Raúl Kripalani cdfa869ea6 tvx extract: make it work with secp messages.
Unfortunately ChainGetMessage returns a *types.Message, which in
the case of secp messages is lacking the signature. The signature
is part of the input to calculate the CID on secp messages. Therefore,
calling `.Cid()` on the result of ChainGetMessage for this kind of
message will lead to an incorrect CID.

tvx was relying on that call to return the correct CID. Since this is
not the case (and this is a footgun that needs to be corrected, ideally
together with the *types.{,Signed}Message duality mess), I'm replacing
the comparison.
2020-10-24 20:16:14 +01:00

527 lines
16 KiB

package main
import (
init_ "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/chain/actors/builtin/init"
const (
PrecursorSelectAll = "all"
PrecursorSelectSender = "sender"
type extractOpts struct {
id string
block string
class string
cid string
file string
retain string
precursor string
ignoreSanityChecks bool
var extractFlags extractOpts
var extractCmd = &cli.Command{
Name: "extract",
Description: "generate a test vector by extracting it from a live chain",
Action: runExtract,
Before: initialize,
After: destroy,
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "class",
Usage: "class of vector to extract; other required flags depend on the; values: 'message'",
Value: "message",
Destination: &extractFlags.class,
Name: "id",
Usage: "identifier to name this test vector with",
Value: "(undefined)",
Destination: &extractFlags.id,
Name: "block",
Usage: "optionally, the block CID the message was included in, to avoid expensive chain scanning",
Destination: &extractFlags.block,
Name: "exec-block",
Usage: "optionally, the block CID of a block where this message was executed, to aovid",
Destination: &extractFlags.block,
Name: "cid",
Usage: "message CID to generate test vector from",
Required: true,
Destination: &extractFlags.cid,
Name: "out",
Aliases: []string{"o"},
Usage: "file to write test vector to",
Destination: &extractFlags.file,
Name: "state-retain",
Usage: "state retention policy; values: 'accessed-cids', 'accessed-actors'",
Value: "accessed-cids",
Destination: &extractFlags.retain,
Name: "precursor-select",
Usage: "precursors to apply; values: 'all', 'sender'; 'all' selects all preceding " +
"messages in the canonicalised tipset, 'sender' selects only preceding messages from the same " +
"sender. Usually, 'sender' is a good tradeoff and gives you sufficient accuracy. If the receipt sanity " +
"check fails due to gas reasons, switch to 'all', as previous messages in the tipset may have " +
"affected state in a disruptive way",
Value: "sender",
Destination: &extractFlags.precursor,
Name: "ignore-sanity-checks",
Usage: "generate vector even if sanity checks fail",
Value: false,
Destination: &extractFlags.ignoreSanityChecks,
func runExtract(_ *cli.Context) error {
return doExtract(extractFlags)
func doExtract(opts extractOpts) error {
ctx := context.Background()
mcid, err := cid.Decode(opts.cid)
if err != nil {
return err
msg, execTs, incTs, err := resolveFromChain(ctx, FullAPI, mcid, opts.block)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve message and tipsets from chain: %w", err)
// get the circulating supply before the message was executed.
circSupplyDetail, err := FullAPI.StateVMCirculatingSupplyInternal(ctx, incTs.Key())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed while fetching circulating supply: %w", err)
circSupply := circSupplyDetail.FilCirculating
log.Printf("message was executed in tipset: %s", execTs.Key())
log.Printf("message was included in tipset: %s", incTs.Key())
log.Printf("circulating supply at inclusion tipset: %d", circSupply)
log.Printf("finding precursor messages using mode: %s", opts.precursor)
// Fetch messages in canonical order from inclusion tipset.
msgs, err := FullAPI.ChainGetParentMessages(ctx, execTs.Blocks()[0].Cid())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch messages in canonical order from inclusion tipset: %w", err)
related, found, err := findMsgAndPrecursors(opts.precursor, mcid, msg.From, msgs)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed while finding message and precursors: %w", err)
if !found {
return fmt.Errorf("message not found; precursors found: %d", len(related))
var (
precursors = related[:len(related)-1]
precursorsCids []cid.Cid
for _, p := range precursors {
precursorsCids = append(precursorsCids, p.Cid())
log.Println(color.GreenString("found message; precursors (count: %d): %v", len(precursors), precursorsCids))
var (
// create a read-through store that uses ChainGetObject to fetch unknown CIDs.
pst = NewProxyingStores(ctx, FullAPI)
g = NewSurgeon(ctx, FullAPI, pst)
driver := conformance.NewDriver(ctx, schema.Selector{}, conformance.DriverOpts{
DisableVMFlush: true,
// this is the root of the state tree we start with.
root := incTs.ParentState()
log.Printf("base state tree root CID: %s", root)
basefee := incTs.Blocks()[0].ParentBaseFee
log.Printf("basefee: %s", basefee)
// on top of that state tree, we apply all precursors.
log.Printf("number of precursors to apply: %d", len(precursors))
for i, m := range precursors {
log.Printf("applying precursor %d, cid: %s", i, m.Cid())
_, root, err = driver.ExecuteMessage(pst.Blockstore, conformance.ExecuteMessageParams{
Preroot: root,
Epoch: execTs.Height(),
Message: m,
CircSupply: circSupplyDetail.FilCirculating,
BaseFee: basefee,
// recorded randomness will be discarded.
Rand: conformance.NewRecordingRand(new(conformance.LogReporter), FullAPI),
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to execute precursor message: %w", err)
var (
preroot cid.Cid
postroot cid.Cid
applyret *vm.ApplyRet
carWriter func(w io.Writer) error
retention = opts.retain
// recordingRand will record randomness so we can embed it in the test vector.
recordingRand = conformance.NewRecordingRand(new(conformance.LogReporter), FullAPI)
log.Printf("using state retention strategy: %s", retention)
switch retention {
case "accessed-cids":
tbs, ok := pst.Blockstore.(TracingBlockstore)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("requested 'accessed-cids' state retention, but no tracing blockstore was present")
preroot = root
applyret, postroot, err = driver.ExecuteMessage(pst.Blockstore, conformance.ExecuteMessageParams{
Preroot: preroot,
Epoch: execTs.Height(),
Message: msg,
CircSupply: circSupplyDetail.FilCirculating,
BaseFee: basefee,
Rand: recordingRand,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to execute message: %w", err)
accessed := tbs.FinishTracing()
carWriter = func(w io.Writer) error {
return g.WriteCARIncluding(w, accessed, preroot, postroot)
case "accessed-actors":
log.Printf("calculating accessed actors")
// get actors accessed by message.
retain, err := g.GetAccessedActors(ctx, FullAPI, mcid)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to calculate accessed actors: %w", err)
// also append the reward actor and the burnt funds actor.
retain = append(retain, reward.Address, builtin.BurntFundsActorAddr, init_.Address)
log.Printf("calculated accessed actors: %v", retain)
// get the masked state tree from the root,
preroot, err = g.GetMaskedStateTree(root, retain)
if err != nil {
return err
applyret, postroot, err = driver.ExecuteMessage(pst.Blockstore, conformance.ExecuteMessageParams{
Preroot: preroot,
Epoch: execTs.Height(),
Message: msg,
CircSupply: circSupplyDetail.FilCirculating,
BaseFee: basefee,
Rand: recordingRand,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to execute message: %w", err)
carWriter = func(w io.Writer) error {
return g.WriteCAR(w, preroot, postroot)
return fmt.Errorf("unknown state retention option: %s", retention)
log.Printf("message applied; preroot: %s, postroot: %s", preroot, postroot)
log.Println("performing sanity check on receipt")
// TODO sometimes this returns a nil receipt and no error ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
// ex: https://filfox.info/en/message/bafy2bzacebpxw3yiaxzy2bako62akig46x3imji7fewszen6fryiz6nymu2b2
// This code is lenient and skips receipt comparison in case of a nil receipt.
rec, err := FullAPI.StateGetReceipt(ctx, mcid, execTs.Key())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to find receipt on chain: %w", err)
log.Printf("found receipt: %+v", rec)
// generate the schema receipt; if we got
var receipt *schema.Receipt
if rec != nil {
receipt = &schema.Receipt{
ExitCode: int64(rec.ExitCode),
ReturnValue: rec.Return,
GasUsed: rec.GasUsed,
reporter := new(conformance.LogReporter)
conformance.AssertMsgResult(reporter, receipt, applyret, "as locally executed")
if reporter.Failed() {
if opts.ignoreSanityChecks {
log.Println(color.YellowString("receipt sanity check failed; proceeding anyway"))
} else {
log.Println(color.RedString("receipt sanity check failed; aborting"))
return fmt.Errorf("vector generation aborted")
} else {
log.Println(color.GreenString("receipt sanity check succeeded"))
} else {
receipt = &schema.Receipt{
ExitCode: int64(applyret.ExitCode),
ReturnValue: applyret.Return,
GasUsed: applyret.GasUsed,
log.Println(color.YellowString("skipping receipts comparison; we got back a nil receipt from lotus"))
log.Println("generating vector")
msgBytes, err := msg.Serialize()
if err != nil {
return err
var (
out = new(bytes.Buffer)
gw = gzip.NewWriter(out)
if err := carWriter(gw); err != nil {
return err
if err = gw.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
if err = gw.Close(); err != nil {
return err
version, err := FullAPI.Version(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
ntwkName, err := FullAPI.StateNetworkName(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
nv, err := FullAPI.StateNetworkVersion(ctx, execTs.Key())
if err != nil {
return err
codename := GetProtocolCodename(execTs.Height())
// Write out the test vector.
vector := schema.TestVector{
Class: schema.ClassMessage,
Meta: &schema.Metadata{
ID: opts.id,
// TODO need to replace schema.GenerationData with a more flexible
// data structure that makes no assumption about the traceability
// data that's being recorded; a flexible map[string]string
// would do.
Gen: []schema.GenerationData{
{Source: fmt.Sprintf("network:%s", ntwkName)},
{Source: fmt.Sprintf("message:%s", msg.Cid().String())},
{Source: fmt.Sprintf("inclusion_tipset:%s", incTs.Key().String())},
{Source: fmt.Sprintf("execution_tipset:%s", execTs.Key().String())},
{Source: "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus", Version: version.String()}},
Selector: schema.Selector{
schema.SelectorMinProtocolVersion: codename,
Randomness: recordingRand.Recorded(),
CAR: out.Bytes(),
Pre: &schema.Preconditions{
Variants: []schema.Variant{
{ID: codename, Epoch: int64(execTs.Height()), NetworkVersion: uint(nv)},
CircSupply: circSupply.Int,
BaseFee: basefee.Int,
StateTree: &schema.StateTree{
RootCID: preroot,
ApplyMessages: []schema.Message{{Bytes: msgBytes}},
Post: &schema.Postconditions{
StateTree: &schema.StateTree{
RootCID: postroot,
Receipts: []*schema.Receipt{
ExitCode: int64(applyret.ExitCode),
ReturnValue: applyret.Return,
GasUsed: applyret.GasUsed,
return writeVector(vector, opts.file)
func writeVector(vector schema.TestVector, file string) (err error) {
output := io.WriteCloser(os.Stdout)
if file := file; file != "" {
dir := filepath.Dir(file)
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0755); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create directory %s: %w", dir, err)
output, err = os.Create(file)
if err != nil {
return err
defer output.Close() //nolint:errcheck
defer log.Printf("wrote test vector to file: %s", file)
enc := json.NewEncoder(output)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
return enc.Encode(&vector)
// resolveFromChain queries the chain for the provided message, using the block CID to
// speed up the query, if provided
func resolveFromChain(ctx context.Context, api api.FullNode, mcid cid.Cid, block string) (msg *types.Message, execTs *types.TipSet, incTs *types.TipSet, err error) {
// Extract the full message.
msg, err = api.ChainGetMessage(ctx, mcid)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
log.Printf("found message with CID %s: %+v", mcid, msg)
if block == "" {
log.Printf("locating message in blockchain")
// Locate the message.
msgInfo, err := api.StateSearchMsg(ctx, mcid)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to locate message: %w", err)
log.Printf("located message at tipset %s (height: %d) with exit code: %s", msgInfo.TipSet, msgInfo.Height, msgInfo.Receipt.ExitCode)
execTs, incTs, err = fetchThisAndPrevTipset(ctx, api, msgInfo.TipSet)
return msg, execTs, incTs, err
bcid, err := cid.Decode(block)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
log.Printf("message inclusion block CID was provided; scanning around it: %s", bcid)
blk, err := api.ChainGetBlock(ctx, bcid)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get block: %w", err)
// types.EmptyTSK hints to use the HEAD.
execTs, err = api.ChainGetTipSetByHeight(ctx, blk.Height+1, types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get message execution tipset: %w", err)
// walk back from the execTs instead of HEAD, to save time.
incTs, err = api.ChainGetTipSetByHeight(ctx, blk.Height, execTs.Key())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get message inclusion tipset: %w", err)
return msg, execTs, incTs, nil
// fetchThisAndPrevTipset returns the full tipset identified by the key, as well
// as the previous tipset. In the context of vector generation, the target
// tipset is the one where a message was executed, and the previous tipset is
// the one where the message was included.
func fetchThisAndPrevTipset(ctx context.Context, api api.FullNode, target types.TipSetKey) (targetTs *types.TipSet, prevTs *types.TipSet, err error) {
// get the tipset on which this message was "executed" on.
// https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/issues/2847
targetTs, err = api.ChainGetTipSet(ctx, target)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// get the previous tipset, on which this message was mined,
// i.e. included on-chain.
prevTs, err = api.ChainGetTipSet(ctx, targetTs.Parents())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return targetTs, prevTs, nil
// findMsgAndPrecursors ranges through the canonical messages slice, locating
// the target message and returning precursors in accordance to the supplied
// mode.
func findMsgAndPrecursors(mode string, msgCid cid.Cid, sender address.Address, msgs []api.Message) (related []*types.Message, found bool, err error) {
// Range through canonicalised messages, selecting only the precursors based
// on selection mode.
for _, other := range msgs {
switch {
case mode == PrecursorSelectAll:
case mode == PrecursorSelectSender && other.Message.From == sender:
related = append(related, other.Message)
// this message is the target; we're done.
if other.Cid == msgCid {
return related, true, nil
// this could happen because a block contained related messages, but not
// the target (that is, messages with a lower nonce, but ultimately not the
// target).
return related, false, nil