Introduce nv21 skeleton for local testing: - Use local go-state-types with actor_version_checklist changes: - Imports mock v12-actors bundle - Define upgrade heights - Generate adapters - Add upgrade schedule and migration - Add actorstype to the NewActorRegistry in /chain/consensus/computestate.go - Add upgrade field to api/types.go/ForkUpgradeParams - Add upgrade to node/impl/full/state.go - Add network version to chain/state/statetree.go - make jen - make docsgen-cli
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package api
import (
pubsub ""
ma ""
datatransfer ""
type MultiaddrSlice []ma.Multiaddr
func (m *MultiaddrSlice) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) (err error) {
var temp []string
if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &temp); err != nil {
return err
res := make([]ma.Multiaddr, len(temp))
for i, str := range temp {
res[i], err = ma.NewMultiaddr(str)
if err != nil {
return err
*m = res
return nil
var _ json.Unmarshaler = new(MultiaddrSlice)
type ObjStat struct {
Size uint64
Links uint64
type PubsubScore struct {
ID peer.ID
Score *pubsub.PeerScoreSnapshot
type MessageSendSpec struct {
MaxFee abi.TokenAmount
MsgUuid uuid.UUID
type MpoolMessageWhole struct {
Msg *types.Message
Spec *MessageSendSpec
// GraphSyncDataTransfer provides diagnostics on a data transfer happening over graphsync
type GraphSyncDataTransfer struct {
// GraphSync request id for this transfer
RequestID *graphsync.RequestID
// Graphsync state for this transfer
RequestState string
// If a channel ID is present, indicates whether this is the current graphsync request for this channel
// (could have changed in a restart)
IsCurrentChannelRequest bool
// Data transfer channel ID for this transfer
ChannelID *datatransfer.ChannelID
// Data transfer state for this transfer
ChannelState *DataTransferChannel
// Diagnostic information about this request -- and unexpected inconsistencies in
// request state
Diagnostics []string
// TransferDiagnostics give current information about transfers going over graphsync that may be helpful for debugging
type TransferDiagnostics struct {
ReceivingTransfers []*GraphSyncDataTransfer
SendingTransfers []*GraphSyncDataTransfer
type DataTransferChannel struct {
TransferID datatransfer.TransferID
Status datatransfer.Status
BaseCID cid.Cid
IsInitiator bool
IsSender bool
Voucher string
Message string
OtherPeer peer.ID
Transferred uint64
Stages *datatransfer.ChannelStages
// NewDataTransferChannel constructs an API DataTransferChannel type from full channel state snapshot and a host id
func NewDataTransferChannel(hostID peer.ID, channelState datatransfer.ChannelState) DataTransferChannel {
channel := DataTransferChannel{
TransferID: channelState.TransferID(),
Status: channelState.Status(),
BaseCID: channelState.BaseCID(),
IsSender: channelState.Sender() == hostID,
Message: channelState.Message(),
voucher := channelState.Voucher()
voucherJSON, err := ipld.Encode(voucher.Voucher, dagjson.Encode)
if err != nil {
channel.Voucher = fmt.Errorf("Voucher Serialization: %w", err).Error()
} else {
channel.Voucher = string(voucherJSON)
if channel.IsSender {
channel.IsInitiator = !channelState.IsPull()
channel.Transferred = channelState.Sent()
channel.OtherPeer = channelState.Recipient()
} else {
channel.IsInitiator = channelState.IsPull()
channel.Transferred = channelState.Received()
channel.OtherPeer = channelState.Sender()
return channel
type NetStat struct {
System *network.ScopeStat `json:",omitempty"`
Transient *network.ScopeStat `json:",omitempty"`
Services map[string]network.ScopeStat `json:",omitempty"`
Protocols map[string]network.ScopeStat `json:",omitempty"`
Peers map[string]network.ScopeStat `json:",omitempty"`
type NetLimit struct {
Memory int64 `json:",omitempty"`
Streams, StreamsInbound, StreamsOutbound int
Conns, ConnsInbound, ConnsOutbound int
FD int
type NetBlockList struct {
Peers []peer.ID
IPAddrs []string
IPSubnets []string
type ExtendedPeerInfo struct {
ID peer.ID
Agent string
Addrs []string
Protocols []string
ConnMgrMeta *ConnMgrInfo
type ConnMgrInfo struct {
FirstSeen time.Time
Value int
Tags map[string]int
Conns map[string]time.Time
type NodeStatus struct {
SyncStatus NodeSyncStatus
PeerStatus NodePeerStatus
ChainStatus NodeChainStatus
type NodeSyncStatus struct {
Epoch uint64
Behind uint64
type NodePeerStatus struct {
PeersToPublishMsgs int
PeersToPublishBlocks int
type NodeChainStatus struct {
BlocksPerTipsetLast100 float64
BlocksPerTipsetLastFinality float64
type CheckStatusCode int
//go:generate go run -type=CheckStatusCode -trimprefix=CheckStatus
const (
_ CheckStatusCode = iota
// Message Checks
type CheckStatus struct {
Code CheckStatusCode
OK bool
Err string
Hint map[string]interface{}
type MessageCheckStatus struct {
Cid cid.Cid
type MessagePrototype struct {
Message types.Message
ValidNonce bool
type RetrievalInfo struct {
PayloadCID cid.Cid
ID retrievalmarket.DealID
PieceCID *cid.Cid
PricePerByte abi.TokenAmount
UnsealPrice abi.TokenAmount
Status retrievalmarket.DealStatus
Message string // more information about deal state, particularly errors
Provider peer.ID
BytesReceived uint64
BytesPaidFor uint64
TotalPaid abi.TokenAmount
TransferChannelID *datatransfer.ChannelID
DataTransfer *DataTransferChannel
// optional event if part of ClientGetRetrievalUpdates
Event *retrievalmarket.ClientEvent
type RestrievalRes struct {
DealID retrievalmarket.DealID
// Selector specifies ipld selector string
// - if the string starts with '{', it's interpreted as json selector string
// see and
// - otherwise the string is interpreted as ipld-selector-text-lite (simple ipld path)
// see
type Selector string
type DagSpec struct {
// DataSelector matches data to be retrieved
// - when using textselector, the path specifies subtree
// - the matched graph must have a single root
DataSelector *Selector
// ExportMerkleProof is applicable only when exporting to a CAR file via a path textselector
// When true, in addition to the selection target, the resulting CAR will contain every block along the
// path back to, and including the original root
// When false the resulting CAR contains only the blocks of the target subdag
ExportMerkleProof bool
type ExportRef struct {
Root cid.Cid
// DAGs array specifies a list of DAGs to export
// - If exporting into unixfs files, only one DAG is supported, DataSelector is only used to find the targeted root node
// - If exporting into a car file
// - When exactly one text-path DataSelector is specified exports the subgraph and its full merkle-path from the original root
// - Otherwise ( multiple paths and/or JSON selector specs) determines each individual subroot and exports the subtrees as a multi-root car
// - When not specified defaults to a single DAG:
// - Data - the entire DAG: `{"R":{"l":{"none":{}},":>":{"a":{">":{"@":{}}}}}}`
DAGs []DagSpec
FromLocalCAR string // if specified, get data from a local CARv2 file.
DealID retrievalmarket.DealID
type MinerInfo struct {
Owner address.Address // Must be an ID-address.
Worker address.Address // Must be an ID-address.
NewWorker address.Address // Must be an ID-address.
ControlAddresses []address.Address // Must be an ID-addresses.
WorkerChangeEpoch abi.ChainEpoch
PeerId *peer.ID
Multiaddrs []abi.Multiaddrs
WindowPoStProofType abi.RegisteredPoStProof
SectorSize abi.SectorSize
WindowPoStPartitionSectors uint64
ConsensusFaultElapsed abi.ChainEpoch
PendingOwnerAddress *address.Address
Beneficiary address.Address
BeneficiaryTerm *miner.BeneficiaryTerm
PendingBeneficiaryTerm *miner.PendingBeneficiaryChange
type NetworkParams struct {
NetworkName dtypes.NetworkName
BlockDelaySecs uint64
ConsensusMinerMinPower abi.StoragePower
SupportedProofTypes []abi.RegisteredSealProof
PreCommitChallengeDelay abi.ChainEpoch
ForkUpgradeParams ForkUpgradeParams
type ForkUpgradeParams struct {
UpgradeSmokeHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeBreezeHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeIgnitionHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeLiftoffHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeAssemblyHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeRefuelHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeTapeHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeKumquatHeight abi.ChainEpoch
BreezeGasTampingDuration abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeCalicoHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradePersianHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeOrangeHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeClausHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeTrustHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeNorwegianHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeTurboHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeHyperdriveHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeChocolateHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeOhSnapHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeSkyrHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeSharkHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeHyggeHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeLightningHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeThunderHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeWatermelonHeight abi.ChainEpoch
type NonceMapType map[address.Address]uint64
type MsgUuidMapType map[uuid.UUID]*types.SignedMessage
type RaftStateData struct {
NonceMap NonceMapType
MsgUuids MsgUuidMapType
func (n *NonceMapType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
marshalled := make(map[string]uint64)
for a, n := range *n {
marshalled[a.String()] = n
return json.Marshal(marshalled)
func (n *NonceMapType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
unmarshalled := make(map[string]uint64)
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &unmarshalled)
if err != nil {
return err
*n = make(map[address.Address]uint64)
for saddr, nonce := range unmarshalled {
a, err := address.NewFromString(saddr)
if err != nil {
return err
(*n)[a] = nonce
return nil
func (m *MsgUuidMapType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
marshalled := make(map[string]*types.SignedMessage)
for u, msg := range *m {
marshalled[u.String()] = msg
return json.Marshal(marshalled)
func (m *MsgUuidMapType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
unmarshalled := make(map[string]*types.SignedMessage)
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &unmarshalled)
if err != nil {
return err
*m = make(map[uuid.UUID]*types.SignedMessage)
for suid, msg := range unmarshalled {
u, err := uuid.Parse(suid)
if err != nil {
return err
(*m)[u] = msg
return nil
// ChainExportConfig holds configuration for chain ranged exports.
type ChainExportConfig struct {
WriteBufferSize int
NumWorkers int
IncludeMessages bool
IncludeReceipts bool
IncludeStateRoots bool