2020-02-04 18:26:42 -08:00

223 lines
5.5 KiB

package actors
import (
type StorageMinerActorState struct {
// PreCommittedSectors is the set of sectors that have been committed to but not
// yet had their proofs submitted
PreCommittedSectors map[string]*PreCommittedSector
// All sectors this miner has committed.
// AMT[sectorID]ffi.PublicSectorInfo
Sectors cid.Cid
// TODO: Spec says 'StagedCommittedSectors', which one is it?
// Sectors this miner is currently mining. It is only updated
// when a PoSt is submitted (not as each new sector commitment is added).
// AMT[sectorID]ffi.PublicSectorInfo
ProvingSet cid.Cid
// TODO: these:
// SectorTable
// SectorExpirationQueue
// ChallengeStatus
// Contains mostly static info about this miner
Info cid.Cid
// Faulty sectors reported since last SubmitPost
FaultSet types.BitField
LastFaultSubmission uint64
// Amount of power this miner has.
Power types.BigInt
// Active is set to true after the miner has submitted their first PoSt
Active bool
// The height at which this miner was slashed at.
SlashedAt uint64
ElectionPeriodStart uint64
type MinerInfo struct {
// Account that owns this miner.
// - Income and returned collateral are paid to this address.
// - This address is also allowed to change the worker address for the miner.
Owner address.Address
// Worker account for this miner.
// This will be the key that is used to sign blocks created by this miner, and
// sign messages sent on behalf of this miner to commit sectors, submit PoSts, and
// other day to day miner activities.
Worker address.Address
// Libp2p identity that should be used when connecting to this miner.
PeerID peer.ID
// Amount of space in each sector committed to the network by this miner.
SectorSize uint64
// SubsectorCount
type PreCommittedSector struct {
Info SectorPreCommitInfo
ReceivedEpoch uint64
type StorageMinerConstructorParams struct {
Owner address.Address
Worker address.Address
SectorSize uint64
PeerID peer.ID
type SectorPreCommitInfo struct {
SectorNumber uint64
CommR []byte // TODO: Spec says CID
SealEpoch uint64
DealIDs []uint64
type maMethods struct {
Constructor uint64
PreCommitSector uint64
ProveCommitSector uint64
SubmitFallbackPoSt uint64
SlashStorageFault uint64
GetCurrentProvingSet uint64
ArbitrateDeal uint64
DePledge uint64
GetOwner uint64
GetWorkerAddr uint64
GetPower uint64
GetPeerID uint64
GetSectorSize uint64
UpdatePeerID uint64
ChangeWorker uint64
IsSlashed uint64
CheckMiner uint64
DeclareFaults uint64
SlashConsensusFault uint64
SubmitElectionPoSt uint64
var MAMethods = maMethods{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}
func loadState(vmctx types.VMContext) (cid.Cid, *StorageMinerActorState, ActorError) {
var self StorageMinerActorState
oldstate := vmctx.Storage().GetHead()
if err := vmctx.Storage().Get(oldstate, &self); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, nil, err
return oldstate, &self, nil
func loadMinerInfo(vmctx types.VMContext, m *StorageMinerActorState) (*MinerInfo, ActorError) {
var mi MinerInfo
if err := vmctx.Storage().Get(m.Info, &mi); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &mi, nil
func uintToStringKey(i uint64) string {
buf := make([]byte, 10)
n := binary.PutUvarint(buf, i)
return string(buf[:n])
type SectorProveCommitInfo struct {
Proof []byte
SectorID uint64
DealIDs []uint64
func truncateHexPrint(b []byte) string {
s := fmt.Sprintf("%x", b)
if len(s) > 60 {
return s[:20] + "..." + s[len(s)-20:]
return s
type SubmitFallbackPoStParams struct {
Proof []byte
Candidates []types.EPostTicket
func CollateralForPower(power types.BigInt) types.BigInt {
return types.BigMul(power, types.NewInt(10))
/* TODO: this
availableFil = FakeGlobalMethods.GetAvailableFil()
totalNetworkPower = StorageMinerActor.GetTotalStorage()
numMiners = StorageMarket.GetMinerCount()
powerCollateral = availableFil * NetworkConstants.POWER_COLLATERAL_PROPORTION * power / totalNetworkPower
perCapitaCollateral = availableFil * NetworkConstants.PER_CAPITA_COLLATERAL_PROPORTION / numMiners
collateralRequired = math.Ceil(minerPowerCollateral + minerPerCapitaCollateral)
return collateralRequired
type UpdatePeerIDParams struct {
PeerID peer.ID
func isLate(height uint64, self *StorageMinerActorState) bool {
return self.ElectionPeriodStart > 0 && height >= self.ElectionPeriodStart+build.SlashablePowerDelay
type CheckMinerParams struct {
NetworkPower types.BigInt
type DeclareFaultsParams struct {
Faults types.BitField
type MinerSlashConsensusFault struct {
Slasher address.Address
AtHeight uint64
SlashedCollateral types.BigInt
func slasherShare(total types.BigInt, elapsed uint64) types.BigInt {
// [int(pow(1.26, n) * 10) for n in range(30)]
fracs := []uint64{10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 31, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100, 127, 160, 201, 254, 320, 403, 508, 640, 807, 1017, 1281, 1614, 2034, 2563, 3230, 4070, 5128, 6462, 8142}
const precision = 10000
var frac uint64
if elapsed >= uint64(len(fracs)) {
return total
} else {
frac = fracs[elapsed]
return types.BigDiv(