Aarsh Shah d7076778e2
integrate DAG store and CARv2 in deal-making (#6671)
This commit removes badger from the deal-making processes, and
moves to a new architecture with the dagstore as the cental
component on the miner-side, and CARv2s on the client-side.

Every deal that has been handed off to the sealing subsystem becomes
a shard in the dagstore. Shards are mounted via the LotusMount, which
teaches the dagstore how to load the related piece when serving

When the miner starts the Lotus for the first time with this patch,
we will perform a one-time migration of all active deals into the
dagstore. This is a lightweight process, and it consists simply
of registering the shards in the dagstore.

Shards are backed by the unsealed copy of the piece. This is currently
a CARv1. However, the dagstore keeps CARv2 indices for all pieces, so
when it's time to acquire a shard to serve a retrieval, the unsealed
CARv1 is joined with its index (safeguarded by the dagstore), to form
a read-only blockstore, thus taking the place of the monolithic

Data transfers have been adjusted to interface directly with CARv2 files.
On inbound transfers (client retrievals, miner storage deals), we stream
the received data into a CARv2 ReadWrite blockstore. On outbound transfers
(client storage deals, miner retrievals), we serve the data off a CARv2
ReadOnly blockstore.

Client-side imports are managed by the refactored *imports.Manager
component (when not using IPFS integration). Just like it before, we use
the go-filestore library to avoid duplicating the data from the original
file in the resulting UnixFS DAG (concretely the leaves). However, the
target of those imports are what we call "ref-CARv2s": CARv2 files placed
under the `$LOTUS_PATH/imports` directory, containing the intermediate
nodes in full, and the leaves as positional references to the original file
on disk.

Client-side retrievals are placed into CARv2 files in the location:

A new set of `Dagstore*` JSON-RPC operations and `lotus-miner dagstore`
subcommands have been introduced on the miner-side to inspect and manage
the dagstore.

Despite moving to a CARv2-backed system, the IPFS integration has been
respected, and it continues to be possible to make storage deals with data
held in an IPFS node, and to perform retrievals directly into an IPFS node.

NOTE: because the "staging" and "client" Badger blockstores are no longer
used, existing imports on the client will be rendered useless. On startup,
Lotus will enumerate all imports and print WARN statements on the log for
each import that needs to be reimported. These log lines contain these

- import lacks carv2 path; import will not work; please reimport
- import has missing/broken carv2; please reimport

At the end, we will print a "sanity check completed" message indicating
the count of imports found, and how many were deemed broken.

Co-authored-by: Aarsh Shah <aarshkshah1992@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Dirk McCormick <dirkmdev@gmail.com>

Co-authored-by: Raúl Kripalani <raul@protocol.ai>
Co-authored-by: Dirk McCormick <dirkmdev@gmail.com>
2021-08-16 23:34:32 +01:00

425 lines
14 KiB

package node
import (
metricsi "github.com/ipfs/go-metrics-interface"
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log/v2"
ci "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-core/crypto"
dht "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-kad-dht"
pubsub "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-pubsub"
record "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-record"
_ "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/lib/sigs/bls"
_ "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/lib/sigs/secp"
var log = logging.Logger("builder")
// special is a type used to give keys to modules which
// can't really be identified by the returned type
type special struct{ id int }
var (
DefaultTransportsKey = special{0} // Libp2p option
DiscoveryHandlerKey = special{2} // Private type
AddrsFactoryKey = special{3} // Libp2p option
SmuxTransportKey = special{4} // Libp2p option
RelayKey = special{5} // Libp2p option
SecurityKey = special{6} // Libp2p option
BaseRoutingKey = special{7} // fx groups + multiret
NatPortMapKey = special{8} // Libp2p option
ConnectionManagerKey = special{9} // Libp2p option
AutoNATSvcKey = special{10} // Libp2p option
BandwidthReporterKey = special{11} // Libp2p option
ConnGaterKey = special{12} // libp2p option
DAGStoreKey = special{13} // constructor returns multiple values
type invoke int
// Invokes are called in the order they are defined.
const (
// InitJournal at position 0 initializes the journal global var as soon as
// the system starts, so that it's available for all other components.
InitJournalKey = invoke(iota)
// System processes.
// libp2p
// filecoin
// miner
// daemon
_nInvokes // keep this last
type Settings struct {
// modules is a map of constructors for DI
// In most cases the index will be a reflect. Type of element returned by
// the constructor, but for some 'constructors' it's hard to specify what's
// the return type should be (or the constructor returns fx group)
modules map[interface{}]fx.Option
// invokes are separate from modules as they can't be referenced by return
// type, and must be applied in correct order
invokes []fx.Option
nodeType repo.RepoType
Base bool // Base option applied
Config bool // Config option applied
Lite bool // Start node in "lite" mode
enableLibp2pNode bool
// Basic lotus-app services
func defaults() []Option {
return []Option{
// global system journal.
Override(new(journal.DisabledEvents), journal.EnvDisabledEvents),
Override(new(journal.Journal), modules.OpenFilesystemJournal),
Override(new(system.MemoryConstraints), modules.MemoryConstraints),
Override(InitMemoryWatchdog, modules.MemoryWatchdog),
Override(new(helpers.MetricsCtx), func() context.Context {
return metricsi.CtxScope(context.Background(), "lotus")
Override(new(dtypes.ShutdownChan), make(chan struct{})),
var LibP2P = Options(
// Host config
Override(new(dtypes.Bootstrapper), dtypes.Bootstrapper(false)),
// Host dependencies
Override(new(peerstore.Peerstore), pstoremem.NewPeerstore),
Override(PstoreAddSelfKeysKey, lp2p.PstoreAddSelfKeys),
Override(StartListeningKey, lp2p.StartListening(config.DefaultFullNode().Libp2p.ListenAddresses)),
// Host settings
Override(DefaultTransportsKey, lp2p.DefaultTransports),
Override(AddrsFactoryKey, lp2p.AddrsFactory(nil, nil)),
Override(SmuxTransportKey, lp2p.SmuxTransport(true)),
Override(RelayKey, lp2p.NoRelay()),
Override(SecurityKey, lp2p.Security(true, false)),
// Host
Override(new(lp2p.RawHost), lp2p.Host),
Override(new(host.Host), lp2p.RoutedHost),
Override(new(lp2p.BaseIpfsRouting), lp2p.DHTRouting(dht.ModeAuto)),
Override(DiscoveryHandlerKey, lp2p.DiscoveryHandler),
// Routing
Override(new(record.Validator), modules.RecordValidator),
Override(BaseRoutingKey, lp2p.BaseRouting),
Override(new(routing.Routing), lp2p.Routing),
// Services
Override(NatPortMapKey, lp2p.NatPortMap),
Override(BandwidthReporterKey, lp2p.BandwidthCounter),
Override(AutoNATSvcKey, lp2p.AutoNATService),
// Services (pubsub)
Override(new(*dtypes.ScoreKeeper), lp2p.ScoreKeeper),
Override(new(*pubsub.PubSub), lp2p.GossipSub),
Override(new(*config.Pubsub), func(bs dtypes.Bootstrapper) *config.Pubsub {
return &config.Pubsub{
Bootstrapper: bool(bs),
// Services (connection management)
Override(ConnectionManagerKey, lp2p.ConnectionManager(50, 200, 20*time.Second, nil)),
Override(new(*conngater.BasicConnectionGater), lp2p.ConnGater),
Override(ConnGaterKey, lp2p.ConnGaterOption),
func IsType(t repo.RepoType) func(s *Settings) bool {
return func(s *Settings) bool { return s.nodeType == t }
func isFullOrLiteNode(s *Settings) bool { return s.nodeType == repo.FullNode }
func isFullNode(s *Settings) bool { return s.nodeType == repo.FullNode && !s.Lite }
func isLiteNode(s *Settings) bool { return s.nodeType == repo.FullNode && s.Lite }
func Base() Option {
return Options(
func(s *Settings) error { s.Base = true; return nil }, // mark Base as applied
ApplyIf(func(s *Settings) bool { return s.Config },
Error(errors.New("the Base() option must be set before Config option")),
ApplyIf(func(s *Settings) bool { return s.enableLibp2pNode },
ApplyIf(isFullOrLiteNode, ChainNode),
ApplyIf(IsType(repo.StorageMiner), MinerNode),
// Config sets up constructors based on the provided Config
func ConfigCommon(cfg *config.Common, enableLibp2pNode bool) Option {
return Options(
func(s *Settings) error { s.Config = true; return nil },
Override(new(dtypes.APIEndpoint), func() (dtypes.APIEndpoint, error) {
return multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(cfg.API.ListenAddress)
Override(SetApiEndpointKey, func(lr repo.LockedRepo, e dtypes.APIEndpoint) error {
return lr.SetAPIEndpoint(e)
Override(new(stores.URLs), func(e dtypes.APIEndpoint) (stores.URLs, error) {
ip := cfg.API.RemoteListenAddress
var urls stores.URLs
urls = append(urls, "http://"+ip+"/remote") // TODO: This makes no assumptions, and probably could...
return urls, nil
ApplyIf(func(s *Settings) bool { return s.Base }), // apply only if Base has already been applied
Override(new(api.Net), new(api.NetStub)),
Override(new(api.Common), From(new(common.CommonAPI))),
Override(new(api.Net), From(new(net.NetAPI))),
Override(new(api.Common), From(new(common.CommonAPI))),
Override(StartListeningKey, lp2p.StartListening(cfg.Libp2p.ListenAddresses)),
Override(ConnectionManagerKey, lp2p.ConnectionManager(
Override(new(*pubsub.PubSub), lp2p.GossipSub),
Override(new(*config.Pubsub), &cfg.Pubsub),
ApplyIf(func(s *Settings) bool { return len(cfg.Libp2p.BootstrapPeers) > 0 },
Override(new(dtypes.BootstrapPeers), modules.ConfigBootstrap(cfg.Libp2p.BootstrapPeers)),
Override(AddrsFactoryKey, lp2p.AddrsFactory(
Override(new(dtypes.MetadataDS), modules.Datastore(cfg.Backup.DisableMetadataLog)),
func Repo(r repo.Repo) Option {
return func(settings *Settings) error {
lr, err := r.Lock(settings.nodeType)
if err != nil {
return err
c, err := lr.Config()
if err != nil {
return err
var cfg *config.Chainstore
switch settings.nodeType {
case repo.FullNode:
cfgp, ok := c.(*config.FullNode)
if !ok {
return xerrors.Errorf("invalid config from repo, got: %T", c)
cfg = &cfgp.Chainstore
cfg = &config.Chainstore{}
return Options(
Override(new(repo.LockedRepo), modules.LockedRepo(lr)), // module handles closing
Override(new(dtypes.UniversalBlockstore), modules.UniversalBlockstore),
If(cfg.Splitstore.ColdStoreType == "universal",
Override(new(dtypes.ColdBlockstore), From(new(dtypes.UniversalBlockstore)))),
If(cfg.Splitstore.ColdStoreType == "discard",
Override(new(dtypes.ColdBlockstore), modules.DiscardColdBlockstore)),
If(cfg.Splitstore.HotStoreType == "badger",
Override(new(dtypes.HotBlockstore), modules.BadgerHotBlockstore)),
Override(new(dtypes.SplitBlockstore), modules.SplitBlockstore(cfg)),
Override(new(dtypes.BasicChainBlockstore), modules.ChainSplitBlockstore),
Override(new(dtypes.BasicStateBlockstore), modules.StateSplitBlockstore),
Override(new(dtypes.BaseBlockstore), From(new(dtypes.SplitBlockstore))),
Override(new(dtypes.ExposedBlockstore), modules.ExposedSplitBlockstore),
Override(new(dtypes.GCReferenceProtector), modules.SplitBlockstoreGCReferenceProtector),
Override(new(dtypes.BasicChainBlockstore), modules.ChainFlatBlockstore),
Override(new(dtypes.BasicStateBlockstore), modules.StateFlatBlockstore),
Override(new(dtypes.BaseBlockstore), From(new(dtypes.UniversalBlockstore))),
Override(new(dtypes.ExposedBlockstore), From(new(dtypes.UniversalBlockstore))),
Override(new(dtypes.GCReferenceProtector), modules.NoopGCReferenceProtector),
Override(new(dtypes.ChainBlockstore), From(new(dtypes.BasicChainBlockstore))),
Override(new(dtypes.StateBlockstore), From(new(dtypes.BasicStateBlockstore))),
Override(new(dtypes.ChainBlockstore), modules.FallbackChainBlockstore),
Override(new(dtypes.StateBlockstore), modules.FallbackStateBlockstore),
Override(SetupFallbackBlockstoresKey, modules.InitFallbackBlockstores),
Override(new(dtypes.ClientImportMgr), modules.ClientImportMgr),
Override(new(dtypes.ClientBlockstore), modules.ClientBlockstore),
Override(new(ci.PrivKey), lp2p.PrivKey),
Override(new(ci.PubKey), ci.PrivKey.GetPublic),
Override(new(peer.ID), peer.IDFromPublicKey),
Override(new(types.KeyStore), modules.KeyStore),
Override(new(*dtypes.APIAlg), modules.APISecret),
ApplyIf(IsType(repo.FullNode), ConfigFullNode(c)),
ApplyIf(IsType(repo.StorageMiner), ConfigStorageMiner(c)),
type StopFunc func(context.Context) error
// New builds and starts new Filecoin node
func New(ctx context.Context, opts ...Option) (StopFunc, error) {
settings := Settings{
modules: map[interface{}]fx.Option{},
invokes: make([]fx.Option, _nInvokes),
// apply module options in the right order
if err := Options(Options(defaults()...), Options(opts...))(&settings); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("applying node options failed: %w", err)
// gather constructors for fx.Options
ctors := make([]fx.Option, 0, len(settings.modules))
for _, opt := range settings.modules {
ctors = append(ctors, opt)
// fill holes in invokes for use in fx.Options
for i, opt := range settings.invokes {
if opt == nil {
settings.invokes[i] = fx.Options()
app := fx.New(
// TODO: we probably should have a 'firewall' for Closing signal
// on this context, and implement closing logic through lifecycles
// correctly
if err := app.Start(ctx); err != nil {
// comment fx.NopLogger few lines above for easier debugging
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("starting node: %w", err)
return app.Stop, nil
// In-memory / testing
func Test() Option {
return Options(
Override(new(beacon.Schedule), testing.RandomBeacon),
Override(new(*storageadapter.DealPublisher), storageadapter.NewDealPublisher(nil, storageadapter.PublishMsgConfig{})),
// For 3rd party dep injection.
func WithRepoType(repoType repo.RepoType) func(s *Settings) error {
return func(s *Settings) error {
s.nodeType = repoType
return nil
func WithInvokesKey(i invoke, resApi interface{}) func(s *Settings) error {
return func(s *Settings) error {
s.invokes[i] = fx.Populate(resApi)
return nil