- FSM handles the actual cc upgrade process including error states - PoSting (winning and window) works over upgraded and upgrading sectors - Integration test and changes to itest framework to reduce flakes - Update CLI to handle new upgrade - Update dependencies
1170 lines
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package impl
import (
gsimpl "github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/impl"
datatransfer "github.com/filecoin-project/go-data-transfer"
gst "github.com/filecoin-project/go-data-transfer/transport/graphsync"
sectorstorage "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/extern/sector-storage"
sealing "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/extern/storage-sealing"
sto "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-storage/storage"
apitypes "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/api/types"
type StorageMinerAPI struct {
EnabledSubsystems api.MinerSubsystems
Full api.FullNode
LocalStore *stores.Local
RemoteStore *stores.Remote
// Markets
PieceStore dtypes.ProviderPieceStore `optional:"true"`
StorageProvider storagemarket.StorageProvider `optional:"true"`
RetrievalProvider retrievalmarket.RetrievalProvider `optional:"true"`
SectorAccessor retrievalmarket.SectorAccessor `optional:"true"`
DataTransfer dtypes.ProviderDataTransfer `optional:"true"`
StagingGraphsync dtypes.StagingGraphsync `optional:"true"`
Transport dtypes.ProviderTransport `optional:"true"`
DealPublisher *storageadapter.DealPublisher `optional:"true"`
SectorBlocks *sectorblocks.SectorBlocks `optional:"true"`
Host host.Host `optional:"true"`
DAGStore *dagstore.DAGStore `optional:"true"`
// Miner / storage
Miner *storage.Miner `optional:"true"`
BlockMiner *miner.Miner `optional:"true"`
StorageMgr *sectorstorage.Manager `optional:"true"`
IStorageMgr sectorstorage.SectorManager `optional:"true"`
storiface.WorkerReturn `optional:"true"`
AddrSel *storage.AddressSelector
Epp gen.WinningPoStProver `optional:"true"`
DS dtypes.MetadataDS
ConsiderOnlineStorageDealsConfigFunc dtypes.ConsiderOnlineStorageDealsConfigFunc `optional:"true"`
SetConsiderOnlineStorageDealsConfigFunc dtypes.SetConsiderOnlineStorageDealsConfigFunc `optional:"true"`
ConsiderOnlineRetrievalDealsConfigFunc dtypes.ConsiderOnlineRetrievalDealsConfigFunc `optional:"true"`
SetConsiderOnlineRetrievalDealsConfigFunc dtypes.SetConsiderOnlineRetrievalDealsConfigFunc `optional:"true"`
StorageDealPieceCidBlocklistConfigFunc dtypes.StorageDealPieceCidBlocklistConfigFunc `optional:"true"`
SetStorageDealPieceCidBlocklistConfigFunc dtypes.SetStorageDealPieceCidBlocklistConfigFunc `optional:"true"`
ConsiderOfflineStorageDealsConfigFunc dtypes.ConsiderOfflineStorageDealsConfigFunc `optional:"true"`
SetConsiderOfflineStorageDealsConfigFunc dtypes.SetConsiderOfflineStorageDealsConfigFunc `optional:"true"`
ConsiderOfflineRetrievalDealsConfigFunc dtypes.ConsiderOfflineRetrievalDealsConfigFunc `optional:"true"`
SetConsiderOfflineRetrievalDealsConfigFunc dtypes.SetConsiderOfflineRetrievalDealsConfigFunc `optional:"true"`
ConsiderVerifiedStorageDealsConfigFunc dtypes.ConsiderVerifiedStorageDealsConfigFunc `optional:"true"`
SetConsiderVerifiedStorageDealsConfigFunc dtypes.SetConsiderVerifiedStorageDealsConfigFunc `optional:"true"`
ConsiderUnverifiedStorageDealsConfigFunc dtypes.ConsiderUnverifiedStorageDealsConfigFunc `optional:"true"`
SetConsiderUnverifiedStorageDealsConfigFunc dtypes.SetConsiderUnverifiedStorageDealsConfigFunc `optional:"true"`
SetSealingConfigFunc dtypes.SetSealingConfigFunc `optional:"true"`
GetSealingConfigFunc dtypes.GetSealingConfigFunc `optional:"true"`
GetExpectedSealDurationFunc dtypes.GetExpectedSealDurationFunc `optional:"true"`
SetExpectedSealDurationFunc dtypes.SetExpectedSealDurationFunc `optional:"true"`
var _ api.StorageMiner = &StorageMinerAPI{}
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) ServeRemote(perm bool) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if perm == true {
if !auth.HasPerm(r.Context(), nil, api.PermAdmin) {
_ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(struct{ Error string }{"unauthorized: missing write permission"})
sm.StorageMgr.ServeHTTP(w, r)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) WorkerStats(context.Context) (map[uuid.UUID]storiface.WorkerStats, error) {
return sm.StorageMgr.WorkerStats(), nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) WorkerJobs(ctx context.Context) (map[uuid.UUID][]storiface.WorkerJob, error) {
return sm.StorageMgr.WorkerJobs(), nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) ActorAddress(context.Context) (address.Address, error) {
return sm.Miner.Address(), nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) MiningBase(ctx context.Context) (*types.TipSet, error) {
mb, err := sm.BlockMiner.GetBestMiningCandidate(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mb.TipSet, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) ActorSectorSize(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address) (abi.SectorSize, error) {
mi, err := sm.Full.StateMinerInfo(ctx, addr, types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return mi.SectorSize, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) PledgeSector(ctx context.Context) (abi.SectorID, error) {
sr, err := sm.Miner.PledgeSector(ctx)
if err != nil {
return abi.SectorID{}, err
// wait for the sector to enter the Packing state
// TODO: instead of polling implement some pubsub-type thing in storagefsm
for {
info, err := sm.Miner.SectorsStatus(ctx, sr.ID.Number, false)
if err != nil {
return abi.SectorID{}, xerrors.Errorf("getting pledged sector info: %w", err)
if info.State != api.SectorState(sealing.UndefinedSectorState) {
return sr.ID, nil
select {
case <-time.After(10 * time.Millisecond):
case <-ctx.Done():
return abi.SectorID{}, ctx.Err()
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorsStatus(ctx context.Context, sid abi.SectorNumber, showOnChainInfo bool) (api.SectorInfo, error) {
sInfo, err := sm.Miner.SectorsStatus(ctx, sid, false)
if err != nil {
return api.SectorInfo{}, err
if !showOnChainInfo {
return sInfo, nil
onChainInfo, err := sm.Full.StateSectorGetInfo(ctx, sm.Miner.Address(), sid, types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
return sInfo, err
if onChainInfo == nil {
return sInfo, nil
sInfo.SealProof = onChainInfo.SealProof
sInfo.Activation = onChainInfo.Activation
sInfo.Expiration = onChainInfo.Expiration
sInfo.DealWeight = onChainInfo.DealWeight
sInfo.VerifiedDealWeight = onChainInfo.VerifiedDealWeight
sInfo.InitialPledge = onChainInfo.InitialPledge
ex, err := sm.Full.StateSectorExpiration(ctx, sm.Miner.Address(), sid, types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
return sInfo, nil
sInfo.OnTime = ex.OnTime
sInfo.Early = ex.Early
return sInfo, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorAddPieceToAny(ctx context.Context, size abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, r sto.Data, d api.PieceDealInfo) (api.SectorOffset, error) {
so, err := sm.Miner.SectorAddPieceToAny(ctx, size, r, d)
if err != nil {
// jsonrpc doesn't support returning values with errors, make sure we never do that
return api.SectorOffset{}, err
return so, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorsUnsealPiece(ctx context.Context, sector sto.SectorRef, offset storiface.UnpaddedByteIndex, size abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, randomness abi.SealRandomness, commd *cid.Cid) error {
return sm.StorageMgr.SectorsUnsealPiece(ctx, sector, offset, size, randomness, commd)
// List all staged sectors
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorsList(context.Context) ([]abi.SectorNumber, error) {
sectors, err := sm.Miner.ListSectors()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out := make([]abi.SectorNumber, 0, len(sectors))
for _, sector := range sectors {
if sector.State == sealing.UndefinedSectorState {
continue // sector ID not set yet
out = append(out, sector.SectorNumber)
return out, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorsListInStates(ctx context.Context, states []api.SectorState) ([]abi.SectorNumber, error) {
filterStates := make(map[sealing.SectorState]struct{})
for _, state := range states {
st := sealing.SectorState(state)
if _, ok := sealing.ExistSectorStateList[st]; !ok {
filterStates[st] = struct{}{}
var sns []abi.SectorNumber
if len(filterStates) == 0 {
return sns, nil
sectors, err := sm.Miner.ListSectors()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := range sectors {
if _, ok := filterStates[sectors[i].State]; ok {
sns = append(sns, sectors[i].SectorNumber)
return sns, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorsSummary(ctx context.Context) (map[api.SectorState]int, error) {
sectors, err := sm.Miner.ListSectors()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out := make(map[api.SectorState]int)
for i := range sectors {
state := api.SectorState(sectors[i].State)
return out, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) StorageLocal(ctx context.Context) (map[stores.ID]string, error) {
l, err := sm.LocalStore.Local(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out := map[stores.ID]string{}
for _, st := range l {
out[st.ID] = st.LocalPath
return out, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorsRefs(ctx context.Context) (map[string][]api.SealedRef, error) {
// json can't handle cids as map keys
out := map[string][]api.SealedRef{}
refs, err := sm.SectorBlocks.List(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for k, v := range refs {
out[strconv.FormatUint(k, 10)] = v
return out, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) StorageStat(ctx context.Context, id stores.ID) (fsutil.FsStat, error) {
return sm.RemoteStore.FsStat(ctx, id)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorStartSealing(ctx context.Context, number abi.SectorNumber) error {
return sm.Miner.StartPackingSector(number)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorSetSealDelay(ctx context.Context, delay time.Duration) error {
cfg, err := sm.GetSealingConfigFunc()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("get config: %w", err)
cfg.WaitDealsDelay = delay
return sm.SetSealingConfigFunc(cfg)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorGetSealDelay(ctx context.Context) (time.Duration, error) {
cfg, err := sm.GetSealingConfigFunc()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return cfg.WaitDealsDelay, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorSetExpectedSealDuration(ctx context.Context, delay time.Duration) error {
return sm.SetExpectedSealDurationFunc(delay)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorGetExpectedSealDuration(ctx context.Context) (time.Duration, error) {
return sm.GetExpectedSealDurationFunc()
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorsUpdate(ctx context.Context, id abi.SectorNumber, state api.SectorState) error {
return sm.Miner.ForceSectorState(ctx, id, sealing.SectorState(state))
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorRemove(ctx context.Context, id abi.SectorNumber) error {
return sm.Miner.RemoveSector(ctx, id)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorTerminate(ctx context.Context, id abi.SectorNumber) error {
return sm.Miner.TerminateSector(ctx, id)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorTerminateFlush(ctx context.Context) (*cid.Cid, error) {
return sm.Miner.TerminateFlush(ctx)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorTerminatePending(ctx context.Context) ([]abi.SectorID, error) {
return sm.Miner.TerminatePending(ctx)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorPreCommitFlush(ctx context.Context) ([]sealiface.PreCommitBatchRes, error) {
return sm.Miner.SectorPreCommitFlush(ctx)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorPreCommitPending(ctx context.Context) ([]abi.SectorID, error) {
return sm.Miner.SectorPreCommitPending(ctx)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorMarkForUpgrade(ctx context.Context, id abi.SectorNumber, snap bool) error {
return sm.Miner.MarkForUpgrade(ctx, id, snap)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorCommitFlush(ctx context.Context) ([]sealiface.CommitBatchRes, error) {
return sm.Miner.CommitFlush(ctx)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorCommitPending(ctx context.Context) ([]abi.SectorID, error) {
return sm.Miner.CommitPending(ctx)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SectorMatchPendingPiecesToOpenSectors(ctx context.Context) error {
return sm.Miner.SectorMatchPendingPiecesToOpenSectors(ctx)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) WorkerConnect(ctx context.Context, url string) error {
w, err := connectRemoteWorker(ctx, sm, url)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("connecting remote storage failed: %w", err)
log.Infof("Connected to a remote worker at %s", url)
return sm.StorageMgr.AddWorker(ctx, w)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SealingSchedDiag(ctx context.Context, doSched bool) (interface{}, error) {
return sm.StorageMgr.SchedDiag(ctx, doSched)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) SealingAbort(ctx context.Context, call storiface.CallID) error {
return sm.StorageMgr.Abort(ctx, call)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) MarketImportDealData(ctx context.Context, propCid cid.Cid, path string) error {
fi, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to open file: %w", err)
defer fi.Close() //nolint:errcheck
return sm.StorageProvider.ImportDataForDeal(ctx, propCid, fi)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) listDeals(ctx context.Context) ([]api.MarketDeal, error) {
ts, err := sm.Full.ChainHead(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tsk := ts.Key()
allDeals, err := sm.Full.StateMarketDeals(ctx, tsk)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var out []api.MarketDeal
for _, deal := range allDeals {
if deal.Proposal.Provider == sm.Miner.Address() {
out = append(out, deal)
return out, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) MarketListDeals(ctx context.Context) ([]api.MarketDeal, error) {
return sm.listDeals(ctx)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) MarketListRetrievalDeals(ctx context.Context) ([]retrievalmarket.ProviderDealState, error) {
var out []retrievalmarket.ProviderDealState
deals := sm.RetrievalProvider.ListDeals()
for _, deal := range deals {
if deal.ChannelID != nil {
if deal.ChannelID.Initiator == "" || deal.ChannelID.Responder == "" {
deal.ChannelID = nil // don't try to push unparsable peer IDs over jsonrpc
out = append(out, deal)
return out, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) MarketGetDealUpdates(ctx context.Context) (<-chan storagemarket.MinerDeal, error) {
results := make(chan storagemarket.MinerDeal)
unsub := sm.StorageProvider.SubscribeToEvents(func(evt storagemarket.ProviderEvent, deal storagemarket.MinerDeal) {
select {
case results <- deal:
case <-ctx.Done():
go func() {
return results, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) MarketListIncompleteDeals(ctx context.Context) ([]storagemarket.MinerDeal, error) {
return sm.StorageProvider.ListLocalDeals()
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) MarketSetAsk(ctx context.Context, price types.BigInt, verifiedPrice types.BigInt, duration abi.ChainEpoch, minPieceSize abi.PaddedPieceSize, maxPieceSize abi.PaddedPieceSize) error {
options := []storagemarket.StorageAskOption{
return sm.StorageProvider.SetAsk(price, verifiedPrice, duration, options...)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) MarketGetAsk(ctx context.Context) (*storagemarket.SignedStorageAsk, error) {
return sm.StorageProvider.GetAsk(), nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) MarketSetRetrievalAsk(ctx context.Context, rask *retrievalmarket.Ask) error {
return nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) MarketGetRetrievalAsk(ctx context.Context) (*retrievalmarket.Ask, error) {
return sm.RetrievalProvider.GetAsk(), nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) MarketListDataTransfers(ctx context.Context) ([]api.DataTransferChannel, error) {
inProgressChannels, err := sm.DataTransfer.InProgressChannels(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
apiChannels := make([]api.DataTransferChannel, 0, len(inProgressChannels))
for _, channelState := range inProgressChannels {
apiChannels = append(apiChannels, api.NewDataTransferChannel(sm.Host.ID(), channelState))
return apiChannels, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) MarketRestartDataTransfer(ctx context.Context, transferID datatransfer.TransferID, otherPeer peer.ID, isInitiator bool) error {
selfPeer := sm.Host.ID()
if isInitiator {
return sm.DataTransfer.RestartDataTransferChannel(ctx, datatransfer.ChannelID{Initiator: selfPeer, Responder: otherPeer, ID: transferID})
return sm.DataTransfer.RestartDataTransferChannel(ctx, datatransfer.ChannelID{Initiator: otherPeer, Responder: selfPeer, ID: transferID})
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) MarketCancelDataTransfer(ctx context.Context, transferID datatransfer.TransferID, otherPeer peer.ID, isInitiator bool) error {
selfPeer := sm.Host.ID()
if isInitiator {
return sm.DataTransfer.CloseDataTransferChannel(ctx, datatransfer.ChannelID{Initiator: selfPeer, Responder: otherPeer, ID: transferID})
return sm.DataTransfer.CloseDataTransferChannel(ctx, datatransfer.ChannelID{Initiator: otherPeer, Responder: selfPeer, ID: transferID})
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) MarketDataTransferUpdates(ctx context.Context) (<-chan api.DataTransferChannel, error) {
channels := make(chan api.DataTransferChannel)
unsub := sm.DataTransfer.SubscribeToEvents(func(evt datatransfer.Event, channelState datatransfer.ChannelState) {
channel := api.NewDataTransferChannel(sm.Host.ID(), channelState)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case channels <- channel:
go func() {
defer unsub()
return channels, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) MarketDataTransferDiagnostics(ctx context.Context, mpid peer.ID) (*api.TransferDiagnostics, error) {
gsTransport, ok := sm.Transport.(*gst.Transport)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("api only works for graphsync as transport")
graphsyncConcrete, ok := sm.StagingGraphsync.(*gsimpl.GraphSync)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("api only works for non-mock graphsync implementation")
inProgressChannels, err := sm.DataTransfer.InProgressChannels(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
allReceivingChannels := make(map[datatransfer.ChannelID]datatransfer.ChannelState)
allSendingChannels := make(map[datatransfer.ChannelID]datatransfer.ChannelState)
for channelID, channel := range inProgressChannels {
if channel.OtherPeer() != mpid {
if channel.Status() == datatransfer.Completed {
if channel.Status() == datatransfer.Failed || channel.Status() == datatransfer.Cancelled {
if channel.SelfPeer() == channel.Sender() {
allSendingChannels[channelID] = channel
} else {
allReceivingChannels[channelID] = channel
// gather information about active transport channels
transportChannels := gsTransport.ChannelsForPeer(mpid)
// gather information about graphsync state for peer
gsPeerState := graphsyncConcrete.PeerState(mpid)
sendingTransfers := sm.generateTransfers(ctx, transportChannels.SendingChannels, gsPeerState.IncomingState, allSendingChannels)
receivingTransfers := sm.generateTransfers(ctx, transportChannels.ReceivingChannels, gsPeerState.OutgoingState, allReceivingChannels)
return &api.TransferDiagnostics{
SendingTransfers: sendingTransfers,
ReceivingTransfers: receivingTransfers,
}, nil
// generate transfers matches graphsync state and data transfer state for a given peer
// to produce detailed output on what's happening with a transfer
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) generateTransfers(ctx context.Context,
transportChannels map[datatransfer.ChannelID]gst.ChannelGraphsyncRequests,
gsPeerState peerstate.PeerState,
allChannels map[datatransfer.ChannelID]datatransfer.ChannelState) []*api.GraphSyncDataTransfer {
tc := &transferConverter{
matchedChannelIds: make(map[datatransfer.ChannelID]struct{}),
matchedRequests: make(map[graphsync.RequestID]*api.GraphSyncDataTransfer),
gsDiagnostics: gsPeerState.Diagnostics(),
requestStates: gsPeerState.RequestStates,
allChannels: allChannels,
// iterate through all operating data transfer transport channels
for channelID, channelRequests := range transportChannels {
originalState, err := sm.DataTransfer.ChannelState(ctx, channelID)
var baseDiagnostics []string
var channelState *api.DataTransferChannel
if err != nil {
baseDiagnostics = append(baseDiagnostics, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to lookup channel state: %s", err))
} else {
cs := api.NewDataTransferChannel(sm.Host.ID(), originalState)
channelState = &cs
// add the current request for this channel
tc.convertTransfer(channelID, true, channelState, baseDiagnostics, channelRequests.Current, true)
for _, requestID := range channelRequests.Previous {
// add any previous requests that were cancelled for a restart
tc.convertTransfer(channelID, true, channelState, baseDiagnostics, requestID, false)
// collect any graphsync data for channels we don't have any data transfer data for
return tc.transfers
type transferConverter struct {
matchedChannelIds map[datatransfer.ChannelID]struct{}
matchedRequests map[graphsync.RequestID]*api.GraphSyncDataTransfer
transfers []*api.GraphSyncDataTransfer
gsDiagnostics map[graphsync.RequestID][]string
requestStates graphsync.RequestStates
allChannels map[datatransfer.ChannelID]datatransfer.ChannelState
// convert transfer assembles transfer and diagnostic data for a given graphsync/data-transfer request
func (tc *transferConverter) convertTransfer(channelID datatransfer.ChannelID, hasChannelID bool, channelState *api.DataTransferChannel, baseDiagnostics []string,
requestID graphsync.RequestID, isCurrentChannelRequest bool) {
diagnostics := baseDiagnostics
state, hasState := tc.requestStates[requestID]
stateString := state.String()
if !hasState {
stateString = "no graphsync state found"
var channelIDPtr *datatransfer.ChannelID
if !hasChannelID {
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, fmt.Sprintf("No data transfer channel id for GraphSync request ID %d", requestID))
} else {
channelIDPtr = &channelID
if isCurrentChannelRequest && !hasState {
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, fmt.Sprintf("No current request state for data transfer channel id %s", channelID))
} else if !isCurrentChannelRequest && hasState {
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, fmt.Sprintf("Graphsync request %d is a previous request on data transfer channel id %s that was restarted, but it is still running", requestID, channelID))
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, tc.gsDiagnostics[requestID]...)
transfer := &api.GraphSyncDataTransfer{
RequestID: requestID,
RequestState: stateString,
IsCurrentChannelRequest: isCurrentChannelRequest,
ChannelID: channelIDPtr,
ChannelState: channelState,
Diagnostics: diagnostics,
tc.transfers = append(tc.transfers, transfer)
tc.matchedRequests[requestID] = transfer
if hasChannelID {
tc.matchedChannelIds[channelID] = struct{}{}
func (tc *transferConverter) collectRemainingTransfers() {
for requestID := range tc.requestStates {
if _, ok := tc.matchedRequests[requestID]; !ok {
tc.convertTransfer(datatransfer.ChannelID{}, false, nil, nil, requestID, false)
for requestID := range tc.gsDiagnostics {
if _, ok := tc.matchedRequests[requestID]; !ok {
tc.convertTransfer(datatransfer.ChannelID{}, false, nil, nil, requestID, false)
for channelID, channelState := range tc.allChannels {
if _, ok := tc.matchedChannelIds[channelID]; !ok {
channelID := channelID
cs := api.NewDataTransferChannel(channelState.SelfPeer(), channelState)
transfer := &api.GraphSyncDataTransfer{
RequestID: graphsync.RequestID(-1),
RequestState: "graphsync state unknown",
IsCurrentChannelRequest: false,
ChannelID: &channelID,
ChannelState: &cs,
Diagnostics: []string{"data transfer with no open transport channel, cannot determine linked graphsync request"},
tc.transfers = append(tc.transfers, transfer)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) MarketPendingDeals(ctx context.Context) (api.PendingDealInfo, error) {
return sm.DealPublisher.PendingDeals(), nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) MarketRetryPublishDeal(ctx context.Context, propcid cid.Cid) error {
return sm.StorageProvider.RetryDealPublishing(propcid)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) MarketPublishPendingDeals(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DagstoreListShards(ctx context.Context) ([]api.DagstoreShardInfo, error) {
if sm.DAGStore == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("dagstore not available on this node")
info := sm.DAGStore.AllShardsInfo()
ret := make([]api.DagstoreShardInfo, 0, len(info))
for k, i := range info {
ret = append(ret, api.DagstoreShardInfo{
Key: k.String(),
State: i.ShardState.String(),
Error: func() string {
if i.Error == nil {
return ""
return i.Error.Error()
// order by key.
sort.SliceStable(ret, func(i, j int) bool {
return ret[i].Key < ret[j].Key
return ret, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DagstoreInitializeShard(ctx context.Context, key string) error {
if sm.DAGStore == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("dagstore not available on this node")
k := shard.KeyFromString(key)
info, err := sm.DAGStore.GetShardInfo(k)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get shard info: %w", err)
if st := info.ShardState; st != dagstore.ShardStateNew {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot initialize shard; expected state ShardStateNew, was: %s", st.String())
ch := make(chan dagstore.ShardResult, 1)
if err = sm.DAGStore.AcquireShard(ctx, k, ch, dagstore.AcquireOpts{}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to acquire shard: %w", err)
var res dagstore.ShardResult
select {
case res = <-ch:
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
if err := res.Error; err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to acquire shard: %w", err)
if res.Accessor != nil {
err = res.Accessor.Close()
if err != nil {
log.Warnw("failed to close shard accessor; continuing", "shard_key", k, "error", err)
return nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DagstoreInitializeAll(ctx context.Context, params api.DagstoreInitializeAllParams) (<-chan api.DagstoreInitializeAllEvent, error) {
if sm.DAGStore == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("dagstore not available on this node")
if sm.SectorAccessor == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("sector accessor not available on this node")
// prepare the thottler tokens.
var throttle chan struct{}
if c := params.MaxConcurrency; c > 0 {
throttle = make(chan struct{}, c)
for i := 0; i < c; i++ {
throttle <- struct{}{}
// are we initializing only unsealed pieces?
onlyUnsealed := !params.IncludeSealed
info := sm.DAGStore.AllShardsInfo()
var toInitialize []string
for k, i := range info {
if i.ShardState != dagstore.ShardStateNew {
// if we're initializing only unsealed pieces, check if there's an
// unsealed deal for this piece available.
if onlyUnsealed {
pieceCid, err := cid.Decode(k.String())
if err != nil {
log.Warnw("DagstoreInitializeAll: failed to decode shard key as piece CID; skipping", "shard_key", k.String(), "error", err)
pi, err := sm.PieceStore.GetPieceInfo(pieceCid)
if err != nil {
log.Warnw("DagstoreInitializeAll: failed to get piece info; skipping", "piece_cid", pieceCid, "error", err)
var isUnsealed bool
for _, d := range pi.Deals {
isUnsealed, err = sm.SectorAccessor.IsUnsealed(ctx, d.SectorID, d.Offset.Unpadded(), d.Length.Unpadded())
if err != nil {
log.Warnw("DagstoreInitializeAll: failed to get unsealed status; skipping deal", "deal_id", d.DealID, "error", err)
if isUnsealed {
if !isUnsealed {
log.Infow("DagstoreInitializeAll: skipping piece because it's sealed", "piece_cid", pieceCid, "error", err)
// yes, we're initializing this shard.
toInitialize = append(toInitialize, k.String())
total := len(toInitialize)
if total == 0 {
out := make(chan api.DagstoreInitializeAllEvent)
return out, nil
// response channel must be closed when we're done, or the context is cancelled.
// this buffering is necessary to prevent inflight children goroutines from
// publishing to a closed channel (res) when the context is cancelled.
out := make(chan api.DagstoreInitializeAllEvent, 32) // internal buffer.
res := make(chan api.DagstoreInitializeAllEvent, 32) // returned to caller.
// pump events back to caller.
// two events per shard.
go func() {
defer close(res)
for i := 0; i < total*2; i++ {
select {
case res <- <-out:
case <-ctx.Done():
go func() {
for i, k := range toInitialize {
if throttle != nil {
select {
case <-throttle:
// acquired a throttle token, proceed.
case <-ctx.Done():
go func(k string, i int) {
r := api.DagstoreInitializeAllEvent{
Key: k,
Event: "start",
Total: total,
Current: i + 1, // start with 1
select {
case out <- r:
case <-ctx.Done():
err := sm.DagstoreInitializeShard(ctx, k)
if throttle != nil {
throttle <- struct{}{}
r.Event = "end"
if err == nil {
r.Success = true
} else {
r.Success = false
r.Error = err.Error()
select {
case out <- r:
case <-ctx.Done():
}(k, i)
return res, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DagstoreRecoverShard(ctx context.Context, key string) error {
if sm.DAGStore == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("dagstore not available on this node")
k := shard.KeyFromString(key)
info, err := sm.DAGStore.GetShardInfo(k)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get shard info: %w", err)
if st := info.ShardState; st != dagstore.ShardStateErrored {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot recover shard; expected state ShardStateErrored, was: %s", st.String())
ch := make(chan dagstore.ShardResult, 1)
if err = sm.DAGStore.RecoverShard(ctx, k, ch, dagstore.RecoverOpts{}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to recover shard: %w", err)
var res dagstore.ShardResult
select {
case res = <-ch:
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
return res.Error
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DagstoreGC(ctx context.Context) ([]api.DagstoreShardResult, error) {
if sm.DAGStore == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("dagstore not available on this node")
res, err := sm.DAGStore.GC(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to gc: %w", err)
ret := make([]api.DagstoreShardResult, 0, len(res.Shards))
for k, err := range res.Shards {
r := api.DagstoreShardResult{Key: k.String()}
if err == nil {
r.Success = true
} else {
r.Success = false
r.Error = err.Error()
ret = append(ret, r)
return ret, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DealsList(ctx context.Context) ([]api.MarketDeal, error) {
return sm.listDeals(ctx)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) RetrievalDealsList(ctx context.Context) (map[retrievalmarket.ProviderDealIdentifier]retrievalmarket.ProviderDealState, error) {
return sm.RetrievalProvider.ListDeals(), nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DealsConsiderOnlineStorageDeals(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
return sm.ConsiderOnlineStorageDealsConfigFunc()
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DealsSetConsiderOnlineStorageDeals(ctx context.Context, b bool) error {
return sm.SetConsiderOnlineStorageDealsConfigFunc(b)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DealsConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
return sm.ConsiderOnlineRetrievalDealsConfigFunc()
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DealsSetConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals(ctx context.Context, b bool) error {
return sm.SetConsiderOnlineRetrievalDealsConfigFunc(b)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DealsConsiderOfflineStorageDeals(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
return sm.ConsiderOfflineStorageDealsConfigFunc()
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DealsSetConsiderOfflineStorageDeals(ctx context.Context, b bool) error {
return sm.SetConsiderOfflineStorageDealsConfigFunc(b)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DealsConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
return sm.ConsiderOfflineRetrievalDealsConfigFunc()
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DealsSetConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals(ctx context.Context, b bool) error {
return sm.SetConsiderOfflineRetrievalDealsConfigFunc(b)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DealsConsiderVerifiedStorageDeals(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
return sm.ConsiderVerifiedStorageDealsConfigFunc()
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DealsSetConsiderVerifiedStorageDeals(ctx context.Context, b bool) error {
return sm.SetConsiderVerifiedStorageDealsConfigFunc(b)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DealsConsiderUnverifiedStorageDeals(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
return sm.ConsiderUnverifiedStorageDealsConfigFunc()
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DealsSetConsiderUnverifiedStorageDeals(ctx context.Context, b bool) error {
return sm.SetConsiderUnverifiedStorageDealsConfigFunc(b)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DealsGetExpectedSealDurationFunc(ctx context.Context) (time.Duration, error) {
return sm.GetExpectedSealDurationFunc()
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DealsSetExpectedSealDurationFunc(ctx context.Context, d time.Duration) error {
return sm.SetExpectedSealDurationFunc(d)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DealsImportData(ctx context.Context, deal cid.Cid, fname string) error {
fi, err := os.Open(fname)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to open given file: %w", err)
defer fi.Close() //nolint:errcheck
return sm.StorageProvider.ImportDataForDeal(ctx, deal, fi)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DealsPieceCidBlocklist(ctx context.Context) ([]cid.Cid, error) {
return sm.StorageDealPieceCidBlocklistConfigFunc()
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) DealsSetPieceCidBlocklist(ctx context.Context, cids []cid.Cid) error {
return sm.SetStorageDealPieceCidBlocklistConfigFunc(cids)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) StorageAddLocal(ctx context.Context, path string) error {
if sm.StorageMgr == nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("no storage manager")
return sm.StorageMgr.AddLocalStorage(ctx, path)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) PiecesListPieces(ctx context.Context) ([]cid.Cid, error) {
return sm.PieceStore.ListPieceInfoKeys()
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) PiecesListCidInfos(ctx context.Context) ([]cid.Cid, error) {
return sm.PieceStore.ListCidInfoKeys()
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) PiecesGetPieceInfo(ctx context.Context, pieceCid cid.Cid) (*piecestore.PieceInfo, error) {
pi, err := sm.PieceStore.GetPieceInfo(pieceCid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &pi, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) PiecesGetCIDInfo(ctx context.Context, payloadCid cid.Cid) (*piecestore.CIDInfo, error) {
ci, err := sm.PieceStore.GetCIDInfo(payloadCid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ci, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) CreateBackup(ctx context.Context, fpath string) error {
return backup(ctx, sm.DS, fpath)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) CheckProvable(ctx context.Context, pp abi.RegisteredPoStProof, sectors []sto.SectorRef, expensive bool) (map[abi.SectorNumber]string, error) {
var rg storiface.RGetter
if expensive {
rg = func(ctx context.Context, id abi.SectorID) (cid.Cid, error) {
si, err := sm.Miner.SectorsStatus(ctx, id.Number, false)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, err
if si.CommR == nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("commr is nil")
return *si.CommR, nil
bad, err := sm.StorageMgr.CheckProvable(ctx, pp, sectors, rg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var out = make(map[abi.SectorNumber]string)
for sid, err := range bad {
out[sid.Number] = err
return out, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) ActorAddressConfig(ctx context.Context) (api.AddressConfig, error) {
return sm.AddrSel.AddressConfig, nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) Discover(ctx context.Context) (apitypes.OpenRPCDocument, error) {
return build.OpenRPCDiscoverJSON_Miner(), nil
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) ComputeProof(ctx context.Context, ssi []builtin.ExtendedSectorInfo, rand abi.PoStRandomness, poStEpoch abi.ChainEpoch, nv network.Version) ([]builtin.PoStProof, error) {
return sm.Epp.ComputeProof(ctx, ssi, rand, poStEpoch, nv)
func (sm *StorageMinerAPI) RuntimeSubsystems(context.Context) (res api.MinerSubsystems, err error) {
return sm.EnabledSubsystems, nil