
552 lines
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package splitstore
import (
blocks "github.com/ipfs/go-block-format"
cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
dstore "github.com/ipfs/go-datastore"
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log/v2"
bstore "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/blockstore"
var (
// baseEpochKey stores the base epoch (last compaction epoch) in the
// metadata store.
baseEpochKey = dstore.NewKey("/splitstore/baseEpoch")
// warmupEpochKey stores whether a hot store warmup has been performed.
// On first start, the splitstore will walk the state tree and will copy
// all active blocks into the hotstore.
warmupEpochKey = dstore.NewKey("/splitstore/warmupEpoch")
// markSetSizeKey stores the current estimate for the mark set size.
// this is first computed at warmup and updated in every compaction
markSetSizeKey = dstore.NewKey("/splitstore/markSetSize")
// compactionIndexKey stores the compaction index (serial number)
compactionIndexKey = dstore.NewKey("/splitstore/compactionIndex")
log = logging.Logger("splitstore")
// set this to true if you are debugging the splitstore to enable debug logging
enableDebugLog = false
// set this to true if you want to track origin stack traces in the write log
enableDebugLogWriteTraces = false
func init() {
if os.Getenv("LOTUS_SPLITSTORE_DEBUG_LOG") == "1" {
enableDebugLog = true
enableDebugLogWriteTraces = true
type Config struct {
// MarkSetType is the type of mark set to use.
// Only current sane value is "map", but we may add an option for a disk-backed
// markset for memory-constrained situations.
MarkSetType string
// DiscardColdBlocks indicates whether to skip moving cold blocks to the coldstore.
// If the splitstore is running with a noop coldstore then this option is set to true
// which skips moving (as it is a noop, but still takes time to read all the cold objects)
// and directly purges cold blocks.
DiscardColdBlocks bool
// ChainAccessor allows the Splitstore to access the chain. It will most likely
// be a ChainStore at runtime.
type ChainAccessor interface {
GetTipsetByHeight(context.Context, abi.ChainEpoch, *types.TipSet, bool) (*types.TipSet, error)
GetHeaviestTipSet() *types.TipSet
SubscribeHeadChanges(change func(revert []*types.TipSet, apply []*types.TipSet) error)
// hotstore is the interface that must be satisfied by the hot blockstore; it is an extension
// of the Blockstore interface with the traits we need for compaction.
type hotstore interface {
type SplitStore struct {
compacting int32 // compaction/prune/warmup in progress
closing int32 // the splitstore is closing
cfg *Config
mx sync.Mutex
warmupEpoch abi.ChainEpoch // protected by mx
baseEpoch abi.ChainEpoch // protected by compaction lock
headChangeMx sync.Mutex
coldPurgeSize int
chain ChainAccessor
ds dstore.Datastore
cold bstore.Blockstore
hot hotstore
markSetEnv MarkSetEnv
markSetSize int64
compactionIndex int64
ctx context.Context
cancel func()
debug *debugLog
// transactional protection for concurrent read/writes during compaction
txnLk sync.RWMutex
txnViewsMx sync.Mutex
txnViewsCond sync.Cond
txnViews int
txnViewsWaiting bool
txnActive bool
txnProtect MarkSet
txnRefsMx sync.Mutex
txnRefs map[cid.Cid]struct{}
txnMissing map[cid.Cid]struct{}
var _ bstore.Blockstore = (*SplitStore)(nil)
// Open opens an existing splistore, or creates a new splitstore. The splitstore
// is backed by the provided hot and cold stores. The returned SplitStore MUST be
// attached to the ChainStore with Start in order to trigger compaction.
func Open(path string, ds dstore.Datastore, hot, cold bstore.Blockstore, cfg *Config) (*SplitStore, error) {
// hot blockstore must support the hotstore interface
hots, ok := hot.(hotstore)
if !ok {
// be specific about what is missing
if _, ok := hot.(bstore.BlockstoreIterator); !ok {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("hot blockstore does not support efficient iteration: %T", hot)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("hot blockstore does not support the necessary traits: %T", hot)
// the markset env
markSetEnv, err := OpenMarkSetEnv(path, cfg.MarkSetType)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// and now we can make a SplitStore
ss := &SplitStore{
cfg: cfg,
ds: ds,
cold: cold,
hot: hots,
markSetEnv: markSetEnv,
coldPurgeSize: defaultColdPurgeSize,
ss.txnViewsCond.L = &ss.txnViewsMx
ss.ctx, ss.cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
if enableDebugLog {
ss.debug, err = openDebugLog(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ss, nil
// Blockstore interface
func (s *SplitStore) DeleteBlock(_ cid.Cid) error {
// afaict we don't seem to be using this method, so it's not implemented
return errors.New("DeleteBlock not implemented on SplitStore; don't do this Luke!") //nolint
func (s *SplitStore) DeleteMany(_ []cid.Cid) error {
// afaict we don't seem to be using this method, so it's not implemented
return errors.New("DeleteMany not implemented on SplitStore; don't do this Luke!") //nolint
func (s *SplitStore) Has(cid cid.Cid) (bool, error) {
if isIdentiyCid(cid) {
return true, nil
defer s.txnLk.RUnlock()
has, err := s.hot.Has(cid)
if err != nil {
return has, err
if has {
return true, nil
return s.cold.Has(cid)
func (s *SplitStore) Get(cid cid.Cid) (blocks.Block, error) {
if isIdentiyCid(cid) {
data, err := decodeIdentityCid(cid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return blocks.NewBlockWithCid(data, cid)
defer s.txnLk.RUnlock()
blk, err := s.hot.Get(cid)
switch err {
case nil:
return blk, nil
case bstore.ErrNotFound:
if s.isWarm() {
blk, err = s.cold.Get(cid)
if err == nil {
stats.Record(s.ctx, metrics.SplitstoreMiss.M(1))
return blk, err
return nil, err
func (s *SplitStore) GetSize(cid cid.Cid) (int, error) {
if isIdentiyCid(cid) {
data, err := decodeIdentityCid(cid)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return len(data), nil
defer s.txnLk.RUnlock()
size, err := s.hot.GetSize(cid)
switch err {
case nil:
return size, nil
case bstore.ErrNotFound:
if s.isWarm() {
size, err = s.cold.GetSize(cid)
if err == nil {
stats.Record(s.ctx, metrics.SplitstoreMiss.M(1))
return size, err
return 0, err
func (s *SplitStore) Put(blk blocks.Block) error {
if isIdentiyCid(blk.Cid()) {
return nil
defer s.txnLk.RUnlock()
err := s.hot.Put(blk)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *SplitStore) PutMany(blks []blocks.Block) error {
// filter identites
idcids := 0
for _, blk := range blks {
if isIdentiyCid(blk.Cid()) {
if idcids > 0 {
if idcids == len(blks) {
// it's all identities
return nil
filtered := make([]blocks.Block, 0, len(blks)-idcids)
for _, blk := range blks {
if isIdentiyCid(blk.Cid()) {
filtered = append(filtered, blk)
blks = filtered
batch := make([]cid.Cid, 0, len(blks))
for _, blk := range blks {
batch = append(batch, blk.Cid())
defer s.txnLk.RUnlock()
err := s.hot.PutMany(blks)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *SplitStore) AllKeysChan(ctx context.Context) (<-chan cid.Cid, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
chHot, err := s.hot.AllKeysChan(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
chCold, err := s.cold.AllKeysChan(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
seen := cid.NewSet()
ch := make(chan cid.Cid, 8) // buffer is arbitrary, just enough to avoid context switches
go func() {
defer cancel()
defer close(ch)
for _, in := range []<-chan cid.Cid{chHot, chCold} {
for c := range in {
// ensure we only emit each key once
if !seen.Visit(c) {
select {
case ch <- c:
case <-ctx.Done():
return ch, nil
func (s *SplitStore) HashOnRead(enabled bool) {
func (s *SplitStore) View(cid cid.Cid, cb func([]byte) error) error {
if isIdentiyCid(cid) {
data, err := decodeIdentityCid(cid)
if err != nil {
return err
return cb(data)
// views are (optimistically) protected two-fold:
// - if there is an active transaction, then the reference is protected.
// - if there is no active transaction, active views are tracked in a
// wait group and compaction is inhibited from starting until they
// have all completed. this is necessary to ensure that a (very) long-running
// view can't have its data pointer deleted, which would be catastrophic.
// Note that we can't just RLock for the duration of the view, as this could
// lead to deadlock with recursive views.
defer s.viewDone()
err := s.hot.View(cid, cb)
switch err {
case bstore.ErrNotFound:
if s.isWarm() {
err = s.cold.View(cid, cb)
if err == nil {
stats.Record(s.ctx, metrics.SplitstoreMiss.M(1))
return err
return err
func (s *SplitStore) isWarm() bool {
defer s.mx.Unlock()
return s.warmupEpoch > 0
// State tracking
func (s *SplitStore) Start(chain ChainAccessor) error {
s.chain = chain
curTs := chain.GetHeaviestTipSet()
// should we warmup
warmup := false
// load base epoch from metadata ds
// if none, then use current epoch because it's a fresh start
bs, err := s.ds.Get(baseEpochKey)
switch err {
case nil:
s.baseEpoch = bytesToEpoch(bs)
case dstore.ErrNotFound:
if curTs == nil {
// this can happen in some tests
err = s.setBaseEpoch(curTs.Height())
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("error saving base epoch: %w", err)
return xerrors.Errorf("error loading base epoch: %w", err)
// load warmup epoch from metadata ds
bs, err = s.ds.Get(warmupEpochKey)
switch err {
case nil:
s.warmupEpoch = bytesToEpoch(bs)
case dstore.ErrNotFound:
warmup = true
return xerrors.Errorf("error loading warmup epoch: %w", err)
// load markSetSize from metadata ds to provide a size hint for marksets
bs, err = s.ds.Get(markSetSizeKey)
switch err {
case nil:
s.markSetSize = bytesToInt64(bs)
case dstore.ErrNotFound:
return xerrors.Errorf("error loading mark set size: %w", err)
// load compactionIndex from metadata ds to provide a hint as to when to perform moving gc
bs, err = s.ds.Get(compactionIndexKey)
switch err {
case nil:
s.compactionIndex = bytesToInt64(bs)
case dstore.ErrNotFound:
// this is potentially an upgrade from splitstore v0; schedule a warmup as v0 has
// some issues with hot references leaking into the coldstore.
warmup = true
return xerrors.Errorf("error loading compaction index: %w", err)
log.Infow("starting splitstore", "baseEpoch", s.baseEpoch, "warmupEpoch", s.warmupEpoch)
if warmup {
err = s.warmup(curTs)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("error starting warmup: %w", err)
// watch the chain
return nil
func (s *SplitStore) Close() error {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&s.closing, 0, 1) {
// already closing
return nil
if atomic.LoadInt32(&s.compacting) == 1 {
log.Warn("close with ongoing compaction in progress; waiting for it to finish...")
for atomic.LoadInt32(&s.compacting) == 1 {
return multierr.Combine(s.markSetEnv.Close(), s.debug.Close())
func (s *SplitStore) checkClosing() error {
if atomic.LoadInt32(&s.closing) == 1 {
return xerrors.Errorf("splitstore is closing")
return nil
func (s *SplitStore) setBaseEpoch(epoch abi.ChainEpoch) error {
s.baseEpoch = epoch
return s.ds.Put(baseEpochKey, epochToBytes(epoch))