This changes the CI / release builds to use the latest Go version. It also upgrades golangci-lint to a newer version compatible with Go 1.19. In Go 1.19, godoc has gained official support for links and lists. The syntax for code blocks in doc comments has changed and now requires a leading tab character. gofmt adapts comments to the new syntax automatically, so there are a lot of comment re-formatting changes in this PR. We need to apply the new format in order to pass the CI lint stage with Go 1.19. With the linter upgrade, I have decided to disable 'gosec' - it produces too many false-positive warnings. The 'deadcode' and 'varcheck' linters have also been removed because golangci-lint warns about them being unmaintained. 'unused' provides similar coverage and we already have it enabled, so we don't lose much with this change.
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386 lines
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// Copyright 2014 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package core
import (
cmath ""
var emptyCodeHash = crypto.Keccak256Hash(nil)
// The State Transitioning Model
// A state transition is a change made when a transaction is applied to the current world
// state. The state transitioning model does all the necessary work to work out a valid new
// state root.
// 1. Nonce handling
// 2. Pre pay gas
// 3. Create a new state object if the recipient is \0*32
// 4. Value transfer
// == If contract creation ==
// 4a. Attempt to run transaction data
// 4b. If valid, use result as code for the new state object
// == end ==
// 5. Run Script section
// 6. Derive new state root
type StateTransition struct {
gp *GasPool
msg Message
gas uint64
gasPrice *big.Int
gasFeeCap *big.Int
gasTipCap *big.Int
initialGas uint64
value *big.Int
data []byte
state vm.StateDB
evm *vm.EVM
// Message represents a message sent to a contract.
type Message interface {
From() common.Address
To() *common.Address
GasPrice() *big.Int
GasFeeCap() *big.Int
GasTipCap() *big.Int
Gas() uint64
Value() *big.Int
Nonce() uint64
IsFake() bool
Data() []byte
AccessList() types.AccessList
// ExecutionResult includes all output after executing given evm
// message no matter the execution itself is successful or not.
type ExecutionResult struct {
UsedGas uint64 // Total used gas but include the refunded gas
Err error // Any error encountered during the execution(listed in core/vm/errors.go)
ReturnData []byte // Returned data from evm(function result or data supplied with revert opcode)
// Unwrap returns the internal evm error which allows us for further
// analysis outside.
func (result *ExecutionResult) Unwrap() error {
return result.Err
// Failed returns the indicator whether the execution is successful or not
func (result *ExecutionResult) Failed() bool { return result.Err != nil }
// Return is a helper function to help caller distinguish between revert reason
// and function return. Return returns the data after execution if no error occurs.
func (result *ExecutionResult) Return() []byte {
if result.Err != nil {
return nil
return common.CopyBytes(result.ReturnData)
// Revert returns the concrete revert reason if the execution is aborted by `REVERT`
// opcode. Note the reason can be nil if no data supplied with revert opcode.
func (result *ExecutionResult) Revert() []byte {
if result.Err != vm.ErrExecutionReverted {
return nil
return common.CopyBytes(result.ReturnData)
// IntrinsicGas computes the 'intrinsic gas' for a message with the given data.
func IntrinsicGas(data []byte, accessList types.AccessList, isContractCreation bool, isHomestead, isEIP2028 bool) (uint64, error) {
// Set the starting gas for the raw transaction
var gas uint64
if isContractCreation && isHomestead {
gas = params.TxGasContractCreation
} else {
gas = params.TxGas
// Bump the required gas by the amount of transactional data
if len(data) > 0 {
// Zero and non-zero bytes are priced differently
var nz uint64
for _, byt := range data {
if byt != 0 {
// Make sure we don't exceed uint64 for all data combinations
nonZeroGas := params.TxDataNonZeroGasFrontier
if isEIP2028 {
nonZeroGas = params.TxDataNonZeroGasEIP2028
if (math.MaxUint64-gas)/nonZeroGas < nz {
return 0, ErrGasUintOverflow
gas += nz * nonZeroGas
z := uint64(len(data)) - nz
if (math.MaxUint64-gas)/params.TxDataZeroGas < z {
return 0, ErrGasUintOverflow
gas += z * params.TxDataZeroGas
if accessList != nil {
gas += uint64(len(accessList)) * params.TxAccessListAddressGas
gas += uint64(accessList.StorageKeys()) * params.TxAccessListStorageKeyGas
return gas, nil
// NewStateTransition initialises and returns a new state transition object.
func NewStateTransition(evm *vm.EVM, msg Message, gp *GasPool) *StateTransition {
return &StateTransition{
gp: gp,
evm: evm,
msg: msg,
gasPrice: msg.GasPrice(),
gasFeeCap: msg.GasFeeCap(),
gasTipCap: msg.GasTipCap(),
value: msg.Value(),
data: msg.Data(),
state: evm.StateDB,
// ApplyMessage computes the new state by applying the given message
// against the old state within the environment.
// ApplyMessage returns the bytes returned by any EVM execution (if it took place),
// the gas used (which includes gas refunds) and an error if it failed. An error always
// indicates a core error meaning that the message would always fail for that particular
// state and would never be accepted within a block.
func ApplyMessage(evm *vm.EVM, msg Message, gp *GasPool) (*ExecutionResult, error) {
return NewStateTransition(evm, msg, gp).TransitionDb()
// to returns the recipient of the message.
func (st *StateTransition) to() common.Address {
if st.msg == nil || st.msg.To() == nil /* contract creation */ {
return common.Address{}
return *st.msg.To()
func (st *StateTransition) buyGas() error {
mgval := new(big.Int).SetUint64(st.msg.Gas())
mgval = mgval.Mul(mgval, st.gasPrice)
balanceCheck := mgval
if st.gasFeeCap != nil {
balanceCheck = new(big.Int).SetUint64(st.msg.Gas())
balanceCheck = balanceCheck.Mul(balanceCheck, st.gasFeeCap)
balanceCheck.Add(balanceCheck, st.value)
if have, want := st.state.GetBalance(st.msg.From()), balanceCheck; have.Cmp(want) < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v have %v want %v", ErrInsufficientFunds, st.msg.From().Hex(), have, want)
if err :=; err != nil {
return err
st.gas += st.msg.Gas()
st.initialGas = st.msg.Gas()
st.state.SubBalance(st.msg.From(), mgval)
return nil
func (st *StateTransition) preCheck() error {
// Only check transactions that are not fake
if !st.msg.IsFake() {
// Make sure this transaction's nonce is correct.
stNonce := st.state.GetNonce(st.msg.From())
if msgNonce := st.msg.Nonce(); stNonce < msgNonce {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v, tx: %d state: %d", ErrNonceTooHigh,
st.msg.From().Hex(), msgNonce, stNonce)
} else if stNonce > msgNonce {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v, tx: %d state: %d", ErrNonceTooLow,
st.msg.From().Hex(), msgNonce, stNonce)
} else if stNonce+1 < stNonce {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v, nonce: %d", ErrNonceMax,
st.msg.From().Hex(), stNonce)
// Make sure the sender is an EOA
if codeHash := st.state.GetCodeHash(st.msg.From()); codeHash != emptyCodeHash && codeHash != (common.Hash{}) {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v, codehash: %s", ErrSenderNoEOA,
st.msg.From().Hex(), codeHash)
// Make sure that transaction gasFeeCap is greater than the baseFee (post london)
if st.evm.ChainConfig().IsLondon(st.evm.Context.BlockNumber) {
// Skip the checks if gas fields are zero and baseFee was explicitly disabled (eth_call)
if !st.evm.Config.NoBaseFee || st.gasFeeCap.BitLen() > 0 || st.gasTipCap.BitLen() > 0 {
if l := st.gasFeeCap.BitLen(); l > 256 {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v, maxFeePerGas bit length: %d", ErrFeeCapVeryHigh,
st.msg.From().Hex(), l)
if l := st.gasTipCap.BitLen(); l > 256 {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v, maxPriorityFeePerGas bit length: %d", ErrTipVeryHigh,
st.msg.From().Hex(), l)
if st.gasFeeCap.Cmp(st.gasTipCap) < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v, maxPriorityFeePerGas: %s, maxFeePerGas: %s", ErrTipAboveFeeCap,
st.msg.From().Hex(), st.gasTipCap, st.gasFeeCap)
// This will panic if baseFee is nil, but basefee presence is verified
// as part of header validation.
if st.gasFeeCap.Cmp(st.evm.Context.BaseFee) < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v, maxFeePerGas: %s baseFee: %s", ErrFeeCapTooLow,
st.msg.From().Hex(), st.gasFeeCap, st.evm.Context.BaseFee)
return st.buyGas()
// TransitionDb will transition the state by applying the current message and
// returning the evm execution result with following fields.
// - used gas: total gas used (including gas being refunded)
// - returndata: the returned data from evm
// - concrete execution error: various EVM errors which abort the execution, e.g.
// ErrOutOfGas, ErrExecutionReverted
// However if any consensus issue encountered, return the error directly with
// nil evm execution result.
func (st *StateTransition) TransitionDb() (*ExecutionResult, error) {
// First check this message satisfies all consensus rules before
// applying the message. The rules include these clauses
// 1. the nonce of the message caller is correct
// 2. caller has enough balance to cover transaction fee(gaslimit * gasprice)
// 3. the amount of gas required is available in the block
// 4. the purchased gas is enough to cover intrinsic usage
// 5. there is no overflow when calculating intrinsic gas
// 6. caller has enough balance to cover asset transfer for **topmost** call
// Check clauses 1-3, buy gas if everything is correct
if err := st.preCheck(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if st.evm.Config.Debug {
defer func() {
var (
msg = st.msg
sender = vm.AccountRef(msg.From())
rules = st.evm.ChainConfig().Rules(st.evm.Context.BlockNumber, st.evm.Context.Random != nil)
contractCreation = msg.To() == nil
// Check clauses 4-5, subtract intrinsic gas if everything is correct
gas, err := IntrinsicGas(, st.msg.AccessList(), contractCreation, rules.IsHomestead, rules.IsIstanbul)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if st.gas < gas {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: have %d, want %d", ErrIntrinsicGas, st.gas, gas)
st.gas -= gas
// Check clause 6
if msg.Value().Sign() > 0 && !st.evm.Context.CanTransfer(st.state, msg.From(), msg.Value()) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: address %v", ErrInsufficientFundsForTransfer, msg.From().Hex())
// Set up the initial access list.
if rules.IsBerlin {
st.state.PrepareAccessList(msg.From(), msg.To(), vm.ActivePrecompiles(rules), msg.AccessList())
var (
ret []byte
vmerr error // vm errors do not effect consensus and are therefore not assigned to err
if contractCreation {
ret, _, st.gas, vmerr = st.evm.Create(sender,, st.gas, st.value)
} else {
// Increment the nonce for the next transaction
st.state.SetNonce(msg.From(), st.state.GetNonce(sender.Address())+1)
ret, st.gas, vmerr = st.evm.Call(sender,,, st.gas, st.value)
if !rules.IsLondon {
// Before EIP-3529: refunds were capped to gasUsed / 2
} else {
// After EIP-3529: refunds are capped to gasUsed / 5
effectiveTip := st.gasPrice
if rules.IsLondon {
effectiveTip = cmath.BigMin(st.gasTipCap, new(big.Int).Sub(st.gasFeeCap, st.evm.Context.BaseFee))
if st.evm.Config.NoBaseFee && st.gasFeeCap.Sign() == 0 && st.gasTipCap.Sign() == 0 {
// Skip fee payment when NoBaseFee is set and the fee fields
// are 0. This avoids a negative effectiveTip being applied to
// the coinbase when simulating calls.
} else {
fee := new(big.Int).SetUint64(st.gasUsed())
fee.Mul(fee, effectiveTip)
st.state.AddBalance(st.evm.Context.Coinbase, fee)
return &ExecutionResult{
UsedGas: st.gasUsed(),
Err: vmerr,
ReturnData: ret,
}, nil
func (st *StateTransition) refundGas(refundQuotient uint64) {
// Apply refund counter, capped to a refund quotient
refund := st.gasUsed() / refundQuotient
if refund > st.state.GetRefund() {
refund = st.state.GetRefund()
st.gas += refund
// Return ETH for remaining gas, exchanged at the original rate.
remaining := new(big.Int).Mul(new(big.Int).SetUint64(st.gas), st.gasPrice)
st.state.AddBalance(st.msg.From(), remaining)
// Also return remaining gas to the block gas counter so it is
// available for the next transaction.
// gasUsed returns the amount of gas used up by the state transition.
func (st *StateTransition) gasUsed() uint64 {
return st.initialGas - st.gas