked the EVM gas instructions to use 64bit integers rather than arbitrary size big ints. All gas operations, be it additions, multiplications or divisions, are checked and guarded against 64 bit integer overflows. In additon, most of the protocol paramaters in the params package have been converted to uint64 and are now constants rather than variables. * common/math: added overflow check ops * core: vmenv, env renamed to evm * eth, internal/ethapi, les: unmetered eth_call and cancel methods * core/vm: implemented big.Int pool for evm instructions * core/vm: unexported intPool methods & verification methods * core/vm: added memoryGasCost overflow check and test
1798 lines
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1798 lines
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// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package downloader
import (
var (
testKey, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA("b71c71a67e1177ad4e901695e1b4b9ee17ae16c6668d313eac2f96dbcda3f291")
testAddress = crypto.PubkeyToAddress(testKey.PublicKey)
// Reduce some of the parameters to make the tester faster.
func init() {
MaxForkAncestry = uint64(10000)
blockCacheLimit = 1024
fsCriticalTrials = 10
// downloadTester is a test simulator for mocking out local block chain.
type downloadTester struct {
downloader *Downloader
genesis *types.Block // Genesis blocks used by the tester and peers
stateDb ethdb.Database // Database used by the tester for syncing from peers
peerDb ethdb.Database // Database of the peers containing all data
ownHashes []common.Hash // Hash chain belonging to the tester
ownHeaders map[common.Hash]*types.Header // Headers belonging to the tester
ownBlocks map[common.Hash]*types.Block // Blocks belonging to the tester
ownReceipts map[common.Hash]types.Receipts // Receipts belonging to the tester
ownChainTd map[common.Hash]*big.Int // Total difficulties of the blocks in the local chain
peerHashes map[string][]common.Hash // Hash chain belonging to different test peers
peerHeaders map[string]map[common.Hash]*types.Header // Headers belonging to different test peers
peerBlocks map[string]map[common.Hash]*types.Block // Blocks belonging to different test peers
peerReceipts map[string]map[common.Hash]types.Receipts // Receipts belonging to different test peers
peerChainTds map[string]map[common.Hash]*big.Int // Total difficulties of the blocks in the peer chains
peerMissingStates map[string]map[common.Hash]bool // State entries that fast sync should not return
lock sync.RWMutex
// newTester creates a new downloader test mocker.
func newTester() *downloadTester {
testdb, _ := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
genesis := core.GenesisBlockForTesting(testdb, testAddress, big.NewInt(1000000000))
tester := &downloadTester{
genesis: genesis,
peerDb: testdb,
ownHashes: []common.Hash{genesis.Hash()},
ownHeaders: map[common.Hash]*types.Header{genesis.Hash(): genesis.Header()},
ownBlocks: map[common.Hash]*types.Block{genesis.Hash(): genesis},
ownReceipts: map[common.Hash]types.Receipts{genesis.Hash(): nil},
ownChainTd: map[common.Hash]*big.Int{genesis.Hash(): genesis.Difficulty()},
peerHashes: make(map[string][]common.Hash),
peerHeaders: make(map[string]map[common.Hash]*types.Header),
peerBlocks: make(map[string]map[common.Hash]*types.Block),
peerReceipts: make(map[string]map[common.Hash]types.Receipts),
peerChainTds: make(map[string]map[common.Hash]*big.Int),
peerMissingStates: make(map[string]map[common.Hash]bool),
tester.stateDb, _ = ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
tester.stateDb.Put(genesis.Root().Bytes(), []byte{0x00})
tester.downloader = New(FullSync, tester.stateDb, new(event.TypeMux), tester.hasHeader, tester.hasBlock, tester.getHeader,
tester.getBlock, tester.headHeader, tester.headBlock, tester.headFastBlock, tester.commitHeadBlock, tester.getTd,
tester.insertHeaders, tester.insertBlocks, tester.insertReceipts, tester.rollback, tester.dropPeer)
return tester
// makeChain creates a chain of n blocks starting at and including parent.
// the returned hash chain is ordered head->parent. In addition, every 3rd block
// contains a transaction and every 5th an uncle to allow testing correct block
// reassembly.
func (dl *downloadTester) makeChain(n int, seed byte, parent *types.Block, parentReceipts types.Receipts, heavy bool) ([]common.Hash, map[common.Hash]*types.Header, map[common.Hash]*types.Block, map[common.Hash]types.Receipts) {
// Generate the block chain
blocks, receipts := core.GenerateChain(params.TestChainConfig, parent, dl.peerDb, n, func(i int, block *core.BlockGen) {
// If a heavy chain is requested, delay blocks to raise difficulty
if heavy {
// If the block number is multiple of 3, send a bonus transaction to the miner
if parent == dl.genesis && i%3 == 0 {
signer := types.MakeSigner(params.TestChainConfig, block.Number())
tx, err := types.SignTx(types.NewTransaction(block.TxNonce(testAddress), common.Address{seed}, big.NewInt(1000), new(big.Int).SetUint64(params.TxGas), nil, nil), signer, testKey)
if err != nil {
// If the block number is a multiple of 5, add a bonus uncle to the block
if i > 0 && i%5 == 0 {
ParentHash: block.PrevBlock(i - 1).Hash(),
Number: big.NewInt(block.Number().Int64() - 1),
// Convert the block-chain into a hash-chain and header/block maps
hashes := make([]common.Hash, n+1)
hashes[len(hashes)-1] = parent.Hash()
headerm := make(map[common.Hash]*types.Header, n+1)
headerm[parent.Hash()] = parent.Header()
blockm := make(map[common.Hash]*types.Block, n+1)
blockm[parent.Hash()] = parent
receiptm := make(map[common.Hash]types.Receipts, n+1)
receiptm[parent.Hash()] = parentReceipts
for i, b := range blocks {
hashes[len(hashes)-i-2] = b.Hash()
headerm[b.Hash()] = b.Header()
blockm[b.Hash()] = b
receiptm[b.Hash()] = receipts[i]
return hashes, headerm, blockm, receiptm
// makeChainFork creates two chains of length n, such that h1[:f] and
// h2[:f] are different but have a common suffix of length n-f.
func (dl *downloadTester) makeChainFork(n, f int, parent *types.Block, parentReceipts types.Receipts, balanced bool) ([]common.Hash, []common.Hash, map[common.Hash]*types.Header, map[common.Hash]*types.Header, map[common.Hash]*types.Block, map[common.Hash]*types.Block, map[common.Hash]types.Receipts, map[common.Hash]types.Receipts) {
// Create the common suffix
hashes, headers, blocks, receipts := dl.makeChain(n-f, 0, parent, parentReceipts, false)
// Create the forks, making the second heavyer if non balanced forks were requested
hashes1, headers1, blocks1, receipts1 := dl.makeChain(f, 1, blocks[hashes[0]], receipts[hashes[0]], false)
hashes1 = append(hashes1, hashes[1:]...)
heavy := false
if !balanced {
heavy = true
hashes2, headers2, blocks2, receipts2 := dl.makeChain(f, 2, blocks[hashes[0]], receipts[hashes[0]], heavy)
hashes2 = append(hashes2, hashes[1:]...)
for hash, header := range headers {
headers1[hash] = header
headers2[hash] = header
for hash, block := range blocks {
blocks1[hash] = block
blocks2[hash] = block
for hash, receipt := range receipts {
receipts1[hash] = receipt
receipts2[hash] = receipt
return hashes1, hashes2, headers1, headers2, blocks1, blocks2, receipts1, receipts2
// terminate aborts any operations on the embedded downloader and releases all
// held resources.
func (dl *downloadTester) terminate() {
// sync starts synchronizing with a remote peer, blocking until it completes.
func (dl *downloadTester) sync(id string, td *big.Int, mode SyncMode) error {
hash := dl.peerHashes[id][0]
// If no particular TD was requested, load from the peer's blockchain
if td == nil {
td = big.NewInt(1)
if diff, ok := dl.peerChainTds[id][hash]; ok {
td = diff
// Synchronise with the chosen peer and ensure proper cleanup afterwards
err := dl.downloader.synchronise(id, hash, td, mode)
select {
case <-dl.downloader.cancelCh:
// Ok, downloader fully cancelled after sync cycle
// Downloader is still accepting packets, can block a peer up
panic("downloader active post sync cycle") // panic will be caught by tester
return err
// hasHeader checks if a header is present in the testers canonical chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) hasHeader(hash common.Hash) bool {
return dl.getHeader(hash) != nil
// hasBlock checks if a block and associated state is present in the testers canonical chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) hasBlock(hash common.Hash) bool {
block := dl.getBlock(hash)
if block == nil {
return false
_, err := dl.stateDb.Get(block.Root().Bytes())
return err == nil
// getHeader retrieves a header from the testers canonical chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) getHeader(hash common.Hash) *types.Header {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
return dl.ownHeaders[hash]
// getBlock retrieves a block from the testers canonical chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) getBlock(hash common.Hash) *types.Block {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
return dl.ownBlocks[hash]
// headHeader retrieves the current head header from the canonical chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) headHeader() *types.Header {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
for i := len(dl.ownHashes) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if header := dl.ownHeaders[dl.ownHashes[i]]; header != nil {
return header
return dl.genesis.Header()
// headBlock retrieves the current head block from the canonical chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) headBlock() *types.Block {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
for i := len(dl.ownHashes) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if block := dl.ownBlocks[dl.ownHashes[i]]; block != nil {
if _, err := dl.stateDb.Get(block.Root().Bytes()); err == nil {
return block
return dl.genesis
// headFastBlock retrieves the current head fast-sync block from the canonical chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) headFastBlock() *types.Block {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
for i := len(dl.ownHashes) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if block := dl.ownBlocks[dl.ownHashes[i]]; block != nil {
return block
return dl.genesis
// commitHeadBlock manually sets the head block to a given hash.
func (dl *downloadTester) commitHeadBlock(hash common.Hash) error {
// For now only check that the state trie is correct
if block := dl.getBlock(hash); block != nil {
_, err := trie.NewSecure(block.Root(), dl.stateDb, 0)
return err
return fmt.Errorf("non existent block: %x", hash[:4])
// getTd retrieves the block's total difficulty from the canonical chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) getTd(hash common.Hash) *big.Int {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
return dl.ownChainTd[hash]
// insertHeaders injects a new batch of headers into the simulated chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) insertHeaders(headers []*types.Header, checkFreq int) (int, error) {
defer dl.lock.Unlock()
// Do a quick check, as the blockchain.InsertHeaderChain doesn't insert anything in case of errors
if _, ok := dl.ownHeaders[headers[0].ParentHash]; !ok {
return 0, errors.New("unknown parent")
for i := 1; i < len(headers); i++ {
if headers[i].ParentHash != headers[i-1].Hash() {
return i, errors.New("unknown parent")
// Do a full insert if pre-checks passed
for i, header := range headers {
if _, ok := dl.ownHeaders[header.Hash()]; ok {
if _, ok := dl.ownHeaders[header.ParentHash]; !ok {
return i, errors.New("unknown parent")
dl.ownHashes = append(dl.ownHashes, header.Hash())
dl.ownHeaders[header.Hash()] = header
dl.ownChainTd[header.Hash()] = new(big.Int).Add(dl.ownChainTd[header.ParentHash], header.Difficulty)
return len(headers), nil
// insertBlocks injects a new batch of blocks into the simulated chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) insertBlocks(blocks types.Blocks) (int, error) {
defer dl.lock.Unlock()
for i, block := range blocks {
if parent, ok := dl.ownBlocks[block.ParentHash()]; !ok {
return i, errors.New("unknown parent")
} else if _, err := dl.stateDb.Get(parent.Root().Bytes()); err != nil {
return i, fmt.Errorf("unknown parent state %x: %v", parent.Root(), err)
if _, ok := dl.ownHeaders[block.Hash()]; !ok {
dl.ownHashes = append(dl.ownHashes, block.Hash())
dl.ownHeaders[block.Hash()] = block.Header()
dl.ownBlocks[block.Hash()] = block
dl.stateDb.Put(block.Root().Bytes(), []byte{0x00})
dl.ownChainTd[block.Hash()] = new(big.Int).Add(dl.ownChainTd[block.ParentHash()], block.Difficulty())
return len(blocks), nil
// insertReceipts injects a new batch of receipts into the simulated chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) insertReceipts(blocks types.Blocks, receipts []types.Receipts) (int, error) {
defer dl.lock.Unlock()
for i := 0; i < len(blocks) && i < len(receipts); i++ {
if _, ok := dl.ownHeaders[blocks[i].Hash()]; !ok {
return i, errors.New("unknown owner")
if _, ok := dl.ownBlocks[blocks[i].ParentHash()]; !ok {
return i, errors.New("unknown parent")
dl.ownBlocks[blocks[i].Hash()] = blocks[i]
dl.ownReceipts[blocks[i].Hash()] = receipts[i]
return len(blocks), nil
// rollback removes some recently added elements from the chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) rollback(hashes []common.Hash) {
defer dl.lock.Unlock()
for i := len(hashes) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if dl.ownHashes[len(dl.ownHashes)-1] == hashes[i] {
dl.ownHashes = dl.ownHashes[:len(dl.ownHashes)-1]
delete(dl.ownChainTd, hashes[i])
delete(dl.ownHeaders, hashes[i])
delete(dl.ownReceipts, hashes[i])
delete(dl.ownBlocks, hashes[i])
// newPeer registers a new block download source into the downloader.
func (dl *downloadTester) newPeer(id string, version int, hashes []common.Hash, headers map[common.Hash]*types.Header, blocks map[common.Hash]*types.Block, receipts map[common.Hash]types.Receipts) error {
return dl.newSlowPeer(id, version, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts, 0)
// newSlowPeer registers a new block download source into the downloader, with a
// specific delay time on processing the network packets sent to it, simulating
// potentially slow network IO.
func (dl *downloadTester) newSlowPeer(id string, version int, hashes []common.Hash, headers map[common.Hash]*types.Header, blocks map[common.Hash]*types.Block, receipts map[common.Hash]types.Receipts, delay time.Duration) error {
defer dl.lock.Unlock()
var err error
switch version {
case 62:
err = dl.downloader.RegisterPeer(id, version, dl.peerCurrentHeadFn(id), dl.peerGetRelHeadersFn(id, delay), dl.peerGetAbsHeadersFn(id, delay), dl.peerGetBodiesFn(id, delay), nil, nil)
case 63:
err = dl.downloader.RegisterPeer(id, version, dl.peerCurrentHeadFn(id), dl.peerGetRelHeadersFn(id, delay), dl.peerGetAbsHeadersFn(id, delay), dl.peerGetBodiesFn(id, delay), dl.peerGetReceiptsFn(id, delay), dl.peerGetNodeDataFn(id, delay))
case 64:
err = dl.downloader.RegisterPeer(id, version, dl.peerCurrentHeadFn(id), dl.peerGetRelHeadersFn(id, delay), dl.peerGetAbsHeadersFn(id, delay), dl.peerGetBodiesFn(id, delay), dl.peerGetReceiptsFn(id, delay), dl.peerGetNodeDataFn(id, delay))
if err == nil {
// Assign the owned hashes, headers and blocks to the peer (deep copy)
dl.peerHashes[id] = make([]common.Hash, len(hashes))
copy(dl.peerHashes[id], hashes)
dl.peerHeaders[id] = make(map[common.Hash]*types.Header)
dl.peerBlocks[id] = make(map[common.Hash]*types.Block)
dl.peerReceipts[id] = make(map[common.Hash]types.Receipts)
dl.peerChainTds[id] = make(map[common.Hash]*big.Int)
dl.peerMissingStates[id] = make(map[common.Hash]bool)
genesis := hashes[len(hashes)-1]
if header := headers[genesis]; header != nil {
dl.peerHeaders[id][genesis] = header
dl.peerChainTds[id][genesis] = header.Difficulty
if block := blocks[genesis]; block != nil {
dl.peerBlocks[id][genesis] = block
dl.peerChainTds[id][genesis] = block.Difficulty()
for i := len(hashes) - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
hash := hashes[i]
if header, ok := headers[hash]; ok {
dl.peerHeaders[id][hash] = header
if _, ok := dl.peerHeaders[id][header.ParentHash]; ok {
dl.peerChainTds[id][hash] = new(big.Int).Add(header.Difficulty, dl.peerChainTds[id][header.ParentHash])
if block, ok := blocks[hash]; ok {
dl.peerBlocks[id][hash] = block
if _, ok := dl.peerBlocks[id][block.ParentHash()]; ok {
dl.peerChainTds[id][hash] = new(big.Int).Add(block.Difficulty(), dl.peerChainTds[id][block.ParentHash()])
if receipt, ok := receipts[hash]; ok {
dl.peerReceipts[id][hash] = receipt
return err
// dropPeer simulates a hard peer removal from the connection pool.
func (dl *downloadTester) dropPeer(id string) {
defer dl.lock.Unlock()
delete(dl.peerHashes, id)
delete(dl.peerHeaders, id)
delete(dl.peerBlocks, id)
delete(dl.peerChainTds, id)
// peerCurrentHeadFn constructs a function to retrieve a peer's current head hash
// and total difficulty.
func (dl *downloadTester) peerCurrentHeadFn(id string) func() (common.Hash, *big.Int) {
return func() (common.Hash, *big.Int) {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
return dl.peerHashes[id][0], nil
// peerGetRelHeadersFn constructs a GetBlockHeaders function based on a hashed
// origin; associated with a particular peer in the download tester. The returned
// function can be used to retrieve batches of headers from the particular peer.
func (dl *downloadTester) peerGetRelHeadersFn(id string, delay time.Duration) func(common.Hash, int, int, bool) error {
return func(origin common.Hash, amount int, skip int, reverse bool) error {
// Find the canonical number of the hash
number := uint64(0)
for num, hash := range dl.peerHashes[id] {
if hash == origin {
number = uint64(len(dl.peerHashes[id]) - num - 1)
// Use the absolute header fetcher to satisfy the query
return dl.peerGetAbsHeadersFn(id, delay)(number, amount, skip, reverse)
// peerGetAbsHeadersFn constructs a GetBlockHeaders function based on a numbered
// origin; associated with a particular peer in the download tester. The returned
// function can be used to retrieve batches of headers from the particular peer.
func (dl *downloadTester) peerGetAbsHeadersFn(id string, delay time.Duration) func(uint64, int, int, bool) error {
return func(origin uint64, amount int, skip int, reverse bool) error {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
// Gather the next batch of headers
hashes := dl.peerHashes[id]
headers := dl.peerHeaders[id]
result := make([]*types.Header, 0, amount)
for i := 0; i < amount && len(hashes)-int(origin)-1-i*(skip+1) >= 0; i++ {
if header, ok := headers[hashes[len(hashes)-int(origin)-1-i*(skip+1)]]; ok {
result = append(result, header)
// Delay delivery a bit to allow attacks to unfold
go func() {
dl.downloader.DeliverHeaders(id, result)
return nil
// peerGetBodiesFn constructs a getBlockBodies method associated with a particular
// peer in the download tester. The returned function can be used to retrieve
// batches of block bodies from the particularly requested peer.
func (dl *downloadTester) peerGetBodiesFn(id string, delay time.Duration) func([]common.Hash) error {
return func(hashes []common.Hash) error {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
blocks := dl.peerBlocks[id]
transactions := make([][]*types.Transaction, 0, len(hashes))
uncles := make([][]*types.Header, 0, len(hashes))
for _, hash := range hashes {
if block, ok := blocks[hash]; ok {
transactions = append(transactions, block.Transactions())
uncles = append(uncles, block.Uncles())
go dl.downloader.DeliverBodies(id, transactions, uncles)
return nil
// peerGetReceiptsFn constructs a getReceipts method associated with a particular
// peer in the download tester. The returned function can be used to retrieve
// batches of block receipts from the particularly requested peer.
func (dl *downloadTester) peerGetReceiptsFn(id string, delay time.Duration) func([]common.Hash) error {
return func(hashes []common.Hash) error {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
receipts := dl.peerReceipts[id]
results := make([][]*types.Receipt, 0, len(hashes))
for _, hash := range hashes {
if receipt, ok := receipts[hash]; ok {
results = append(results, receipt)
go dl.downloader.DeliverReceipts(id, results)
return nil
// peerGetNodeDataFn constructs a getNodeData method associated with a particular
// peer in the download tester. The returned function can be used to retrieve
// batches of node state data from the particularly requested peer.
func (dl *downloadTester) peerGetNodeDataFn(id string, delay time.Duration) func([]common.Hash) error {
return func(hashes []common.Hash) error {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
results := make([][]byte, 0, len(hashes))
for _, hash := range hashes {
if data, err := dl.peerDb.Get(hash.Bytes()); err == nil {
if !dl.peerMissingStates[id][hash] {
results = append(results, data)
go dl.downloader.DeliverNodeData(id, results)
return nil
// assertOwnChain checks if the local chain contains the correct number of items
// of the various chain components.
func assertOwnChain(t *testing.T, tester *downloadTester, length int) {
assertOwnForkedChain(t, tester, 1, []int{length})
// assertOwnForkedChain checks if the local forked chain contains the correct
// number of items of the various chain components.
func assertOwnForkedChain(t *testing.T, tester *downloadTester, common int, lengths []int) {
// Initialize the counters for the first fork
headers, blocks := lengths[0], lengths[0]
minReceipts, maxReceipts := lengths[0]-fsMinFullBlocks-fsPivotInterval, lengths[0]-fsMinFullBlocks
if minReceipts < 0 {
minReceipts = 1
if maxReceipts < 0 {
maxReceipts = 1
// Update the counters for each subsequent fork
for _, length := range lengths[1:] {
headers += length - common
blocks += length - common
minReceipts += length - common - fsMinFullBlocks - fsPivotInterval
maxReceipts += length - common - fsMinFullBlocks
switch tester.downloader.mode {
case FullSync:
minReceipts, maxReceipts = 1, 1
case LightSync:
blocks, minReceipts, maxReceipts = 1, 1, 1
if hs := len(tester.ownHeaders); hs != headers {
t.Fatalf("synchronised headers mismatch: have %v, want %v", hs, headers)
if bs := len(tester.ownBlocks); bs != blocks {
t.Fatalf("synchronised blocks mismatch: have %v, want %v", bs, blocks)
if rs := len(tester.ownReceipts); rs < minReceipts || rs > maxReceipts {
t.Fatalf("synchronised receipts mismatch: have %v, want between [%v, %v]", rs, minReceipts, maxReceipts)
// Verify the state trie too for fast syncs
if tester.downloader.mode == FastSync {
var index int
if pivot := int(tester.downloader.queue.fastSyncPivot); pivot < common {
index = pivot
} else {
index = len(tester.ownHashes) - lengths[len(lengths)-1] + int(tester.downloader.queue.fastSyncPivot)
if index > 0 {
if statedb, err := state.New(tester.ownHeaders[tester.ownHashes[index]].Root, tester.stateDb); statedb == nil || err != nil {
t.Fatalf("state reconstruction failed: %v", err)
// Tests that simple synchronization against a canonical chain works correctly.
// In this test common ancestor lookup should be short circuited and not require
// binary searching.
func TestCanonicalSynchronisation62(t *testing.T) { testCanonicalSynchronisation(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestCanonicalSynchronisation63Full(t *testing.T) { testCanonicalSynchronisation(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestCanonicalSynchronisation63Fast(t *testing.T) { testCanonicalSynchronisation(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestCanonicalSynchronisation64Full(t *testing.T) { testCanonicalSynchronisation(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestCanonicalSynchronisation64Fast(t *testing.T) { testCanonicalSynchronisation(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestCanonicalSynchronisation64Light(t *testing.T) { testCanonicalSynchronisation(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testCanonicalSynchronisation(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a small enough block chain to download
targetBlocks := blockCacheLimit - 15
hashes, headers, blocks, receipts := tester.makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, tester.genesis, nil, false)
tester.newPeer("peer", protocol, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
// Synchronise with the peer and make sure all relevant data was retrieved
if err := tester.sync("peer", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
assertOwnChain(t, tester, targetBlocks+1)
// Tests that if a large batch of blocks are being downloaded, it is throttled
// until the cached blocks are retrieved.
func TestThrottling62(t *testing.T) { testThrottling(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestThrottling63Full(t *testing.T) { testThrottling(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestThrottling63Fast(t *testing.T) { testThrottling(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestThrottling64Full(t *testing.T) { testThrottling(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestThrottling64Fast(t *testing.T) { testThrottling(t, 64, FastSync) }
func testThrottling(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a long block chain to download and the tester
targetBlocks := 8 * blockCacheLimit
hashes, headers, blocks, receipts := tester.makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, tester.genesis, nil, false)
tester.newPeer("peer", protocol, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
// Wrap the importer to allow stepping
blocked, proceed := uint32(0), make(chan struct{})
tester.downloader.chainInsertHook = func(results []*fetchResult) {
atomic.StoreUint32(&blocked, uint32(len(results)))
// Start a synchronisation concurrently
errc := make(chan error)
go func() {
errc <- tester.sync("peer", nil, mode)
// Iteratively take some blocks, always checking the retrieval count
for {
// Check the retrieval count synchronously (! reason for this ugly block)
retrieved := len(tester.ownBlocks)
if retrieved >= targetBlocks+1 {
// Wait a bit for sync to throttle itself
var cached, frozen int
for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < 3*time.Second; {
time.Sleep(25 * time.Millisecond)
cached = len(tester.downloader.queue.blockDonePool)
if mode == FastSync {
if receipts := len(tester.downloader.queue.receiptDonePool); receipts < cached {
if tester.downloader.queue.resultCache[receipts].Header.Number.Uint64() < tester.downloader.queue.fastSyncPivot {
cached = receipts
frozen = int(atomic.LoadUint32(&blocked))
retrieved = len(tester.ownBlocks)
if cached == blockCacheLimit || retrieved+cached+frozen == targetBlocks+1 {
// Make sure we filled up the cache, then exhaust it
time.Sleep(25 * time.Millisecond) // give it a chance to screw up
retrieved = len(tester.ownBlocks)
if cached != blockCacheLimit && retrieved+cached+frozen != targetBlocks+1 {
t.Fatalf("block count mismatch: have %v, want %v (owned %v, blocked %v, target %v)", cached, blockCacheLimit, retrieved, frozen, targetBlocks+1)
// Permit the blocked blocks to import
if atomic.LoadUint32(&blocked) > 0 {
atomic.StoreUint32(&blocked, uint32(0))
proceed <- struct{}{}
// Check that we haven't pulled more blocks than available
assertOwnChain(t, tester, targetBlocks+1)
if err := <-errc; err != nil {
t.Fatalf("block synchronization failed: %v", err)
// Tests that simple synchronization against a forked chain works correctly. In
// this test common ancestor lookup should *not* be short circuited, and a full
// binary search should be executed.
func TestForkedSync62(t *testing.T) { testForkedSync(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestForkedSync63Full(t *testing.T) { testForkedSync(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestForkedSync63Fast(t *testing.T) { testForkedSync(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestForkedSync64Full(t *testing.T) { testForkedSync(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestForkedSync64Fast(t *testing.T) { testForkedSync(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestForkedSync64Light(t *testing.T) { testForkedSync(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testForkedSync(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a long enough forked chain
common, fork := MaxHashFetch, 2*MaxHashFetch
hashesA, hashesB, headersA, headersB, blocksA, blocksB, receiptsA, receiptsB := tester.makeChainFork(common+fork, fork, tester.genesis, nil, true)
tester.newPeer("fork A", protocol, hashesA, headersA, blocksA, receiptsA)
tester.newPeer("fork B", protocol, hashesB, headersB, blocksB, receiptsB)
// Synchronise with the peer and make sure all blocks were retrieved
if err := tester.sync("fork A", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
assertOwnChain(t, tester, common+fork+1)
// Synchronise with the second peer and make sure that fork is pulled too
if err := tester.sync("fork B", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
assertOwnForkedChain(t, tester, common+1, []int{common + fork + 1, common + fork + 1})
// Tests that synchronising against a much shorter but much heavyer fork works
// corrently and is not dropped.
func TestHeavyForkedSync62(t *testing.T) { testHeavyForkedSync(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestHeavyForkedSync63Full(t *testing.T) { testHeavyForkedSync(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestHeavyForkedSync63Fast(t *testing.T) { testHeavyForkedSync(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestHeavyForkedSync64Full(t *testing.T) { testHeavyForkedSync(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestHeavyForkedSync64Fast(t *testing.T) { testHeavyForkedSync(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestHeavyForkedSync64Light(t *testing.T) { testHeavyForkedSync(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testHeavyForkedSync(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a long enough forked chain
common, fork := MaxHashFetch, 4*MaxHashFetch
hashesA, hashesB, headersA, headersB, blocksA, blocksB, receiptsA, receiptsB := tester.makeChainFork(common+fork, fork, tester.genesis, nil, false)
tester.newPeer("light", protocol, hashesA, headersA, blocksA, receiptsA)
tester.newPeer("heavy", protocol, hashesB[fork/2:], headersB, blocksB, receiptsB)
// Synchronise with the peer and make sure all blocks were retrieved
if err := tester.sync("light", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
assertOwnChain(t, tester, common+fork+1)
// Synchronise with the second peer and make sure that fork is pulled too
if err := tester.sync("heavy", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
assertOwnForkedChain(t, tester, common+1, []int{common + fork + 1, common + fork/2 + 1})
// Tests that chain forks are contained within a certain interval of the current
// chain head, ensuring that malicious peers cannot waste resources by feeding
// long dead chains.
func TestBoundedForkedSync62(t *testing.T) { testBoundedForkedSync(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestBoundedForkedSync63Full(t *testing.T) { testBoundedForkedSync(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestBoundedForkedSync63Fast(t *testing.T) { testBoundedForkedSync(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestBoundedForkedSync64Full(t *testing.T) { testBoundedForkedSync(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestBoundedForkedSync64Fast(t *testing.T) { testBoundedForkedSync(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestBoundedForkedSync64Light(t *testing.T) { testBoundedForkedSync(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testBoundedForkedSync(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a long enough forked chain
common, fork := 13, int(MaxForkAncestry+17)
hashesA, hashesB, headersA, headersB, blocksA, blocksB, receiptsA, receiptsB := tester.makeChainFork(common+fork, fork, tester.genesis, nil, true)
tester.newPeer("original", protocol, hashesA, headersA, blocksA, receiptsA)
tester.newPeer("rewriter", protocol, hashesB, headersB, blocksB, receiptsB)
// Synchronise with the peer and make sure all blocks were retrieved
if err := tester.sync("original", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
assertOwnChain(t, tester, common+fork+1)
// Synchronise with the second peer and ensure that the fork is rejected to being too old
if err := tester.sync("rewriter", nil, mode); err != errInvalidAncestor {
t.Fatalf("sync failure mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errInvalidAncestor)
// Tests that chain forks are contained within a certain interval of the current
// chain head for short but heavy forks too. These are a bit special because they
// take different ancestor lookup paths.
func TestBoundedHeavyForkedSync62(t *testing.T) { testBoundedHeavyForkedSync(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestBoundedHeavyForkedSync63Full(t *testing.T) { testBoundedHeavyForkedSync(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestBoundedHeavyForkedSync63Fast(t *testing.T) { testBoundedHeavyForkedSync(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestBoundedHeavyForkedSync64Full(t *testing.T) { testBoundedHeavyForkedSync(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestBoundedHeavyForkedSync64Fast(t *testing.T) { testBoundedHeavyForkedSync(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestBoundedHeavyForkedSync64Light(t *testing.T) { testBoundedHeavyForkedSync(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testBoundedHeavyForkedSync(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a long enough forked chain
common, fork := 13, int(MaxForkAncestry+17)
hashesA, hashesB, headersA, headersB, blocksA, blocksB, receiptsA, receiptsB := tester.makeChainFork(common+fork, fork, tester.genesis, nil, false)
tester.newPeer("original", protocol, hashesA, headersA, blocksA, receiptsA)
tester.newPeer("heavy-rewriter", protocol, hashesB[MaxForkAncestry-17:], headersB, blocksB, receiptsB) // Root the fork below the ancestor limit
// Synchronise with the peer and make sure all blocks were retrieved
if err := tester.sync("original", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
assertOwnChain(t, tester, common+fork+1)
// Synchronise with the second peer and ensure that the fork is rejected to being too old
if err := tester.sync("heavy-rewriter", nil, mode); err != errInvalidAncestor {
t.Fatalf("sync failure mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errInvalidAncestor)
// Tests that an inactive downloader will not accept incoming block headers and
// bodies.
func TestInactiveDownloader62(t *testing.T) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Check that neither block headers nor bodies are accepted
if err := tester.downloader.DeliverHeaders("bad peer", []*types.Header{}); err != errNoSyncActive {
t.Errorf("error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errNoSyncActive)
if err := tester.downloader.DeliverBodies("bad peer", [][]*types.Transaction{}, [][]*types.Header{}); err != errNoSyncActive {
t.Errorf("error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errNoSyncActive)
// Tests that an inactive downloader will not accept incoming block headers,
// bodies and receipts.
func TestInactiveDownloader63(t *testing.T) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Check that neither block headers nor bodies are accepted
if err := tester.downloader.DeliverHeaders("bad peer", []*types.Header{}); err != errNoSyncActive {
t.Errorf("error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errNoSyncActive)
if err := tester.downloader.DeliverBodies("bad peer", [][]*types.Transaction{}, [][]*types.Header{}); err != errNoSyncActive {
t.Errorf("error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errNoSyncActive)
if err := tester.downloader.DeliverReceipts("bad peer", [][]*types.Receipt{}); err != errNoSyncActive {
t.Errorf("error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errNoSyncActive)
// Tests that a canceled download wipes all previously accumulated state.
func TestCancel62(t *testing.T) { testCancel(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestCancel63Full(t *testing.T) { testCancel(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestCancel63Fast(t *testing.T) { testCancel(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestCancel64Full(t *testing.T) { testCancel(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestCancel64Fast(t *testing.T) { testCancel(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestCancel64Light(t *testing.T) { testCancel(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testCancel(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a small enough block chain to download and the tester
targetBlocks := blockCacheLimit - 15
if targetBlocks >= MaxHashFetch {
targetBlocks = MaxHashFetch - 15
if targetBlocks >= MaxHeaderFetch {
targetBlocks = MaxHeaderFetch - 15
hashes, headers, blocks, receipts := tester.makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, tester.genesis, nil, false)
tester.newPeer("peer", protocol, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
// Make sure canceling works with a pristine downloader
if !tester.downloader.queue.Idle() {
t.Errorf("download queue not idle")
// Synchronise with the peer, but cancel afterwards
if err := tester.sync("peer", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
if !tester.downloader.queue.Idle() {
t.Errorf("download queue not idle")
// Tests that synchronisation from multiple peers works as intended (multi thread sanity test).
func TestMultiSynchronisation62(t *testing.T) { testMultiSynchronisation(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestMultiSynchronisation63Full(t *testing.T) { testMultiSynchronisation(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestMultiSynchronisation63Fast(t *testing.T) { testMultiSynchronisation(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestMultiSynchronisation64Full(t *testing.T) { testMultiSynchronisation(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestMultiSynchronisation64Fast(t *testing.T) { testMultiSynchronisation(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestMultiSynchronisation64Light(t *testing.T) { testMultiSynchronisation(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testMultiSynchronisation(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create various peers with various parts of the chain
targetPeers := 8
targetBlocks := targetPeers*blockCacheLimit - 15
hashes, headers, blocks, receipts := tester.makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, tester.genesis, nil, false)
for i := 0; i < targetPeers; i++ {
id := fmt.Sprintf("peer #%d", i)
tester.newPeer(id, protocol, hashes[i*blockCacheLimit:], headers, blocks, receipts)
if err := tester.sync("peer #0", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
assertOwnChain(t, tester, targetBlocks+1)
// Tests that synchronisations behave well in multi-version protocol environments
// and not wreak havoc on other nodes in the network.
func TestMultiProtoSynchronisation62(t *testing.T) { testMultiProtoSync(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestMultiProtoSynchronisation63Full(t *testing.T) { testMultiProtoSync(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestMultiProtoSynchronisation63Fast(t *testing.T) { testMultiProtoSync(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestMultiProtoSynchronisation64Full(t *testing.T) { testMultiProtoSync(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestMultiProtoSynchronisation64Fast(t *testing.T) { testMultiProtoSync(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestMultiProtoSynchronisation64Light(t *testing.T) { testMultiProtoSync(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testMultiProtoSync(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a small enough block chain to download
targetBlocks := blockCacheLimit - 15
hashes, headers, blocks, receipts := tester.makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, tester.genesis, nil, false)
// Create peers of every type
tester.newPeer("peer 62", 62, hashes, headers, blocks, nil)
tester.newPeer("peer 63", 63, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
tester.newPeer("peer 64", 64, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
// Synchronise with the requested peer and make sure all blocks were retrieved
if err := tester.sync(fmt.Sprintf("peer %d", protocol), nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
assertOwnChain(t, tester, targetBlocks+1)
// Check that no peers have been dropped off
for _, version := range []int{62, 63, 64} {
peer := fmt.Sprintf("peer %d", version)
if _, ok := tester.peerHashes[peer]; !ok {
t.Errorf("%s dropped", peer)
// Tests that if a block is empty (e.g. header only), no body request should be
// made, and instead the header should be assembled into a whole block in itself.
func TestEmptyShortCircuit62(t *testing.T) { testEmptyShortCircuit(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestEmptyShortCircuit63Full(t *testing.T) { testEmptyShortCircuit(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestEmptyShortCircuit63Fast(t *testing.T) { testEmptyShortCircuit(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestEmptyShortCircuit64Full(t *testing.T) { testEmptyShortCircuit(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestEmptyShortCircuit64Fast(t *testing.T) { testEmptyShortCircuit(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestEmptyShortCircuit64Light(t *testing.T) { testEmptyShortCircuit(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testEmptyShortCircuit(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a block chain to download
targetBlocks := 2*blockCacheLimit - 15
hashes, headers, blocks, receipts := tester.makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, tester.genesis, nil, false)
tester.newPeer("peer", protocol, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
// Instrument the downloader to signal body requests
bodiesHave, receiptsHave := int32(0), int32(0)
tester.downloader.bodyFetchHook = func(headers []*types.Header) {
atomic.AddInt32(&bodiesHave, int32(len(headers)))
tester.downloader.receiptFetchHook = func(headers []*types.Header) {
atomic.AddInt32(&receiptsHave, int32(len(headers)))
// Synchronise with the peer and make sure all blocks were retrieved
if err := tester.sync("peer", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
assertOwnChain(t, tester, targetBlocks+1)
// Validate the number of block bodies that should have been requested
bodiesNeeded, receiptsNeeded := 0, 0
for _, block := range blocks {
if mode != LightSync && block != tester.genesis && (len(block.Transactions()) > 0 || len(block.Uncles()) > 0) {
for hash, receipt := range receipts {
if mode == FastSync && len(receipt) > 0 && headers[hash].Number.Uint64() <= tester.downloader.queue.fastSyncPivot {
if int(bodiesHave) != bodiesNeeded {
t.Errorf("body retrieval count mismatch: have %v, want %v", bodiesHave, bodiesNeeded)
if int(receiptsHave) != receiptsNeeded {
t.Errorf("receipt retrieval count mismatch: have %v, want %v", receiptsHave, receiptsNeeded)
// Tests that headers are enqueued continuously, preventing malicious nodes from
// stalling the downloader by feeding gapped header chains.
func TestMissingHeaderAttack62(t *testing.T) { testMissingHeaderAttack(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestMissingHeaderAttack63Full(t *testing.T) { testMissingHeaderAttack(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestMissingHeaderAttack63Fast(t *testing.T) { testMissingHeaderAttack(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestMissingHeaderAttack64Full(t *testing.T) { testMissingHeaderAttack(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestMissingHeaderAttack64Fast(t *testing.T) { testMissingHeaderAttack(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestMissingHeaderAttack64Light(t *testing.T) { testMissingHeaderAttack(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testMissingHeaderAttack(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a small enough block chain to download
targetBlocks := blockCacheLimit - 15
hashes, headers, blocks, receipts := tester.makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, tester.genesis, nil, false)
// Attempt a full sync with an attacker feeding gapped headers
tester.newPeer("attack", protocol, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
missing := targetBlocks / 2
delete(tester.peerHeaders["attack"], hashes[missing])
if err := tester.sync("attack", nil, mode); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("succeeded attacker synchronisation")
// Synchronise with the valid peer and make sure sync succeeds
tester.newPeer("valid", protocol, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
if err := tester.sync("valid", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
assertOwnChain(t, tester, targetBlocks+1)
// Tests that if requested headers are shifted (i.e. first is missing), the queue
// detects the invalid numbering.
func TestShiftedHeaderAttack62(t *testing.T) { testShiftedHeaderAttack(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestShiftedHeaderAttack63Full(t *testing.T) { testShiftedHeaderAttack(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestShiftedHeaderAttack63Fast(t *testing.T) { testShiftedHeaderAttack(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestShiftedHeaderAttack64Full(t *testing.T) { testShiftedHeaderAttack(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestShiftedHeaderAttack64Fast(t *testing.T) { testShiftedHeaderAttack(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestShiftedHeaderAttack64Light(t *testing.T) { testShiftedHeaderAttack(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testShiftedHeaderAttack(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a small enough block chain to download
targetBlocks := blockCacheLimit - 15
hashes, headers, blocks, receipts := tester.makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, tester.genesis, nil, false)
// Attempt a full sync with an attacker feeding shifted headers
tester.newPeer("attack", protocol, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
delete(tester.peerHeaders["attack"], hashes[len(hashes)-2])
delete(tester.peerBlocks["attack"], hashes[len(hashes)-2])
delete(tester.peerReceipts["attack"], hashes[len(hashes)-2])
if err := tester.sync("attack", nil, mode); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("succeeded attacker synchronisation")
// Synchronise with the valid peer and make sure sync succeeds
tester.newPeer("valid", protocol, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
if err := tester.sync("valid", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
assertOwnChain(t, tester, targetBlocks+1)
// Tests that upon detecting an invalid header, the recent ones are rolled back
// for various failure scenarios. Afterwards a full sync is attempted to make
// sure no state was corrupted.
func TestInvalidHeaderRollback63Fast(t *testing.T) { testInvalidHeaderRollback(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestInvalidHeaderRollback64Fast(t *testing.T) { testInvalidHeaderRollback(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestInvalidHeaderRollback64Light(t *testing.T) { testInvalidHeaderRollback(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testInvalidHeaderRollback(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a small enough block chain to download
targetBlocks := 3*fsHeaderSafetyNet + fsPivotInterval + fsMinFullBlocks
hashes, headers, blocks, receipts := tester.makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, tester.genesis, nil, false)
// Attempt to sync with an attacker that feeds junk during the fast sync phase.
// This should result in the last fsHeaderSafetyNet headers being rolled back.
tester.newPeer("fast-attack", protocol, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
missing := fsHeaderSafetyNet + MaxHeaderFetch + 1
delete(tester.peerHeaders["fast-attack"], hashes[len(hashes)-missing])
if err := tester.sync("fast-attack", nil, mode); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("succeeded fast attacker synchronisation")
if head := tester.headHeader().Number.Int64(); int(head) > MaxHeaderFetch {
t.Errorf("rollback head mismatch: have %v, want at most %v", head, MaxHeaderFetch)
// Attempt to sync with an attacker that feeds junk during the block import phase.
// This should result in both the last fsHeaderSafetyNet number of headers being
// rolled back, and also the pivot point being reverted to a non-block status.
tester.newPeer("block-attack", protocol, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
missing = 3*fsHeaderSafetyNet + MaxHeaderFetch + 1
delete(tester.peerHeaders["fast-attack"], hashes[len(hashes)-missing]) // Make sure the fast-attacker doesn't fill in
delete(tester.peerHeaders["block-attack"], hashes[len(hashes)-missing])
if err := tester.sync("block-attack", nil, mode); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("succeeded block attacker synchronisation")
if head := tester.headHeader().Number.Int64(); int(head) > 2*fsHeaderSafetyNet+MaxHeaderFetch {
t.Errorf("rollback head mismatch: have %v, want at most %v", head, 2*fsHeaderSafetyNet+MaxHeaderFetch)
if mode == FastSync {
if head := tester.headBlock().NumberU64(); head != 0 {
t.Errorf("fast sync pivot block #%d not rolled back", head)
// Attempt to sync with an attacker that withholds promised blocks after the
// fast sync pivot point. This could be a trial to leave the node with a bad
// but already imported pivot block.
tester.newPeer("withhold-attack", protocol, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
missing = 3*fsHeaderSafetyNet + MaxHeaderFetch + 1
tester.downloader.fsPivotFails = 0
tester.downloader.syncInitHook = func(uint64, uint64) {
for i := missing; i <= len(hashes); i++ {
delete(tester.peerHeaders["withhold-attack"], hashes[len(hashes)-i])
tester.downloader.syncInitHook = nil
if err := tester.sync("withhold-attack", nil, mode); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("succeeded withholding attacker synchronisation")
if head := tester.headHeader().Number.Int64(); int(head) > 2*fsHeaderSafetyNet+MaxHeaderFetch {
t.Errorf("rollback head mismatch: have %v, want at most %v", head, 2*fsHeaderSafetyNet+MaxHeaderFetch)
if mode == FastSync {
if head := tester.headBlock().NumberU64(); head != 0 {
t.Errorf("fast sync pivot block #%d not rolled back", head)
tester.downloader.fsPivotFails = fsCriticalTrials
// Synchronise with the valid peer and make sure sync succeeds. Since the last
// rollback should also disable fast syncing for this process, verify that we
// did a fresh full sync. Note, we can't assert anything about the receipts
// since we won't purge the database of them, hence we can't use assertOwnChain.
tester.newPeer("valid", protocol, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
if err := tester.sync("valid", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
if hs := len(tester.ownHeaders); hs != len(headers) {
t.Fatalf("synchronised headers mismatch: have %v, want %v", hs, len(headers))
if mode != LightSync {
if bs := len(tester.ownBlocks); bs != len(blocks) {
t.Fatalf("synchronised blocks mismatch: have %v, want %v", bs, len(blocks))
// Tests that a peer advertising an high TD doesn't get to stall the downloader
// afterwards by not sending any useful hashes.
func TestHighTDStarvationAttack62(t *testing.T) { testHighTDStarvationAttack(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestHighTDStarvationAttack63Full(t *testing.T) { testHighTDStarvationAttack(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestHighTDStarvationAttack63Fast(t *testing.T) { testHighTDStarvationAttack(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestHighTDStarvationAttack64Full(t *testing.T) { testHighTDStarvationAttack(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestHighTDStarvationAttack64Fast(t *testing.T) { testHighTDStarvationAttack(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestHighTDStarvationAttack64Light(t *testing.T) { testHighTDStarvationAttack(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testHighTDStarvationAttack(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
hashes, headers, blocks, receipts := tester.makeChain(0, 0, tester.genesis, nil, false)
tester.newPeer("attack", protocol, []common.Hash{hashes[0]}, headers, blocks, receipts)
if err := tester.sync("attack", big.NewInt(1000000), mode); err != errStallingPeer {
t.Fatalf("synchronisation error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errStallingPeer)
// Tests that misbehaving peers are disconnected, whilst behaving ones are not.
func TestBlockHeaderAttackerDropping62(t *testing.T) { testBlockHeaderAttackerDropping(t, 62) }
func TestBlockHeaderAttackerDropping63(t *testing.T) { testBlockHeaderAttackerDropping(t, 63) }
func TestBlockHeaderAttackerDropping64(t *testing.T) { testBlockHeaderAttackerDropping(t, 64) }
func testBlockHeaderAttackerDropping(t *testing.T, protocol int) {
// Define the disconnection requirement for individual hash fetch errors
tests := []struct {
result error
drop bool
{nil, false}, // Sync succeeded, all is well
{errBusy, false}, // Sync is already in progress, no problem
{errUnknownPeer, false}, // Peer is unknown, was already dropped, don't double drop
{errBadPeer, true}, // Peer was deemed bad for some reason, drop it
{errStallingPeer, true}, // Peer was detected to be stalling, drop it
{errNoPeers, false}, // No peers to download from, soft race, no issue
{errTimeout, true}, // No hashes received in due time, drop the peer
{errEmptyHeaderSet, true}, // No headers were returned as a response, drop as it's a dead end
{errPeersUnavailable, true}, // Nobody had the advertised blocks, drop the advertiser
{errInvalidAncestor, true}, // Agreed upon ancestor is not acceptable, drop the chain rewriter
{errInvalidChain, true}, // Hash chain was detected as invalid, definitely drop
{errInvalidBlock, false}, // A bad peer was detected, but not the sync origin
{errInvalidBody, false}, // A bad peer was detected, but not the sync origin
{errInvalidReceipt, false}, // A bad peer was detected, but not the sync origin
{errCancelBlockFetch, false}, // Synchronisation was canceled, origin may be innocent, don't drop
{errCancelHeaderFetch, false}, // Synchronisation was canceled, origin may be innocent, don't drop
{errCancelBodyFetch, false}, // Synchronisation was canceled, origin may be innocent, don't drop
{errCancelReceiptFetch, false}, // Synchronisation was canceled, origin may be innocent, don't drop
{errCancelHeaderProcessing, false}, // Synchronisation was canceled, origin may be innocent, don't drop
{errCancelContentProcessing, false}, // Synchronisation was canceled, origin may be innocent, don't drop
// Run the tests and check disconnection status
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
for i, tt := range tests {
// Register a new peer and ensure it's presence
id := fmt.Sprintf("test %d", i)
if err := tester.newPeer(id, protocol, []common.Hash{tester.genesis.Hash()}, nil, nil, nil); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("test %d: failed to register new peer: %v", i, err)
if _, ok := tester.peerHashes[id]; !ok {
t.Fatalf("test %d: registered peer not found", i)
// Simulate a synchronisation and check the required result
tester.downloader.synchroniseMock = func(string, common.Hash) error { return tt.result }
tester.downloader.Synchronise(id, tester.genesis.Hash(), big.NewInt(1000), FullSync)
if _, ok := tester.peerHashes[id]; !ok != tt.drop {
t.Errorf("test %d: peer drop mismatch for %v: have %v, want %v", i, tt.result, !ok, tt.drop)
// Tests that synchronisation progress (origin block number, current block number
// and highest block number) is tracked and updated correctly.
func TestSyncProgress62(t *testing.T) { testSyncProgress(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestSyncProgress63Full(t *testing.T) { testSyncProgress(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestSyncProgress63Fast(t *testing.T) { testSyncProgress(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestSyncProgress64Full(t *testing.T) { testSyncProgress(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestSyncProgress64Fast(t *testing.T) { testSyncProgress(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestSyncProgress64Light(t *testing.T) { testSyncProgress(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testSyncProgress(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a small enough block chain to download
targetBlocks := blockCacheLimit - 15
hashes, headers, blocks, receipts := tester.makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, tester.genesis, nil, false)
// Set a sync init hook to catch progress changes
starting := make(chan struct{})
progress := make(chan struct{})
tester.downloader.syncInitHook = func(origin, latest uint64) {
starting <- struct{}{}
// Retrieve the sync progress and ensure they are zero (pristine sync)
if progress := tester.downloader.Progress(); progress.StartingBlock != 0 || progress.CurrentBlock != 0 || progress.HighestBlock != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Pristine progress mismatch: have %v/%v/%v, want %v/%v/%v", progress.StartingBlock, progress.CurrentBlock, progress.HighestBlock, 0, 0, 0)
// Synchronise half the blocks and check initial progress
tester.newPeer("peer-half", protocol, hashes[targetBlocks/2:], headers, blocks, receipts)
pending := new(sync.WaitGroup)
go func() {
defer pending.Done()
if err := tester.sync("peer-half", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
if progress := tester.downloader.Progress(); progress.StartingBlock != 0 || progress.CurrentBlock != 0 || progress.HighestBlock != uint64(targetBlocks/2+1) {
t.Fatalf("Initial progress mismatch: have %v/%v/%v, want %v/%v/%v", progress.StartingBlock, progress.CurrentBlock, progress.HighestBlock, 0, 0, targetBlocks/2+1)
progress <- struct{}{}
// Synchronise all the blocks and check continuation progress
tester.newPeer("peer-full", protocol, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
go func() {
defer pending.Done()
if err := tester.sync("peer-full", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
if progress := tester.downloader.Progress(); progress.StartingBlock != uint64(targetBlocks/2+1) || progress.CurrentBlock != uint64(targetBlocks/2+1) || progress.HighestBlock != uint64(targetBlocks) {
t.Fatalf("Completing progress mismatch: have %v/%v/%v, want %v/%v/%v", progress.StartingBlock, progress.CurrentBlock, progress.HighestBlock, targetBlocks/2+1, targetBlocks/2+1, targetBlocks)
progress <- struct{}{}
// Check final progress after successful sync
if progress := tester.downloader.Progress(); progress.StartingBlock != uint64(targetBlocks/2+1) || progress.CurrentBlock != uint64(targetBlocks) || progress.HighestBlock != uint64(targetBlocks) {
t.Fatalf("Final progress mismatch: have %v/%v/%v, want %v/%v/%v", progress.StartingBlock, progress.CurrentBlock, progress.HighestBlock, targetBlocks/2+1, targetBlocks, targetBlocks)
// Tests that synchronisation progress (origin block number and highest block
// number) is tracked and updated correctly in case of a fork (or manual head
// revertal).
func TestForkedSyncProgress62(t *testing.T) { testForkedSyncProgress(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestForkedSyncProgress63Full(t *testing.T) { testForkedSyncProgress(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestForkedSyncProgress63Fast(t *testing.T) { testForkedSyncProgress(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestForkedSyncProgress64Full(t *testing.T) { testForkedSyncProgress(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestForkedSyncProgress64Fast(t *testing.T) { testForkedSyncProgress(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestForkedSyncProgress64Light(t *testing.T) { testForkedSyncProgress(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testForkedSyncProgress(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a forked chain to simulate origin revertal
common, fork := MaxHashFetch, 2*MaxHashFetch
hashesA, hashesB, headersA, headersB, blocksA, blocksB, receiptsA, receiptsB := tester.makeChainFork(common+fork, fork, tester.genesis, nil, true)
// Set a sync init hook to catch progress changes
starting := make(chan struct{})
progress := make(chan struct{})
tester.downloader.syncInitHook = func(origin, latest uint64) {
starting <- struct{}{}
// Retrieve the sync progress and ensure they are zero (pristine sync)
if progress := tester.downloader.Progress(); progress.StartingBlock != 0 || progress.CurrentBlock != 0 || progress.HighestBlock != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Pristine progress mismatch: have %v/%v/%v, want %v/%v/%v", progress.StartingBlock, progress.CurrentBlock, progress.HighestBlock, 0, 0, 0)
// Synchronise with one of the forks and check progress
tester.newPeer("fork A", protocol, hashesA, headersA, blocksA, receiptsA)
pending := new(sync.WaitGroup)
go func() {
defer pending.Done()
if err := tester.sync("fork A", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
if progress := tester.downloader.Progress(); progress.StartingBlock != 0 || progress.CurrentBlock != 0 || progress.HighestBlock != uint64(len(hashesA)-1) {
t.Fatalf("Initial progress mismatch: have %v/%v/%v, want %v/%v/%v", progress.StartingBlock, progress.CurrentBlock, progress.HighestBlock, 0, 0, len(hashesA)-1)
progress <- struct{}{}
// Simulate a successful sync above the fork
tester.downloader.syncStatsChainOrigin = tester.downloader.syncStatsChainHeight
// Synchronise with the second fork and check progress resets
tester.newPeer("fork B", protocol, hashesB, headersB, blocksB, receiptsB)
go func() {
defer pending.Done()
if err := tester.sync("fork B", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
if progress := tester.downloader.Progress(); progress.StartingBlock != uint64(common) || progress.CurrentBlock != uint64(len(hashesA)-1) || progress.HighestBlock != uint64(len(hashesB)-1) {
t.Fatalf("Forking progress mismatch: have %v/%v/%v, want %v/%v/%v", progress.StartingBlock, progress.CurrentBlock, progress.HighestBlock, common, len(hashesA)-1, len(hashesB)-1)
progress <- struct{}{}
// Check final progress after successful sync
if progress := tester.downloader.Progress(); progress.StartingBlock != uint64(common) || progress.CurrentBlock != uint64(len(hashesB)-1) || progress.HighestBlock != uint64(len(hashesB)-1) {
t.Fatalf("Final progress mismatch: have %v/%v/%v, want %v/%v/%v", progress.StartingBlock, progress.CurrentBlock, progress.HighestBlock, common, len(hashesB)-1, len(hashesB)-1)
// Tests that if synchronisation is aborted due to some failure, then the progress
// origin is not updated in the next sync cycle, as it should be considered the
// continuation of the previous sync and not a new instance.
func TestFailedSyncProgress62(t *testing.T) { testFailedSyncProgress(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestFailedSyncProgress63Full(t *testing.T) { testFailedSyncProgress(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestFailedSyncProgress63Fast(t *testing.T) { testFailedSyncProgress(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestFailedSyncProgress64Full(t *testing.T) { testFailedSyncProgress(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestFailedSyncProgress64Fast(t *testing.T) { testFailedSyncProgress(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestFailedSyncProgress64Light(t *testing.T) { testFailedSyncProgress(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testFailedSyncProgress(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a small enough block chain to download
targetBlocks := blockCacheLimit - 15
hashes, headers, blocks, receipts := tester.makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, tester.genesis, nil, false)
// Set a sync init hook to catch progress changes
starting := make(chan struct{})
progress := make(chan struct{})
tester.downloader.syncInitHook = func(origin, latest uint64) {
starting <- struct{}{}
// Retrieve the sync progress and ensure they are zero (pristine sync)
if progress := tester.downloader.Progress(); progress.StartingBlock != 0 || progress.CurrentBlock != 0 || progress.HighestBlock != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Pristine progress mismatch: have %v/%v/%v, want %v/%v/%v", progress.StartingBlock, progress.CurrentBlock, progress.HighestBlock, 0, 0, 0)
// Attempt a full sync with a faulty peer
tester.newPeer("faulty", protocol, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
missing := targetBlocks / 2
delete(tester.peerHeaders["faulty"], hashes[missing])
delete(tester.peerBlocks["faulty"], hashes[missing])
delete(tester.peerReceipts["faulty"], hashes[missing])
pending := new(sync.WaitGroup)
go func() {
defer pending.Done()
if err := tester.sync("faulty", nil, mode); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("succeeded faulty synchronisation")
if progress := tester.downloader.Progress(); progress.StartingBlock != 0 || progress.CurrentBlock != 0 || progress.HighestBlock != uint64(targetBlocks) {
t.Fatalf("Initial progress mismatch: have %v/%v/%v, want %v/%v/%v", progress.StartingBlock, progress.CurrentBlock, progress.HighestBlock, 0, 0, targetBlocks)
progress <- struct{}{}
// Synchronise with a good peer and check that the progress origin remind the same after a failure
tester.newPeer("valid", protocol, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
go func() {
defer pending.Done()
if err := tester.sync("valid", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
if progress := tester.downloader.Progress(); progress.StartingBlock != 0 || progress.CurrentBlock > uint64(targetBlocks/2) || progress.HighestBlock != uint64(targetBlocks) {
t.Fatalf("Completing progress mismatch: have %v/%v/%v, want %v/0-%v/%v", progress.StartingBlock, progress.CurrentBlock, progress.HighestBlock, 0, targetBlocks/2, targetBlocks)
progress <- struct{}{}
// Check final progress after successful sync
if progress := tester.downloader.Progress(); progress.StartingBlock > uint64(targetBlocks/2) || progress.CurrentBlock != uint64(targetBlocks) || progress.HighestBlock != uint64(targetBlocks) {
t.Fatalf("Final progress mismatch: have %v/%v/%v, want 0-%v/%v/%v", progress.StartingBlock, progress.CurrentBlock, progress.HighestBlock, targetBlocks/2, targetBlocks, targetBlocks)
// Tests that if an attacker fakes a chain height, after the attack is detected,
// the progress height is successfully reduced at the next sync invocation.
func TestFakedSyncProgress62(t *testing.T) { testFakedSyncProgress(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestFakedSyncProgress63Full(t *testing.T) { testFakedSyncProgress(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestFakedSyncProgress63Fast(t *testing.T) { testFakedSyncProgress(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestFakedSyncProgress64Full(t *testing.T) { testFakedSyncProgress(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestFakedSyncProgress64Fast(t *testing.T) { testFakedSyncProgress(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestFakedSyncProgress64Light(t *testing.T) { testFakedSyncProgress(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testFakedSyncProgress(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a small block chain
targetBlocks := blockCacheLimit - 15
hashes, headers, blocks, receipts := tester.makeChain(targetBlocks+3, 0, tester.genesis, nil, false)
// Set a sync init hook to catch progress changes
starting := make(chan struct{})
progress := make(chan struct{})
tester.downloader.syncInitHook = func(origin, latest uint64) {
starting <- struct{}{}
// Retrieve the sync progress and ensure they are zero (pristine sync)
if progress := tester.downloader.Progress(); progress.StartingBlock != 0 || progress.CurrentBlock != 0 || progress.HighestBlock != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Pristine progress mismatch: have %v/%v/%v, want %v/%v/%v", progress.StartingBlock, progress.CurrentBlock, progress.HighestBlock, 0, 0, 0)
// Create and sync with an attacker that promises a higher chain than available
tester.newPeer("attack", protocol, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
for i := 1; i < 3; i++ {
delete(tester.peerHeaders["attack"], hashes[i])
delete(tester.peerBlocks["attack"], hashes[i])
delete(tester.peerReceipts["attack"], hashes[i])
pending := new(sync.WaitGroup)
go func() {
defer pending.Done()
if err := tester.sync("attack", nil, mode); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("succeeded attacker synchronisation")
if progress := tester.downloader.Progress(); progress.StartingBlock != 0 || progress.CurrentBlock != 0 || progress.HighestBlock != uint64(targetBlocks+3) {
t.Fatalf("Initial progress mismatch: have %v/%v/%v, want %v/%v/%v", progress.StartingBlock, progress.CurrentBlock, progress.HighestBlock, 0, 0, targetBlocks+3)
progress <- struct{}{}
// Synchronise with a good peer and check that the progress height has been reduced to the true value
tester.newPeer("valid", protocol, hashes[3:], headers, blocks, receipts)
go func() {
defer pending.Done()
if err := tester.sync("valid", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
if progress := tester.downloader.Progress(); progress.StartingBlock != 0 || progress.CurrentBlock > uint64(targetBlocks) || progress.HighestBlock != uint64(targetBlocks) {
t.Fatalf("Completing progress mismatch: have %v/%v/%v, want %v/0-%v/%v", progress.StartingBlock, progress.CurrentBlock, progress.HighestBlock, 0, targetBlocks, targetBlocks)
progress <- struct{}{}
// Check final progress after successful sync
if progress := tester.downloader.Progress(); progress.StartingBlock > uint64(targetBlocks) || progress.CurrentBlock != uint64(targetBlocks) || progress.HighestBlock != uint64(targetBlocks) {
t.Fatalf("Final progress mismatch: have %v/%v/%v, want 0-%v/%v/%v", progress.StartingBlock, progress.CurrentBlock, progress.HighestBlock, targetBlocks, targetBlocks, targetBlocks)
// This test reproduces an issue where unexpected deliveries would
// block indefinitely if they arrived at the right time.
func TestDeliverHeadersHang62(t *testing.T) { testDeliverHeadersHang(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestDeliverHeadersHang63Full(t *testing.T) { testDeliverHeadersHang(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestDeliverHeadersHang63Fast(t *testing.T) { testDeliverHeadersHang(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestDeliverHeadersHang64Full(t *testing.T) { testDeliverHeadersHang(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestDeliverHeadersHang64Fast(t *testing.T) { testDeliverHeadersHang(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestDeliverHeadersHang64Light(t *testing.T) { testDeliverHeadersHang(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testDeliverHeadersHang(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
master := newTester()
defer master.terminate()
hashes, headers, blocks, receipts := master.makeChain(5, 0, master.genesis, nil, false)
fakeHeads := []*types.Header{{}, {}, {}, {}}
for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
tester := newTester()
tester.peerDb = master.peerDb
tester.newPeer("peer", protocol, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
// Whenever the downloader requests headers, flood it with
// a lot of unrequested header deliveries.
tester.downloader.peers.peers["peer"].getAbsHeaders = func(from uint64, count, skip int, reverse bool) error {
deliveriesDone := make(chan struct{}, 500)
for i := 0; i < cap(deliveriesDone); i++ {
peer := fmt.Sprintf("fake-peer%d", i)
go func() {
tester.downloader.DeliverHeaders(peer, fakeHeads)
deliveriesDone <- struct{}{}
// Deliver the actual requested headers.
impl := tester.peerGetAbsHeadersFn("peer", 0)
go impl(from, count, skip, reverse)
// None of the extra deliveries should block.
timeout := time.After(15 * time.Second)
for i := 0; i < cap(deliveriesDone); i++ {
select {
case <-deliveriesDone:
case <-timeout:
return nil
if err := tester.sync("peer", nil, mode); err != nil {
t.Errorf("sync failed: %v", err)
// Tests that if fast sync aborts in the critical section, it can restart a few
// times before giving up.
func TestFastCriticalRestartsFail63(t *testing.T) { testFastCriticalRestarts(t, 63, false) }
func TestFastCriticalRestartsFail64(t *testing.T) { testFastCriticalRestarts(t, 64, false) }
func TestFastCriticalRestartsCont63(t *testing.T) { testFastCriticalRestarts(t, 63, true) }
func TestFastCriticalRestartsCont64(t *testing.T) { testFastCriticalRestarts(t, 64, true) }
func testFastCriticalRestarts(t *testing.T, protocol int, progress bool) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a large enough blockchin to actually fast sync on
targetBlocks := fsMinFullBlocks + 2*fsPivotInterval - 15
hashes, headers, blocks, receipts := tester.makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, tester.genesis, nil, false)
// Create a tester peer with a critical section header missing (force failures)
tester.newPeer("peer", protocol, hashes, headers, blocks, receipts)
delete(tester.peerHeaders["peer"], hashes[fsMinFullBlocks-1])
tester.downloader.dropPeer = func(id string) {} // We reuse the same "faulty" peer throughout the test
// Remove all possible pivot state roots and slow down replies (test failure resets later)
for i := 0; i < fsPivotInterval; i++ {
tester.peerMissingStates["peer"][headers[hashes[fsMinFullBlocks+i]].Root] = true
tester.downloader.peers.peers["peer"].getNodeData = tester.peerGetNodeDataFn("peer", 500*time.Millisecond) // Enough to reach the critical section
// Synchronise with the peer a few times and make sure they fail until the retry limit
for i := 0; i < int(fsCriticalTrials)-1; i++ {
// Attempt a sync and ensure it fails properly
if err := tester.sync("peer", nil, FastSync); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("failing fast sync succeeded: %v", err)
time.Sleep(150 * time.Millisecond) // Make sure no in-flight requests remain
// If it's the first failure, pivot should be locked => reenable all others to detect pivot changes
if i == 0 {
if tester.downloader.fsPivotLock == nil {
time.Sleep(400 * time.Millisecond) // Make sure the first huge timeout expires too
t.Fatalf("pivot block not locked in after critical section failure")
tester.peerHeaders["peer"][hashes[fsMinFullBlocks-1]] = headers[hashes[fsMinFullBlocks-1]]
tester.peerMissingStates["peer"] = map[common.Hash]bool{tester.downloader.fsPivotLock.Root: true}
tester.downloader.peers.peers["peer"].getNodeData = tester.peerGetNodeDataFn("peer", 0)
// Return all nodes if we're testing fast sync progression
if progress {
tester.peerMissingStates["peer"] = map[common.Hash]bool{}
if err := tester.sync("peer", nil, FastSync); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks in progressed fast sync: %v", err)
time.Sleep(150 * time.Millisecond) // Make sure no in-flight requests remain
if fails := atomic.LoadUint32(&tester.downloader.fsPivotFails); fails != 1 {
t.Fatalf("progressed pivot trial count mismatch: have %v, want %v", fails, 1)
assertOwnChain(t, tester, targetBlocks+1)
} else {
if err := tester.sync("peer", nil, FastSync); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("succeeded to synchronise blocks in failed fast sync")
time.Sleep(150 * time.Millisecond) // Make sure no in-flight requests remain
if fails := atomic.LoadUint32(&tester.downloader.fsPivotFails); fails != fsCriticalTrials {
t.Fatalf("failed pivot trial count mismatch: have %v, want %v", fails, fsCriticalTrials)
// Retry limit exhausted, downloader will switch to full sync, should succeed
if err := tester.sync("peer", nil, FastSync); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks in slow sync: %v", err)
// Note, we can't assert the chain here because the test asserter assumes sync
// completed using a single mode of operation, whereas fast-then-slow can result
// in arbitrary intermediate state that's not cleanly verifiable.