// This file originates from the SatoshiLabs Trezor `common` repository at:
//   https://github.com/trezor/trezor-common/blob/master/protob/messages.proto
// dated 28.07.2017, commit dd8ec3231fb5f7992360aff9bdfe30bb58130f4b.

syntax = "proto2";

 * Messages for TREZOR communication

// Sugar for easier handling in Java
option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.lib.protobuf";
option java_outer_classname = "TrezorMessage";

import "types.proto";

 * Mapping between Trezor wire identifier (uint) and a protobuf message
enum MessageType {
	MessageType_Initialize = 0 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_Ping = 1 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_Success = 2 [(wire_out) = true];
	MessageType_Failure = 3 [(wire_out) = true];
	MessageType_ChangePin = 4 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_WipeDevice = 5 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_FirmwareErase = 6 [(wire_in) = true, (wire_bootloader) = true];
	MessageType_FirmwareUpload = 7 [(wire_in) = true, (wire_bootloader) = true];
	MessageType_FirmwareRequest = 8 [(wire_out) = true, (wire_bootloader) = true];
	MessageType_GetEntropy = 9 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_Entropy = 10 [(wire_out) = true];
	MessageType_GetPublicKey = 11 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_PublicKey = 12 [(wire_out) = true];
	MessageType_LoadDevice = 13 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_ResetDevice = 14 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_SignTx = 15 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_SimpleSignTx = 16 [(wire_in) = true, deprecated = true];
	MessageType_Features = 17 [(wire_out) = true];
	MessageType_PinMatrixRequest = 18 [(wire_out) = true];
	MessageType_PinMatrixAck = 19 [(wire_in) = true, (wire_tiny) = true];
	MessageType_Cancel = 20 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_TxRequest = 21 [(wire_out) = true];
	MessageType_TxAck = 22 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_CipherKeyValue = 23 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_ClearSession = 24 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_ApplySettings = 25 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_ButtonRequest = 26 [(wire_out) = true];
	MessageType_ButtonAck = 27 [(wire_in) = true, (wire_tiny) = true];
	MessageType_ApplyFlags = 28 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_GetAddress = 29 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_Address = 30 [(wire_out) = true];
	MessageType_SelfTest = 32 [(wire_in) = true, (wire_bootloader) = true];
	MessageType_BackupDevice = 34 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_EntropyRequest = 35 [(wire_out) = true];
	MessageType_EntropyAck = 36 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_SignMessage = 38 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_VerifyMessage = 39 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_MessageSignature = 40 [(wire_out) = true];
	MessageType_PassphraseRequest = 41 [(wire_out) = true];
	MessageType_PassphraseAck = 42 [(wire_in) = true, (wire_tiny) = true];
	MessageType_EstimateTxSize = 43 [(wire_in) = true, deprecated = true];
	MessageType_TxSize = 44 [(wire_out) = true, deprecated = true];
	MessageType_RecoveryDevice = 45 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_WordRequest = 46 [(wire_out) = true];
	MessageType_WordAck = 47 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_CipheredKeyValue = 48 [(wire_out) = true];
	MessageType_EncryptMessage = 49 [(wire_in) = true, deprecated = true];
	MessageType_EncryptedMessage = 50 [(wire_out) = true, deprecated = true];
	MessageType_DecryptMessage = 51 [(wire_in) = true, deprecated = true];
	MessageType_DecryptedMessage = 52 [(wire_out) = true, deprecated = true];
	MessageType_SignIdentity = 53 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_SignedIdentity = 54 [(wire_out) = true];
	MessageType_GetFeatures = 55 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_EthereumGetAddress = 56 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_EthereumAddress = 57 [(wire_out) = true];
	MessageType_EthereumSignTx = 58 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_EthereumTxRequest = 59 [(wire_out) = true];
	MessageType_EthereumTxAck = 60 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_GetECDHSessionKey = 61 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_ECDHSessionKey = 62 [(wire_out) = true];
	MessageType_SetU2FCounter = 63 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_EthereumSignMessage = 64 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_EthereumVerifyMessage = 65 [(wire_in) = true];
	MessageType_EthereumMessageSignature = 66 [(wire_out) = true];
	MessageType_DebugLinkDecision = 100 [(wire_debug_in) = true, (wire_tiny) = true];
	MessageType_DebugLinkGetState = 101 [(wire_debug_in) = true];
	MessageType_DebugLinkState = 102 [(wire_debug_out) = true];
	MessageType_DebugLinkStop = 103 [(wire_debug_in) = true];
	MessageType_DebugLinkLog = 104 [(wire_debug_out) = true];
	MessageType_DebugLinkMemoryRead = 110 [(wire_debug_in) = true];
	MessageType_DebugLinkMemory = 111 [(wire_debug_out) = true];
	MessageType_DebugLinkMemoryWrite = 112 [(wire_debug_in) = true];
	MessageType_DebugLinkFlashErase = 113 [(wire_debug_in) = true];

// Basic messages //

 * Request: Reset device to default state and ask for device details
 * @next Features
message Initialize {

 * Request: Ask for device details (no device reset)
 * @next Features
message GetFeatures {

 * Response: Reports various information about the device
 * @prev Initialize
 * @prev GetFeatures
message Features {
	optional string vendor = 1;			// name of the manufacturer, e.g. "bitcointrezor.com"
	optional uint32 major_version = 2;		// major version of the device, e.g. 1
	optional uint32 minor_version = 3;		// minor version of the device, e.g. 0
	optional uint32 patch_version = 4;		// patch version of the device, e.g. 0
	optional bool bootloader_mode = 5;		// is device in bootloader mode?
	optional string device_id = 6;			// device's unique identifier
	optional bool pin_protection = 7;		// is device protected by PIN?
	optional bool passphrase_protection = 8;	// is node/mnemonic encrypted using passphrase?
	optional string language = 9;			// device language
	optional string label = 10;			// device description label
	repeated CoinType coins = 11;			// supported coins
	optional bool initialized = 12;			// does device contain seed?
	optional bytes revision = 13;			// SCM revision of firmware
	optional bytes bootloader_hash = 14;		// hash of the bootloader
	optional bool imported = 15;			// was storage imported from an external source?
	optional bool pin_cached = 16;			// is PIN already cached in session?
	optional bool passphrase_cached = 17;		// is passphrase already cached in session?
	optional bool firmware_present = 18;		// is valid firmware loaded?
	optional bool needs_backup = 19;		// does storage need backup? (equals to Storage.needs_backup)
	optional uint32 flags = 20;			// device flags (equals to Storage.flags)

 * Request: clear session (removes cached PIN, passphrase, etc).
 * @next Success
message ClearSession {

 * Request: change language and/or label of the device
 * @next Success
 * @next Failure
 * @next ButtonRequest
 * @next PinMatrixRequest
message ApplySettings {
	optional string language = 1;
	optional string label = 2;
	optional bool use_passphrase = 3;
	optional bytes homescreen = 4;

 * Request: set flags of the device
 * @next Success
 * @next Failure
message ApplyFlags {
	optional uint32 flags = 1;	// bitmask, can only set bits, not unset

 * Request: Starts workflow for setting/changing/removing the PIN
 * @next ButtonRequest
 * @next PinMatrixRequest
message ChangePin {
	optional bool remove = 1;	// is PIN removal requested?

 * Request: Test if the device is alive, device sends back the message in Success response
 * @next Success
message Ping {
	optional string message = 1;			// message to send back in Success message
	optional bool button_protection = 2;		// ask for button press
	optional bool pin_protection = 3;		// ask for PIN if set in device
	optional bool passphrase_protection = 4;	// ask for passphrase if set in device

 * Response: Success of the previous request
message Success {
	optional string message = 1;	// human readable description of action or request-specific payload

 * Response: Failure of the previous request
message Failure {
	optional FailureType code = 1;	// computer-readable definition of the error state
	optional string message = 2;	// human-readable message of the error state

 * Response: Device is waiting for HW button press.
 * @next ButtonAck
 * @next Cancel
message ButtonRequest {
	optional ButtonRequestType code = 1;
	optional string data = 2;

 * Request: Computer agrees to wait for HW button press
 * @prev ButtonRequest
message ButtonAck {

 * Response: Device is asking computer to show PIN matrix and awaits PIN encoded using this matrix scheme
 * @next PinMatrixAck
 * @next Cancel
message PinMatrixRequest {
	optional PinMatrixRequestType type = 1;

 * Request: Computer responds with encoded PIN
 * @prev PinMatrixRequest
message PinMatrixAck {
	required string pin = 1;		// matrix encoded PIN entered by user

 * Request: Abort last operation that required user interaction
 * @prev ButtonRequest
 * @prev PinMatrixRequest
 * @prev PassphraseRequest
message Cancel {

 * Response: Device awaits encryption passphrase
 * @next PassphraseAck
 * @next Cancel
message PassphraseRequest {

 * Request: Send passphrase back
 * @prev PassphraseRequest
message PassphraseAck {
	required string passphrase = 1;

 * Request: Request a sample of random data generated by hardware RNG. May be used for testing.
 * @next ButtonRequest
 * @next Entropy
 * @next Failure
message GetEntropy {
	required uint32 size = 1;		// size of requested entropy

 * Response: Reply with random data generated by internal RNG
 * @prev GetEntropy
message Entropy {
	required bytes entropy = 1;		// stream of random generated bytes

 * Request: Ask device for public key corresponding to address_n path
 * @next PassphraseRequest
 * @next PublicKey
 * @next Failure
message GetPublicKey {
	repeated uint32 address_n = 1;		// BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
	optional string ecdsa_curve_name = 2;	// ECDSA curve name to use
	optional bool show_display = 3;		// optionally show on display before sending the result
	optional string coin_name = 4 [default='Bitcoin'];

 * Response: Contains public key derived from device private seed
 * @prev GetPublicKey
message PublicKey {
	required HDNodeType node = 1;		// BIP32 public node
	optional string xpub = 2;		// serialized form of public node

 * Request: Ask device for address corresponding to address_n path
 * @next PassphraseRequest
 * @next Address
 * @next Failure
message GetAddress {
	repeated uint32 address_n = 1;						// BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
	optional string coin_name = 2 [default='Bitcoin'];
	optional bool show_display = 3			;			// optionally show on display before sending the result
	optional MultisigRedeemScriptType multisig = 4;				// filled if we are showing a multisig address
	optional InputScriptType script_type = 5 [default=SPENDADDRESS];	// used to distinguish between various address formats (non-segwit, segwit, etc.)

 * Request: Ask device for Ethereum address corresponding to address_n path
 * @next PassphraseRequest
 * @next EthereumAddress
 * @next Failure
message EthereumGetAddress {
	repeated uint32 address_n = 1;			// BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
	optional bool show_display = 2;			// optionally show on display before sending the result

 * Response: Contains address derived from device private seed
 * @prev GetAddress
message Address {
	required string address = 1;		// Coin address in Base58 encoding

 * Response: Contains an Ethereum address derived from device private seed
 * @prev EthereumGetAddress
message EthereumAddress {
	required bytes address = 1;		// Coin address as an Ethereum 160 bit hash

 * Request: Request device to wipe all sensitive data and settings
 * @next ButtonRequest
message WipeDevice {

 * Request: Load seed and related internal settings from the computer
 * @next ButtonRequest
 * @next Success
 * @next Failure
message LoadDevice {
	optional string mnemonic = 1;				// seed encoded as BIP-39 mnemonic (12, 18 or 24 words)
	optional HDNodeType node = 2;				// BIP-32 node
	optional string pin = 3;				// set PIN protection
	optional bool passphrase_protection = 4;		// enable master node encryption using passphrase
	optional string language = 5 [default='english'];	// device language
	optional string label = 6;				// device label
	optional bool skip_checksum = 7;			// do not test mnemonic for valid BIP-39 checksum
	optional uint32 u2f_counter = 8;			// U2F counter

 * Request: Ask device to do initialization involving user interaction
 * @next EntropyRequest
 * @next Failure
message ResetDevice {
	optional bool display_random = 1;			// display entropy generated by the device before asking for additional entropy
	optional uint32 strength = 2 [default=256];		// strength of seed in bits
	optional bool passphrase_protection = 3;		// enable master node encryption using passphrase
	optional bool pin_protection = 4;			// enable PIN protection
	optional string language = 5 [default='english'];	// device language
	optional string label = 6;				// device label
	optional uint32 u2f_counter = 7;			// U2F counter
	optional bool skip_backup = 8;				// postpone seed backup to BackupDevice workflow

 * Request: Perform backup of the device seed if not backed up using ResetDevice
 * @next ButtonRequest
message BackupDevice {

 * Response: Ask for additional entropy from host computer
 * @prev ResetDevice
 * @next EntropyAck
message EntropyRequest {

 * Request: Provide additional entropy for seed generation function
 * @prev EntropyRequest
 * @next ButtonRequest
message EntropyAck {
	optional bytes entropy = 1;				// 256 bits (32 bytes) of random data

 * Request: Start recovery workflow asking user for specific words of mnemonic
 * Used to recovery device safely even on untrusted computer.
 * @next WordRequest
message RecoveryDevice {
	optional uint32 word_count = 1;				// number of words in BIP-39 mnemonic
	optional bool passphrase_protection = 2;		// enable master node encryption using passphrase
	optional bool pin_protection = 3;			// enable PIN protection
	optional string language = 4 [default='english'];	// device language
	optional string label = 5;				// device label
	optional bool enforce_wordlist = 6;			// enforce BIP-39 wordlist during the process
	// 7 reserved for unused recovery method
	optional uint32 type = 8;				// supported recovery type (see RecoveryType)
	optional uint32 u2f_counter = 9;			// U2F counter
	optional bool dry_run = 10;				// perform dry-run recovery workflow (for safe mnemonic validation)

 * Response: Device is waiting for user to enter word of the mnemonic
 * Its position is shown only on device's internal display.
 * @prev RecoveryDevice
 * @prev WordAck
message WordRequest {
	optional WordRequestType type = 1;

 * Request: Computer replies with word from the mnemonic
 * @prev WordRequest
 * @next WordRequest
 * @next Success
 * @next Failure
message WordAck {
	required string word = 1;				// one word of mnemonic on asked position

// Message signing messages //

 * Request: Ask device to sign message
 * @next MessageSignature
 * @next Failure
message SignMessage {
	repeated uint32 address_n = 1;						// BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
	required bytes message = 2;						// message to be signed
	optional string coin_name = 3 [default='Bitcoin'];			// coin to use for signing
	optional InputScriptType script_type = 4 [default=SPENDADDRESS];	// used to distinguish between various address formats (non-segwit, segwit, etc.)

 * Request: Ask device to verify message
 * @next Success
 * @next Failure
message VerifyMessage {
	optional string address = 1;				// address to verify
	optional bytes signature = 2;				// signature to verify
	optional bytes message = 3;				// message to verify
	optional string coin_name = 4 [default='Bitcoin'];	// coin to use for verifying

 * Response: Signed message
 * @prev SignMessage
message MessageSignature {
	optional string address = 1;				// address used to sign the message
	optional bytes signature = 2;				// signature of the message

// Encryption/decryption //

 * Request: Ask device to encrypt message
 * @next EncryptedMessage
 * @next Failure
message EncryptMessage {
	optional bytes pubkey = 1;				// public key
	optional bytes message = 2;				// message to encrypt
	optional bool display_only = 3;				// show just on display? (don't send back via wire)
	repeated uint32 address_n = 4;				// BIP-32 path to derive the signing key from master node
	optional string coin_name = 5 [default='Bitcoin'];	// coin to use for signing

 * Response: Encrypted message
 * @prev EncryptMessage
message EncryptedMessage {
	optional bytes nonce = 1;				// nonce used during encryption
	optional bytes message = 2;				// encrypted message
	optional bytes hmac = 3;				// message hmac

 * Request: Ask device to decrypt message
 * @next Success
 * @next Failure
message DecryptMessage {
	repeated uint32 address_n = 1;				// BIP-32 path to derive the decryption key from master node
	optional bytes nonce = 2;				// nonce used during encryption
	optional bytes message = 3;				// message to decrypt
	optional bytes hmac = 4;				// message hmac

 * Response: Decrypted message
 * @prev DecryptedMessage
message DecryptedMessage {
	optional bytes message = 1;				// decrypted message
	optional string address = 2;				// address used to sign the message (if used)

 * Request: Ask device to encrypt or decrypt value of given key
 * @next CipheredKeyValue
 * @next Failure
message CipherKeyValue {
	repeated uint32 address_n = 1;		// BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
	optional string key = 2;		// key component of key:value
	optional bytes value = 3;		// value component of key:value
	optional bool encrypt = 4;		// are we encrypting (True) or decrypting (False)?
	optional bool ask_on_encrypt = 5;	// should we ask on encrypt operation?
	optional bool ask_on_decrypt = 6;	// should we ask on decrypt operation?
	optional bytes iv = 7;			// initialization vector (will be computed if not set)

 * Response: Return ciphered/deciphered value
 * @prev CipherKeyValue
message CipheredKeyValue {
	optional bytes value = 1;		// ciphered/deciphered value

// Transaction signing messages //

 * Request: Estimated size of the transaction
 * This behaves exactly like SignTx, which means that it can ask using TxRequest
 * This call is non-blocking (except possible PassphraseRequest to unlock the seed)
 * @next TxSize
 * @next Failure
message EstimateTxSize {
	required uint32 outputs_count = 1;			// number of transaction outputs
	required uint32 inputs_count = 2;			// number of transaction inputs
	optional string coin_name = 3 [default='Bitcoin'];	// coin to use

 * Response: Estimated size of the transaction
 * @prev EstimateTxSize
message TxSize {
	optional uint32 tx_size = 1;				// estimated size of transaction in bytes

 * Request: Ask device to sign transaction
 * @next PassphraseRequest
 * @next PinMatrixRequest
 * @next TxRequest
 * @next Failure
message SignTx {
	required uint32 outputs_count = 1;			// number of transaction outputs
	required uint32 inputs_count = 2;			// number of transaction inputs
	optional string coin_name = 3 [default='Bitcoin'];	// coin to use
	optional uint32 version = 4 [default=1];		// transaction version
	optional uint32 lock_time = 5 [default=0];		// transaction lock_time

 * Request: Simplified transaction signing
 * This method doesn't support streaming, so there are hardware limits in number of inputs and outputs.
 * In case of success, the result is returned using TxRequest message.
 * @next PassphraseRequest
 * @next PinMatrixRequest
 * @next TxRequest
 * @next Failure
message SimpleSignTx {
	repeated TxInputType inputs = 1;			// transaction inputs
	repeated TxOutputType outputs = 2;			// transaction outputs
	repeated TransactionType transactions = 3;		// transactions whose outputs are used to build current inputs
	optional string coin_name = 4 [default='Bitcoin'];	// coin to use
	optional uint32 version = 5 [default=1];		// transaction version
	optional uint32 lock_time = 6 [default=0];		// transaction lock_time

 * Response: Device asks for information for signing transaction or returns the last result
 * If request_index is set, device awaits TxAck message (with fields filled in according to request_type)
 * If signature_index is set, 'signature' contains signed input of signature_index's input
 * @prev SignTx
 * @prev SimpleSignTx
 * @prev TxAck
message TxRequest {
	optional RequestType request_type = 1;			// what should be filled in TxAck message?
	optional TxRequestDetailsType details = 2;		// request for tx details
	optional TxRequestSerializedType serialized = 3;	// serialized data and request for next

 * Request: Reported transaction data
 * @prev TxRequest
 * @next TxRequest
message TxAck {
	optional TransactionType tx = 1;

 * Request: Ask device to sign transaction
 * All fields are optional from the protocol's point of view. Each field defaults to value `0` if missing.
 * Note: the first at most 1024 bytes of data MUST be transmitted as part of this message.
 * @next PassphraseRequest
 * @next PinMatrixRequest
 * @next EthereumTxRequest
 * @next Failure
message EthereumSignTx {
	repeated uint32 address_n = 1;			// BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
	optional bytes nonce = 2;			// <=256 bit unsigned big endian
	optional bytes gas_price = 3;			// <=256 bit unsigned big endian (in wei)
	optional bytes gas_limit = 4;			// <=256 bit unsigned big endian
	optional bytes to = 5;				// 160 bit address hash
	optional bytes value = 6;			// <=256 bit unsigned big endian (in wei)
	optional bytes data_initial_chunk = 7;		// The initial data chunk (<= 1024 bytes)
	optional uint32 data_length = 8;		// Length of transaction payload
	optional uint32 chain_id = 9;			// Chain Id for EIP 155

 * Response: Device asks for more data from transaction payload, or returns the signature.
 * If data_length is set, device awaits that many more bytes of payload.
 * Otherwise, the signature_* fields contain the computed transaction signature. All three fields will be present.
 * @prev EthereumSignTx
 * @next EthereumTxAck
message EthereumTxRequest {
	optional uint32 data_length = 1;		// Number of bytes being requested (<= 1024)
	optional uint32 signature_v = 2;		// Computed signature (recovery parameter, limited to 27 or 28)
	optional bytes signature_r = 3;			// Computed signature R component (256 bit)
	optional bytes signature_s = 4;			// Computed signature S component (256 bit)

 * Request: Transaction payload data.
 * @prev EthereumTxRequest
 * @next EthereumTxRequest
message EthereumTxAck {
	optional bytes data_chunk = 1;			// Bytes from transaction payload (<= 1024 bytes)

// Ethereum: Message signing messages //

 * Request: Ask device to sign message
 * @next EthereumMessageSignature
 * @next Failure
message EthereumSignMessage {
	repeated uint32 address_n = 1;				// BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
	required bytes message = 2;				// message to be signed

 * Request: Ask device to verify message
 * @next Success
 * @next Failure
message EthereumVerifyMessage {
	optional bytes address = 1;				// address to verify
	optional bytes signature = 2;				// signature to verify
	optional bytes message = 3;				// message to verify

 * Response: Signed message
 * @prev EthereumSignMessage
message EthereumMessageSignature {
	optional bytes address = 1;				// address used to sign the message
	optional bytes signature = 2;				// signature of the message

// Identity messages //

 * Request: Ask device to sign identity
 * @next SignedIdentity
 * @next Failure
message SignIdentity {
	optional IdentityType identity = 1;		// identity
	optional bytes challenge_hidden = 2;		// non-visible challenge
	optional string challenge_visual = 3;		// challenge shown on display (e.g. date+time)
	optional string ecdsa_curve_name = 4;		// ECDSA curve name to use

 * Response: Device provides signed identity
 * @prev SignIdentity
message SignedIdentity {
	optional string address = 1;			// identity address
	optional bytes public_key = 2;			// identity public key
	optional bytes signature = 3;			// signature of the identity data

// ECDH messages //

 * Request: Ask device to generate ECDH session key
 * @next ECDHSessionKey
 * @next Failure
message GetECDHSessionKey {
	optional IdentityType identity = 1;		// identity
	optional bytes peer_public_key = 2;		// peer's public key
	optional string ecdsa_curve_name = 3;		// ECDSA curve name to use

 * Response: Device provides ECDH session key
 * @prev GetECDHSessionKey
message ECDHSessionKey {
	optional bytes session_key = 1;			// ECDH session key

// U2F messages //

 * Request: Set U2F counter
 * @next Success
message SetU2FCounter {
	optional uint32 u2f_counter = 1;		// counter

// Bootloader messages //

 * Request: Ask device to erase its firmware (so it can be replaced via FirmwareUpload)
 * @next Success
 * @next FirmwareRequest
 * @next Failure
message FirmwareErase {
	optional uint32 length = 1;			// length of new firmware

 * Response: Ask for firmware chunk
 * @next FirmwareUpload
message FirmwareRequest {
	optional uint32 offset = 1;			// offset of requested firmware chunk
	optional uint32 length = 2;			// length of requested firmware chunk

 * Request: Send firmware in binary form to the device
 * @next Success
 * @next Failure
message FirmwareUpload {
	required bytes payload = 1;			// firmware to be loaded into device
	optional bytes hash = 2;			// hash of the payload

 * Request: Perform a device self-test
 * @next Success
 * @next Failure
message SelfTest {
	optional bytes payload = 1;			// payload to be used in self-test

// Debug messages (only available if DebugLink is enabled) //

 * Request: "Press" the button on the device
 * @next Success
message DebugLinkDecision {
	required bool yes_no = 1;			// true for "Confirm", false for "Cancel"

 * Request: Computer asks for device state
 * @next DebugLinkState
message DebugLinkGetState {

 * Response: Device current state
 * @prev DebugLinkGetState
message DebugLinkState {
	optional bytes layout = 1;			// raw buffer of display
	optional string pin = 2;			// current PIN, blank if PIN is not set/enabled
	optional string matrix = 3;			// current PIN matrix
	optional string mnemonic = 4;			// current BIP-39 mnemonic
	optional HDNodeType node = 5;			// current BIP-32 node
	optional bool passphrase_protection = 6;	// is node/mnemonic encrypted using passphrase?
	optional string reset_word = 7;			// word on device display during ResetDevice workflow
	optional bytes reset_entropy = 8;		// current entropy during ResetDevice workflow
	optional string recovery_fake_word = 9;		// (fake) word on display during RecoveryDevice workflow
	optional uint32 recovery_word_pos = 10;		// index of mnemonic word the device is expecting during RecoveryDevice workflow

 * Request: Ask device to restart
message DebugLinkStop {

 * Response: Device wants host to log event
message DebugLinkLog {
	optional uint32 level = 1;
	optional string bucket = 2;
	optional string text = 3;

 * Request: Read memory from device
 * @next DebugLinkMemory
message DebugLinkMemoryRead {
	optional uint32 address = 1;
	optional uint32 length = 2;

 * Response: Device sends memory back
 * @prev DebugLinkMemoryRead
message DebugLinkMemory {
	optional bytes memory = 1;

 * Request: Write memory to device.
 * WARNING: Writing to the wrong location can irreparably break the device.
message DebugLinkMemoryWrite {
	optional uint32 address = 1;
	optional bytes memory = 2;
	optional bool flash = 3;

 * Request: Erase block of flash on device
 * WARNING: Writing to the wrong location can irreparably break the device.
message DebugLinkFlashErase {
	optional uint32 sector = 1;