package vm import ( "math/big" "" "" ) func memoryGasCost(mem *Memory, newMemSize *big.Int) *big.Int { gas := new(big.Int) if newMemSize.Cmp(common.Big0) > 0 { newMemSizeWords := toWordSize(newMemSize) if newMemSize.Cmp(u256(int64(mem.Len()))) > 0 { // be careful reusing variables here when changing. // The order has been optimised to reduce allocation oldSize := toWordSize(big.NewInt(int64(mem.Len()))) pow := new(big.Int).Exp(oldSize, common.Big2, Zero) linCoef := oldSize.Mul(oldSize, params.MemoryGas) quadCoef := new(big.Int).Div(pow, params.QuadCoeffDiv) oldTotalFee := new(big.Int).Add(linCoef, quadCoef) pow.Exp(newMemSizeWords, common.Big2, Zero) linCoef = linCoef.Mul(newMemSizeWords, params.MemoryGas) quadCoef = quadCoef.Div(pow, params.QuadCoeffDiv) newTotalFee := linCoef.Add(linCoef, quadCoef) fee := newTotalFee.Sub(newTotalFee, oldTotalFee) gas.Add(gas, fee) } } return gas } func constGasFunc(gas *big.Int) gasFunc { return func(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { return gas } } func gasCalldataCopy(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { gas := memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize) gas.Add(gas, GasFastestStep) words := toWordSize(stack.Back(2)) return gas.Add(gas, words.Mul(words, params.CopyGas)) } func gasSStore(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { var ( y, x = stack.Back(1), stack.Back(0) val = env.StateDB.GetState(contract.Address(), common.BigToHash(x)) ) // This checks for 3 scenario's and calculates gas accordingly // 1. From a zero-value address to a non-zero value (NEW VALUE) // 2. From a non-zero value address to a zero-value address (DELETE) // 3. From a non-zero to a non-zero (CHANGE) if common.EmptyHash(val) && !common.EmptyHash(common.BigToHash(y)) { // 0 => non 0 return new(big.Int).Set(params.SstoreSetGas) } else if !common.EmptyHash(val) && common.EmptyHash(common.BigToHash(y)) { env.StateDB.AddRefund(params.SstoreRefundGas) return new(big.Int).Set(params.SstoreClearGas) } else { // non 0 => non 0 (or 0 => 0) return new(big.Int).Set(params.SstoreResetGas) } } func makeGasLog(n uint) gasFunc { return func(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { mSize := stack.Back(1) gas := new(big.Int).Add(memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize), params.LogGas) gas.Add(gas, new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(int64(n)), params.LogTopicGas)) gas.Add(gas, new(big.Int).Mul(mSize, params.LogDataGas)) return gas } } func gasSha3(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { gas := memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize) gas.Add(gas, params.Sha3Gas) words := toWordSize(stack.Back(1)) return gas.Add(gas, words.Mul(words, params.Sha3WordGas)) } func gasCodeCopy(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { gas := memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize) gas.Add(gas, GasFastestStep) words := toWordSize(stack.Back(2)) return gas.Add(gas, words.Mul(words, params.CopyGas)) } func gasExtCodeCopy(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { gas := memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize) gas.Add(gas, gt.ExtcodeCopy) words := toWordSize(stack.Back(3)) return gas.Add(gas, words.Mul(words, params.CopyGas)) } func gasMLoad(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { return new(big.Int).Add(GasFastestStep, memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)) } func gasMStore8(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { return new(big.Int).Add(GasFastestStep, memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)) } func gasMStore(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { return new(big.Int).Add(GasFastestStep, memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)) } func gasCreate(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { return new(big.Int).Add(params.CreateGas, memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)) } func gasBalance(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { return gt.Balance } func gasExtCodeSize(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { return gt.ExtcodeSize } func gasSLoad(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { return gt.SLoad } func gasExp(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { expByteLen := int64(([stack.len()-2].BitLen() + 7) / 8) gas := big.NewInt(expByteLen) gas.Mul(gas, gt.ExpByte) return gas.Add(gas, GasSlowStep) } func gasCall(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { gas := new(big.Int).Set(gt.Calls) transfersValue := stack.Back(2).BitLen() > 0 var ( address = common.BigToAddress(stack.Back(1)) eip158 = env.ChainConfig().IsEIP158(env.BlockNumber) ) if eip158 { if env.StateDB.Empty(address) && transfersValue { gas.Add(gas, params.CallNewAccountGas) } } else if !env.StateDB.Exist(address) { gas.Add(gas, params.CallNewAccountGas) } if transfersValue { gas.Add(gas, params.CallValueTransferGas) } gas.Add(gas, memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)) cg := callGas(gt, contract.Gas, gas,[stack.len()-1]) // Replace the stack item with the new gas calculation. This means that // either the original item is left on the stack or the item is replaced by: // (availableGas - gas) * 63 / 64 // We replace the stack item so that it's available when the opCall instruction is // called. This information is otherwise lost due to the dependency on *current* // available gas.[stack.len()-1] = cg return gas.Add(gas, cg) } func gasCallCode(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { gas := new(big.Int).Set(gt.Calls) if stack.Back(2).BitLen() > 0 { gas.Add(gas, params.CallValueTransferGas) } gas.Add(gas, memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)) cg := callGas(gt, contract.Gas, gas,[stack.len()-1]) // Replace the stack item with the new gas calculation. This means that // either the original item is left on the stack or the item is replaced by: // (availableGas - gas) * 63 / 64 // We replace the stack item so that it's available when the opCall instruction is // called. This information is otherwise lost due to the dependency on *current* // available gas.[stack.len()-1] = cg return gas.Add(gas, cg) } func gasReturn(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { return memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize) } func gasSuicide(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { gas := new(big.Int) // EIP150 homestead gas reprice fork: if env.ChainConfig().IsEIP150(env.BlockNumber) { gas.Set(gt.Suicide) var ( address = common.BigToAddress(stack.Back(0)) eip158 = env.ChainConfig().IsEIP158(env.BlockNumber) ) if eip158 { // if empty and transfers value if env.StateDB.Empty(address) && env.StateDB.GetBalance(contract.Address()).BitLen() > 0 { gas.Add(gas, gt.CreateBySuicide) } } else if !env.StateDB.Exist(address) { gas.Add(gas, gt.CreateBySuicide) } } if !env.StateDB.HasSuicided(contract.Address()) { env.StateDB.AddRefund(params.SuicideRefundGas) } return gas } func gasDelegateCall(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { gas := new(big.Int).Add(gt.Calls, memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)) cg := callGas(gt, contract.Gas, gas,[stack.len()-1]) // Replace the stack item with the new gas calculation. This means that // either the original item is left on the stack or the item is replaced by: // (availableGas - gas) * 63 / 64 // We replace the stack item so that it's available when the opCall instruction is // called.[stack.len()-1] = cg return gas.Add(gas, cg) } func gasPush(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { return GasFastestStep } func gasSwap(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { return GasFastestStep } func gasDup(gt params.GasTable, env *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize *big.Int) *big.Int { return GasFastestStep }