LexLuthr 22ccaf91ef
feat: curio: alertManager (#11926)
* add alert task

* maxbalance config, storage alert

* docs gen

* improve storage alert

* fix empty alert
2024-05-08 15:08:15 +02:00

333 lines
9.9 KiB

package alertmanager
import (
// balanceCheck retrieves the machine details from the database and performs balance checks on unique addresses.
// It populates the alert map with any errors encountered during the process and with any alerts related to low wallet balance and missing wallets.
// The alert map key is "Balance Check".
// It queries the database for the configuration of each layer and decodes it using the toml.Decode function.
// It then iterates over the addresses in the configuration and curates a list of unique addresses.
// If an address is not found in the chain node, it adds an alert to the alert map.
// If the balance of an address is below MinimumWalletBalance, it adds an alert to the alert map.
// If there are any errors encountered during the process, the err field of the alert map is populated.
func balanceCheck(al *alerts) {
Name := "Balance Check"
al.alertMap[Name] = &alertOut{}
var ret string
uniqueAddrs, _, err := al.getAddresses()
if err != nil {
al.alertMap[Name].err = err
for _, addrStr := range uniqueAddrs {
addr, err := address.NewFromString(addrStr)
if err != nil {
al.alertMap[Name].err = xerrors.Errorf("failed to parse address: %w", err)
has, err := al.api.WalletHas(al.ctx, addr)
if err != nil {
al.alertMap[Name].err = err
if !has {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("Wallet %s was not found in chain node. ", addrStr)
balance, err := al.api.WalletBalance(al.ctx, addr)
if err != nil {
al.alertMap[Name].err = err
if abi.TokenAmount(al.cfg.MinimumWalletBalance).GreaterThanEqual(balance) {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("Balance for wallet %s is below 5 Fil. ", addrStr)
if ret != "" {
al.alertMap[Name].alertString = ret
// taskFailureCheck retrieves the task failure counts from the database for a specific time period.
// It then checks for specific sealing tasks and tasks with more than 5 failures to generate alerts.
func taskFailureCheck(al *alerts) {
Name := "TaskFailures"
al.alertMap[Name] = &alertOut{}
type taskFailure struct {
Machine string `db:"completed_by_host_and_port"`
Name string `db:"name"`
Failures int `db:"failed_tasks_count"`
var taskFailures []taskFailure
err := al.db.Select(al.ctx, &taskFailures, `
SELECT completed_by_host_and_port, name, COUNT(*) AS failed_count
FROM harmony_task_history
WHERE result = FALSE
AND work_end >= NOW() - $1::interval
GROUP BY completed_by_host_and_port, name
ORDER BY completed_by_host_and_port, name;`, fmt.Sprintf("%f Minutes", AlertMangerInterval.Minutes()))
if err != nil {
al.alertMap[Name].err = xerrors.Errorf("getting failed task count: %w", err)
mmap := make(map[string]int)
tmap := make(map[string]int)
if len(taskFailures) > 0 {
for _, tf := range taskFailures {
_, ok := tmap[tf.Name]
if !ok {
tmap[tf.Name] = tf.Failures
} else {
tmap[tf.Name] += tf.Failures
_, ok = mmap[tf.Machine]
if !ok {
mmap[tf.Machine] = tf.Failures
} else {
mmap[tf.Machine] += tf.Failures
sealingTasks := []string{"SDR", "TreeD", "TreeRC", "PreCommitSubmit", "PoRep", "Finalize", "MoveStorage", "CommitSubmit", "WdPost", "ParkPiece"}
contains := func(s []string, e string) bool {
for _, a := range s {
if a == e {
return true
return false
// Alerts for any sealing pipeline failures. Other tasks should have at least 5 failures for an alert
for name, count := range tmap {
if contains(sealingTasks, name) {
al.alertMap[Name].alertString += fmt.Sprintf("Task: %s, Failures: %d. ", name, count)
if count > 5 {
al.alertMap[Name].alertString += fmt.Sprintf("Task: %s, Failures: %d. ", name, count)
// Alert if a machine failed more than 5 tasks
for name, count := range tmap {
if count > 5 {
al.alertMap[Name].alertString += fmt.Sprintf("Machine: %s, Failures: %d. ", name, count)
// permanentStorageCheck retrieves the storage details from the database and checks if there is sufficient space for sealing sectors.
// It queries the database for the available storage for all storage paths that can store data.
// It queries the database for sectors being sealed that have not been finalized yet.
// For each sector, it calculates the required space for sealing based on the sector size.
// It checks if there is enough available storage for each sector and updates the sectorMap accordingly.
// If any sectors are unaccounted for, it calculates the total missing space and adds an alert to the alert map.
func permanentStorageCheck(al *alerts) {
Name := "PermanentStorageSpace"
// Get all storage path for permanent storages
type storage struct {
ID string `db:"storage_id"`
Available int64 `db:"available"`
var storages []storage
err := al.db.Select(al.ctx, &storages, `
SELECT storage_id, available
FROM storage_path
WHERE can_store = TRUE;`)
if err != nil {
al.alertMap[Name].err = xerrors.Errorf("getting storage details: %w", err)
type sector struct {
Miner abi.ActorID `db:"sp_id"`
Number abi.SectorNumber `db:"sector_number"`
Proof abi.RegisteredSealProof `db:"reg_seal_proof"`
var sectors []sector
err = al.db.Select(al.ctx, &sectors, `
SELECT sp_id, sector_number, reg_seal_proof
FROM sectors_sdr_pipeline
WHERE after_move_storage = FALSE;`)
if err != nil {
al.alertMap[Name].err = xerrors.Errorf("getting sectors being sealed: %w", err)
type sm struct {
s sector
size int64
sectorMap := make(map[sm]bool)
for _, sec := range sectors {
space := int64(0)
sec := sec
sectorSize, err := sec.Proof.SectorSize()
if err != nil {
space = int64(64<<30)*2 + int64(200<<20) // Assume 64 GiB sector
} else {
space = int64(sectorSize)*2 + int64(200<<20) // sealed + unsealed + cache
key := sm{s: sec, size: space}
sectorMap[key] = false
for _, strg := range storages {
if space > strg.Available {
strg.Available -= space
sectorMap[key] = true
missingSpace := big.NewInt(0)
for sec, accounted := range sectorMap {
if !accounted {
big.Add(missingSpace, big.NewInt(sec.size))
if missingSpace.GreaterThan(big.NewInt(0)) {
al.alertMap[Name].alertString = fmt.Sprintf("Insufficient storage space for sealing sectors. Additional %s required.", humanize.Bytes(missingSpace.Uint64()))
// getAddresses retrieves machine details from the database, stores them in an array and compares layers for uniqueness.
// It employs addrMap to handle unique addresses, and generated slices for configuration fields and MinerAddresses.
// The function iterates over layers, storing decoded configuration and verifying address existence in addrMap.
// It ends by returning unique addresses and miner slices.
func (al *alerts) getAddresses() ([]string, []string, error) {
// MachineDetails represents the structure of data received from the SQL query.
type machineDetail struct {
ID int
HostAndPort string
Layers string
var machineDetails []machineDetail
// Get all layers in use
err := al.db.Select(al.ctx, &machineDetails, `
SELECT m.id, m.host_and_port, d.layers
FROM harmony_machines m
LEFT JOIN harmony_machine_details d ON m.id = d.machine_id;`)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("getting config layers for all machines: %w", err)
// UniqueLayers takes an array of MachineDetails and returns a slice of unique layers.
layerMap := make(map[string]bool)
var uniqueLayers []string
// Get unique layers in use
for _, machine := range machineDetails {
machine := machine
// Split the Layers field into individual layers
layers := strings.Split(machine.Layers, ",")
for _, layer := range layers {
layer = strings.TrimSpace(layer)
if _, exists := layerMap[layer]; !exists && layer != "" {
layerMap[layer] = true
uniqueLayers = append(uniqueLayers, layer)
addrMap := make(map[string]bool)
var uniqueAddrs []string
var miners []string
// Get all unique addresses
for _, layer := range uniqueLayers {
text := ""
cfg := config.DefaultCurioConfig()
err := al.db.QueryRow(al.ctx, `SELECT config FROM harmony_config WHERE title=$1`, layer).Scan(&text)
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), sql.ErrNoRows.Error()) {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("missing layer '%s' ", layer)
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("could not read layer '%s': %w", layer, err)
_, err = toml.Decode(text, cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("could not read layer, bad toml %s: %w", layer, err)
for i := range cfg.Addresses {
prec := cfg.Addresses[i].PreCommitControl
com := cfg.Addresses[i].CommitControl
term := cfg.Addresses[i].TerminateControl
miner := cfg.Addresses[i].MinerAddresses
if prec != nil {
for j := range prec {
if _, ok := addrMap[prec[j]]; !ok && prec[j] != "" {
addrMap[prec[j]] = true
uniqueAddrs = append(uniqueAddrs, prec[j])
if com != nil {
for j := range com {
if _, ok := addrMap[com[j]]; !ok && com[j] != "" {
addrMap[com[j]] = true
uniqueAddrs = append(uniqueAddrs, com[j])
if term != nil {
for j := range term {
if _, ok := addrMap[term[j]]; !ok && term[j] != "" {
addrMap[term[j]] = true
uniqueAddrs = append(uniqueAddrs, term[j])
if miner != nil {
for j := range miner {
if _, ok := addrMap[miner[j]]; !ok && miner[j] != "" {
addrMap[miner[j]] = true
miners = append(miners, miner[j])
return uniqueAddrs, miners, nil