# Using the same base golang image as geth FROM golang:1.20-alpine as builder RUN apk add --no-cache gcc musl-dev binutils-gold linux-headers git # Configure creds for gitea ARG GIT_VDBTO_TOKEN # Get and cache deps WORKDIR /plugeth-statediff/ COPY go.mod go.sum . RUN [ -n "$GIT_VDBTO_TOKEN" ] && \ git config --global url."https://$GIT_VDBTO_TOKEN@git.vdb.to/".insteadOf "https://git.vdb.to/" && \ go mod download && \ rm -f ~/.gitconfig COPY . . RUN go build --tags linkgeth --buildmode=plugin --trimpath -o statediff.so ./main FROM alpine:3.18 COPY --from=builder /plugeth-statediff/statediff.so /usr/local/lib/