Roy Crihfield
Adds a method to perform full-state snapshots by diffing against an empty state trie. This replicates the functionality of `ipld-eth-state-snapshot`, so that code can use this as a library; see: cerc-io/ipld-eth-state-snapshot#1 Note that due to how incremental diffs are processed (updates are processed after the trie has been traversed) the iterator state doesn't fully capture the progress of the diff, so it's not currently feasible to state diffs this way. Full snapshots don't have to worry about updated accounts, so we can support them. Co-authored-by: Thomas E Lackey <> Reviewed-on: #15
497 lines
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497 lines
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// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2021 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package file
import (
sdtypes ""
const defaultCSVOutputDir = "./statediff_output"
const defaultSQLFilePath = "./statediff.sql"
const defaultWatchedAddressesCSVFilePath = "./statediff-watched-addresses.csv"
const defaultWatchedAddressesSQLFilePath = "./statediff-watched-addresses.sql"
const watchedAddressesInsert = "INSERT INTO eth_meta.watched_addresses (address, created_at, watched_at) VALUES ('%s', '%d', '%d') ON CONFLICT (address) DO NOTHING;"
var _ interfaces.StateDiffIndexer = &StateDiffIndexer{}
// StateDiffIndexer satisfies the indexer.StateDiffIndexer interface for ethereum statediff objects on top of a void
type StateDiffIndexer struct {
fileWriter FileWriter
chainConfig *params.ChainConfig
nodeID string
wg *sync.WaitGroup
removedCacheFlag uint32
// NewStateDiffIndexer creates a void implementation of interfaces.StateDiffIndexer
func NewStateDiffIndexer(chainConfig *params.ChainConfig, config Config, nodeInfo node.Info) (*StateDiffIndexer, error) {
var err error
var writer FileWriter
watchedAddressesFilePath := config.WatchedAddressesFilePath
switch config.Mode {
case CSV:
outputDir := config.OutputDir
if outputDir == "" {
outputDir = defaultCSVOutputDir
if _, err := os.Stat(outputDir); !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create output directory, directory (%s) already exists", outputDir)
log.Info("Writing statediff CSV files to directory", "file", outputDir)
if watchedAddressesFilePath == "" {
watchedAddressesFilePath = defaultWatchedAddressesCSVFilePath
log.Info("Writing watched addresses to file", "file", watchedAddressesFilePath)
writer, err = NewCSVWriter(outputDir, watchedAddressesFilePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case SQL:
filePath := config.FilePath
if filePath == "" {
filePath = defaultSQLFilePath
if _, err := os.Stat(filePath); !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create file, file (%s) already exists", filePath)
file, err := os.Create(filePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to create file (%s), err: %v", filePath, err)
log.Info("Writing statediff SQL statements to file", "file", filePath)
if watchedAddressesFilePath == "" {
watchedAddressesFilePath = defaultWatchedAddressesSQLFilePath
log.Info("Writing watched addresses to file", "file", watchedAddressesFilePath)
writer = NewSQLWriter(file, watchedAddressesFilePath)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized file mode: %s", config.Mode)
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
return &StateDiffIndexer{
fileWriter: writer,
chainConfig: chainConfig,
nodeID: nodeInfo.ID,
wg: wg,
}, nil
// ReportDBMetrics has nothing to report for dump
func (sdi *StateDiffIndexer) ReportDBMetrics(time.Duration, <-chan bool) {}
// PushBlock pushes and indexes block data in sql, except state & storage nodes (includes header, uncles, transactions & receipts)
// Returns an initiated DB transaction which must be Closed via defer to commit or rollback
func (sdi *StateDiffIndexer) PushBlock(block *types.Block, receipts types.Receipts, totalDifficulty *big.Int) (interfaces.Batch, error) {
t := time.Now()
blockHash := block.Hash()
blockHashStr := blockHash.String()
height := block.NumberU64()
traceMsg := fmt.Sprintf("indexer stats for statediff at %d with hash %s:\r\n", height, blockHashStr)
transactions := block.Transactions()
// Derive any missing fields
if err := receipts.DeriveFields(sdi.chainConfig, blockHash, height, block.BaseFee(), transactions); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Generate the block iplds
txNodes, rctNodes, logNodes, err := ipld.FromBlockAndReceipts(block, receipts)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating IPLD nodes from block and receipts: %v", err)
if len(txNodes) != len(rctNodes) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected number of transactions (%d), receipts (%d)", len(txNodes), len(rctNodes))
// Calculate reward
var reward *big.Int
// in PoA networks block reward is 0
if sdi.chainConfig.Clique != nil {
reward = big.NewInt(0)
} else {
reward = shared.CalcEthBlockReward(block.Header(), block.Uncles(), block.Transactions(), receipts)
blockTx := &BatchTx{
blockNum: block.Number().String(),
fileWriter: sdi.fileWriter,
t = time.Now()
// write header, collect headerID
headerID, err := sdi.PushHeader(blockTx, block.Header(), reward, totalDifficulty)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tDiff := time.Since(t)
traceMsg += fmt.Sprintf("header processing time: %s\r\n", tDiff.String())
t = time.Now()
// write uncles
sdi.processUncles(headerID, block.Number(), block.UncleHash(), block.Uncles())
tDiff = time.Since(t)
traceMsg += fmt.Sprintf("uncle processing time: %s\r\n", tDiff.String())
t = time.Now()
// write receipts and txs
err = sdi.processReceiptsAndTxs(processArgs{
headerID: headerID,
blockNumber: block.Number(),
receipts: receipts,
txs: transactions,
rctNodes: rctNodes,
txNodes: txNodes,
logNodes: logNodes,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tDiff = time.Since(t)
traceMsg += fmt.Sprintf("tx and receipt processing time: %s\r\n", tDiff.String())
t = time.Now()
return blockTx, err
// PushHeader write a header IPLD insert SQL stmt to a file
// it returns the headerID
func (sdi *StateDiffIndexer) PushHeader(_ interfaces.Batch, header *types.Header, reward, td *big.Int) (string, error) {
// Process the header
headerNode, err := ipld.NewEthHeader(header)
if err != nil {
return "", err
sdi.fileWriter.upsertIPLDNode(header.Number.String(), headerNode)
headerID := header.Hash().String()
NodeIDs: pq.StringArray([]string{sdi.nodeID}),
CID: headerNode.Cid().String(),
ParentHash: header.ParentHash.String(),
BlockNumber: header.Number.String(),
BlockHash: headerID,
TotalDifficulty: td.String(),
Reward: reward.String(),
Bloom: header.Bloom.Bytes(),
StateRoot: header.Root.String(),
RctRoot: header.ReceiptHash.String(),
TxRoot: header.TxHash.String(),
UnclesHash: header.UncleHash.String(),
Timestamp: header.Time,
Coinbase: header.Coinbase.String(),
Canonical: true,
return headerID, nil
// processUncles publishes and indexes uncle IPLDs in Postgres
func (sdi *StateDiffIndexer) processUncles(headerID string, blockNumber *big.Int, unclesHash common.Hash, uncles []*types.Header) error {
// publish and index uncles
uncleEncoding, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(uncles)
if err != nil {
return err
preparedHash := crypto.Keccak256Hash(uncleEncoding)
if preparedHash != unclesHash {
return fmt.Errorf("derived uncles hash (%s) does not match the hash in the header (%s)", preparedHash.String(), unclesHash.String())
unclesCID, err := ipld.RawdataToCid(ipld.MEthHeaderList, uncleEncoding, multihash.KECCAK_256)
if err != nil {
return err
sdi.fileWriter.upsertIPLDDirect(blockNumber.String(), unclesCID.String(), uncleEncoding)
for i, uncle := range uncles {
var uncleReward *big.Int
// in PoA networks uncle reward is 0
if sdi.chainConfig.Clique != nil {
uncleReward = big.NewInt(0)
} else {
uncleReward = shared.CalcUncleMinerReward(blockNumber.Uint64(), uncle.Number.Uint64())
BlockNumber: blockNumber.String(),
HeaderID: headerID,
CID: unclesCID.String(),
ParentHash: uncle.ParentHash.String(),
BlockHash: uncle.Hash().String(),
Reward: uncleReward.String(),
Index: int64(i),
return nil
// processArgs bundles arguments to processReceiptsAndTxs
type processArgs struct {
headerID string
blockNumber *big.Int
receipts types.Receipts
txs types.Transactions
rctNodes []*ipld.EthReceipt
txNodes []*ipld.EthTx
logNodes [][]*ipld.EthLog
// processReceiptsAndTxs writes receipt and tx IPLD insert SQL stmts to a file
func (sdi *StateDiffIndexer) processReceiptsAndTxs(args processArgs) error {
// Process receipts and txs
signer := types.MakeSigner(sdi.chainConfig, args.blockNumber)
for i, receipt := range args.receipts {
txNode := args.txNodes[i]
sdi.fileWriter.upsertIPLDNode(args.blockNumber.String(), txNode)
sdi.fileWriter.upsertIPLDNode(args.blockNumber.String(), args.rctNodes[i])
// index tx
trx := args.txs[i]
txID := trx.Hash().String()
var val string
if trx.Value() != nil {
val = trx.Value().String()
// derive sender for the tx that corresponds with this receipt
from, err := types.Sender(signer, trx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error deriving tx sender: %v", err)
txModel := models.TxModel{
BlockNumber: args.blockNumber.String(),
HeaderID: args.headerID,
Dst: shared.HandleZeroAddrPointer(trx.To()),
Src: shared.HandleZeroAddr(from),
TxHash: txID,
Index: int64(i),
CID: txNode.Cid().String(),
Type: trx.Type(),
Value: val,
// this is the contract address if this receipt is for a contract creation tx
contract := shared.HandleZeroAddr(receipt.ContractAddress)
// index receipt
rctModel := &models.ReceiptModel{
BlockNumber: args.blockNumber.String(),
HeaderID: args.headerID,
TxID: txID,
Contract: contract,
CID: args.rctNodes[i].Cid().String(),
if len(receipt.PostState) == 0 {
rctModel.PostStatus = receipt.Status
} else {
rctModel.PostState = common.BytesToHash(receipt.PostState).String()
// index logs
logDataSet := make([]*models.LogsModel, len(receipt.Logs))
for idx, l := range receipt.Logs {
sdi.fileWriter.upsertIPLDNode(args.blockNumber.String(), args.logNodes[i][idx])
topicSet := make([]string, 4)
for ti, topic := range l.Topics {
topicSet[ti] = topic.String()
logDataSet[idx] = &models.LogsModel{
BlockNumber: args.blockNumber.String(),
HeaderID: args.headerID,
ReceiptID: txID,
Address: l.Address.String(),
Index: int64(l.Index),
CID: args.logNodes[i][idx].Cid().String(),
Topic0: topicSet[0],
Topic1: topicSet[1],
Topic2: topicSet[2],
Topic3: topicSet[3],
return nil
// PushStateNode writes a state diff node object (including any child storage nodes) IPLD insert SQL stmt to a file
func (sdi *StateDiffIndexer) PushStateNode(tx interfaces.Batch, stateNode sdtypes.StateLeafNode, headerID string) error {
// publish the state node
var stateModel models.StateNodeModel
if stateNode.Removed {
if atomic.LoadUint32(&sdi.removedCacheFlag) == 0 {
atomic.StoreUint32(&sdi.removedCacheFlag, 1)
sdi.fileWriter.upsertIPLDDirect(tx.BlockNumber(), shared.RemovedNodeStateCID, []byte{})
stateModel = models.StateNodeModel{
BlockNumber: tx.BlockNumber(),
HeaderID: headerID,
StateKey: common.BytesToHash(stateNode.AccountWrapper.LeafKey).String(),
CID: shared.RemovedNodeStateCID,
Removed: true,
} else {
stateModel = models.StateNodeModel{
BlockNumber: tx.BlockNumber(),
HeaderID: headerID,
StateKey: common.BytesToHash(stateNode.AccountWrapper.LeafKey).String(),
CID: stateNode.AccountWrapper.CID,
Removed: false,
Balance: stateNode.AccountWrapper.Account.Balance.String(),
Nonce: stateNode.AccountWrapper.Account.Nonce,
CodeHash: common.BytesToHash(stateNode.AccountWrapper.Account.CodeHash).String(),
StorageRoot: stateNode.AccountWrapper.Account.Root.String(),
// index the state node
// if there are any storage nodes associated with this node, publish and index them
for _, storageNode := range stateNode.StorageDiff {
if storageNode.Removed {
if atomic.LoadUint32(&sdi.removedCacheFlag) == 0 {
atomic.StoreUint32(&sdi.removedCacheFlag, 1)
sdi.fileWriter.upsertIPLDDirect(tx.BlockNumber(), shared.RemovedNodeStorageCID, []byte{})
storageModel := models.StorageNodeModel{
BlockNumber: tx.BlockNumber(),
HeaderID: headerID,
StateKey: common.BytesToHash(stateNode.AccountWrapper.LeafKey).String(),
StorageKey: common.BytesToHash(storageNode.LeafKey).String(),
CID: shared.RemovedNodeStorageCID,
Removed: true,
Value: []byte{},
storageModel := models.StorageNodeModel{
BlockNumber: tx.BlockNumber(),
HeaderID: headerID,
StateKey: common.BytesToHash(stateNode.AccountWrapper.LeafKey).String(),
StorageKey: common.BytesToHash(storageNode.LeafKey).String(),
CID: storageNode.CID,
Removed: false,
Value: storageNode.Value,
return nil
// PushIPLD writes iplds to ipld.blocks
func (sdi *StateDiffIndexer) PushIPLD(tx interfaces.Batch, ipld sdtypes.IPLD) error {
sdi.fileWriter.upsertIPLDDirect(tx.BlockNumber(), ipld.CID, ipld.Content)
return nil
// CurrentBlock returns the HeaderModel of the highest existing block in the output.
// In the "file" case, this is always nil.
func (sdi *StateDiffIndexer) CurrentBlock() (*models.HeaderModel, error) {
return nil, nil
// DetectGaps returns a list of gaps in the output found within the specified block range.
// In the "file" case this is always nil.
func (sdi *StateDiffIndexer) DetectGaps(beginBlockNumber uint64, endBlockNumber uint64) ([]*interfaces.BlockGap, error) {
return nil, nil
// HasBlock checks whether the indicated block already exists in the output.
// In the "file" case this is presumed to be false.
func (sdi *StateDiffIndexer) HasBlock(hash common.Hash, number uint64) (bool, error) {
return false, nil
func (sdi *StateDiffIndexer) BeginTx(number *big.Int, _ context.Context) interfaces.Batch {
return &BatchTx{
blockNum: number.String(),
fileWriter: sdi.fileWriter,
// Close satisfies io.Closer
func (sdi *StateDiffIndexer) Close() error {
return sdi.fileWriter.Close()
// LoadWatchedAddresses loads watched addresses from a file
func (sdi *StateDiffIndexer) LoadWatchedAddresses() ([]common.Address, error) {
return sdi.fileWriter.loadWatchedAddresses()
// InsertWatchedAddresses inserts the given addresses in a file
func (sdi *StateDiffIndexer) InsertWatchedAddresses(args []sdtypes.WatchAddressArg, currentBlockNumber *big.Int) error {
return sdi.fileWriter.insertWatchedAddresses(args, currentBlockNumber)
// RemoveWatchedAddresses removes the given watched addresses from a file
func (sdi *StateDiffIndexer) RemoveWatchedAddresses(args []sdtypes.WatchAddressArg) error {
return sdi.fileWriter.removeWatchedAddresses(args)
// SetWatchedAddresses clears and inserts the given addresses in a file
func (sdi *StateDiffIndexer) SetWatchedAddresses(args []sdtypes.WatchAddressArg, currentBlockNumber *big.Int) error {
return sdi.fileWriter.setWatchedAddresses(args, currentBlockNumber)
// ClearWatchedAddresses clears all the watched addresses from a file
func (sdi *StateDiffIndexer) ClearWatchedAddresses() error {
return sdi.SetWatchedAddresses([]sdtypes.WatchAddressArg{}, big.NewInt(0))