Steven Allen d3594835c4 [WIP] Network upgrade support
This patch starts adding support for network upgrades.

* It adds an actors abstraction layer for loading abstract (cross-version) actors.
* It starts switching over to a shared deadline type.
* It adds an abstraction for ADTs (hamt/amt).
* It removes the callback-based API in the StateManager (difficult to abstract
across actor versions).
* It _does not_ actually add support for actors v2. We can do that in a followup
patch but that should be relatively easy.

This patch is heavily WIP and does not compile. Feel free to push changes
directly to this branch.


* State tree access now needs a network version, because the HAMT type will change.
* I haven't figured out a nice way to abstract over changes to the _message_
types. However, many of them will be type aliased to actors v0 in actors v2 so
we can likely continue using the v0 versions (or use the v2 versions
everywhere). I've been renaming imports to `v0*` to make it clear that we're
importing types from a _specific_ actors version.


* Consider merging incremental improvements? We'd have to get this compiling
again first but we could merge in the new abstractions, and slowly switch over.
* Finish migrating to the new abstractions.
* Remove all actor state types from the public API. See `miner.State.Info()` for
the planned approach here.
* Fix the tests. This is likely going to be a massive pain.
2020-09-11 20:16:29 -07:00

195 lines
6.6 KiB

package sealing
import (
v0proof "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/runtime/proof"
// TODO: For now we handle this by halting state execution, when we get jsonrpc reconnecting
// We should implement some wait-for-api logic
type ErrApi struct{ error }
type ErrInvalidDeals struct{ error }
type ErrInvalidPiece struct{ error }
type ErrExpiredDeals struct{ error }
type ErrBadCommD struct{ error }
type ErrExpiredTicket struct{ error }
type ErrBadTicket struct{ error }
type ErrPrecommitOnChain struct{ error }
type ErrSectorNumberAllocated struct{ error }
type ErrBadSeed struct{ error }
type ErrInvalidProof struct{ error }
type ErrNoPrecommit struct{ error }
type ErrCommitWaitFailed struct{ error }
func checkPieces(ctx context.Context, maddr address.Address, si SectorInfo, api SealingAPI) error {
tok, height, err := api.ChainHead(ctx)
if err != nil {
return &ErrApi{xerrors.Errorf("getting chain head: %w", err)}
for i, p := range si.Pieces {
// if no deal is associated with the piece, ensure that we added it as
// filler (i.e. ensure that it has a zero PieceCID)
if p.DealInfo == nil {
exp := zerocomm.ZeroPieceCommitment(p.Piece.Size.Unpadded())
if !p.Piece.PieceCID.Equals(exp) {
return &ErrInvalidPiece{xerrors.Errorf("sector %d piece %d had non-zero PieceCID %+v", si.SectorNumber, i, p.Piece.PieceCID)}
proposal, err := api.StateMarketStorageDeal(ctx, p.DealInfo.DealID, tok)
if err != nil {
return &ErrInvalidDeals{xerrors.Errorf("getting deal %d for piece %d: %w", p.DealInfo.DealID, i, err)}
if proposal.Provider != maddr {
return &ErrInvalidDeals{xerrors.Errorf("piece %d (of %d) of sector %d refers deal %d with wrong provider: %s != %s", i, len(si.Pieces), si.SectorNumber, p.DealInfo.DealID, proposal.Provider, maddr)}
if proposal.PieceCID != p.Piece.PieceCID {
return &ErrInvalidDeals{xerrors.Errorf("piece %d (of %d) of sector %d refers deal %d with wrong PieceCID: %x != %x", i, len(si.Pieces), si.SectorNumber, p.DealInfo.DealID, p.Piece.PieceCID, proposal.PieceCID)}
if p.Piece.Size != proposal.PieceSize {
return &ErrInvalidDeals{xerrors.Errorf("piece %d (of %d) of sector %d refers deal %d with different size: %d != %d", i, len(si.Pieces), si.SectorNumber, p.DealInfo.DealID, p.Piece.Size, proposal.PieceSize)}
if height >= proposal.StartEpoch {
return &ErrExpiredDeals{xerrors.Errorf("piece %d (of %d) of sector %d refers expired deal %d - should start at %d, head %d", i, len(si.Pieces), si.SectorNumber, p.DealInfo.DealID, proposal.StartEpoch, height)}
return nil
// checkPrecommit checks that data commitment generated in the sealing process
// matches pieces, and that the seal ticket isn't expired
func checkPrecommit(ctx context.Context, maddr address.Address, si SectorInfo, tok TipSetToken, height abi.ChainEpoch, api SealingAPI) (err error) {
if err := checkPieces(ctx, maddr, si, api); err != nil {
return err
commD, err := api.StateComputeDataCommitment(ctx, maddr, si.SectorType, si.dealIDs(), tok)
if err != nil {
return &ErrApi{xerrors.Errorf("calling StateComputeDataCommitment: %w", err)}
if si.CommD == nil || !commD.Equals(*si.CommD) {
return &ErrBadCommD{xerrors.Errorf("on chain CommD differs from sector: %s != %s", commD, si.CommD)}
if height-(si.TicketEpoch+SealRandomnessLookback) > SealRandomnessLookbackLimit(si.SectorType) {
return &ErrExpiredTicket{xerrors.Errorf("ticket expired: seal height: %d, head: %d", si.TicketEpoch+SealRandomnessLookback, height)}
pci, err := api.StateSectorPreCommitInfo(ctx, maddr, si.SectorNumber, tok)
if err != nil {
if err == ErrSectorAllocated {
return &ErrSectorNumberAllocated{err}
return &ErrApi{xerrors.Errorf("getting precommit info: %w", err)}
if pci != nil {
if pci.Info.SealRandEpoch != si.TicketEpoch {
return &ErrBadTicket{xerrors.Errorf("bad ticket epoch: %d != %d", pci.Info.SealRandEpoch, si.TicketEpoch)}
return &ErrPrecommitOnChain{xerrors.Errorf("precommit already on chain")}
return nil
func (m *Sealing) checkCommit(ctx context.Context, si SectorInfo, proof []byte, tok TipSetToken) (err error) {
if si.SeedEpoch == 0 {
return &ErrBadSeed{xerrors.Errorf("seed epoch was not set")}
pci, err := m.api.StateSectorPreCommitInfo(ctx, m.maddr, si.SectorNumber, tok)
if err == ErrSectorAllocated {
// not much more we can check here, basically try to wait for commit,
// and hope that this will work
if si.CommitMessage != nil {
return &ErrCommitWaitFailed{err}
return err
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting precommit info: %w", err)
if pci == nil {
return &ErrNoPrecommit{xerrors.Errorf("precommit info not found on-chain")}
if pci.PreCommitEpoch+miner.PreCommitChallengeDelay != si.SeedEpoch {
return &ErrBadSeed{xerrors.Errorf("seed epoch doesn't match on chain info: %d != %d", pci.PreCommitEpoch+miner.PreCommitChallengeDelay, si.SeedEpoch)}
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := m.maddr.MarshalCBOR(buf); err != nil {
return err
seed, err := m.api.ChainGetRandomnessFromBeacon(ctx, tok, crypto.DomainSeparationTag_InteractiveSealChallengeSeed, si.SeedEpoch, buf.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return &ErrApi{xerrors.Errorf("failed to get randomness for computing seal proof: %w", err)}
if string(seed) != string(si.SeedValue) {
return &ErrBadSeed{xerrors.Errorf("seed has changed")}
ss, err := m.api.StateMinerSectorSize(ctx, m.maddr, tok)
if err != nil {
return &ErrApi{err}
spt, err := ffiwrapper.SealProofTypeFromSectorSize(ss)
if err != nil {
return err
if *si.CommR != pci.Info.SealedCID {
log.Warn("on-chain sealed CID doesn't match!")
ok, err := m.verif.VerifySeal(v0proof.SealVerifyInfo{
SectorID: m.minerSector(si.SectorNumber),
SealedCID: pci.Info.SealedCID,
SealProof: spt,
Proof: proof,
Randomness: si.TicketValue,
InteractiveRandomness: si.SeedValue,
UnsealedCID: *si.CommD,
if err != nil {
return &ErrInvalidProof{xerrors.Errorf("verify seal: %w", err)}
if !ok {
return &ErrInvalidProof{xerrors.New("invalid proof (compute error?)")}
if err := checkPieces(ctx, m.maddr, si, m.api); err != nil {
return err
return nil