2019-08-07 20:01:51 -07:00

200 lines
5.6 KiB

package sectorbuilder
import (
sectorbuilder "github.com/filecoin-project/go-sectorbuilder"
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log"
var log = logging.Logger("sectorbuilder")
type SectorSealingStatus = sectorbuilder.SectorSealingStatus
type StagedSectorMetadata = sectorbuilder.StagedSectorMetadata
const CommLen = sectorbuilder.CommitmentBytesLen
type SectorBuilder struct {
handle unsafe.Pointer
sschan chan SectorSealingStatus
type SectorBuilderConfig struct {
SectorSize uint64
Miner address.Address
SealedDir string
StagedDir string
MetadataDir string
func New(cfg *SectorBuilderConfig) (*SectorBuilder, error) {
proverId := addressToProverID(cfg.Miner)
sbp, err := sectorbuilder.InitSectorBuilder(cfg.SectorSize, 1, 1, 1, cfg.MetadataDir, proverId, cfg.SealedDir, cfg.StagedDir, 16)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &SectorBuilder{
handle: sbp,
sschan: make(chan SectorSealingStatus, 32),
}, nil
func addressToProverID(a address.Address) [31]byte {
var proverId [31]byte
copy(proverId[:], a.Payload())
return proverId
func sectorIDtoBytes(sid uint64) [31]byte {
var out [31]byte
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(out[:], sid)
return out
func (sb *SectorBuilder) Run(ctx context.Context) {
go sb.pollForSealedSectors(ctx)
func (sb *SectorBuilder) Destroy() {
func (sb *SectorBuilder) AddPiece(ctx context.Context, pieceRef string, pieceSize uint64, pieceReader io.ReadCloser) (uint64, error) {
fifoFile, err := bytesink.NewFifo()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// errCh holds any error encountered when streaming bytes or making the CGO
// call. The channel is buffered so that the goroutines can exit, which will
// close the pipe, which unblocks the CGO call.
errCh := make(chan error, 2)
// sectorIDCh receives a value if the CGO call indicates that the client
// piece has successfully been added to a sector. The channel is buffered
// so that the goroutine can exit if a value is sent to errCh before the
// CGO call completes.
sectorIDCh := make(chan uint64, 1)
// goroutine attempts to copy bytes from piece's reader to the fifoFile
go func() {
// opening the fifoFile blocks the goroutine until a reader is opened on the
// other end of the FIFO pipe
err := fifoFile.Open()
if err != nil {
errCh <- xerrors.Errorf("failed to open fifoFile: %w", err)
// closing theg s fifoFile signals to the reader that we're done writing, which
// unblocks the reader
defer func() {
err := fifoFile.Close()
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("failed to close fifoFile: %s", err)
n, err := io.Copy(fifoFile, pieceReader)
if err != nil {
errCh <- xerrors.Errorf("failed to copy to pipe: %w", err)
if uint64(n) != pieceSize {
errCh <- xerrors.Errorf("expected to write %d bytes but wrote %d", pieceSize, n)
// goroutine makes CGO call, which blocks until FIFO pipe opened for writing
// from within other goroutine
go func() {
id, err := sectorbuilder.AddPiece(sb.handle, pieceRef, pieceSize, fifoFile.ID())
if err != nil {
msg := "CGO add_piece returned an error (err=%s, fifo path=%s)"
log.Errorf(msg, err, fifoFile.ID())
errCh <- err
sectorIDCh <- id
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
errStr := "context completed before CGO call could return"
strFmt := "%s (sinkPath=%s)"
log.Errorf(strFmt, errStr, fifoFile.ID())
return 0, xerrors.New(errStr)
case err := <-errCh:
errStr := "error streaming piece-bytes"
strFmt := "%s (sinkPath=%s)"
log.Errorf(strFmt, errStr, fifoFile.ID())
return 0, xerrors.Errorf("%w: %s", errStr, err)
case sectorID := <-sectorIDCh:
return sectorID, nil
// TODO: should *really really* return an io.ReadCloser
func (sb *SectorBuilder) ReadPieceFromSealedSector(pieceKey string) ([]byte, error) {
return sectorbuilder.ReadPieceFromSealedSector(sb.handle, pieceKey)
func (sb *SectorBuilder) SealAllStagedSectors() error {
return sectorbuilder.SealAllStagedSectors(sb.handle)
func (sb *SectorBuilder) SealStatus(sector uint64) (SectorSealingStatus, error) {
return sectorbuilder.GetSectorSealingStatusByID(sb.handle, sector)
func (sb *SectorBuilder) GetAllStagedSectors() ([]StagedSectorMetadata, error) {
return sectorbuilder.GetAllStagedSectors(sb.handle)
func (sb *SectorBuilder) GeneratePoSt(sortedCommRs [][CommLen]byte, challengeSeed [CommLen]byte) ([][]byte, []uint64, error) {
// Wait, this is a blocking method with no way of interrupting it?
// does it checkpoint itself?
return sectorbuilder.GeneratePoSt(sb.handle, sortedCommRs, challengeSeed)
func (sb *SectorBuilder) SealedSectorChan() <-chan SectorSealingStatus {
// is this ever going to be multi-consumer? If so, switch to using pubsub/eventbus
return sb.sschan
var UserBytesForSectorSize = sectorbuilder.GetMaxUserBytesPerStagedSector
func VerifySeal(sectorSize uint64, commR, commD, commRStar []byte, proverID address.Address, sectorID uint64, proof []byte) (bool, error) {
var commRa, commDa, commRStara [32]byte
copy(commRa[:], commR)
copy(commDa[:], commD)
copy(commRStara[:], commRStar)
proverIDa := addressToProverID(proverID)
sectorIDa := sectorIDtoBytes(sectorID)
return sectorbuilder.VerifySeal(sectorSize, commRa, commDa, commRStara, proverIDa, sectorIDa, proof)
func VerifyPost(sectorSize uint64, sortedCommRs [][CommLen]byte, challengeSeed [CommLen]byte, proofs [][]byte, faults []uint64) (bool, error) {
// sectorbuilder.VerifyPost()