package compiler

import (


const (
	// flair           = "Christian <> and Lefteris <> (c) 2014-2015"
	flair           = ""
	languageVersion = "0"

var (
	versionRegExp = regexp.MustCompile("[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+")
	params        = []string{
		"--binary",       // Request to output the contract in binary (hexadecimal).
		"file",           //
		"--json-abi",     // Request to output the contract's JSON ABI interface.
		"file",           //
		"--natspec-user", // Request to output the contract's Natspec user documentation.
		"file",           //
		"--natspec-dev",  // Request to output the contract's Natspec developer documentation.

type Contract struct {
	Code string       `json:"code"`
	Info ContractInfo `json:"info"`

type ContractInfo struct {
	Source          string      `json:"source"`
	Language        string      `json:"language"`
	LanguageVersion string      `json:"languageVersion"`
	CompilerVersion string      `json:"compilerVersion"`
	AbiDefinition   interface{} `json:"abiDefinition"`
	UserDoc         interface{} `json:"userDoc"`
	DeveloperDoc    interface{} `json:"developerDoc"`

type Solidity struct {
	solcPath string
	version  string

func New(solcPath string) (sol *Solidity, err error) {
	// set default solc
	if len(solcPath) == 0 {
		solcPath = "solc"
	solcPath, err = exec.LookPath(solcPath)
	if err != nil {

	cmd := exec.Command(solcPath, "--version")
	var out bytes.Buffer
	cmd.Stdout = &out
	err = cmd.Run()
	if err != nil {

	version := versionRegExp.FindString(out.String())
	sol = &Solidity{
		solcPath: solcPath,
		version:  version,

func (sol *Solidity) Info() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("solc v%s\nSolidity Compiler: %s\n%s", sol.version, sol.solcPath, flair)

func (sol *Solidity) Version() string {
	return sol.version

func (sol *Solidity) Compile(source string) (contracts map[string]*Contract, err error) {

	if len(source) == 0 {
		err = fmt.Errorf("empty source")

	wd, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "solc")
	if err != nil {
	defer os.RemoveAll(wd)

	in := strings.NewReader(source)
	var out bytes.Buffer
	// cwd set to temp dir
	cmd := exec.Command(sol.solcPath, params...)
	cmd.Dir = wd
	cmd.Stdin = in
	cmd.Stdout = &out
	err = cmd.Run()
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("solc error: %v", err)

	matches, _ := filepath.Glob(wd + "/*.binary")
	if len(matches) < 1 {
		err = fmt.Errorf("solc error: missing code output")

	contracts = make(map[string]*Contract)
	for _, path := range matches {
		_, file := filepath.Split(path)
		base := strings.Split(file, ".")[0]

		codeFile := filepath.Join(wd, base+".binary")
		abiDefinitionFile := filepath.Join(wd, base+".abi")
		userDocFile := filepath.Join(wd, base+".docuser")
		developerDocFile := filepath.Join(wd, base+".docdev")

		var code, abiDefinitionJson, userDocJson, developerDocJson []byte
		code, err = ioutil.ReadFile(codeFile)
		if err != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("error reading compiler output for code: %v", err)
		abiDefinitionJson, err = ioutil.ReadFile(abiDefinitionFile)
		if err != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("error reading compiler output for abiDefinition: %v", err)
		var abiDefinition interface{}
		err = json.Unmarshal(abiDefinitionJson, &abiDefinition)

		userDocJson, err = ioutil.ReadFile(userDocFile)
		if err != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("error reading compiler output for userDoc: %v", err)
		var userDoc interface{}
		err = json.Unmarshal(userDocJson, &userDoc)

		developerDocJson, err = ioutil.ReadFile(developerDocFile)
		if err != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("error reading compiler output for developerDoc: %v", err)
		var developerDoc interface{}
		err = json.Unmarshal(developerDocJson, &developerDoc)

		contract := &Contract{
			Code: "0x" + string(code),
			Info: ContractInfo{
				Source:          source,
				Language:        "Solidity",
				LanguageVersion: languageVersion,
				CompilerVersion: sol.version,
				AbiDefinition:   abiDefinition,
				UserDoc:         userDoc,
				DeveloperDoc:    developerDoc,

		contracts[base] = contract


func ExtractInfo(contract *Contract, filename string) (contenthash common.Hash, err error) {
	contractInfo, err := json.Marshal(contract.Info)
	if err != nil {
	contenthash = common.BytesToHash(crypto.Sha3(contractInfo))
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(filename, contractInfo, 0600)