2021-05-18 16:51:06 +02:00

347 lines
8.1 KiB

package sealing
import (
miner5 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/v5/actors/builtin/miner"
proof5 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/v5/actors/runtime/proof"
const arp = abi.RegisteredAggregationProof_SnarkPackV1
type CommitBatcherApi interface {
SendMsg(ctx context.Context, from, to address.Address, method abi.MethodNum, value, maxFee abi.TokenAmount, params []byte) (cid.Cid, error)
StateMinerInfo(context.Context, address.Address, TipSetToken) (miner.MinerInfo, error)
ChainHead(ctx context.Context) (TipSetToken, abi.ChainEpoch, error)
type AggregateInput struct {
spt abi.RegisteredSealProof
// TODO: Something changed in actors, I think this now needs to be AggregateSealVerifyProofAndInfos todo ??
info proof5.AggregateSealVerifyInfo
proof []byte
type CommitBatcher struct {
api CommitBatcherApi
maddr address.Address
mctx context.Context
addrSel AddrSel
feeCfg FeeConfig
getConfig GetSealingConfigFunc
verif ffiwrapper.Verifier
deadlines map[abi.SectorNumber]time.Time
todo map[abi.SectorNumber]AggregateInput
waiting map[abi.SectorNumber][]chan cid.Cid
notify, stop, stopped chan struct{}
force chan chan *cid.Cid
lk sync.Mutex
func NewCommitBatcher(mctx context.Context, maddr address.Address, api CommitBatcherApi, addrSel AddrSel, feeCfg FeeConfig, getConfig GetSealingConfigFunc, verif ffiwrapper.Verifier) *CommitBatcher {
b := &CommitBatcher{
api: api,
maddr: maddr,
mctx: mctx,
addrSel: addrSel,
feeCfg: feeCfg,
getConfig: getConfig,
verif: verif,
deadlines: map[abi.SectorNumber]time.Time{},
todo: map[abi.SectorNumber]AggregateInput{},
waiting: map[abi.SectorNumber][]chan cid.Cid{},
notify: make(chan struct{}, 1),
force: make(chan chan *cid.Cid),
stop: make(chan struct{}),
stopped: make(chan struct{}),
go b.run()
return b
func (b *CommitBatcher) run() {
var forceRes chan *cid.Cid
var lastMsg *cid.Cid
cfg, err := b.getConfig()
if err != nil {
for {
if forceRes != nil {
forceRes <- lastMsg
forceRes = nil
lastMsg = nil
var sendAboveMax, sendAboveMin bool
select {
case <-b.stop:
case <-b.notify:
sendAboveMax = true
case <-time.After(b.batchWait(cfg.CommitBatchWait, cfg.CommitBatchSlack)):
sendAboveMin = true
case fr := <-b.force: // user triggered
forceRes = fr
var err error
lastMsg, err = b.processBatch(sendAboveMax, sendAboveMin)
if err != nil {
log.Warnw("TerminateBatcher processBatch error", "error", err)
func (b *CommitBatcher) batchWait(maxWait, slack time.Duration) time.Duration {
now := time.Now()
defer b.lk.Unlock()
var deadline time.Time
for sn := range b.todo {
sectorDeadline := b.deadlines[sn]
if deadline.IsZero() || (!sectorDeadline.IsZero() && sectorDeadline.Before(deadline)) {
deadline = sectorDeadline
for sn := range b.waiting {
sectorDeadline := b.deadlines[sn]
if deadline.IsZero() || (!sectorDeadline.IsZero() && sectorDeadline.Before(deadline)) {
deadline = sectorDeadline
if deadline.IsZero() {
return maxWait
deadline = deadline.Add(-slack)
if deadline.Before(now) {
return time.Nanosecond // can't return 0
wait := deadline.Sub(now)
if wait > maxWait {
wait = maxWait
return wait
func (b *CommitBatcher) processBatch(notif, after bool) (*cid.Cid, error) {
defer b.lk.Unlock()
params := miner5.ProveCommitAggregateParams{
SectorNumbers: bitfield.New(),
total := len(b.todo)
if total == 0 {
return nil, nil // nothing to do
cfg, err := b.getConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("getting config: %w", err)
if notif && total < cfg.MaxCommitBatch {
return nil, nil
if after && total < cfg.MinCommitBatch {
return nil, nil
spt := b.todo[0].spt
proofs := make([][]byte, 0, total)
infos := make([]proof5.AggregateSealVerifyInfo, 0, total)
for id, p := range b.todo {
proofs = append(proofs, p.proof)
infos = append(infos, p.info)
params.AggregateProof, err = b.verif.AggregateSealProofs(proof5.AggregateSealVerifyProofAndInfos{
Miner: 0,
SealProof: spt,
AggregateProof: arp,
Infos: infos,
}, proofs)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("aggregating proofs: %w", err)
enc := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := params.MarshalCBOR(enc); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("couldn't serialize ProveCommitAggregateParams: %w", err)
mi, err := b.api.StateMinerInfo(b.mctx, b.maddr, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("couldn't get miner info: %w", err)
from, _, err := b.addrSel(b.mctx, mi, api.CommitAddr, b.feeCfg.MaxCommitGasFee, b.feeCfg.MaxCommitGasFee)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("no good address found: %w", err)
mcid, err := b.api.SendMsg(b.mctx, from, b.maddr, miner.Methods.ProveCommitAggregate, big.Zero(), b.feeCfg.MaxCommitGasFee, enc.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("sending message failed: %w", err)
log.Infow("Sent ProveCommitAggregate message", "cid", mcid, "from", from, "sectors", total)
err = params.SectorNumbers.ForEach(func(us uint64) error {
sn := abi.SectorNumber(us)
for _, ch := range b.waiting[sn] {
ch <- mcid // buffered
delete(b.waiting, sn)
delete(b.todo, sn)
delete(b.deadlines, sn)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("done sectors foreach: %w", err)
return &mcid, nil
// register commit, wait for batch message, return message CID
func (b *CommitBatcher) AddCommit(ctx context.Context, s SectorInfo, in AggregateInput) (mcid cid.Cid, err error) {
_, curEpoch, err := b.api.ChainHead(b.mctx)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("getting chain head: %s", err)
return cid.Undef, nil
sn := s.SectorNumber
b.deadlines[sn] = getSectorDeadline(curEpoch, s)
b.todo[sn] = in
sent := make(chan cid.Cid, 1)
b.waiting[sn] = append(b.waiting[sn], sent)
select {
case b.notify <- struct{}{}:
default: // already have a pending notification, don't need more
select {
case c := <-sent:
return c, nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return cid.Undef, ctx.Err()
func (b *CommitBatcher) Flush(ctx context.Context) (*cid.Cid, error) {
resCh := make(chan *cid.Cid, 1)
select {
case b.force <- resCh:
select {
case res := <-resCh:
return res, nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
func (b *CommitBatcher) Pending(ctx context.Context) ([]abi.SectorID, error) {
defer b.lk.Unlock()
mid, err := address.IDFromAddress(b.maddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res := make([]abi.SectorID, 0)
for _, s := range b.todo {
res = append(res, abi.SectorID{
Miner: abi.ActorID(mid),
Number: s.info.Number,
sort.Slice(res, func(i, j int) bool {
if res[i].Miner != res[j].Miner {
return res[i].Miner < res[j].Miner
return res[i].Number < res[j].Number
return res, nil
func (b *CommitBatcher) Stop(ctx context.Context) error {
select {
case <-b.stopped:
return nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
func getSectorDeadline(curEpoch abi.ChainEpoch, si SectorInfo) time.Time {
deadlineEpoch := si.TicketEpoch
for _, p := range si.Pieces {
if p.DealInfo == nil {
startEpoch := p.DealInfo.DealSchedule.StartEpoch
if startEpoch < deadlineEpoch {
deadlineEpoch = startEpoch
if deadlineEpoch <= curEpoch {
return time.Now()
return time.Now().Add(time.Duration(deadlineEpoch-curEpoch) * time.Duration(build.BlockDelaySecs) * time.Second)