Co-authored-by: Steven Allen <> Co-authored-by: Raul Kripalani <> Co-authored-by: Kevin Li <> Co-authored-by: vyzo <> Co-authored-by: Ian Davis <> Co-authored-by: Aayush Rajasekaran <> Co-authored-by: Jiaying Wang <> Co-authored-by: Jennifer Wang <> Co-authored-by: Geoff Stuart <> Co-authored-by: Shrenuj Bansal <> Co-authored-by: Shrenuj Bansal <> Co-authored-by: Geoff Stuart <> Co-authored-by: Aayush Rajasekaran <aayushrajasekaran@Aayushs-MacBook-Pro.local> Co-authored-by: ZenGround0 <> Co-authored-by: zenground0 <>
1016 lines
28 KiB
1016 lines
28 KiB
package messagepool
import (
cbg ""
tbig ""
var bigBlockGasLimit = big.NewInt(build.BlockGasLimit)
const MaxBlocks = 15
type msgChain struct {
msgs []*types.SignedMessage
gasReward *big.Int
gasLimit int64
gasPerf float64
effPerf float64
bp float64
parentOffset float64
valid bool
merged bool
next *msgChain
prev *msgChain
sigType crypto.SigType
func (mp *MessagePool) SelectMessages(ctx context.Context, ts *types.TipSet, tq float64) ([]*types.SignedMessage, error) {
defer mp.curTsLk.Unlock()
// if the ticket quality is high enough that the first block has higher probability
// than any other block, then we don't bother with optimal selection because the
// first block will always have higher effective performance
var sm *selectedMessages
var err error
if tq > 0.84 {
sm, err = mp.selectMessagesGreedy(ctx, mp.curTs, ts)
} else {
sm, err = mp.selectMessagesOptimal(ctx, mp.curTs, ts, tq)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if sm == nil {
return nil, nil
// one last sanity check
if len(sm.msgs) > build.BlockMessageLimit {
log.Errorf("message selection chose too many messages %d > %d", len(sm.msgs), build.BlockMessageLimit)
sm.msgs = sm.msgs[:build.BlockMessageLimit]
return sm.msgs, nil
type selectedMessages struct {
msgs []*types.SignedMessage
gasLimit int64
secpLimit int
blsLimit int
// returns false if chain can't be added due to block constraints
func (sm *selectedMessages) tryToAdd(mc *msgChain) bool {
l := len(mc.msgs)
if build.BlockMessageLimit < l+len(sm.msgs) || sm.gasLimit < mc.gasLimit {
return false
if mc.sigType == crypto.SigTypeBLS {
if sm.blsLimit < l {
return false
sm.msgs = append(sm.msgs, mc.msgs...)
sm.blsLimit -= l
sm.gasLimit -= mc.gasLimit
} else if mc.sigType == crypto.SigTypeSecp256k1 || mc.sigType == crypto.SigTypeDelegated {
if sm.secpLimit < l {
return false
sm.msgs = append(sm.msgs, mc.msgs...)
sm.secpLimit -= l
sm.gasLimit -= mc.gasLimit
// don't add the weird sigType msg, but otherwise proceed
return true
// returns false if messages can't be added due to block constraints
// will trim / invalidate chain as appropriate
func (sm *selectedMessages) tryToAddWithDeps(mc *msgChain, mp *MessagePool, baseFee types.BigInt) bool {
// compute the dependencies that must be merged and the gas limit including deps
chainGasLimit := mc.gasLimit
chainMsgLimit := len(mc.msgs)
depGasLimit := int64(0)
depMsgLimit := 0
smMsgLimit := 0
if mc.sigType == crypto.SigTypeBLS {
smMsgLimit = sm.blsLimit
} else if mc.sigType == crypto.SigTypeSecp256k1 || mc.sigType == crypto.SigTypeDelegated {
smMsgLimit = sm.secpLimit
} else {
return false
if smMsgLimit > build.BlockMessageLimit-len(sm.msgs) {
smMsgLimit = build.BlockMessageLimit - len(sm.msgs)
var chainDeps []*msgChain
for curChain := mc.prev; curChain != nil && !curChain.merged; curChain = curChain.prev {
chainDeps = append(chainDeps, curChain)
chainGasLimit += curChain.gasLimit
chainMsgLimit += len(curChain.msgs)
depGasLimit += curChain.gasLimit
depMsgLimit += len(curChain.msgs)
// the chain doesn't fit as-is, so trim / invalidate it and return false
if chainGasLimit > sm.gasLimit || chainMsgLimit > smMsgLimit {
// it doesn't all fit; now we have to take into account the dependent chains before
// making a decision about trimming or invalidating.
// if the dependencies exceed the block limits, then we must invalidate the chain
// as it can never be included.
// Otherwise we can just trim and continue
if depGasLimit > sm.gasLimit || depMsgLimit >= smMsgLimit {
} else {
// dependencies fit, just trim it
mc.Trim(sm.gasLimit-depGasLimit, smMsgLimit-depMsgLimit, mp, baseFee)
return false
// the chain fits! include it together with all dependencies
for i := len(chainDeps) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
curChain := chainDeps[i]
curChain.merged = true
sm.msgs = append(sm.msgs, curChain.msgs...)
mc.merged = true
sm.msgs = append(sm.msgs, mc.msgs...)
sm.gasLimit -= chainGasLimit
if mc.sigType == crypto.SigTypeBLS {
sm.blsLimit -= chainMsgLimit
} else if mc.sigType == crypto.SigTypeSecp256k1 || mc.sigType == crypto.SigTypeDelegated {
sm.secpLimit -= chainMsgLimit
return true
func (sm *selectedMessages) trimChain(mc *msgChain, mp *MessagePool, baseFee types.BigInt) {
msgLimit := build.BlockMessageLimit - len(sm.msgs)
if mc.sigType == crypto.SigTypeBLS {
if msgLimit > sm.blsLimit {
msgLimit = sm.blsLimit
} else if mc.sigType == crypto.SigTypeSecp256k1 || mc.sigType == crypto.SigTypeDelegated {
if msgLimit > sm.secpLimit {
msgLimit = sm.secpLimit
if mc.gasLimit > sm.gasLimit || len(mc.msgs) > msgLimit {
mc.Trim(sm.gasLimit, msgLimit, mp, baseFee)
func (mp *MessagePool) selectMessagesOptimal(ctx context.Context, curTs, ts *types.TipSet, tq float64) (*selectedMessages, error) {
start := time.Now()
baseFee, err := mp.api.ChainComputeBaseFee(context.TODO(), ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("computing basefee: %w", err)
// 0. Load messages from the target tipset; if it is the same as the current tipset in
// the mpool, then this is just the pending messages
pending, err := mp.getPendingMessages(ctx, curTs, ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(pending) == 0 {
return nil, nil
// defer only here so if we have no pending messages we don't spam
defer func() {
log.Infow("message selection done", "took", time.Since(start))
// 0b. Select all priority messages that fit in the block
minGas := int64(gasguess.MinGas)
result := mp.selectPriorityMessages(ctx, pending, baseFee, ts)
// have we filled the block?
if result.gasLimit < minGas || len(result.msgs) >= build.BlockMessageLimit {
return result, nil
// 1. Create a list of dependent message chains with maximal gas reward per limit consumed
startChains := time.Now()
var chains []*msgChain
for actor, mset := range pending {
next := mp.createMessageChains(actor, mset, baseFee, ts)
chains = append(chains, next...)
if dt := time.Since(startChains); dt > time.Millisecond {
log.Infow("create message chains done", "took", dt)
// 2. Sort the chains
sort.Slice(chains, func(i, j int) bool {
return chains[i].Before(chains[j])
if len(chains) != 0 && chains[0].gasPerf < 0 {
log.Warnw("all messages in mpool have non-positive gas performance", "bestGasPerf", chains[0].gasPerf)
return result, nil
// 3. Partition chains into blocks (without trimming)
// we use the full blockGasLimit (as opposed to the residual gas limit from the
// priority message selection) as we have to account for what other block providers are doing
nextChain := 0
partitions := make([][]*msgChain, MaxBlocks)
for i := 0; i < MaxBlocks && nextChain < len(chains); i++ {
gasLimit := build.BlockGasLimit
msgLimit := build.BlockMessageLimit
for nextChain < len(chains) {
chain := chains[nextChain]
partitions[i] = append(partitions[i], chain)
gasLimit -= chain.gasLimit
msgLimit -= len(chain.msgs)
if gasLimit < minGas || msgLimit <= 0 {
// 4. Compute effective performance for each chain, based on the partition they fall into
// The effective performance is the gasPerf of the chain * block probability
blockProb := mp.blockProbabilities(tq)
effChains := 0
for i := 0; i < MaxBlocks; i++ {
for _, chain := range partitions[i] {
effChains += len(partitions[i])
// nullify the effective performance of chains that don't fit in any partition
for _, chain := range chains[effChains:] {
// 5. Resort the chains based on effective performance
sort.Slice(chains, func(i, j int) bool {
return chains[i].BeforeEffective(chains[j])
// 6. Merge the head chains to produce the list of messages selected for inclusion
// subject to the residual block limits
// When a chain is merged in, all its previous dependent chains *must* also be
// merged in or we'll have a broken block
startMerge := time.Now()
last := len(chains)
for i, chain := range chains {
// did we run out of performing chains?
if chain.gasPerf < 0 {
// has it already been merged?
if chain.merged {
if result.tryToAddWithDeps(chain, mp, baseFee) {
// adjust the effective performance for all subsequent chains
if next :=; next != nil && next.effPerf > 0 {
next.effPerf += next.parentOffset
for next =; next != nil && next.effPerf > 0; next = {
// re-sort to account for already merged chains and effective performance adjustments
// the sort *must* be stable or we end up getting negative gasPerfs pushed up.
sort.SliceStable(chains[i+1:], func(i, j int) bool {
return chains[i].BeforeEffective(chains[j])
// we can't fit this chain and its dependencies because of block limits -- we are
// at the edge
last = i
if dt := time.Since(startMerge); dt > time.Millisecond {
log.Infow("merge message chains done", "took", dt)
// 7. We have reached the edge of what can fit wholesale; if we still hae available
// gasLimit to pack some more chains, then trim the last chain and push it down.
// Trimming invalidates subsequent dependent chains so that they can't be selected
// as their dependency cannot be (fully) included.
// We do this in a loop because the blocker might have been inordinately large and
// we might have to do it multiple times to satisfy tail packing
startTail := time.Now()
for result.gasLimit >= minGas && last < len(chains) {
if !chains[last].valid {
continue tailLoop
// trim if necessary
result.trimChain(chains[last], mp, baseFee)
// push down if it hasn't been invalidated
if chains[last].valid {
for i := last; i < len(chains)-1; i++ {
if chains[i].BeforeEffective(chains[i+1]) {
chains[i], chains[i+1] = chains[i+1], chains[i]
// select the next (valid and fitting) chain and its dependencies for inclusion
for _, chain := range chains[last:] {
// has the chain been invalidated?
if !chain.valid {
// has it already been merged?
if chain.merged {
// if gasPerf < 0 we have no more profitable chains
if chain.gasPerf < 0 {
break tailLoop
if result.tryToAddWithDeps(chain, mp, baseFee) {
continue tailLoop
// the merge loop ended after processing all the chains and we we probably have still
// gas to spare; end the loop.
if dt := time.Since(startTail); dt > time.Millisecond {
log.Infow("pack tail chains done", "took", dt)
// if we have room to spare, pick some random (non-negative) chains to fill the block
// we pick randomly so that we minimize the probability of duplication among all block producers
if result.gasLimit >= minGas && len(result.msgs) <= build.BlockMessageLimit {
preRandomLength := len(result.msgs)
startRandom := time.Now()
for _, chain := range chains {
// have we filled the block
if result.gasLimit < minGas || len(result.msgs) >= build.BlockMessageLimit {
// has it been merged or invalidated?
if chain.merged || !chain.valid {
// is it negative?
if chain.gasPerf < 0 {
if result.tryToAddWithDeps(chain, mp, baseFee) {
if chain.valid {
// chain got trimmed on the previous call to tryToAddWithDeps, can now be included
result.tryToAddWithDeps(chain, mp, baseFee)
if dt := time.Since(startRandom); dt > time.Millisecond {
log.Infow("pack random tail chains done", "took", dt)
if len(result.msgs) != preRandomLength {
log.Warnf("optimal selection failed to pack a block; picked %d messages with random selection",
return result, nil
func (mp *MessagePool) selectMessagesGreedy(ctx context.Context, curTs, ts *types.TipSet) (*selectedMessages, error) {
start := time.Now()
baseFee, err := mp.api.ChainComputeBaseFee(context.TODO(), ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("computing basefee: %w", err)
// 0. Load messages for the target tipset; if it is the same as the current tipset in the mpool
// then this is just the pending messages
pending, err := mp.getPendingMessages(ctx, curTs, ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(pending) == 0 {
return nil, nil
// defer only here so if we have no pending messages we don't spam
defer func() {
log.Infow("message selection done", "took", time.Since(start))
// 0b. Select all priority messages that fit in the block
minGas := int64(gasguess.MinGas)
result := mp.selectPriorityMessages(ctx, pending, baseFee, ts)
// have we filled the block?
if result.gasLimit < minGas || len(result.msgs) > build.BlockMessageLimit {
return result, nil
// 1. Create a list of dependent message chains with maximal gas reward per limit consumed
startChains := time.Now()
var chains []*msgChain
for actor, mset := range pending {
next := mp.createMessageChains(actor, mset, baseFee, ts)
chains = append(chains, next...)
if dt := time.Since(startChains); dt > time.Millisecond {
log.Infow("create message chains done", "took", dt)
// 2. Sort the chains
sort.Slice(chains, func(i, j int) bool {
return chains[i].Before(chains[j])
if len(chains) != 0 && chains[0].gasPerf < 0 {
log.Warnw("all messages in mpool have non-positive gas performance", "bestGasPerf", chains[0].gasPerf)
return result, nil
// 3. Merge the head chains to produce the list of messages selected for inclusion, subject to
// the block gas and message limits.
startMerge := time.Now()
last := len(chains)
for i, chain := range chains {
// did we run out of performing chains?
if chain.gasPerf < 0 {
// does it fit in the block?
if result.tryToAdd(chain) {
// there was room, we added the chain, keep going
// we can't fit this chain because of block limits -- we are at the edge
last = i
if dt := time.Since(startMerge); dt > time.Millisecond {
log.Infow("merge message chains done", "took", dt)
// 4. We have reached the edge of what we can fit wholesale; if we still have available gasLimit
// to pack some more chains, then trim the last chain and push it down.
// Trimming invalidates subsequent dependent chains so that they can't be selected as their
// dependency cannot be (fully) included.
// We do this in a loop because the blocker might have been inordinately large and we might
// have to do it multiple times to satisfy tail packing.
startTail := time.Now()
for result.gasLimit >= minGas && last < len(chains) {
// trim
result.trimChain(chains[last], mp, baseFee)
// push down if it hasn't been invalidated
if chains[last].valid {
for i := last; i < len(chains)-1; i++ {
if chains[i].Before(chains[i+1]) {
chains[i], chains[i+1] = chains[i+1], chains[i]
// select the next (valid and fitting) chain for inclusion
for i, chain := range chains[last:] {
// has the chain been invalidated?
if !chain.valid {
// if gasPerf < 0 we have no more profitable chains
if chain.gasPerf < 0 {
break tailLoop
// does it fit in the bock?
if result.tryToAdd(chain) {
// there was room, we added the chain, keep going
// this chain needs to be trimmed
last += i
continue tailLoop
// the merge loop ended after processing all the chains and we probably still have
// gas to spare; end the loop
if dt := time.Since(startTail); dt > time.Millisecond {
log.Infow("pack tail chains done", "took", dt)
return result, nil
func (mp *MessagePool) selectPriorityMessages(ctx context.Context, pending map[address.Address]map[uint64]*types.SignedMessage, baseFee types.BigInt, ts *types.TipSet) *selectedMessages {
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
if dt := time.Since(start); dt > time.Millisecond {
log.Infow("select priority messages done", "took", dt)
mpCfg := mp.getConfig()
result := &selectedMessages{
msgs: make([]*types.SignedMessage, 0, mpCfg.SizeLimitLow),
gasLimit: build.BlockGasLimit,
blsLimit: cbg.MaxLength,
secpLimit: cbg.MaxLength,
minGas := int64(gasguess.MinGas)
// 1. Get priority actor chains
var chains []*msgChain
priority := mpCfg.PriorityAddrs
for _, actor := range priority {
pk, err := mp.resolveToKey(ctx, actor)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("mpooladdlocal failed to resolve sender: %s", err)
return result
mset, ok := pending[pk]
if ok {
// remove actor from pending set as we are already processed these messages
delete(pending, pk)
// create chains for the priority actor
next := mp.createMessageChains(actor, mset, baseFee, ts)
chains = append(chains, next...)
if len(chains) == 0 {
return result
// 2. Sort the chains
sort.Slice(chains, func(i, j int) bool {
return chains[i].Before(chains[j])
if len(chains) != 0 && chains[0].gasPerf < 0 {
log.Warnw("all priority messages in mpool have negative gas performance", "bestGasPerf", chains[0].gasPerf)
return result
// 3. Merge chains until the block limit, as long as they have non-negative gas performance
last := len(chains)
for i, chain := range chains {
if chain.gasPerf < 0 {
if result.tryToAdd(chain) {
// there was room, we added the chain, keep going
// we can't fit this chain because of block gasLimit -- we are at the edge
last = i
for result.gasLimit >= minGas && last < len(chains) {
// trim, discarding negative performing messages
result.trimChain(chains[last], mp, baseFee)
// push down if it hasn't been invalidated
if chains[last].valid {
for i := last; i < len(chains)-1; i++ {
if chains[i].Before(chains[i+1]) {
chains[i], chains[i+1] = chains[i+1], chains[i]
// select the next (valid and fitting) chain for inclusion
for i, chain := range chains[last:] {
// has the chain been invalidated
if !chain.valid {
// if gasPerf < 0 we have no more profitable chains
if chain.gasPerf < 0 {
break tailLoop
// does it fit in the bock?
if result.tryToAdd(chain) {
// there was room, we added the chain, keep going
// this chain needs to be trimmed
last += i
continue tailLoop
// the merge loop ended after processing all the chains and we probably still have gas to spare;
// end the loop
return result
func (mp *MessagePool) getPendingMessages(ctx context.Context, curTs, ts *types.TipSet) (map[address.Address]map[uint64]*types.SignedMessage, error) {
start := time.Now()
result := make(map[address.Address]map[uint64]*types.SignedMessage)
defer func() {
if dt := time.Since(start); dt > time.Millisecond {
log.Infow("get pending messages done", "took", dt)
// are we in sync?
inSync := false
if curTs.Height() == ts.Height() && curTs.Equals(ts) {
inSync = true
mp.forEachPending(func(a address.Address, mset *msgSet) {
if inSync {
// no need to copy the map
result[a] = mset.msgs
} else {
// we need to copy the map to avoid clobbering it as we load more messages
msetCopy := make(map[uint64]*types.SignedMessage, len(mset.msgs))
for nonce, m := range mset.msgs {
msetCopy[nonce] = m
result[a] = msetCopy
// we are in sync, that's the happy path
if inSync {
return result, nil
if err := mp.runHeadChange(ctx, curTs, ts, result); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to process difference between mpool head and given head: %w", err)
return result, nil
func (*MessagePool) getGasReward(msg *types.SignedMessage, baseFee types.BigInt) *big.Int {
maxPremium := types.BigSub(msg.Message.GasFeeCap, baseFee)
if types.BigCmp(maxPremium, msg.Message.GasPremium) > 0 {
maxPremium = msg.Message.GasPremium
gasReward := tbig.Mul(maxPremium, types.NewInt(uint64(msg.Message.GasLimit)))
if gasReward.Sign() == -1 {
// penalty multiplier
gasReward = tbig.Mul(gasReward, types.NewInt(3))
return gasReward.Int
func (*MessagePool) getGasPerf(gasReward *big.Int, gasLimit int64) float64 {
// gasPerf = gasReward * build.BlockGasLimit / gasLimit
a := new(big.Rat).SetInt(new(big.Int).Mul(gasReward, bigBlockGasLimit))
b := big.NewRat(1, gasLimit)
c := new(big.Rat).Mul(a, b)
r, _ := c.Float64()
return r
func (mp *MessagePool) createMessageChains(actor address.Address, mset map[uint64]*types.SignedMessage, baseFee types.BigInt, ts *types.TipSet) []*msgChain {
// collect all messages
msgs := make([]*types.SignedMessage, 0, len(mset))
for _, m := range mset {
msgs = append(msgs, m)
// sort by nonce
sort.Slice(msgs, func(i, j int) bool {
return msgs[i].Message.Nonce < msgs[j].Message.Nonce
// sanity checks:
// - there can be no gaps in nonces, starting from the current actor nonce
// if there is a gap, drop messages after the gap, we can't include them
// - all messages must have minimum gas and the total gas for the candidate messages
// cannot exceed the block limit; drop all messages that exceed the limit
// - the total gasReward cannot exceed the actor's balance; drop all messages that exceed
// the balance
a, err := mp.api.GetActorAfter(actor, ts)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to load actor state, not building chain for %s: %v", actor, err)
return nil
curNonce := a.Nonce
balance := a.Balance.Int
gasLimit := int64(0)
skip := 0
i := 0
rewards := make([]*big.Int, 0, len(msgs))
for i = 0; i < len(msgs); i++ {
m := msgs[i]
if m.Message.Nonce < curNonce {
log.Warnf("encountered message from actor %s with nonce (%d) less than the current nonce (%d)",
actor, m.Message.Nonce, curNonce)
if m.Message.Nonce != curNonce {
minGas := vm.PricelistByEpoch(ts.Height()).OnChainMessage(m.ChainLength()).Total()
if m.Message.GasLimit < minGas {
gasLimit += m.Message.GasLimit
if gasLimit > build.BlockGasLimit {
required := m.Message.RequiredFunds().Int
if balance.Cmp(required) < 0 {
balance = new(big.Int).Sub(balance, required)
value := m.Message.Value.Int
balance = new(big.Int).Sub(balance, value)
gasReward := mp.getGasReward(m, baseFee)
rewards = append(rewards, gasReward)
// check we have a sane set of messages to construct the chains
if i > skip {
msgs = msgs[skip:i]
} else {
return nil
// if we have more messages from this sender than can fit in a block, drop the extra ones
if len(msgs) > build.BlockMessageLimit {
msgs = msgs[:build.BlockMessageLimit]
// ok, now we can construct the chains using the messages we have
// invariant: each chain has a bigger gasPerf than the next -- otherwise they can be merged
// and increase the gasPerf of the first chain
// We do this in two passes:
// - in the first pass we create chains that aggregate messages with non-decreasing gasPerf
// - in the second pass we merge chains to maintain the invariant.
var chains []*msgChain
var curChain *msgChain
newChain := func(m *types.SignedMessage, i int) *msgChain {
chain := new(msgChain)
chain.msgs = []*types.SignedMessage{m}
chain.gasReward = rewards[i]
chain.gasLimit = m.Message.GasLimit
chain.gasPerf = mp.getGasPerf(chain.gasReward, chain.gasLimit)
chain.valid = true
chain.sigType = m.Signature.Type
return chain
// create the individual chains
for i, m := range msgs {
if curChain == nil {
curChain = newChain(m, i)
gasReward := new(big.Int).Add(curChain.gasReward, rewards[i])
gasLimit := curChain.gasLimit + m.Message.GasLimit
gasPerf := mp.getGasPerf(gasReward, gasLimit)
// try to add the message to the current chain -- if it decreases the gasPerf, or then make a
// new chain
if gasPerf < curChain.gasPerf {
chains = append(chains, curChain)
curChain = newChain(m, i)
} else {
curChain.msgs = append(curChain.msgs, m)
curChain.gasReward = gasReward
curChain.gasLimit = gasLimit
curChain.gasPerf = gasPerf
chains = append(chains, curChain)
// merge chains to maintain the invariant
for {
merged := 0
for i := len(chains) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
if chains[i].gasPerf >= chains[i-1].gasPerf {
chains[i-1].msgs = append(chains[i-1].msgs, chains[i].msgs...)
chains[i-1].gasReward = new(big.Int).Add(chains[i-1].gasReward, chains[i].gasReward)
chains[i-1].gasLimit += chains[i].gasLimit
chains[i-1].gasPerf = mp.getGasPerf(chains[i-1].gasReward, chains[i-1].gasLimit)
chains[i].valid = false
if merged == 0 {
// drop invalidated chains
newChains := make([]*msgChain, 0, len(chains)-merged)
for _, c := range chains {
if c.valid {
newChains = append(newChains, c)
chains = newChains
// link dependent chains
for i := 0; i < len(chains)-1; i++ {
chains[i].next = chains[i+1]
for i := len(chains) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
chains[i].prev = chains[i-1]
return chains
func (mc *msgChain) Before(other *msgChain) bool {
return mc.gasPerf > other.gasPerf ||
(mc.gasPerf == other.gasPerf && mc.gasReward.Cmp(other.gasReward) > 0)
func (mc *msgChain) Trim(gasLimit int64, msgLimit int, mp *MessagePool, baseFee types.BigInt) {
i := len(mc.msgs) - 1
for i >= 0 && (mc.gasLimit > gasLimit || mc.gasPerf < 0 || i >= msgLimit) {
gasReward := mp.getGasReward(mc.msgs[i], baseFee)
mc.gasReward = new(big.Int).Sub(mc.gasReward, gasReward)
mc.gasLimit -= mc.msgs[i].Message.GasLimit
if mc.gasLimit > 0 {
mc.gasPerf = mp.getGasPerf(mc.gasReward, mc.gasLimit)
if mc.bp != 0 {
} else {
mc.gasPerf = 0
mc.effPerf = 0
if i < 0 {
mc.msgs = nil
mc.valid = false
} else {
mc.msgs = mc.msgs[:i+1]
// TODO: if the trim above is a no-op, this (may) needlessly invalidates the next chain
if != nil {
| = nil
func (mc *msgChain) Invalidate() {
mc.valid = false
mc.msgs = nil
if != nil {
| = nil
func (mc *msgChain) SetEffectivePerf(bp float64) {
mc.bp = bp
func (mc *msgChain) setEffPerf() {
effPerf := mc.gasPerf * mc.bp
if effPerf > 0 && mc.prev != nil {
effPerfWithParent := (effPerf*float64(mc.gasLimit) + mc.prev.effPerf*float64(mc.prev.gasLimit)) / float64(mc.gasLimit+mc.prev.gasLimit)
mc.parentOffset = effPerf - effPerfWithParent
effPerf = effPerfWithParent
mc.effPerf = effPerf
func (mc *msgChain) SetNullEffectivePerf() {
if mc.gasPerf < 0 {
mc.effPerf = mc.gasPerf
} else {
mc.effPerf = 0
func (mc *msgChain) BeforeEffective(other *msgChain) bool {
// move merged chains to the front so we can discard them earlier
return (mc.merged && !other.merged) ||
(mc.gasPerf >= 0 && other.gasPerf < 0) ||
mc.effPerf > other.effPerf ||
(mc.effPerf == other.effPerf && mc.gasPerf > other.gasPerf) ||
(mc.effPerf == other.effPerf && mc.gasPerf == other.gasPerf && mc.gasReward.Cmp(other.gasReward) > 0)
func shuffleChains(lst []*msgChain) {
for i := range lst {
j := rand.Intn(i + 1)
lst[i], lst[j] = lst[j], lst[i]