Steven Allen b61281ba4b fix a panic on startup when we fail to load the tipset
There may be a deeper issue here, but we need to handle this more gracefully
somehow. See #4358.
2020-10-13 15:06:47 -07:00

1330 lines
33 KiB

package messagepool
import (
stdbig "math/big"
lru "github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru"
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log/v2"
pubsub "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-pubsub"
lps "github.com/whyrusleeping/pubsub"
var log = logging.Logger("messagepool")
var futureDebug = false
var rbfNumBig = types.NewInt(uint64((ReplaceByFeeRatioDefault - 1) * RbfDenom))
var rbfDenomBig = types.NewInt(RbfDenom)
const RbfDenom = 256
var RepublishInterval = time.Duration(10*build.BlockDelaySecs+build.PropagationDelaySecs) * time.Second
var minimumBaseFee = types.NewInt(uint64(build.MinimumBaseFee))
var baseFeeLowerBoundFactor = types.NewInt(10)
var baseFeeLowerBoundFactorConservative = types.NewInt(100)
var MaxActorPendingMessages = 1000
var MaxUntrustedActorPendingMessages = 10
var MaxNonceGap = uint64(4)
var (
ErrMessageTooBig = errors.New("message too big")
ErrMessageValueTooHigh = errors.New("cannot send more filecoin than will ever exist")
ErrNonceTooLow = errors.New("message nonce too low")
ErrGasFeeCapTooLow = errors.New("gas fee cap too low")
ErrNotEnoughFunds = errors.New("not enough funds to execute transaction")
ErrInvalidToAddr = errors.New("message had invalid to address")
ErrSoftValidationFailure = errors.New("validation failure")
ErrRBFTooLowPremium = errors.New("replace by fee has too low GasPremium")
ErrTooManyPendingMessages = errors.New("too many pending messages for actor")
ErrNonceGap = errors.New("unfulfilled nonce gap")
const (
localMsgsDs = "/mpool/local"
localUpdates = "update"
// Journal event types.
const (
evtTypeMpoolAdd = iota
// MessagePoolEvt is the journal entry for message pool events.
type MessagePoolEvt struct {
Action string
Messages []MessagePoolEvtMessage
Error error `json:",omitempty"`
type MessagePoolEvtMessage struct {
CID cid.Cid
func init() {
// if the republish interval is too short compared to the pubsub timecache, adjust it
minInterval := pubsub.TimeCacheDuration + time.Duration(build.PropagationDelaySecs)
if RepublishInterval < minInterval {
RepublishInterval = minInterval
type MessagePool struct {
lk sync.Mutex
ds dtypes.MetadataDS
addSema chan struct{}
closer chan struct{}
repubTk *clock.Ticker
repubTrigger chan struct{}
republished map[cid.Cid]struct{}
localAddrs map[address.Address]struct{}
pending map[address.Address]*msgSet
curTsLk sync.Mutex // DO NOT LOCK INSIDE lk
curTs *types.TipSet
cfgLk sync.Mutex
cfg *types.MpoolConfig
api Provider
minGasPrice types.BigInt
currentSize int
// pruneTrigger is a channel used to trigger a mempool pruning
pruneTrigger chan struct{}
// pruneCooldown is a channel used to allow a cooldown time between prunes
pruneCooldown chan struct{}
blsSigCache *lru.TwoQueueCache
changes *lps.PubSub
localMsgs datastore.Datastore
netName dtypes.NetworkName
sigValCache *lru.TwoQueueCache
evtTypes [3]journal.EventType
journal journal.Journal
type msgSet struct {
msgs map[uint64]*types.SignedMessage
nextNonce uint64
requiredFunds *stdbig.Int
func newMsgSet(nonce uint64) *msgSet {
return &msgSet{
msgs: make(map[uint64]*types.SignedMessage),
nextNonce: nonce,
requiredFunds: stdbig.NewInt(0),
func ComputeMinRBF(curPrem abi.TokenAmount) abi.TokenAmount {
minPrice := types.BigAdd(curPrem, types.BigDiv(types.BigMul(curPrem, rbfNumBig), rbfDenomBig))
return types.BigAdd(minPrice, types.NewInt(1))
func CapGasFee(msg *types.Message, maxFee abi.TokenAmount) {
if maxFee.Equals(big.Zero()) {
maxFee = types.NewInt(build.FilecoinPrecision / 10)
gl := types.NewInt(uint64(msg.GasLimit))
totalFee := types.BigMul(msg.GasFeeCap, gl)
if totalFee.LessThanEqual(maxFee) {
msg.GasFeeCap = big.Div(maxFee, gl)
msg.GasPremium = big.Min(msg.GasFeeCap, msg.GasPremium) // cap premium at FeeCap
func (ms *msgSet) add(m *types.SignedMessage, mp *MessagePool, strict, untrusted bool) (bool, error) {
nextNonce := ms.nextNonce
nonceGap := false
maxNonceGap := MaxNonceGap
maxActorPendingMessages := MaxActorPendingMessages
if untrusted {
maxNonceGap = 0
maxActorPendingMessages = MaxUntrustedActorPendingMessages
switch {
case m.Message.Nonce == nextNonce:
// advance if we are filling a gap
for _, fillGap := ms.msgs[nextNonce]; fillGap; _, fillGap = ms.msgs[nextNonce] {
case strict && m.Message.Nonce > nextNonce+maxNonceGap:
return false, xerrors.Errorf("message nonce has too big a gap from expected nonce (Nonce: %d, nextNonce: %d): %w", m.Message.Nonce, nextNonce, ErrNonceGap)
case m.Message.Nonce > nextNonce:
nonceGap = true
exms, has := ms.msgs[m.Message.Nonce]
if has {
// refuse RBF if we have a gap
if strict && nonceGap {
return false, xerrors.Errorf("rejecting replace by fee because of nonce gap (Nonce: %d, nextNonce: %d): %w", m.Message.Nonce, nextNonce, ErrNonceGap)
if m.Cid() != exms.Cid() {
// check if RBF passes
minPrice := ComputeMinRBF(exms.Message.GasPremium)
if types.BigCmp(m.Message.GasPremium, minPrice) >= 0 {
log.Infow("add with RBF", "oldpremium", exms.Message.GasPremium,
"newpremium", m.Message.GasPremium, "addr", m.Message.From, "nonce", m.Message.Nonce)
} else {
log.Info("add with duplicate nonce")
return false, xerrors.Errorf("message from %s with nonce %d already in mpool,"+
" increase GasPremium to %s from %s to trigger replace by fee: %w",
m.Message.From, m.Message.Nonce, minPrice, m.Message.GasPremium,
} else {
return false, xerrors.Errorf("message from %s with nonce %d already in mpool: %w",
m.Message.From, m.Message.Nonce, ErrSoftValidationFailure)
ms.requiredFunds.Sub(ms.requiredFunds, exms.Message.RequiredFunds().Int)
//ms.requiredFunds.Sub(ms.requiredFunds, exms.Message.Value.Int)
if !has && strict && len(ms.msgs) >= maxActorPendingMessages {
log.Errorf("too many pending messages from actor %s", m.Message.From)
return false, ErrTooManyPendingMessages
if strict && nonceGap {
log.Warnf("adding nonce-gapped message from %s (nonce: %d, nextNonce: %d)",
m.Message.From, m.Message.Nonce, nextNonce)
ms.nextNonce = nextNonce
ms.msgs[m.Message.Nonce] = m
ms.requiredFunds.Add(ms.requiredFunds, m.Message.RequiredFunds().Int)
//ms.requiredFunds.Add(ms.requiredFunds, m.Message.Value.Int)
return !has, nil
func (ms *msgSet) rm(nonce uint64, applied bool) {
m, has := ms.msgs[nonce]
if !has {
if applied && nonce >= ms.nextNonce {
// we removed a message we did not know about because it was applied
// we need to adjust the nonce and check if we filled a gap
ms.nextNonce = nonce + 1
for _, fillGap := ms.msgs[ms.nextNonce]; fillGap; _, fillGap = ms.msgs[ms.nextNonce] {
ms.requiredFunds.Sub(ms.requiredFunds, m.Message.RequiredFunds().Int)
//ms.requiredFunds.Sub(ms.requiredFunds, m.Message.Value.Int)
delete(ms.msgs, nonce)
// adjust next nonce
if applied {
// we removed a (known) message because it was applied in a tipset
// we can't possibly have filled a gap in this case
if nonce >= ms.nextNonce {
ms.nextNonce = nonce + 1
// we removed a message because it was pruned
// we have to adjust the nonce if it creates a gap or rewinds state
if nonce < ms.nextNonce {
ms.nextNonce = nonce
func (ms *msgSet) getRequiredFunds(nonce uint64) types.BigInt {
requiredFunds := new(stdbig.Int).Set(ms.requiredFunds)
m, has := ms.msgs[nonce]
if has {
requiredFunds.Sub(requiredFunds, m.Message.RequiredFunds().Int)
//requiredFunds.Sub(requiredFunds, m.Message.Value.Int)
return types.BigInt{Int: requiredFunds}
func New(api Provider, ds dtypes.MetadataDS, netName dtypes.NetworkName, j journal.Journal) (*MessagePool, error) {
cache, _ := lru.New2Q(build.BlsSignatureCacheSize)
verifcache, _ := lru.New2Q(build.VerifSigCacheSize)
cfg, err := loadConfig(ds)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("error loading mpool config: %w", err)
if j == nil {
j = journal.NilJournal()
mp := &MessagePool{
ds: ds,
addSema: make(chan struct{}, 1),
closer: make(chan struct{}),
repubTk: build.Clock.Ticker(RepublishInterval),
repubTrigger: make(chan struct{}, 1),
localAddrs: make(map[address.Address]struct{}),
pending: make(map[address.Address]*msgSet),
minGasPrice: types.NewInt(0),
pruneTrigger: make(chan struct{}, 1),
pruneCooldown: make(chan struct{}, 1),
blsSigCache: cache,
sigValCache: verifcache,
changes: lps.New(50),
localMsgs: namespace.Wrap(ds, datastore.NewKey(localMsgsDs)),
api: api,
netName: netName,
cfg: cfg,
evtTypes: [...]journal.EventType{
evtTypeMpoolAdd: j.RegisterEventType("mpool", "add"),
evtTypeMpoolRemove: j.RegisterEventType("mpool", "remove"),
evtTypeMpoolRepub: j.RegisterEventType("mpool", "repub"),
journal: j,
// enable initial prunes
mp.pruneCooldown <- struct{}{}
// load the current tipset and subscribe to head changes _before_ loading local messages
mp.curTs = api.SubscribeHeadChanges(func(rev, app []*types.TipSet) error {
err := mp.HeadChange(rev, app)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("mpool head notif handler error: %+v", err)
return err
if err := mp.loadLocal(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("loading local messages: %+v", err)
go mp.runLoop()
return mp, nil
func (mp *MessagePool) Close() error {
return nil
func (mp *MessagePool) Prune() {
// this magic incantation of triggering prune thrice is here to make the Prune method
// synchronous:
// so, its a single slot buffered channel. The first send fills the channel,
// the second send goes through when the pruning starts,
// and the third send goes through (and noops) after the pruning finishes
// and goes through the loop again
mp.pruneTrigger <- struct{}{}
mp.pruneTrigger <- struct{}{}
mp.pruneTrigger <- struct{}{}
func (mp *MessagePool) runLoop() {
for {
select {
case <-mp.repubTk.C:
if err := mp.republishPendingMessages(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("error while republishing messages: %s", err)
case <-mp.repubTrigger:
if err := mp.republishPendingMessages(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("error while republishing messages: %s", err)
case <-mp.pruneTrigger:
if err := mp.pruneExcessMessages(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to prune excess messages from mempool: %s", err)
case <-mp.closer:
func (mp *MessagePool) addLocal(m *types.SignedMessage, msgb []byte) error {
mp.localAddrs[m.Message.From] = struct{}{}
if err := mp.localMsgs.Put(datastore.NewKey(string(m.Cid().Bytes())), msgb); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("persisting local message: %w", err)
return nil
// verifyMsgBeforeAdd verifies that the message meets the minimum criteria for block inclusio
// and whether the message has enough funds to be included in the next 20 blocks.
// If the message is not valid for block inclusion, it returns an error.
// For local messages, if the message can be included in the next 20 blocks, it returns true to
// signal that it should be immediately published. If the message cannot be included in the next 20
// blocks, it returns false so that the message doesn't immediately get published (and ignored by our
// peers); instead it will be published through the republish loop, once the base fee has fallen
// sufficiently.
// For non local messages, if the message cannot be included in the next 20 blocks it returns
// a (soft) validation error.
func (mp *MessagePool) verifyMsgBeforeAdd(m *types.SignedMessage, curTs *types.TipSet, local bool) (bool, error) {
epoch := curTs.Height()
minGas := vm.PricelistByEpoch(epoch).OnChainMessage(m.ChainLength())
if err := m.VMMessage().ValidForBlockInclusion(minGas.Total()); err != nil {
return false, xerrors.Errorf("message will not be included in a block: %w", err)
// this checks if the GasFeeCap is suffisciently high for inclusion in the next 20 blocks
// if the GasFeeCap is too low, we soft reject the message (Ignore in pubsub) and rely
// on republish to push it through later, if the baseFee has fallen.
// this is a defensive check that stops minimum baseFee spam attacks from overloading validation
// queues.
// Note that for local messages, we always add them so that they can be accepted and republished
// automatically.
publish := local
var baseFee big.Int
if len(curTs.Blocks()) > 0 {
baseFee = curTs.Blocks()[0].ParentBaseFee
} else {
var err error
baseFee, err = mp.api.ChainComputeBaseFee(context.TODO(), curTs)
if err != nil {
return false, xerrors.Errorf("computing basefee: %w", err)
baseFeeLowerBound := getBaseFeeLowerBound(baseFee, baseFeeLowerBoundFactorConservative)
if m.Message.GasFeeCap.LessThan(baseFeeLowerBound) {
if local {
log.Warnf("local message will not be immediately published because GasFeeCap doesn't meet the lower bound for inclusion in the next 20 blocks (GasFeeCap: %s, baseFeeLowerBound: %s)",
m.Message.GasFeeCap, baseFeeLowerBound)
publish = false
} else {
return false, xerrors.Errorf("GasFeeCap doesn't meet base fee lower bound for inclusion in the next 20 blocks (GasFeeCap: %s, baseFeeLowerBound: %s): %w",
m.Message.GasFeeCap, baseFeeLowerBound, ErrSoftValidationFailure)
return publish, nil
func (mp *MessagePool) Push(m *types.SignedMessage) (cid.Cid, error) {
err := mp.checkMessage(m)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, err
// serialize push access to reduce lock contention
mp.addSema <- struct{}{}
defer func() {
msgb, err := m.Serialize()
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, err
publish, err := mp.addTs(m, mp.curTs, true, false)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, err
if err := mp.addLocal(m, msgb); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, err
if publish {
err = mp.api.PubSubPublish(build.MessagesTopic(mp.netName), msgb)
return m.Cid(), err
func (mp *MessagePool) checkMessage(m *types.SignedMessage) error {
// big messages are bad, anti DOS
if m.Size() > 32*1024 {
return xerrors.Errorf("mpool message too large (%dB): %w", m.Size(), ErrMessageTooBig)
// Perform syntactic validation, minGas=0 as we check the actual mingas before we add it
if err := m.Message.ValidForBlockInclusion(0); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("message not valid for block inclusion: %w", err)
if m.Message.To == address.Undef {
return ErrInvalidToAddr
if !m.Message.Value.LessThan(types.TotalFilecoinInt) {
return ErrMessageValueTooHigh
if m.Message.GasFeeCap.LessThan(minimumBaseFee) {
return ErrGasFeeCapTooLow
if err := mp.VerifyMsgSig(m); err != nil {
log.Warnf("signature verification failed: %s", err)
return err
return nil
func (mp *MessagePool) Add(m *types.SignedMessage) error {
err := mp.checkMessage(m)
if err != nil {
return err
// serialize push access to reduce lock contention
mp.addSema <- struct{}{}
defer func() {
defer mp.curTsLk.Unlock()
_, err = mp.addTs(m, mp.curTs, false, false)
return err
func sigCacheKey(m *types.SignedMessage) (string, error) {
switch m.Signature.Type {
case crypto.SigTypeBLS:
if len(m.Signature.Data) < 90 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("bls signature too short")
return string(m.Cid().Bytes()) + string(m.Signature.Data[64:]), nil
case crypto.SigTypeSecp256k1:
return string(m.Cid().Bytes()), nil
return "", xerrors.Errorf("unrecognized signature type: %d", m.Signature.Type)
func (mp *MessagePool) VerifyMsgSig(m *types.SignedMessage) error {
sck, err := sigCacheKey(m)
if err != nil {
return err
_, ok := mp.sigValCache.Get(sck)
if ok {
// already validated, great
return nil
if err := sigs.Verify(&m.Signature, m.Message.From, m.Message.Cid().Bytes()); err != nil {
return err
mp.sigValCache.Add(sck, struct{}{})
return nil
func (mp *MessagePool) checkBalance(m *types.SignedMessage, curTs *types.TipSet) error {
balance, err := mp.getStateBalance(m.Message.From, curTs)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to check sender balance: %s: %w", err, ErrSoftValidationFailure)
requiredFunds := m.Message.RequiredFunds()
if balance.LessThan(requiredFunds) {
return xerrors.Errorf("not enough funds (required: %s, balance: %s): %w", types.FIL(requiredFunds), types.FIL(balance), ErrNotEnoughFunds)
// add Value for soft failure check
//requiredFunds = types.BigAdd(requiredFunds, m.Message.Value)
mset, ok := mp.pending[m.Message.From]
if ok {
requiredFunds = types.BigAdd(requiredFunds, mset.getRequiredFunds(m.Message.Nonce))
if balance.LessThan(requiredFunds) {
// Note: we fail here for ErrSoftValidationFailure to signal a soft failure because we might
// be out of sync.
return xerrors.Errorf("not enough funds including pending messages (required: %s, balance: %s): %w", types.FIL(requiredFunds), types.FIL(balance), ErrSoftValidationFailure)
return nil
func (mp *MessagePool) addTs(m *types.SignedMessage, curTs *types.TipSet, local, untrusted bool) (bool, error) {
snonce, err := mp.getStateNonce(m.Message.From, curTs)
if err != nil {
return false, xerrors.Errorf("failed to look up actor state nonce: %s: %w", err, ErrSoftValidationFailure)
if snonce > m.Message.Nonce {
return false, xerrors.Errorf("minimum expected nonce is %d: %w", snonce, ErrNonceTooLow)
defer mp.lk.Unlock()
publish, err := mp.verifyMsgBeforeAdd(m, curTs, local)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if err := mp.checkBalance(m, curTs); err != nil {
return false, err
return publish, mp.addLocked(m, !local, untrusted)
func (mp *MessagePool) addLoaded(m *types.SignedMessage) error {
err := mp.checkMessage(m)
if err != nil {
return err
defer mp.curTsLk.Unlock()
curTs := mp.curTs
if curTs == nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("current tipset not loaded")
snonce, err := mp.getStateNonce(m.Message.From, curTs)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to look up actor state nonce: %s: %w", err, ErrSoftValidationFailure)
if snonce > m.Message.Nonce {
return xerrors.Errorf("minimum expected nonce is %d: %w", snonce, ErrNonceTooLow)
defer mp.lk.Unlock()
_, err = mp.verifyMsgBeforeAdd(m, curTs, true)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := mp.checkBalance(m, curTs); err != nil {
return err
return mp.addLocked(m, false, false)
func (mp *MessagePool) addSkipChecks(m *types.SignedMessage) error {
defer mp.lk.Unlock()
return mp.addLocked(m, false, false)
func (mp *MessagePool) addLocked(m *types.SignedMessage, strict, untrusted bool) error {
log.Debugf("mpooladd: %s %d", m.Message.From, m.Message.Nonce)
if m.Signature.Type == crypto.SigTypeBLS {
mp.blsSigCache.Add(m.Cid(), m.Signature)
if _, err := mp.api.PutMessage(m); err != nil {
log.Warnf("mpooladd cs.PutMessage failed: %s", err)
return err
if _, err := mp.api.PutMessage(&m.Message); err != nil {
log.Warnf("mpooladd cs.PutMessage failed: %s", err)
return err
mset, ok := mp.pending[m.Message.From]
if !ok {
nonce, err := mp.getStateNonce(m.Message.From, mp.curTs)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to get initial actor nonce: %w", err)
mset = newMsgSet(nonce)
mp.pending[m.Message.From] = mset
incr, err := mset.add(m, mp, strict, untrusted)
if err != nil {
return err
if incr {
if mp.currentSize > mp.cfg.SizeLimitHigh {
// send signal to prune messages if it hasnt already been sent
select {
case mp.pruneTrigger <- struct{}{}:
Type: api.MpoolAdd,
Message: m,
}, localUpdates)
mp.journal.RecordEvent(mp.evtTypes[evtTypeMpoolAdd], func() interface{} {
return MessagePoolEvt{
Action: "add",
Messages: []MessagePoolEvtMessage{{Message: m.Message, CID: m.Cid()}},
return nil
func (mp *MessagePool) GetNonce(addr address.Address) (uint64, error) {
defer mp.curTsLk.Unlock()
defer mp.lk.Unlock()
return mp.getNonceLocked(addr, mp.curTs)
func (mp *MessagePool) getNonceLocked(addr address.Address, curTs *types.TipSet) (uint64, error) {
stateNonce, err := mp.getStateNonce(addr, curTs) // sanity check
if err != nil {
return 0, err
mset, ok := mp.pending[addr]
if ok {
if stateNonce > mset.nextNonce {
log.Errorf("state nonce was larger than mset.nextNonce (%d > %d)", stateNonce, mset.nextNonce)
return stateNonce, nil
return mset.nextNonce, nil
return stateNonce, nil
func (mp *MessagePool) getStateNonce(addr address.Address, curTs *types.TipSet) (uint64, error) {
act, err := mp.api.GetActorAfter(addr, curTs)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return act.Nonce, nil
func (mp *MessagePool) getStateBalance(addr address.Address, ts *types.TipSet) (types.BigInt, error) {
act, err := mp.api.GetActorAfter(addr, ts)
if err != nil {
return types.EmptyInt, err
return act.Balance, nil
// this method is provided for the gateway to push messages.
// differences from Push:
// - strict checks are enabled
// - extra strict add checks are used when adding the messages to the msgSet
// that means: no nonce gaps, at most 10 pending messages for the actor
func (mp *MessagePool) PushUntrusted(m *types.SignedMessage) (cid.Cid, error) {
err := mp.checkMessage(m)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, err
// serialize push access to reduce lock contention
mp.addSema <- struct{}{}
defer func() {
msgb, err := m.Serialize()
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, err
publish, err := mp.addTs(m, mp.curTs, false, true)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, err
if err := mp.addLocal(m, msgb); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, err
if publish {
err = mp.api.PubSubPublish(build.MessagesTopic(mp.netName), msgb)
return m.Cid(), err
func (mp *MessagePool) Remove(from address.Address, nonce uint64, applied bool) {
defer mp.lk.Unlock()
mp.remove(from, nonce, applied)
func (mp *MessagePool) remove(from address.Address, nonce uint64, applied bool) {
mset, ok := mp.pending[from]
if !ok {
if m, ok := mset.msgs[nonce]; ok {
Type: api.MpoolRemove,
Message: m,
}, localUpdates)
mp.journal.RecordEvent(mp.evtTypes[evtTypeMpoolRemove], func() interface{} {
return MessagePoolEvt{
Action: "remove",
Messages: []MessagePoolEvtMessage{{Message: m.Message, CID: m.Cid()}}}
// NB: This deletes any message with the given nonce. This makes sense
// as two messages with the same sender cannot have the same nonce
mset.rm(nonce, applied)
if len(mset.msgs) == 0 {
delete(mp.pending, from)
func (mp *MessagePool) Pending() ([]*types.SignedMessage, *types.TipSet) {
defer mp.curTsLk.Unlock()
defer mp.lk.Unlock()
return mp.allPending()
func (mp *MessagePool) allPending() ([]*types.SignedMessage, *types.TipSet) {
out := make([]*types.SignedMessage, 0)
for a := range mp.pending {
out = append(out, mp.pendingFor(a)...)
return out, mp.curTs
func (mp *MessagePool) PendingFor(a address.Address) ([]*types.SignedMessage, *types.TipSet) {
defer mp.curTsLk.Unlock()
defer mp.lk.Unlock()
return mp.pendingFor(a), mp.curTs
func (mp *MessagePool) pendingFor(a address.Address) []*types.SignedMessage {
mset := mp.pending[a]
if mset == nil || len(mset.msgs) == 0 {
return nil
set := make([]*types.SignedMessage, 0, len(mset.msgs))
for _, m := range mset.msgs {
set = append(set, m)
sort.Slice(set, func(i, j int) bool {
return set[i].Message.Nonce < set[j].Message.Nonce
return set
func (mp *MessagePool) HeadChange(revert []*types.TipSet, apply []*types.TipSet) error {
defer mp.curTsLk.Unlock()
repubTrigger := false
rmsgs := make(map[address.Address]map[uint64]*types.SignedMessage)
add := func(m *types.SignedMessage) {
s, ok := rmsgs[m.Message.From]
if !ok {
s = make(map[uint64]*types.SignedMessage)
rmsgs[m.Message.From] = s
s[m.Message.Nonce] = m
rm := func(from address.Address, nonce uint64) {
s, ok := rmsgs[from]
if !ok {
mp.Remove(from, nonce, true)
if _, ok := s[nonce]; ok {
delete(s, nonce)
mp.Remove(from, nonce, true)
maybeRepub := func(cid cid.Cid) {
if !repubTrigger {
_, republished := mp.republished[cid]
if republished {
repubTrigger = true
var merr error
for _, ts := range revert {
pts, err := mp.api.LoadTipSet(ts.Parents())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error loading reverted tipset parent: %s", err)
merr = multierror.Append(merr, err)
mp.curTs = pts
msgs, err := mp.MessagesForBlocks(ts.Blocks())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error retrieving messages for reverted block: %s", err)
merr = multierror.Append(merr, err)
for _, msg := range msgs {
for _, ts := range apply {
mp.curTs = ts
for _, b := range ts.Blocks() {
bmsgs, smsgs, err := mp.api.MessagesForBlock(b)
if err != nil {
xerr := xerrors.Errorf("failed to get messages for apply block %s(height %d) (msgroot = %s): %w", b.Cid(), b.Height, b.Messages, err)
log.Errorf("error retrieving messages for block: %s", xerr)
merr = multierror.Append(merr, xerr)
for _, msg := range smsgs {
rm(msg.Message.From, msg.Message.Nonce)
for _, msg := range bmsgs {
rm(msg.From, msg.Nonce)
if repubTrigger {
select {
case mp.repubTrigger <- struct{}{}:
for _, s := range rmsgs {
for _, msg := range s {
if err := mp.addSkipChecks(msg); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to readd message from reorg to mpool: %s", err)
if len(revert) > 0 && futureDebug {
msgs, ts := mp.allPending()
buckets := map[address.Address]*statBucket{}
for _, v := range msgs {
bkt, ok := buckets[v.Message.From]
if !ok {
bkt = &statBucket{
msgs: map[uint64]*types.SignedMessage{},
buckets[v.Message.From] = bkt
bkt.msgs[v.Message.Nonce] = v
for a, bkt := range buckets {
// TODO that might not be correct with GatActorAfter but it is only debug code
act, err := mp.api.GetActorAfter(a, ts)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("%s, err: %s\n", a, err)
var cmsg *types.SignedMessage
var ok bool
cur := act.Nonce
for {
cmsg, ok = bkt.msgs[cur]
if !ok {
ff := uint64(math.MaxUint64)
for k := range bkt.msgs {
if k > cur && k < ff {
ff = k
if ff != math.MaxUint64 {
m := bkt.msgs[ff]
// cmsg can be nil if no messages from the current nonce are in the mpool
ccid := "nil"
if cmsg != nil {
ccid = cmsg.Cid().String()
log.Debugw("Nonce gap",
"actor", a,
"future_cid", m.Cid(),
"future_nonce", ff,
"current_cid", ccid,
"current_nonce", cur,
"revert_tipset", revert[0].Key(),
"new_head", ts.Key(),
return merr
func (mp *MessagePool) runHeadChange(from *types.TipSet, to *types.TipSet, rmsgs map[address.Address]map[uint64]*types.SignedMessage) error {
add := func(m *types.SignedMessage) {
s, ok := rmsgs[m.Message.From]
if !ok {
s = make(map[uint64]*types.SignedMessage)
rmsgs[m.Message.From] = s
s[m.Message.Nonce] = m
rm := func(from address.Address, nonce uint64) {
s, ok := rmsgs[from]
if !ok {
if _, ok := s[nonce]; ok {
delete(s, nonce)
revert, apply, err := store.ReorgOps(mp.api.LoadTipSet, from, to)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to compute reorg ops for mpool pending messages: %w", err)
var merr error
for _, ts := range revert {
msgs, err := mp.MessagesForBlocks(ts.Blocks())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error retrieving messages for reverted block: %s", err)
merr = multierror.Append(merr, err)
for _, msg := range msgs {
for _, ts := range apply {
for _, b := range ts.Blocks() {
bmsgs, smsgs, err := mp.api.MessagesForBlock(b)
if err != nil {
xerr := xerrors.Errorf("failed to get messages for apply block %s(height %d) (msgroot = %s): %w", b.Cid(), b.Height, b.Messages, err)
log.Errorf("error retrieving messages for block: %s", xerr)
merr = multierror.Append(merr, xerr)
for _, msg := range smsgs {
rm(msg.Message.From, msg.Message.Nonce)
for _, msg := range bmsgs {
rm(msg.From, msg.Nonce)
return merr
type statBucket struct {
msgs map[uint64]*types.SignedMessage
func (mp *MessagePool) MessagesForBlocks(blks []*types.BlockHeader) ([]*types.SignedMessage, error) {
out := make([]*types.SignedMessage, 0)
for _, b := range blks {
bmsgs, smsgs, err := mp.api.MessagesForBlock(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to get messages for apply block %s(height %d) (msgroot = %s): %w", b.Cid(), b.Height, b.Messages, err)
out = append(out, smsgs...)
for _, msg := range bmsgs {
smsg := mp.RecoverSig(msg)
if smsg != nil {
out = append(out, smsg)
} else {
log.Warnf("could not recover signature for bls message %s", msg.Cid())
return out, nil
func (mp *MessagePool) RecoverSig(msg *types.Message) *types.SignedMessage {
val, ok := mp.blsSigCache.Get(msg.Cid())
if !ok {
return nil
sig, ok := val.(crypto.Signature)
if !ok {
log.Errorf("value in signature cache was not a signature (got %T)", val)
return nil
return &types.SignedMessage{
Message: *msg,
Signature: sig,
func (mp *MessagePool) Updates(ctx context.Context) (<-chan api.MpoolUpdate, error) {
out := make(chan api.MpoolUpdate, 20)
sub := mp.changes.Sub(localUpdates)
go func() {
defer mp.changes.Unsub(sub, localUpdates)
defer close(out)
for {
select {
case u := <-sub:
select {
case out <- u.(api.MpoolUpdate):
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-mp.closer:
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-mp.closer:
return out, nil
func (mp *MessagePool) loadLocal() error {
res, err := mp.localMsgs.Query(query.Query{})
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("query local messages: %w", err)
for r := range res.Next() {
if r.Error != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("r.Error: %w", r.Error)
var sm types.SignedMessage
if err := sm.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(r.Value)); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("unmarshaling local message: %w", err)
if err := mp.addLoaded(&sm); err != nil {
if xerrors.Is(err, ErrNonceTooLow) {
continue // todo: drop the message from local cache (if above certain confidence threshold)
log.Errorf("adding local message: %+v", err)
mp.localAddrs[sm.Message.From] = struct{}{}
return nil
func (mp *MessagePool) Clear(local bool) {
defer mp.lk.Unlock()
// remove everything if local is true, including removing local messages from
// the datastore
if local {
for a := range mp.localAddrs {
mset, ok := mp.pending[a]
if !ok {
for _, m := range mset.msgs {
err := mp.localMsgs.Delete(datastore.NewKey(string(m.Cid().Bytes())))
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("error deleting local message: %s", err)
mp.pending = make(map[address.Address]*msgSet)
mp.republished = nil
// remove everything except the local messages
for a := range mp.pending {
_, isLocal := mp.localAddrs[a]
if isLocal {
delete(mp.pending, a)
func getBaseFeeLowerBound(baseFee, factor types.BigInt) types.BigInt {
baseFeeLowerBound := types.BigDiv(baseFee, factor)
if baseFeeLowerBound.LessThan(minimumBaseFee) {
baseFeeLowerBound = minimumBaseFee
return baseFeeLowerBound