Changes: Simplify nested complexity If an if blocks ends with a return statement then remove the else nesting. Most of the changes has also been reported in golint https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum#golint
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// Copyright 2020 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package les
import (
lpc "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/les/lespay/client"
const (
minTimeout = time.Millisecond * 500 // minimum request timeout suggested by the server pool
timeoutRefresh = time.Second * 5 // recalculate timeout if older than this
dialCost = 10000 // cost of a TCP dial (used for known node selection weight calculation)
dialWaitStep = 1.5 // exponential multiplier of redial wait time when no value was provided by the server
queryCost = 500 // cost of a UDP pre-negotiation query
queryWaitStep = 1.02 // exponential multiplier of redial wait time when no value was provided by the server
waitThreshold = time.Hour * 2000 // drop node if waiting time is over the threshold
nodeWeightMul = 1000000 // multiplier constant for node weight calculation
nodeWeightThreshold = 100 // minimum weight for keeping a node in the the known (valuable) set
minRedialWait = 10 // minimum redial wait time in seconds
preNegLimit = 5 // maximum number of simultaneous pre-negotiation queries
maxQueryFails = 100 // number of consecutive UDP query failures before we print a warning
// serverPool provides a node iterator for dial candidates. The output is a mix of newly discovered
// nodes, a weighted random selection of known (previously valuable) nodes and trusted/paid nodes.
type serverPool struct {
clock mclock.Clock
unixTime func() int64
db ethdb.KeyValueStore
ns *nodestate.NodeStateMachine
vt *lpc.ValueTracker
mixer *enode.FairMix
mixSources []enode.Iterator
dialIterator enode.Iterator
validSchemes enr.IdentityScheme
trustedURLs []string
fillSet *lpc.FillSet
queryFails uint32
timeoutLock sync.RWMutex
timeout time.Duration
timeWeights lpc.ResponseTimeWeights
timeoutRefreshed mclock.AbsTime
// nodeHistory keeps track of dial costs which determine node weight together with the
// service value calculated by lpc.ValueTracker.
type nodeHistory struct {
dialCost utils.ExpiredValue
redialWaitStart, redialWaitEnd int64 // unix time (seconds)
type nodeHistoryEnc struct {
DialCost utils.ExpiredValue
RedialWaitStart, RedialWaitEnd uint64
// queryFunc sends a pre-negotiation query and blocks until a response arrives or timeout occurs.
// It returns 1 if the remote node has confirmed that connection is possible, 0 if not
// possible and -1 if no response arrived (timeout).
type queryFunc func(*enode.Node) int
var (
serverPoolSetup = &nodestate.Setup{Version: 1}
sfHasValue = serverPoolSetup.NewPersistentFlag("hasValue")
sfQueried = serverPoolSetup.NewFlag("queried")
sfCanDial = serverPoolSetup.NewFlag("canDial")
sfDialing = serverPoolSetup.NewFlag("dialed")
sfWaitDialTimeout = serverPoolSetup.NewFlag("dialTimeout")
sfConnected = serverPoolSetup.NewFlag("connected")
sfRedialWait = serverPoolSetup.NewFlag("redialWait")
sfAlwaysConnect = serverPoolSetup.NewFlag("alwaysConnect")
sfDisableSelection = nodestate.MergeFlags(sfQueried, sfCanDial, sfDialing, sfConnected, sfRedialWait)
sfiNodeHistory = serverPoolSetup.NewPersistentField("nodeHistory", reflect.TypeOf(nodeHistory{}),
func(field interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
if n, ok := field.(nodeHistory); ok {
ne := nodeHistoryEnc{
DialCost: n.dialCost,
RedialWaitStart: uint64(n.redialWaitStart),
RedialWaitEnd: uint64(n.redialWaitEnd),
enc, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(&ne)
return enc, err
return nil, errors.New("invalid field type")
func(enc []byte) (interface{}, error) {
var ne nodeHistoryEnc
err := rlp.DecodeBytes(enc, &ne)
n := nodeHistory{
dialCost: ne.DialCost,
redialWaitStart: int64(ne.RedialWaitStart),
redialWaitEnd: int64(ne.RedialWaitEnd),
return n, err
sfiNodeWeight = serverPoolSetup.NewField("nodeWeight", reflect.TypeOf(uint64(0)))
sfiConnectedStats = serverPoolSetup.NewField("connectedStats", reflect.TypeOf(lpc.ResponseTimeStats{}))
// newServerPool creates a new server pool
func newServerPool(db ethdb.KeyValueStore, dbKey []byte, vt *lpc.ValueTracker, discovery enode.Iterator, mixTimeout time.Duration, query queryFunc, clock mclock.Clock, trustedURLs []string) *serverPool {
s := &serverPool{
db: db,
clock: clock,
unixTime: func() int64 { return time.Now().Unix() },
validSchemes: enode.ValidSchemes,
trustedURLs: trustedURLs,
vt: vt,
ns: nodestate.NewNodeStateMachine(db, []byte(string(dbKey)+"ns:"), clock, serverPoolSetup),
s.mixer = enode.NewFairMix(mixTimeout)
knownSelector := lpc.NewWrsIterator(s.ns, sfHasValue, sfDisableSelection, sfiNodeWeight)
alwaysConnect := lpc.NewQueueIterator(s.ns, sfAlwaysConnect, sfDisableSelection, true, nil)
s.mixSources = append(s.mixSources, knownSelector)
s.mixSources = append(s.mixSources, alwaysConnect)
if discovery != nil {
s.mixSources = append(s.mixSources, discovery)
iter := enode.Iterator(s.mixer)
if query != nil {
iter = s.addPreNegFilter(iter, query)
s.dialIterator = enode.Filter(iter, func(node *enode.Node) bool {
s.ns.SetState(node, sfDialing, sfCanDial, 0)
s.ns.SetState(node, sfWaitDialTimeout, nodestate.Flags{}, time.Second*10)
return true
s.ns.SubscribeState(nodestate.MergeFlags(sfWaitDialTimeout, sfConnected), func(n *enode.Node, oldState, newState nodestate.Flags) {
if oldState.Equals(sfWaitDialTimeout) && newState.IsEmpty() {
// dial timeout, no connection
s.setRedialWait(n, dialCost, dialWaitStep)
s.ns.SetStateSub(n, nodestate.Flags{}, sfDialing, 0)
s.ns.AddLogMetrics(sfHasValue, sfDisableSelection, "selectable", nil, nil, serverSelectableGauge)
s.ns.AddLogMetrics(sfDialing, nodestate.Flags{}, "dialed", serverDialedMeter, nil, nil)
s.ns.AddLogMetrics(sfConnected, nodestate.Flags{}, "connected", nil, nil, serverConnectedGauge)
return s
// addPreNegFilter installs a node filter mechanism that performs a pre-negotiation query.
// Nodes that are filtered out and does not appear on the output iterator are put back
// into redialWait state.
func (s *serverPool) addPreNegFilter(input enode.Iterator, query queryFunc) enode.Iterator {
s.fillSet = lpc.NewFillSet(s.ns, input, sfQueried)
s.ns.SubscribeState(sfQueried, func(n *enode.Node, oldState, newState nodestate.Flags) {
if newState.Equals(sfQueried) {
fails := atomic.LoadUint32(&s.queryFails)
if fails == maxQueryFails {
log.Warn("UDP pre-negotiation query does not seem to work")
if fails > maxQueryFails {
fails = maxQueryFails
if rand.Intn(maxQueryFails*2) < int(fails) {
// skip pre-negotiation with increasing chance, max 50%
// this ensures that the client can operate even if UDP is not working at all
s.ns.SetStateSub(n, sfCanDial, nodestate.Flags{}, time.Second*10)
// set canDial before resetting queried so that FillSet will not read more
// candidates unnecessarily
s.ns.SetStateSub(n, nodestate.Flags{}, sfQueried, 0)
go func() {
q := query(n)
if q == -1 {
atomic.AddUint32(&s.queryFails, 1)
} else {
atomic.StoreUint32(&s.queryFails, 0)
s.ns.Operation(func() {
// we are no longer running in the operation that the callback belongs to, start a new one because of setRedialWait
if q == 1 {
s.ns.SetStateSub(n, sfCanDial, nodestate.Flags{}, time.Second*10)
} else {
s.setRedialWait(n, queryCost, queryWaitStep)
s.ns.SetStateSub(n, nodestate.Flags{}, sfQueried, 0)
return lpc.NewQueueIterator(s.ns, sfCanDial, nodestate.Flags{}, false, func(waiting bool) {
if waiting {
} else {
// start starts the server pool. Note that NodeStateMachine should be started first.
func (s *serverPool) start() {
for _, iter := range s.mixSources {
// add sources to mixer at startup because the mixer instantly tries to read them
// which should only happen after NodeStateMachine has been started
for _, url := range s.trustedURLs {
if node, err := enode.Parse(s.validSchemes, url); err == nil {
s.ns.SetState(node, sfAlwaysConnect, nodestate.Flags{}, 0)
} else {
log.Error("Invalid trusted server URL", "url", url, "error", err)
unixTime := s.unixTime()
s.ns.Operation(func() {
s.ns.ForEach(sfHasValue, nodestate.Flags{}, func(node *enode.Node, state nodestate.Flags) {
if n, ok := s.ns.GetField(node, sfiNodeHistory).(nodeHistory); ok && n.redialWaitEnd > unixTime {
wait := n.redialWaitEnd - unixTime
lastWait := n.redialWaitEnd - n.redialWaitStart
if wait > lastWait {
// if the time until expiration is larger than the last suggested
// waiting time then the system clock was probably adjusted
wait = lastWait
s.ns.SetStateSub(node, sfRedialWait, nodestate.Flags{}, time.Duration(wait)*time.Second)
// stop stops the server pool
func (s *serverPool) stop() {
if s.fillSet != nil {
s.ns.Operation(func() {
s.ns.ForEach(sfConnected, nodestate.Flags{}, func(n *enode.Node, state nodestate.Flags) {
// recalculate weight of connected nodes in order to update hasValue flag if necessary
// registerPeer implements serverPeerSubscriber
func (s *serverPool) registerPeer(p *serverPeer) {
s.ns.SetState(p.Node(), sfConnected, sfDialing.Or(sfWaitDialTimeout), 0)
nvt := s.vt.Register(p.ID())
s.ns.SetField(p.Node(), sfiConnectedStats, nvt.RtStats())
p.setValueTracker(s.vt, nvt)
// unregisterPeer implements serverPeerSubscriber
func (s *serverPool) unregisterPeer(p *serverPeer) {
s.ns.Operation(func() {
s.setRedialWait(p.Node(), dialCost, dialWaitStep)
s.ns.SetStateSub(p.Node(), nodestate.Flags{}, sfConnected, 0)
s.ns.SetFieldSub(p.Node(), sfiConnectedStats, nil)
p.setValueTracker(nil, nil)
// recalTimeout calculates the current recommended timeout. This value is used by
// the client as a "soft timeout" value. It also affects the service value calculation
// of individual nodes.
func (s *serverPool) recalTimeout() {
// Use cached result if possible, avoid recalculating too frequently.
refreshed := s.timeoutRefreshed
now := s.clock.Now()
if refreshed != 0 && time.Duration(now-refreshed) < timeoutRefresh {
// Cached result is stale, recalculate a new one.
rts := s.vt.RtStats()
// Add a fake statistic here. It is an easy way to initialize with some
// conservative values when the database is new. As soon as we have a
// considerable amount of real stats this small value won't matter.
rts.Add(time.Second*2, 10, s.vt.StatsExpFactor())
// Use either 10% failure rate timeout or twice the median response time
// as the recommended timeout.
timeout := minTimeout
if t := rts.Timeout(0.1); t > timeout {
timeout = t
if t := rts.Timeout(0.5) * 2; t > timeout {
timeout = t
if s.timeout != timeout {
s.timeout = timeout
s.timeWeights = lpc.TimeoutWeights(s.timeout)
suggestedTimeoutGauge.Update(int64(s.timeout / time.Millisecond))
totalValueGauge.Update(int64(rts.Value(s.timeWeights, s.vt.StatsExpFactor())))
s.timeoutRefreshed = now
// getTimeout returns the recommended request timeout.
func (s *serverPool) getTimeout() time.Duration {
defer s.timeoutLock.RUnlock()
return s.timeout
// getTimeoutAndWeight returns the recommended request timeout as well as the
// response time weight which is necessary to calculate service value.
func (s *serverPool) getTimeoutAndWeight() (time.Duration, lpc.ResponseTimeWeights) {
defer s.timeoutLock.RUnlock()
return s.timeout, s.timeWeights
// addDialCost adds the given amount of dial cost to the node history and returns the current
// amount of total dial cost
func (s *serverPool) addDialCost(n *nodeHistory, amount int64) uint64 {
logOffset := s.vt.StatsExpirer().LogOffset(s.clock.Now())
if amount > 0 {
n.dialCost.Add(amount, logOffset)
totalDialCost := n.dialCost.Value(logOffset)
if totalDialCost < dialCost {
totalDialCost = dialCost
return totalDialCost
// serviceValue returns the service value accumulated in this session and in total
func (s *serverPool) serviceValue(node *enode.Node) (sessionValue, totalValue float64) {
nvt := s.vt.GetNode(node.ID())
if nvt == nil {
return 0, 0
currentStats := nvt.RtStats()
_, timeWeights := s.getTimeoutAndWeight()
expFactor := s.vt.StatsExpFactor()
totalValue = currentStats.Value(timeWeights, expFactor)
if connStats, ok := s.ns.GetField(node, sfiConnectedStats).(lpc.ResponseTimeStats); ok {
diff := currentStats
sessionValue = diff.Value(timeWeights, expFactor)
// updateWeight calculates the node weight and updates the nodeWeight field and the
// hasValue flag. It also saves the node state if necessary.
// Note: this function should run inside a NodeStateMachine operation
func (s *serverPool) updateWeight(node *enode.Node, totalValue float64, totalDialCost uint64) {
weight := uint64(totalValue * nodeWeightMul / float64(totalDialCost))
if weight >= nodeWeightThreshold {
s.ns.SetStateSub(node, sfHasValue, nodestate.Flags{}, 0)
s.ns.SetFieldSub(node, sfiNodeWeight, weight)
} else {
s.ns.SetStateSub(node, nodestate.Flags{}, sfHasValue, 0)
s.ns.SetFieldSub(node, sfiNodeWeight, nil)
s.ns.SetFieldSub(node, sfiNodeHistory, nil)
s.ns.Persist(node) // saved if node history or hasValue changed
// setRedialWait calculates and sets the redialWait timeout based on the service value
// and dial cost accumulated during the last session/attempt and in total.
// The waiting time is raised exponentially if no service value has been received in order
// to prevent dialing an unresponsive node frequently for a very long time just because it
// was useful in the past. It can still be occasionally dialed though and once it provides
// a significant amount of service value again its waiting time is quickly reduced or reset
// to the minimum.
// Note: node weight is also recalculated and updated by this function.
// Note 2: this function should run inside a NodeStateMachine operation
func (s *serverPool) setRedialWait(node *enode.Node, addDialCost int64, waitStep float64) {
n, _ := s.ns.GetField(node, sfiNodeHistory).(nodeHistory)
sessionValue, totalValue := s.serviceValue(node)
totalDialCost := s.addDialCost(&n, addDialCost)
// if the current dial session has yielded at least the average value/dial cost ratio
// then the waiting time should be reset to the minimum. If the session value
// is below average but still positive then timeout is limited to the ratio of
// average / current service value multiplied by the minimum timeout. If the attempt
// was unsuccessful then timeout is raised exponentially without limitation.
// Note: dialCost is used in the formula below even if dial was not attempted at all
// because the pre-negotiation query did not return a positive result. In this case
// the ratio has no meaning anyway and waitFactor is always raised, though in smaller
// steps because queries are cheaper and therefore we can allow more failed attempts.
unixTime := s.unixTime()
plannedTimeout := float64(n.redialWaitEnd - n.redialWaitStart) // last planned redialWait timeout
var actualWait float64 // actual waiting time elapsed
if unixTime > n.redialWaitEnd {
// the planned timeout has elapsed
actualWait = plannedTimeout
} else {
// if the node was redialed earlier then we do not raise the planned timeout
// exponentially because that could lead to the timeout rising very high in
// a short amount of time
// Note that in case of an early redial actualWait also includes the dial
// timeout or connection time of the last attempt but it still serves its
// purpose of preventing the timeout rising quicker than linearly as a function
// of total time elapsed without a successful connection.
actualWait = float64(unixTime - n.redialWaitStart)
// raise timeout exponentially if the last planned timeout has elapsed
// (use at least the last planned timeout otherwise)
nextTimeout := actualWait * waitStep
if plannedTimeout > nextTimeout {
nextTimeout = plannedTimeout
// we reduce the waiting time if the server has provided service value during the
// connection (but never under the minimum)
a := totalValue * dialCost * float64(minRedialWait)
b := float64(totalDialCost) * sessionValue
if a < b*nextTimeout {
nextTimeout = a / b
if nextTimeout < minRedialWait {
nextTimeout = minRedialWait
wait := time.Duration(float64(time.Second) * nextTimeout)
if wait < waitThreshold {
n.redialWaitStart = unixTime
n.redialWaitEnd = unixTime + int64(nextTimeout)
s.ns.SetFieldSub(node, sfiNodeHistory, n)
s.ns.SetStateSub(node, sfRedialWait, nodestate.Flags{}, wait)
s.updateWeight(node, totalValue, totalDialCost)
} else {
// discard known node statistics if waiting time is very long because the node
// hasn't been responsive for a very long time
s.ns.SetFieldSub(node, sfiNodeHistory, nil)
s.ns.SetFieldSub(node, sfiNodeWeight, nil)
s.ns.SetStateSub(node, nodestate.Flags{}, sfHasValue, 0)
// calculateWeight calculates and sets the node weight without altering the node history.
// This function should be called during startup and shutdown only, otherwise setRedialWait
// will keep the weights updated as the underlying statistics are adjusted.
// Note: this function should run inside a NodeStateMachine operation
func (s *serverPool) calculateWeight(node *enode.Node) {
n, _ := s.ns.GetField(node, sfiNodeHistory).(nodeHistory)
_, totalValue := s.serviceValue(node)
totalDialCost := s.addDialCost(&n, 0)
s.updateWeight(node, totalValue, totalDialCost)