Instead of versioning the state tree along with the actors, version it separately. This structure may not upgrade every time we update actors.
751 lines
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751 lines
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package stmgr
import (
cbor "github.com/ipfs/go-ipld-cbor"
builtin0 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/builtin"
miner0 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/builtin/miner"
multisig0 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/builtin/multisig"
power0 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/builtin/power"
adt0 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/util/adt"
m2 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/v2/actors/migration"
states2 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/v2/actors/states"
init_ "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/chain/actors/builtin/init"
type UpgradeFunc func(context.Context, *StateManager, ExecCallback, cid.Cid, *types.TipSet) (cid.Cid, error)
type Upgrade struct {
Height abi.ChainEpoch
Network network.Version
Migration UpgradeFunc
type UpgradeSchedule []Upgrade
func DefaultUpgradeSchedule() UpgradeSchedule {
var us UpgradeSchedule
for _, u := range []Upgrade{{
Height: build.UpgradeBreezeHeight,
Network: network.Version1,
Migration: UpgradeFaucetBurnRecovery,
}, {
Height: build.UpgradeSmokeHeight,
Network: network.Version2,
Migration: nil,
}, {
Height: build.UpgradeIgnitionHeight,
Network: network.Version3,
Migration: UpgradeIgnition,
}, {
Height: build.UpgradeActorsV2Height,
Network: network.Version4,
Migration: UpgradeActorsV2,
}, {
Height: build.UpgradeLiftoffHeight,
Network: network.Version4,
Migration: UpgradeLiftoff,
}} {
if u.Height < 0 {
// upgrade disabled
us = append(us, u)
return us
func (us UpgradeSchedule) Validate() error {
// Make sure we're not trying to upgrade to version 0.
for _, u := range us {
if u.Network <= 0 {
return xerrors.Errorf("cannot upgrade to version <= 0: %d", u.Network)
// Make sure all the upgrades make sense.
for i := 1; i < len(us); i++ {
prev := &us[i-1]
curr := &us[i]
if !(prev.Network <= curr.Network) {
return xerrors.Errorf("cannot downgrade from version %d to version %d", prev.Network, curr.Network)
// Make sure the heights make sense.
if prev.Height < 0 {
// Previous upgrade was disabled.
if !(prev.Height < curr.Height) {
return xerrors.Errorf("upgrade heights must be strictly increasing: upgrade %d was at height %d, followed by upgrade %d at height %d", i-1, prev.Height, i, curr.Height)
return nil
func (sm *StateManager) handleStateForks(ctx context.Context, root cid.Cid, height abi.ChainEpoch, cb ExecCallback, ts *types.TipSet) (cid.Cid, error) {
retCid := root
var err error
f, ok := sm.stateMigrations[height]
if ok {
retCid, err = f(ctx, sm, cb, root, ts)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, err
return retCid, nil
func doTransfer(cb ExecCallback, tree types.StateTree, from, to address.Address, amt abi.TokenAmount) error {
fromAct, err := tree.GetActor(from)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to get 'from' actor for transfer: %w", err)
fromAct.Balance = types.BigSub(fromAct.Balance, amt)
if fromAct.Balance.Sign() < 0 {
return xerrors.Errorf("(sanity) deducted more funds from target account than it had (%s, %s)", from, types.FIL(amt))
if err := tree.SetActor(from, fromAct); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to persist from actor: %w", err)
toAct, err := tree.GetActor(to)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to get 'to' actor for transfer: %w", err)
toAct.Balance = types.BigAdd(toAct.Balance, amt)
if err := tree.SetActor(to, toAct); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to persist to actor: %w", err)
if cb != nil {
// record the transfer in execution traces
fakeMsg := &types.Message{
From: from,
To: to,
Value: amt,
Nonce: math.MaxUint64,
fakeRct := &types.MessageReceipt{
ExitCode: 0,
Return: nil,
GasUsed: 0,
if err := cb(fakeMsg.Cid(), fakeMsg, &vm.ApplyRet{
MessageReceipt: *fakeRct,
ActorErr: nil,
ExecutionTrace: types.ExecutionTrace{
Msg: fakeMsg,
MsgRct: fakeRct,
Error: "",
Duration: 0,
GasCharges: nil,
Subcalls: nil,
Duration: 0,
GasCosts: vm.ZeroGasOutputs(),
}); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("recording transfer: %w", err)
return nil
func UpgradeFaucetBurnRecovery(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, cb ExecCallback, root cid.Cid, ts *types.TipSet) (cid.Cid, error) {
// Some initial parameters
FundsForMiners := types.FromFil(1_000_000)
LookbackEpoch := abi.ChainEpoch(32000)
AccountCap := types.FromFil(0)
BaseMinerBalance := types.FromFil(20)
DesiredReimbursementBalance := types.FromFil(5_000_000)
isSystemAccount := func(addr address.Address) (bool, error) {
id, err := address.IDFromAddress(addr)
if err != nil {
return false, xerrors.Errorf("id address: %w", err)
if id < 1000 {
return true, nil
return false, nil
minerFundsAlloc := func(pow, tpow abi.StoragePower) abi.TokenAmount {
return types.BigDiv(types.BigMul(pow, FundsForMiners), tpow)
// Grab lookback state for account checks
lbts, err := sm.ChainStore().GetTipsetByHeight(ctx, LookbackEpoch, ts, false)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to get tipset at lookback height: %w", err)
lbtree, err := sm.ParentState(lbts)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("loading state tree failed: %w", err)
ReserveAddress, err := address.NewFromString("t090")
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to parse reserve address: %w", err)
tree, err := sm.StateTree(root)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("getting state tree: %w", err)
type transfer struct {
From address.Address
To address.Address
Amt abi.TokenAmount
var transfers []transfer
// Take all excess funds away, put them into the reserve account
err = tree.ForEach(func(addr address.Address, act *types.Actor) error {
switch act.Code {
case builtin0.AccountActorCodeID, builtin0.MultisigActorCodeID, builtin0.PaymentChannelActorCodeID:
sysAcc, err := isSystemAccount(addr)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("checking system account: %w", err)
if !sysAcc {
transfers = append(transfers, transfer{
From: addr,
To: ReserveAddress,
Amt: act.Balance,
case builtin0.StorageMinerActorCodeID:
var st miner0.State
if err := sm.ChainStore().Store(ctx).Get(ctx, act.Head, &st); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to load miner state: %w", err)
var available abi.TokenAmount
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
log.Warnf("Get available balance failed (%s, %s, %s): %s", addr, act.Head, act.Balance, err)
available = abi.NewTokenAmount(0)
// this panics if the miner doesnt have enough funds to cover their locked pledge
available = st.GetAvailableBalance(act.Balance)
transfers = append(transfers, transfer{
From: addr,
To: ReserveAddress,
Amt: available,
return nil
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("foreach over state tree failed: %w", err)
// Execute transfers from previous step
for _, t := range transfers {
if err := doTransfer(cb, tree, t.From, t.To, t.Amt); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("transfer %s %s->%s failed: %w", t.Amt, t.From, t.To, err)
// pull up power table to give miners back some funds proportional to their power
var ps power0.State
powAct, err := tree.GetActor(builtin0.StoragePowerActorAddr)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load power actor: %w", err)
cst := cbor.NewCborStore(sm.ChainStore().Blockstore())
if err := cst.Get(ctx, powAct.Head, &ps); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to get power actor state: %w", err)
totalPower := ps.TotalBytesCommitted
var transfersBack []transfer
// Now, we return some funds to places where they are needed
err = tree.ForEach(func(addr address.Address, act *types.Actor) error {
lbact, err := lbtree.GetActor(addr)
if err != nil {
if !xerrors.Is(err, types.ErrActorNotFound) {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to get actor in lookback state")
prevBalance := abi.NewTokenAmount(0)
if lbact != nil {
prevBalance = lbact.Balance
switch act.Code {
case builtin0.AccountActorCodeID, builtin0.MultisigActorCodeID, builtin0.PaymentChannelActorCodeID:
nbalance := big.Min(prevBalance, AccountCap)
if nbalance.Sign() != 0 {
transfersBack = append(transfersBack, transfer{
From: ReserveAddress,
To: addr,
Amt: nbalance,
case builtin0.StorageMinerActorCodeID:
var st miner0.State
if err := sm.ChainStore().Store(ctx).Get(ctx, act.Head, &st); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to load miner state: %w", err)
var minfo miner0.MinerInfo
if err := cst.Get(ctx, st.Info, &minfo); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to get miner info: %w", err)
sectorsArr, err := adt0.AsArray(sm.ChainStore().Store(ctx), st.Sectors)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to load sectors array: %w", err)
slen := sectorsArr.Length()
power := types.BigMul(types.NewInt(slen), types.NewInt(uint64(minfo.SectorSize)))
mfunds := minerFundsAlloc(power, totalPower)
transfersBack = append(transfersBack, transfer{
From: ReserveAddress,
To: minfo.Worker,
Amt: mfunds,
// Now make sure to give each miner who had power at the lookback some FIL
lbact, err := lbtree.GetActor(addr)
if err == nil {
var lbst miner0.State
if err := sm.ChainStore().Store(ctx).Get(ctx, lbact.Head, &lbst); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to load miner state: %w", err)
lbsectors, err := adt0.AsArray(sm.ChainStore().Store(ctx), lbst.Sectors)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to load lb sectors array: %w", err)
if lbsectors.Length() > 0 {
transfersBack = append(transfersBack, transfer{
From: ReserveAddress,
To: minfo.Worker,
Amt: BaseMinerBalance,
} else {
log.Warnf("failed to get miner in lookback state: %s", err)
return nil
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("foreach over state tree failed: %w", err)
for _, t := range transfersBack {
if err := doTransfer(cb, tree, t.From, t.To, t.Amt); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("transfer %s %s->%s failed: %w", t.Amt, t.From, t.To, err)
// transfer all burnt funds back to the reserve account
burntAct, err := tree.GetActor(builtin0.BurntFundsActorAddr)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load burnt funds actor: %w", err)
if err := doTransfer(cb, tree, builtin0.BurntFundsActorAddr, ReserveAddress, burntAct.Balance); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to unburn funds: %w", err)
// Top up the reimbursement service
reimbAddr, err := address.NewFromString("t0111")
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to parse reimbursement service address")
reimb, err := tree.GetActor(reimbAddr)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load reimbursement account actor: %w", err)
difference := types.BigSub(DesiredReimbursementBalance, reimb.Balance)
if err := doTransfer(cb, tree, ReserveAddress, reimbAddr, difference); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to top up reimbursement account: %w", err)
// Now, a final sanity check to make sure the balances all check out
total := abi.NewTokenAmount(0)
err = tree.ForEach(func(addr address.Address, act *types.Actor) error {
total = types.BigAdd(total, act.Balance)
return nil
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("checking final state balance failed: %w", err)
exp := types.FromFil(build.FilBase)
if !exp.Equals(total) {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("resultant state tree account balance was not correct: %s", total)
return tree.Flush(ctx)
func UpgradeIgnition(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, cb ExecCallback, root cid.Cid, ts *types.TipSet) (cid.Cid, error) {
store := sm.cs.Store(ctx)
epoch := ts.Height() - 1
if build.UpgradeLiftoffHeight <= epoch {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("liftoff height must be beyond ignition height")
nst, err := nv3.MigrateStateTree(ctx, store, root, epoch)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("migrating actors state: %w", err)
tree, err := sm.StateTree(nst)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("getting state tree: %w", err)
err = setNetworkName(ctx, store, tree, "ignition")
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("setting network name: %w", err)
split1, err := address.NewFromString("t0115")
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("first split address: %w", err)
split2, err := address.NewFromString("t0116")
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("second split address: %w", err)
err = resetGenesisMsigs(ctx, sm, store, tree, build.UpgradeLiftoffHeight)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("resetting genesis msig start epochs: %w", err)
err = splitGenesisMultisig(ctx, cb, split1, store, tree, 50)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("splitting first msig: %w", err)
err = splitGenesisMultisig(ctx, cb, split2, store, tree, 50)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("splitting second msig: %w", err)
err = nv3.CheckStateTree(ctx, store, nst, epoch, builtin0.TotalFilecoin)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("sanity check after ignition upgrade failed: %w", err)
return tree.Flush(ctx)
func UpgradeActorsV2(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, cb ExecCallback, root cid.Cid, ts *types.TipSet) (cid.Cid, error) {
store := sm.cs.Store(ctx)
epoch := ts.Height() - 1
info, err := store.Put(ctx, new(types.StateInfo0))
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to create new state info for actors v2: %w", err)
newHamtRoot, err := m2.MigrateStateTree(ctx, store, root, epoch, m2.DefaultConfig())
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("upgrading to actors v2: %w", err)
newStateTree, err := states2.LoadTree(store, newHamtRoot)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load new state tree: %w", err)
// Check all state-tree invariants.
if msgs, err := states2.CheckStateInvariants(newStateTree, types.TotalFilecoinInt); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to check new state tree: %w", err)
} else if !msgs.IsEmpty() {
// This error is going to be really nasty.
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("network upgrade failed: %v", msgs.Messages())
newRoot, err := store.Put(ctx, &types.StateRoot{
// TODO: ActorUpgrade: should be state-tree specific, not just the actors version.
Version: actors.Version2,
Actors: newHamtRoot,
Info: info,
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to persist new state root: %w", err)
// perform some basic sanity checks to make sure everything still works.
if newSm, err := state.LoadStateTree(store, newRoot); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("state tree sanity load failed: %w", err)
} else if newRoot2, err := newSm.Flush(ctx); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("state tree sanity flush failed: %w", err)
} else if newRoot2 != newRoot {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("state-root mismatch: %s != %s", newRoot, newRoot2)
} else if _, err := newSm.GetActor(builtin0.InitActorAddr); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load init actor after upgrade: %w", err)
return newRoot, nil
func UpgradeLiftoff(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, cb ExecCallback, root cid.Cid, ts *types.TipSet) (cid.Cid, error) {
tree, err := sm.StateTree(root)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("getting state tree: %w", err)
err = setNetworkName(ctx, sm.cs.Store(ctx), tree, "mainnet")
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("setting network name: %w", err)
return tree.Flush(ctx)
func setNetworkName(ctx context.Context, store adt.Store, tree *state.StateTree, name string) error {
ia, err := tree.GetActor(builtin0.InitActorAddr)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting init actor: %w", err)
initState, err := init_.Load(store, ia)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("reading init state: %w", err)
if err := initState.SetNetworkName(name); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("setting network name: %w", err)
ia.Head, err = store.Put(ctx, initState)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("writing new init state: %w", err)
if err := tree.SetActor(builtin0.InitActorAddr, ia); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("setting init actor: %w", err)
return nil
func splitGenesisMultisig(ctx context.Context, cb ExecCallback, addr address.Address, store adt0.Store, tree *state.StateTree, portions uint64) error {
if portions < 1 {
return xerrors.Errorf("cannot split into 0 portions")
mact, err := tree.GetActor(addr)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting msig actor: %w", err)
mst, err := multisig.Load(store, mact)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting msig state: %w", err)
signers, err := mst.Signers()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting msig signers: %w", err)
thresh, err := mst.Threshold()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting msig threshold: %w", err)
ibal, err := mst.InitialBalance()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting msig initial balance: %w", err)
se, err := mst.StartEpoch()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting msig start epoch: %w", err)
ud, err := mst.UnlockDuration()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting msig unlock duration: %w", err)
pending, err := adt0.MakeEmptyMap(store).Root()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to create empty map: %w", err)
newIbal := big.Div(ibal, types.NewInt(portions))
newState := &multisig0.State{
Signers: signers,
NumApprovalsThreshold: thresh,
NextTxnID: 0,
InitialBalance: newIbal,
StartEpoch: se,
UnlockDuration: ud,
PendingTxns: pending,
scid, err := store.Put(ctx, newState)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("storing new state: %w", err)
newActor := types.Actor{
Code: builtin0.MultisigActorCodeID,
Head: scid,
Nonce: 0,
Balance: big.Zero(),
i := uint64(0)
for i < portions {
keyAddr, err := makeKeyAddr(addr, i)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("creating key address: %w", err)
idAddr, err := tree.RegisterNewAddress(keyAddr)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("registering new address: %w", err)
err = tree.SetActor(idAddr, &newActor)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("setting new msig actor state: %w", err)
if err := doTransfer(cb, tree, addr, idAddr, newIbal); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("transferring split msig balance: %w", err)
return nil
func makeKeyAddr(splitAddr address.Address, count uint64) (address.Address, error) {
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := splitAddr.MarshalCBOR(&b); err != nil {
return address.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("marshalling split address: %w", err)
if err := binary.Write(&b, binary.BigEndian, count); err != nil {
return address.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("writing count into a buffer: %w", err)
if err := binary.Write(&b, binary.BigEndian, []byte("Ignition upgrade")); err != nil {
return address.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("writing fork name into a buffer: %w", err)
addr, err := address.NewActorAddress(b.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return address.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("create actor address: %w", err)
return addr, nil
func resetGenesisMsigs(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, store adt0.Store, tree *state.StateTree, startEpoch abi.ChainEpoch) error {
gb, err := sm.cs.GetGenesis()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting genesis block: %w", err)
gts, err := types.NewTipSet([]*types.BlockHeader{gb})
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting genesis tipset: %w", err)
cst := cbor.NewCborStore(sm.cs.Blockstore())
genesisTree, err := state.LoadStateTree(cst, gts.ParentState())
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("loading state tree: %w", err)
err = genesisTree.ForEach(func(addr address.Address, genesisActor *types.Actor) error {
if genesisActor.Code == builtin0.MultisigActorCodeID {
currActor, err := tree.GetActor(addr)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("loading actor: %w", err)
var currState multisig0.State
if err := store.Get(ctx, currActor.Head, &currState); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("reading multisig state: %w", err)
currState.StartEpoch = startEpoch
currActor.Head, err = store.Put(ctx, &currState)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("writing new multisig state: %w", err)
if err := tree.SetActor(addr, currActor); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("setting multisig actor: %w", err)
return nil
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("iterating over genesis actors: %w", err)
return nil