Merge chains when gasPerf is non-descreasing (instead of increasing) to create maximal chains. This also obviates the need for stable sort, as the chains are guaranteed to be in decreasing order for the same actor.
449 lines
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449 lines
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package messagepool
import (
abig "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/abi/big"
var bigBlockGasLimit = big.NewInt(build.BlockGasLimit)
type msgChain struct {
msgs []*types.SignedMessage
gasReward *big.Int
gasLimit int64
gasPerf float64
valid bool
next *msgChain
func (mp *MessagePool) SelectMessages(ts *types.TipSet) ([]*types.SignedMessage, error) {
curTs := mp.curTs
defer mp.lk.Unlock()
return mp.selectMessages(curTs, ts)
func (mp *MessagePool) selectMessages(curTs, ts *types.TipSet) ([]*types.SignedMessage, error) {
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
log.Infof("message selection took %s", time.Since(start))
// 0. Load messages for the target tipset; if it is the same as the current tipset in the mpool
// then this is just the pending messages
pending, err := mp.getPendingMessages(curTs, ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 1. Create a list of dependent message chains with maximal gas reward per limit consumed
var chains []*msgChain
for actor, mset := range pending {
next := mp.createMessageChains(actor, mset, ts)
chains = append(chains, next...)
// 2. Sort the chains
sort.Slice(chains, func(i, j int) bool {
return chains[i].Before(chains[j])
// 3. Merge the head chains to produce the list of messages selected for inclusion, subject to
// the block gas limit.
result := make([]*types.SignedMessage, 0, mp.maxTxPoolSizeLo)
gasLimit := int64(build.BlockGasLimit)
minGas := int64(gasguess.MinGas)
last := len(chains)
for i, chain := range chains {
// does it fit in the block?
if chain.gasLimit <= gasLimit {
gasLimit -= chain.gasLimit
result = append(result, chain.msgs...)
// we can't fit this chain because of block gasLimit -- we are at the edge
last = i
// 4. We have reached the edge of what we can fit wholesale; if we still have available gasLimit
// to pack some more chains, then trim the last chain and push it down.
// Trimming invalidates subsequent dependent chains so that they can't be selected as their
// dependency cannot be (fully) included.
// We do this in a loop because the blocker might have been inordinately large and we might
// have to do it multiple times to satisfy tail packing.
for gasLimit >= minGas && last < len(chains) {
// trim
chains[last].Trim(gasLimit, mp, ts)
// push down if it hasn't been invalidated
if chains[last].valid {
for i := last; i < len(chains)-1; i++ {
if chains[i].Before(chains[i+1]) {
chains[i], chains[i+1] = chains[i+1], chains[i]
// select the next (valid and fitting) chain for inclusion
for i, chain := range chains[last:] {
// has the chain been invalidated
if !chain.valid {
// does it fit in the bock?
if chain.gasLimit <= gasLimit {
gasLimit -= chain.gasLimit
result = append(result, chain.msgs...)
// this chain needs to be trimmed
last = i
continue tailLoop
// the merge loop ended after processing all the chains and we probably still have gas to spare
// -- mark the end.
last = len(chains)
return result, nil
func (mp *MessagePool) getPendingMessages(curTs, ts *types.TipSet) (map[address.Address]map[uint64]*types.SignedMessage, error) {
result := make(map[address.Address]map[uint64]*types.SignedMessage)
haveCids := make(map[cid.Cid]struct{})
// are we in sync?
inSync := false
if curTs.Height() == ts.Height() && curTs.Equals(ts) {
inSync = true
// first add our current pending messages
for a, mset := range mp.pending {
if inSync {
// no need to copy the map
result[a] = mset.msgs
} else {
// we need to copy the map to avoid clobbering it as we load more messages
msetCopy := make(map[uint64]*types.SignedMessage, len(mset.msgs))
for nonce, m := range mset.msgs {
msetCopy[nonce] = m
result[a] = msetCopy
// mark the messages as seen
for _, m := range mset.msgs {
haveCids[m.Cid()] = struct{}{}
// we are in sync, that's the happy path
if inSync {
return result, nil
// nope, we need to sync the tipsets
for {
if curTs.Height() == ts.Height() {
if curTs.Equals(ts) {
return result, nil
// different blocks in tipsets -- we mark them as seen so that they are not included in
// in the message set we return, but *neither me (vyzo) nor why understand why*
// this code is also probably completely untested in production, so I am adding a big fat
// warning to revisit this case and sanity check this decision.
log.Warnf("mpool tipset has same height as target tipset but it's not equal; beware of dragons!")
have, err := mp.MessagesForBlocks(ts.Blocks())
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("error retrieving messages for tipset: %w", err)
for _, m := range have {
haveCids[m.Cid()] = struct{}{}
msgs, err := mp.MessagesForBlocks(ts.Blocks())
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("error retrieving messages for tipset: %w", err)
for _, m := range msgs {
if _, have := haveCids[m.Cid()]; have {
haveCids[m.Cid()] = struct{}{}
mset, ok := result[m.Message.From]
if !ok {
mset = make(map[uint64]*types.SignedMessage)
result[m.Message.From] = mset
other, dupNonce := mset[m.Message.Nonce]
if dupNonce {
// duplicate nonce, selfishly keep the message with the highest GasPrice
// if the gas prices are the same, keep the one with the highest GasLimit
switch m.Message.GasPrice.Int.Cmp(other.Message.GasPrice.Int) {
case 0:
if m.Message.GasLimit > other.Message.GasLimit {
mset[m.Message.Nonce] = m
case 1:
mset[m.Message.Nonce] = m
} else {
mset[m.Message.Nonce] = m
if curTs.Height() >= ts.Height() {
return result, nil
ts, err = mp.api.LoadTipSet(ts.Parents())
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("error loading parent tipset: %w", err)
func (mp *MessagePool) getGasReward(msg *types.SignedMessage, ts *types.TipSet) *big.Int {
al := func(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, tsk types.TipSetKey) (*types.Actor, error) {
return mp.api.StateGetActor(addr, ts)
gasUsed, err := gasguess.GuessGasUsed(context.TODO(), types.EmptyTSK, msg, al)
if err != nil {
gasUsed = int64(gasguess.MaxGas)
if gasUsed > msg.Message.GasLimit/2 {
gasUsed = msg.Message.GasLimit / 2
// if we start seeing this warning we may have a problem with spammers!
log.Warnf("Cannot guess gas usage for message: %s; using %d", err, gasUsed)
gasReward := abig.Mul(msg.Message.GasPrice, types.NewInt(uint64(gasUsed)))
return gasReward.Int
func (mp *MessagePool) getGasPerf(gasReward *big.Int, gasLimit int64) float64 {
// gasPerf = gasReward * build.BlockGasLimit / gasLimit
a := new(big.Rat).SetInt(new(big.Int).Mul(gasReward, bigBlockGasLimit))
b := big.NewRat(1, gasLimit)
c := new(big.Rat).Mul(a, b)
r, _ := c.Float64()
return r
func (mp *MessagePool) createMessageChains(actor address.Address, mset map[uint64]*types.SignedMessage, ts *types.TipSet) []*msgChain {
// collect all messages
msgs := make([]*types.SignedMessage, 0, len(mset))
for _, m := range mset {
msgs = append(msgs, m)
// sort by nonce
sort.Slice(msgs, func(i, j int) bool {
return msgs[i].Message.Nonce < msgs[j].Message.Nonce
// sanity checks:
// - there can be no gaps in nonces, starting from the current actor nonce
// if there is a gap, drop messages after the gap, we can't include them
// - all messages must have minimum gas and the total gas for the candidate messages
// cannot exceed the block limit; drop all messages that exceed the limit
// - the total gasReward cannot exceed the actor's balance; drop all messages that exceed
// the balance
a, _ := mp.api.StateGetActor(actor, ts)
curNonce := a.Nonce
balance := a.Balance.Int
gasLimit := int64(0)
i := 0
rewards := make([]*big.Int, 0, len(msgs))
for i = 0; i < len(msgs); i++ {
m := msgs[i]
if m.Message.Nonce < curNonce {
log.Warnf("encountered message from actor %s with nonce (%d) less than the current nonce (%d)",
actor, m.Message.Nonce, curNonce)
if m.Message.Nonce != curNonce {
minGas := vm.PricelistByEpoch(ts.Height()).OnChainMessage(m.ChainLength()).Total()
if m.Message.GasLimit < minGas {
gasLimit += m.Message.GasLimit
if gasLimit > build.BlockGasLimit {
required := m.Message.RequiredFunds().Int
if balance.Cmp(required) < 0 {
balance = new(big.Int).Sub(balance, required)
gasReward := mp.getGasReward(m, ts)
rewards = append(rewards, gasReward)
// check we have a sane set of messages to construct the chains
if i > 0 {
msgs = msgs[:i]
} else {
return nil
// ok, now we can construct the chains using the messages we have
// invariant: each chain has a bigger gasPerf than the next -- otherwise they can be merged
// and increase the gasPerf of the first chain
// We do this in two passes:
// - in the first pass we create chains that aggreagate messages with non-decreasing gasPerf
// - in the second pass we merge chains to maintain the invariant.
var chains []*msgChain
var curChain *msgChain
newChain := func(m *types.SignedMessage, i int) *msgChain {
chain := new(msgChain)
chain.msgs = []*types.SignedMessage{m}
chain.gasReward = rewards[i]
chain.gasLimit = m.Message.GasLimit
chain.gasPerf = mp.getGasPerf(chain.gasReward, chain.gasLimit)
chain.valid = true
return chain
// create the individual chains
for i, m := range msgs {
if curChain == nil {
curChain = newChain(m, i)
gasReward := new(big.Int).Add(curChain.gasReward, rewards[i])
gasLimit := curChain.gasLimit + m.Message.GasLimit
gasPerf := mp.getGasPerf(gasReward, gasLimit)
// try to add the message to the current chain -- if it decreases the gasPerf, then make a
// new chain
if gasPerf < curChain.gasPerf {
chains = append(chains, curChain)
curChain = newChain(m, i)
} else {
curChain.msgs = append(curChain.msgs, m)
curChain.gasReward = gasReward
curChain.gasLimit = gasLimit
curChain.gasPerf = gasPerf
chains = append(chains, curChain)
// merge chains to maintain the invariant
for {
merged := 0
for i := len(chains) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
if chains[i].gasPerf >= chains[i-1].gasPerf {
chains[i-1].msgs = append(chains[i-1].msgs, chains[i].msgs...)
chains[i-1].gasReward = new(big.Int).Add(chains[i-1].gasReward, chains[i].gasReward)
chains[i-1].gasLimit += chains[i].gasLimit
chains[i-1].gasPerf = mp.getGasPerf(chains[i-1].gasReward, chains[i-1].gasLimit)
chains[i].valid = false
if merged == 0 {
// drop invalidated chains
newChains := make([]*msgChain, 0, len(chains)-merged)
for _, c := range chains {
if c.valid {
newChains = append(newChains, c)
chains = newChains
// link dependent chains
for i := 0; i < len(chains)-1; i++ {
chains[i].next = chains[i+1]
return chains
func (mc *msgChain) Before(other *msgChain) bool {
return mc.gasPerf > other.gasPerf ||
(mc.gasPerf == other.gasPerf && mc.gasReward.Cmp(other.gasReward) > 0)
func (mc *msgChain) Trim(gasLimit int64, mp *MessagePool, ts *types.TipSet) {
i := len(mc.msgs) - 1
for i >= 0 && mc.gasLimit > gasLimit {
gasLimit -= mc.msgs[i].Message.GasLimit
gasReward := mp.getGasReward(mc.msgs[i], ts)
mc.gasReward = new(big.Int).Sub(mc.gasReward, gasReward)
mc.gasLimit -= mc.msgs[i].Message.GasLimit
if mc.gasLimit > 0 {
mc.gasPerf = mp.getGasPerf(mc.gasReward, mc.gasLimit)
} else {
mc.gasPerf = 0
if i < 0 {
mc.msgs = nil
mc.valid = false
} else {
mc.msgs = mc.msgs[:i+1]
if mc.next != nil {
mc.next = nil
func (mc *msgChain) invalidate() {
mc.valid = false
mc.msgs = nil
if mc.next != nil {
mc.next = nil