package main import ( "" "" "" "" "os" "runtime" ) func main() { runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) qml.Init(nil) var interrupted = false utils.RegisterInterrupt(func(os.Signal) { interrupted = true }) utils.HandleInterrupt() // precedence: code-internal flag default < config file < environment variables < command line Init() // parsing command line utils.InitConfig(ConfigFile, Datadir, Identifier, "ETH") utils.InitDataDir(Datadir) utils.InitLogging(Datadir, LogFile, LogLevel, DebugFile) ethereum := utils.NewEthereum(UseUPnP, OutboundPort, MaxPeer) // create, import, export keys utils.KeyTasks(GenAddr, ImportKey, ExportKey, NonInteractive) if ShowGenesis { utils.ShowGenesis(ethereum) } if StartRpc { utils.StartRpc(ethereum, RpcPort) } gui := ethui.New(ethereum, LogLevel) utils.RegisterInterrupt(func(os.Signal) { gui.Stop() }) utils.StartEthereum(ethereum, UseSeed) // gui blocks the main thread gui.Start(AssetPath) // we need to run the interrupt callbacks in case gui is closed // this skips if we got here by actual interrupt stopping the GUI if !interrupted { utils.RunInterruptCallbacks(os.Interrupt) } // this blocks the thread ethereum.WaitForShutdown() ethlog.Flush() }