158 lines
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158 lines
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package actors_test
import (
hamt "github.com/ipfs/go-hamt-ipld"
blockstore "github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs-blockstore"
cbg "github.com/whyrusleeping/cbor-gen"
func TestMinerCommitSectors(t *testing.T) {
var worker, client address.Address
var minerAddr address.Address
opts := []HarnessOpt{
HarnessAddr(&worker, 1000000),
HarnessAddr(&client, 1000000),
HarnessActor(&minerAddr, &worker, actors.StorageMinerCodeCid,
func() cbg.CBORMarshaler {
return &actors.StorageMinerConstructorParams{
Owner: worker,
Worker: worker,
SectorSize: 1024,
PeerID: "fakepeerid",
h := NewHarness(t, opts...)
h.vm.Syscalls.ValidatePoRep = func(ctx context.Context, maddr address.Address, ssize uint64, commD, commR, ticket, proof, seed []byte, sectorID uint64) (bool, aerrors.ActorError) {
// all proofs are valid
return true, nil
ret, _ := h.SendFunds(t, worker, minerAddr, types.NewInt(100000))
ApplyOK(t, ret)
ret, _ = h.InvokeWithValue(t, client, actors.StorageMarketAddress, actors.SMAMethods.AddBalance, types.NewInt(2000), nil)
ApplyOK(t, ret)
addSectorToMiner(h, t, minerAddr, worker, client, 1)
assertSectorIDs(h, t, minerAddr, []uint64{1})
func addSectorToMiner(h *Harness, t *testing.T, minerAddr, worker, client address.Address, sid uint64) {
s := sectorbuilder.UserBytesForSectorSize(1024)
deal := h.makeFakeDeal(t, minerAddr, worker, client, s)
ret, _ := h.Invoke(t, worker, actors.StorageMarketAddress, actors.SMAMethods.PublishStorageDeals,
Deals: []actors.StorageDealProposal{*deal},
ApplyOK(t, ret)
var dealIds actors.PublishStorageDealResponse
if err := dealIds.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(ret.Return)); err != nil {
dealid := dealIds.DealIDs[0]
ret, _ = h.Invoke(t, worker, minerAddr, actors.MAMethods.PreCommitSector,
SectorNumber: sid,
CommR: []byte("cats"),
SealEpoch: 10,
DealIDs: []uint64{dealid},
ApplyOK(t, ret)
h.BlockHeight += 100
ret, _ = h.Invoke(t, worker, minerAddr, actors.MAMethods.ProveCommitSector,
Proof: []byte("prooofy"),
SectorID: sid,
DealIDs: []uint64{dealid}, // TODO: weird that i have to pass this again
ApplyOK(t, ret)
func assertSectorIDs(h *Harness, t *testing.T, maddr address.Address, ids []uint64) {
sectors, err := getMinerSectorSet(context.TODO(), h.vm.StateTree(), h.bs, maddr)
if err != nil {
if len(sectors) != len(ids) {
t.Fatal("miner has wrong number of sectors in their sector set")
all := make(map[uint64]bool)
for _, s := range sectors {
all[s.SectorID] = true
for _, id := range ids {
if !all[id] {
t.Fatal("expected to find sector ID: ", id)
func getMinerSectorSet(ctx context.Context, st types.StateTree, bs blockstore.Blockstore, maddr address.Address) ([]*api.ChainSectorInfo, error) {
mact, err := st.GetActor(maddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cst := hamt.CSTFromBstore(bs)
var mstate actors.StorageMinerActorState
if err := cst.Get(ctx, mact.Head, &mstate); err != nil {
return nil, err
return stmgr.LoadSectorsFromSet(ctx, bs, mstate.Sectors)
func (h *Harness) makeFakeDeal(t *testing.T, miner, worker, client address.Address, size uint64) *actors.StorageDealProposal {
data := make([]byte, size)
commP, err := sectorbuilder.GeneratePieceCommitment(bytes.NewReader(data), size)
if err != nil {
prop := actors.StorageDealProposal{
PieceRef: commP[:],
PieceSize: size,
//PieceSerialization SerializationMode // Needs to be here as it tells how data in the sector maps to PieceRef cid
Client: client,
Provider: miner,
ProposalExpiration: 10000,
Duration: 150,
StoragePricePerEpoch: types.NewInt(1),
StorageCollateral: types.NewInt(0),
if err := api.SignWith(context.TODO(), h.w.Sign, client, &prop); err != nil {
return &prop