.. _hook_writing: ================== Hook Writing Guide ================== If you're trying to interact with Geth in a way not already supported by PluGeth, we're happy to accept pull requests adding new hooks so long as they comply with certain standards. We strongly encourage you to :ref:`contact us ` first. We may have suggestions on how to do what you're trying to do without adding new hooks, or easier ways to implement hooks to get the information you need. .. warning:: Plugin hooks *must not* require plugins to import any packages from ``github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum``. Doing so means that plugins must be recompiled for each version of Geth. Many types have been re-implemented in ``github.com/openrelayxyz/plugeth-utils``. If you need a type for your hook not already provided by plugeth-utils, you may make a pull request to that project as well. When extending the plugin API, a primary concern is leaving a minimal footprint in the core Geth codebase to avoid future merge conflicts. To achieve this, when we want to add a hook within some existing Geth code, we create a plugin_hooks.go in the same package. For example, in the core/rawdb package we have: .. code-block:: Go // This file is part of the package we are adding hooks to package rawdb // Import whatever is necessary import ( "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/plugins" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/log" ) // PluginAppendAncient is the public plugin hook function, available for testing func PluginAppendAncient(pl *plugins.PluginLoader, number uint64, hash, header, body, receipts, td []byte) { fnList := pl.Lookup("AppendAncient", func(item interface{}) bool { _, ok := item.(func(number uint64, hash, header, body, receipts, td []byte)) return ok }) for _, fni := range fnList { if fn, ok := fni.(func(number uint64, hash, header, body, receipts, td []byte)); ok { fn(number, hash, header, body, receipts, td) } } } // pluginAppendAncient is the private plugin hook function func pluginAppendAncient(number uint64, hash, header, body, receipts, td []byte) { if plugins.DefaultPluginLoader == nil { log.Warn("Attempting AppendAncient, but default PluginLoader has not been initialized") return } PluginAppendAncient(plugins.DefaultPluginLoader, number, hash, header, body, receipts, td) } The Public Plugin Hook Function ******************************* The public plugin hook function should follow the naming convention Plugin$HookName. The first argument should be a ``*plugins.PluginLoader``, followed by any arguments required by the functions to be provided by nay plugins implementing this hook. The plugin hook function should use ``PluginLoader.Lookup("$HookName", func(item interface{}) bool`` to get a list of the plugin-provided functions to be invoked. The provided function should verify that the provided function implements the expected interface. After the first time a given hook is looked up through the plugin loader, the PluginLoader will cache references to those hooks. Given the function list provided by the plugin loader, the public plugin hook function should iterate over the list, cast the elements to the appropriate type, and call the function with the provided arguments. Unless there is a clear justification to the contrary, the function should be called in the current goroutine. Plugins may choose to spawn off a separate goroutine as appropriate, but for the sake of thread safety we should generally not assume that plugins will be implemented in a threadsafe manner. If a plugin degrades the performance of Geth significantly, that will generally be obvious, and plugin authors can take appropriate measures to improve performance. If a plugin introduces thread safety issues, those can go unnoticed during testing. The Private Plugin Hook Function ******************************** The private plugin hook function should bear the same name as the public plugin hook function, but with a lower case first letter. The signature should match the public plugin hook function, except that the first argument referencing the PluginLoader should be removed. It should invoke the public plugin hook function on ``plugins.DefaultPluginLoader``. It should always verify that the DefaultPluginLoader is non-nil, log warning and return if the DefaultPluginLoader has not been initialized. In-Line Invocation ****************** Within the Geth codebase, the private plugin hook function should be invoked with the appropriate arguments in a single line, to minimize unexpected conflicts merging the upstream geth codebase into plugeth.