.. _build: ================ Build and Deploy ================ .. contents:: :local: Setting up the environment ************************** .. NOTE:: Plugeth is built on a fork of `Geth`_ and as such requires familiarity with `Go`_ and a funtional `environment`_ in which to build Go projects. Thankfully for everyone Go provides a compact and useful `tutorial`_ as well as a `space for practice`_. PluGeth is an application built in three seperate repositories. * `PluGeth`_ * `PluGethUtils`_ * `PluGethPlugins`_ Once all three are cloned into their own directories you are ready to begin. First we need to build geth though the PluGeth project. Navigate to ``plugeth/cmd/geth`` and run: .. code-block:: shell $ go get This will download all dependencies needed for the project. This process will take a moment or two the first time through. Next run: .. code-block:: shell $ go build Once this is complete you should see a ``.ethereum`` folder in your home directory. At this point you are ready to start downloading local ethereum nodes. In order to do so, from ``plugeth/cmd/geth`` run: .. code-block:: shell $ ./geth .. NOTE:: ``./geth`` is the primary command to build a *Mainnet* node. Building a mainnet node requires at least 8 GB RAM, 2 CPUs, and 350 GB of SSD disks. However, dozens of available flags will change the behavior of whichever network you choose to connect to. ``--help`` is your friend. Build a plugin ************** Navigate to ``plugethPlugins/packages/hello``. Inside you will see a ``main.go`` file. From this location run: .. code-block:: shell $ go build -buildmode=plugin This will compile the plugin and produce a ``hello.so`` file. Move ``hello.so`` into ``~/.ethereum/plugins`` . In order to use this plugin geth will need to be started with a ``http.api=mymamespace`` flag. Additionally you will need to include a ``--http`` flag in order to access the standard json rpc methods. Once geth has started you should see that the first ``INFO`` log reads: ``initialized hello`` . A new json rpc method, called hello, has been been appended to the list of available json rpc methods. In order to access this method you will need to ``curl`` into the network with this command: .. code-block:: shell $ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"mynamespace_hello","params":[],"id":0}' You should see that the network has responded with: .. code-block:: shell ``{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"result":"Hello world"}`` Congradulations. You have just built and run your first Plugeth plugin. .. _space for practice: https://tour.golang.org/welcome/1 .. _tutorial: https://tour.golang.org/welcome/1 .. _environment: https://golang.org/doc/code .. _Go: https://golang.org/doc/ .. _Geth: https://geth.ethereum.org/ .. _PluGeth: https://github.com/openrelayxyz/plugeth .. _PluGethUtils: https://github.com/openrelayxyz/plugeth-utils .. _PluGethPlugins: https://github.com/openrelayxyz/plugeth-plugins