Steven Allen 4d73febaf7
chore: sync: cleanup sync serve and reduce log noise (#11543)
* chore: cleanup sync serve and reduce log noise

1. Demote a noisy blocksync request error to debug. All this warning
means is that someone is requesting a tipset we don't have.
2. Add a separate warning if we fail to collect a chain. If we have the
tipsets but fail to collect the chain, something is actually wrong.
3. Fix a TODO and return a single CompactedMessages rather than 4
separate values.

* generally reduce the warning to info

It turns out we do fail to gather messages frequently as well, likely
because we have written the tipsets but haven't fetched the messages...
2024-01-29 11:17:05 -08:00

246 lines
6.0 KiB

package exchange
import (
inet "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/core/network"
cborutil "github.com/filecoin-project/go-cbor-util"
// server implements exchange.Server. It services requests for the
// libp2p ChainExchange protocol.
type server struct {
cs *store.ChainStore
var _ Server = (*server)(nil)
// NewServer creates a new libp2p-based exchange.Server. It services requests
// for the libp2p ChainExchange protocol.
func NewServer(cs *store.ChainStore) Server {
return &server{
cs: cs,
// HandleStream implements Server.HandleStream. Refer to the godocs there.
func (s *server) HandleStream(stream inet.Stream) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(context.Background(), "chainxchg.HandleStream")
defer span.End()
defer stream.Close() //nolint:errcheck
var req Request
if err := cborutil.ReadCborRPC(bufio.NewReader(stream), &req); err != nil {
log.Warnf("failed to read block sync request: %s", err)
log.Debugw("block sync request",
"start", req.Head, "len", req.Length)
resp, err := s.processRequest(ctx, &req)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to process request: ", err)
_ = stream.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(WriteResDeadline))
buffered := bufio.NewWriter(stream)
if err = cborutil.WriteCborRPC(buffered, resp); err == nil {
err = buffered.Flush()
if err != nil {
_ = stream.SetDeadline(time.Time{})
log.Warnw("failed to write back response for handle stream",
"err", err, "peer", stream.Conn().RemotePeer())
_ = stream.SetDeadline(time.Time{})
// Validate and service the request. We return either a protocol
// response or an internal error.
func (s *server) processRequest(ctx context.Context, req *Request) (*Response, error) {
validReq, errResponse := validateRequest(ctx, req)
if errResponse != nil {
// The request did not pass validation, return the response
// indicating it.
return errResponse, nil
return s.serviceRequest(ctx, validReq)
// Validate request. We either return a `validatedRequest`, or an error
// `Response` indicating why we can't process it. We do not return any
// internal errors here, we just signal protocol ones.
func validateRequest(ctx context.Context, req *Request) (*validatedRequest, *Response) {
_, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "chainxchg.ValidateRequest")
defer span.End()
validReq := validatedRequest{}
validReq.options = parseOptions(req.Options)
if validReq.options.noOptionsSet() {
return nil, &Response{
Status: BadRequest,
ErrorMessage: "no options set",
validReq.length = req.Length
if validReq.length > MaxRequestLength {
return nil, &Response{
Status: BadRequest,
ErrorMessage: fmt.Sprintf("request length over maximum allowed (%d)",
if validReq.length == 0 {
return nil, &Response{
Status: BadRequest,
ErrorMessage: "invalid request length of zero",
if len(req.Head) == 0 {
return nil, &Response{
Status: BadRequest,
ErrorMessage: "no cids in request",
validReq.head = types.NewTipSetKey(req.Head...)
// FIXME: Add as a defer at the start.
trace.BoolAttribute("blocks", validReq.options.IncludeHeaders),
trace.BoolAttribute("messages", validReq.options.IncludeMessages),
trace.Int64Attribute("reqlen", int64(validReq.length)),
return &validReq, nil
func (s *server) serviceRequest(ctx context.Context, req *validatedRequest) (*Response, error) {
_, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "chainxchg.ServiceRequest")
defer span.End()
chain, err := collectChainSegment(ctx, s.cs, req)
if err != nil {
log.Info("block sync request: collectChainSegment failed: ", err)
return &Response{
Status: InternalError,
ErrorMessage: err.Error(),
}, nil
status := Ok
if len(chain) < int(req.length) {
status = Partial
return &Response{
Chain: chain,
Status: status,
}, nil
func collectChainSegment(ctx context.Context, cs *store.ChainStore, req *validatedRequest) ([]*BSTipSet, error) {
var bstips []*BSTipSet
cur := req.head
for {
var bst BSTipSet
ts, err := cs.LoadTipSet(ctx, cur)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed loading tipset %s: %w", cur, err)
if req.options.IncludeHeaders {
bst.Blocks = ts.Blocks()
if req.options.IncludeMessages {
bst.Messages, err = gatherMessages(ctx, cs, ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("gather messages failed: %w", err)
bstips = append(bstips, &bst)
// If we collected the length requested or if we reached the
// start (genesis), then stop.
if uint64(len(bstips)) >= req.length || ts.Height() == 0 {
return bstips, nil
cur = ts.Parents()
func gatherMessages(ctx context.Context, cs *store.ChainStore, ts *types.TipSet) (*CompactedMessages, error) {
msgs := new(CompactedMessages)
blsmsgmap := make(map[cid.Cid]uint64)
secpkmsgmap := make(map[cid.Cid]uint64)
var blscids, secpkcids []cid.Cid
for _, block := range ts.Blocks() {
bc, sc, err := cs.ReadMsgMetaCids(ctx, block.Messages)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// FIXME: DRY. Use `chain.Message` interface.
bmi := make([]uint64, 0, len(bc))
for _, m := range bc {
i, ok := blsmsgmap[m]
if !ok {
i = uint64(len(blscids))
blscids = append(blscids, m)
blsmsgmap[m] = i
bmi = append(bmi, i)
msgs.BlsIncludes = append(msgs.BlsIncludes, bmi)
smi := make([]uint64, 0, len(sc))
for _, m := range sc {
i, ok := secpkmsgmap[m]
if !ok {
i = uint64(len(secpkcids))
secpkcids = append(secpkcids, m)
secpkmsgmap[m] = i
smi = append(smi, i)
msgs.SecpkIncludes = append(msgs.SecpkIncludes, smi)
var err error
msgs.Bls, err = cs.LoadMessagesFromCids(ctx, blscids)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
msgs.Secpk, err = cs.LoadSignedMessagesFromCids(ctx, secpkcids)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return msgs, nil