..NOTE:: Plugeth is built on a fork of `Geth`_ and as such requires familiarity with `Go`_ and a funtional `environment`_ in which to build Go projects. Thankfully for everyone Go provides a compact and useful `tutorial`_ as well as a `space for practice`_.
PluGeth is an application built in three seperate repositories.
Once all three are cloned into their own directories you are ready to begin. First we need to build geth though the PluGeth project. Navigate to ``plugeth/cmd/geth`` and run:
..code-block:: shell
$ go get
This will download all dependencies needed for the project. This process will take a moment or two the first time through. Next run:
..code-block:: shell
$ go build
Once this is complete you should see a ``.ethereum`` folder in your home directory.
At this point you are ready to start downloading local ethereum nodes. In order to do so, from ``plugeth/cmd/geth`` run:
..code-block:: shell
$ ./geth
..NOTE::``./geth`` is the primary command to build a *Mainnet* node. Building a mainnet node requires at least 8 GB RAM, 2 CPUs, and 350 GB of SSD disks. However, dozens of available flags will change the behavior of whichever network you choose to connect to. ``--help`` is your friend.
Build a plugin
Navigate to ``plugethPlugins/packages/hello``. Inside you will see a ``main.go`` file. From this location run:
..code-block:: shell
$ go build -buildmode=plugin
This will compile the plugin and produce a ``hello.so`` file. Move ``hello.so`` into ``~/.ethereum/plugins`` . In order to use this plugin geth will need to be started with a ``http.api=mymamespace`` flag. Additionally you will need to include a ``--http`` flag in order to access the standard json rpc methods.
Once geth has started you should see that the first ``INFO`` log reads: ``initialized hello`` . A new json rpc method, called hello, has been been appended to the list of available json rpc methods. In order to access this method you will need to ``curl`` into the network with this command: