.. _install: ======= Install ======= .. note:: Prior to install make sure to be familiar with :ref:`system requirements`. PluGeth can be installed in two ways. The repositories can be cloned and compiled from the source code. Alternatively PluGeth provides binaries of a PluGeth node as well as plugins. In order to run PluGeth without the source code, download the latest `release`_ here. The curated list of plugin builds can be found `here`_ .. note:: Make sure versions of PluGeth and plugins are compatable see: :ref:`version control`. After downloading plugins, move the ``.so`` files into the ``~/.ethereum/plugins`` directory. .. note:: The above location may change when changing ``--datadir``. .. _release: https://github.com/openrelayxyz/plugeth/releases .. _here: https://github.com/openrelayxyz/plugeth-plugins/releases