217 lines
4.9 KiB
217 lines
4.9 KiB
package chain
import (
bserv "github.com/ipfs/go-blockservice"
cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
hamt "github.com/ipfs/go-hamt-ipld"
ipld "github.com/ipfs/go-ipld-format"
dag "github.com/ipfs/go-merkledag"
type VMContext struct {
state *StateTree
msg *types.Message
height uint64
cst *hamt.CborIpldStore
// Message is the message that kicked off the current invocation
func (vmc *VMContext) Message() *types.Message {
return vmc.msg
// Storage provides access to the VM storage layer
func (vmc *VMContext) Storage() Storage {
func (vmc *VMContext) Ipld() *hamt.CborIpldStore {
return vmc.cst
// Send allows the current execution context to invoke methods on other actors in the system
func (vmc *VMContext) Send(to address.Address, method string, value *big.Int, params []interface{}) ([][]byte, uint8, error) {
// BlockHeight returns the height of the block this message was added to the chain in
func (vmc *VMContext) BlockHeight() uint64 {
return vmc.height
func (vmc *VMContext) GasUsed() types.BigInt {
return types.NewInt(0)
func makeVMContext(state *StateTree, msg *types.Message, height uint64) *VMContext {
return &VMContext{
state: state,
msg: msg,
height: height,
type VM struct {
cstate *StateTree
base cid.Cid
cs *ChainStore
buf *bufbstore.BufferedBS
blockHeight uint64
blockMiner address.Address
inv *invoker
func NewVM(base cid.Cid, height uint64, maddr address.Address, cs *ChainStore) (*VM, error) {
buf := bufbstore.NewBufferedBstore(cs.bs)
cst := hamt.CSTFromBstore(buf)
state, err := LoadStateTree(cst, base)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &VM{
cstate: state,
base: base,
cs: cs,
buf: buf,
blockHeight: height,
blockMiner: maddr,
inv: newInvoker(),
}, nil
func (vm *VM) ApplyMessage(msg *types.Message) (*types.MessageReceipt, error) {
st := vm.cstate
fromActor, err := st.GetActor(msg.From)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "from actor not found")
gascost := types.BigMul(msg.GasLimit, msg.GasPrice)
totalCost := types.BigAdd(gascost, msg.Value)
if types.BigCmp(fromActor.Balance, totalCost) < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not enough funds")
if msg.Nonce != fromActor.Nonce {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid nonce")
toActor, err := st.GetActor(msg.To)
if err != nil {
if err == ErrActorNotFound {
a, err := TryCreateAccountActor(st, msg.To)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
toActor = a
} else {
return nil, err
if err := DeductFunds(fromActor, totalCost); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to deduct funds")
DepositFunds(toActor, msg.Value)
vmctx := makeVMContext(st, msg, vm.blockHeight)
var errcode byte
var ret []byte
if msg.Method != 0 {
ret, errcode, err = vm.Invoke(toActor, vmctx, msg.Method, msg.Params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if errcode != 0 {
// revert all state changes since snapshot
gascost := types.BigMul(vmctx.GasUsed(), msg.GasPrice)
if err := DeductFunds(fromActor, gascost); err != nil {
panic("invariant violated: " + err.Error())
} else {
// refund unused gas
refund := types.BigMul(types.BigSub(msg.GasLimit, vmctx.GasUsed()), msg.GasPrice)
DepositFunds(fromActor, refund)
// reward miner gas fees
miner, err := st.GetActor(vm.blockMiner)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "getting block miner actor failed")
gasReward := types.BigMul(msg.GasPrice, vmctx.GasUsed())
DepositFunds(miner, gasReward)
return &types.MessageReceipt{
ExitCode: errcode,
Return: ret,
GasUsed: vmctx.GasUsed(),
}, nil
func (vm *VM) Flush(ctx context.Context) (cid.Cid, error) {
from := dag.NewDAGService(bserv.New(vm.buf, nil))
to := dag.NewDAGService(bserv.New(vm.buf.Read(), nil))
root, err := vm.cstate.Flush()
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, err
if err := ipld.Copy(ctx, from, to, root); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, err
return root, nil
func (vm *VM) TransferFunds(from, to address.Address, amt types.BigInt) error {
if from == to {
return nil
fromAct, err := vm.cstate.GetActor(from)
if err != nil {
return err
toAct, err := vm.cstate.GetActor(from)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := DeductFunds(fromAct, amt); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to deduct funds")
DepositFunds(toAct, amt)
return nil
func (vm *VM) Invoke(act *types.Actor, vmctx *VMContext, method uint64, params []byte) ([]byte, byte, error) {
ret, err := vm.inv.Invoke(act, vmctx, method, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return ret.result, ret.returnCode, nil