Łukasz Magiera 6fd93ed170
fix: sched: Address GET_32G_MAX_CONCURRENT regression ()
* Fix 1.21 regression: GET_32G_MAX_CONCURRENT + mixed prepared/executing leads to stuck scheduler

If you have 12 GET tasks and GET_32G_MAX_CONCURRENT=1, sealing jobs will only show assigned tasks for GET of the miner
and is stuck.
I believe this to be a regression of 1.21 unifying the counters, in the case of GETs where PrepType and TaskType
both being seal/v0/fetch leading to a state where tasks are blocked since already counted towards the limit.

* itests: Repro issue from PR 

* make counters int (non-working)

* fix: worker sched: Send taskDone notifs after tasks are done

* itests: Make TestPledgeMaxConcurrentGet actually reproduce the issue

* make the linter happy


Co-authored-by: Steffen Butzer <steffen.butzer@outlook.com>
2023-05-10 15:43:42 -04:00

616 lines
15 KiB

package sealer
import (
type schedWorker struct {
sched *Scheduler
worker *WorkerHandle
wid storiface.WorkerID
heartbeatTimer *time.Ticker
scheduledWindows chan *SchedWindow
taskDone chan struct{}
windowsRequested int
func newWorkerHandle(ctx context.Context, w Worker) (*WorkerHandle, error) {
info, err := w.Info(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("getting worker info: %w", err)
tc := newTaskCounter()
worker := &WorkerHandle{
workerRpc: w,
Info: info,
preparing: NewActiveResources(tc),
active: NewActiveResources(tc),
Enabled: true,
closingMgr: make(chan struct{}),
closedMgr: make(chan struct{}),
return worker, nil
// context only used for startup
func (sh *Scheduler) runWorker(ctx context.Context, wid storiface.WorkerID, worker *WorkerHandle) error {
_, exist := sh.Workers[wid]
if exist {
log.Warnw("duplicated worker added", "id", wid)
// this is ok, we're already handling this worker in a different goroutine
return nil
sh.Workers[wid] = worker
sw := &schedWorker{
sched: sh,
worker: worker,
wid: wid,
heartbeatTimer: time.NewTicker(paths.HeartbeatInterval),
scheduledWindows: make(chan *SchedWindow, SchedWindows),
taskDone: make(chan struct{}, 1),
windowsRequested: 0,
go sw.handleWorker()
return nil
func (sw *schedWorker) handleWorker() {
worker, sched := sw.worker, sw.sched
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.TODO())
defer cancel()
defer close(worker.closedMgr)
defer func() {
log.Warnw("Worker closing", "workerid", sw.wid)
if err := sw.disable(ctx); err != nil {
log.Warnw("failed to disable worker", "worker", sw.wid, "error", err)
delete(sched.Workers, sw.wid)
defer sw.heartbeatTimer.Stop()
for {
enabled := worker.Enabled
// ask for more windows if we need them (non-blocking)
if enabled {
if !sw.requestWindows() {
return // graceful shutdown
// wait for more windows to come in, or for tasks to get finished (blocking)
for {
// ping the worker and check session
if !sw.checkSession(ctx) {
return // invalid session / exiting
// session looks good
enabled := worker.Enabled
worker.Enabled = true
if !enabled {
// go send window requests
// wait for more tasks to be assigned by the main scheduler or for the worker
// to finish precessing a task
update, pokeSched, ok := sw.waitForUpdates()
if !ok {
if pokeSched {
// a task has finished preparing, which can mean that we've freed some space on some worker
select {
case sched.workerChange <- struct{}{}:
default: // workerChange is buffered, and scheduling is global, so it's ok if we don't send here
if update {
// process assigned windows (non-blocking)
// send tasks to the worker
func (sw *schedWorker) disable(ctx context.Context) error {
done := make(chan struct{})
// request cleanup in the main scheduler goroutine
select {
case sw.sched.workerDisable <- workerDisableReq{
activeWindows: sw.worker.activeWindows,
wid: sw.wid,
done: func() {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case <-sw.sched.closing:
return nil
// wait for cleanup to complete
select {
case <-done:
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case <-sw.sched.closing:
return nil
sw.worker.activeWindows = sw.worker.activeWindows[:0]
sw.windowsRequested = 0
return nil
func (sw *schedWorker) checkSession(ctx context.Context) bool {
for {
sctx, scancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, paths.HeartbeatInterval/2)
curSes, err := sw.worker.workerRpc.Session(sctx)
if err != nil {
// Likely temporary error
log.Warnw("failed to check worker session", "error", err)
if err := sw.disable(ctx); err != nil {
log.Warnw("failed to disable worker with session error", "worker", sw.wid, "error", err)
select {
case <-sw.heartbeatTimer.C:
case w := <-sw.scheduledWindows:
// was in flight when initially disabled, return
sw.worker.activeWindows = append(sw.worker.activeWindows, w)
if err := sw.disable(ctx); err != nil {
log.Warnw("failed to disable worker with session error", "worker", sw.wid, "error", err)
case <-sw.sched.closing:
return false
case <-sw.worker.closingMgr:
return false
if storiface.WorkerID(curSes) != sw.wid {
if curSes != ClosedWorkerID {
// worker restarted
log.Warnw("worker session changed (worker restarted?)", "initial", sw.wid, "current", curSes)
return false
return true
func (sw *schedWorker) requestWindows() bool {
for ; sw.windowsRequested < SchedWindows; sw.windowsRequested++ {
select {
case sw.sched.windowRequests <- &SchedWindowRequest{
Worker: sw.wid,
Done: sw.scheduledWindows,
case <-sw.sched.closing:
return false
case <-sw.worker.closingMgr:
return false
return true
func (sw *schedWorker) waitForUpdates() (update bool, sched bool, ok bool) {
select {
case <-sw.heartbeatTimer.C:
return false, false, true
case w := <-sw.scheduledWindows:
sw.worker.activeWindows = append(sw.worker.activeWindows, w)
return true, false, true
case <-sw.taskDone:
log.Debugw("task done", "workerid", sw.wid)
return true, true, true
case <-sw.sched.closing:
case <-sw.worker.closingMgr:
return false, false, false
func (sw *schedWorker) workerCompactWindows() {
worker := sw.worker
// move tasks from older windows to newer windows if older windows
// still can fit them
if len(worker.activeWindows) > 1 {
for wi, window := range worker.activeWindows[1:] {
lower := worker.activeWindows[wi]
var moved []int
for ti, todo := range window.Todo {
needRes := worker.Info.Resources.ResourceSpec(todo.Sector.ProofType, todo.TaskType)
if !lower.Allocated.CanHandleRequest(todo.SchedId, todo.SealTask(), needRes, sw.wid, "compactWindows", worker.Info) {
moved = append(moved, ti)
lower.Todo = append(lower.Todo, todo)
lower.Allocated.Add(todo.SchedId, todo.SealTask(), worker.Info.Resources, needRes)
window.Allocated.Free(todo.SchedId, todo.SealTask(), worker.Info.Resources, needRes)
if len(moved) > 0 {
newTodo := make([]*WorkerRequest, 0, len(window.Todo)-len(moved))
for i, t := range window.Todo {
if len(moved) > 0 && moved[0] == i {
moved = moved[1:]
newTodo = append(newTodo, t)
window.Todo = newTodo
var compacted int
var newWindows []*SchedWindow
for _, window := range worker.activeWindows {
if len(window.Todo) == 0 {
newWindows = append(newWindows, window)
worker.activeWindows = newWindows
sw.windowsRequested -= compacted
func (sw *schedWorker) processAssignedWindows() {
func (sw *schedWorker) assignPreparingWork() {
worker := sw.worker
// process windows in order
for len(worker.activeWindows) > 0 {
firstWindow := worker.activeWindows[0]
// process tasks within a window, preferring tasks at lower indexes
for len(firstWindow.Todo) > 0 {
tidx := -1
for t, todo := range firstWindow.Todo {
needResPrep := worker.Info.Resources.PrepResourceSpec(todo.Sector.ProofType, todo.TaskType, todo.prepare.PrepType)
if worker.preparing.CanHandleRequest(todo.SchedId, todo.PrepSealTask(), needResPrep, sw.wid, "startPreparing", worker.Info) {
tidx = t
if tidx == -1 {
break assignLoop
todo := firstWindow.Todo[tidx]
log.Debugf("assign worker sector %d to %s", todo.Sector.ID.Number, worker.Info.Hostname)
err := sw.startProcessingTask(todo)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("startProcessingTask error: %+v", err)
go todo.respond(xerrors.Errorf("startProcessingTask error: %w", err))
// Note: we're not freeing window.allocated resources here very much on purpose
copy(firstWindow.Todo[tidx:], firstWindow.Todo[tidx+1:])
firstWindow.Todo[len(firstWindow.Todo)-1] = nil
firstWindow.Todo = firstWindow.Todo[:len(firstWindow.Todo)-1]
copy(worker.activeWindows, worker.activeWindows[1:])
worker.activeWindows[len(worker.activeWindows)-1] = nil
worker.activeWindows = worker.activeWindows[:len(worker.activeWindows)-1]
func (sw *schedWorker) assignReadyWork() {
worker := sw.worker
defer worker.lk.Unlock()
if worker.active.hasWorkWaiting() {
// prepared tasks have priority
// process windows in order
for len(worker.activeWindows) > 0 {
firstWindow := worker.activeWindows[0]
// process tasks within a window, preferring tasks at lower indexes
for len(firstWindow.Todo) > 0 {
tidx := -1
for t, todo := range firstWindow.Todo {
if todo.TaskType != sealtasks.TTCommit1 && todo.TaskType != sealtasks.TTCommit2 { // todo put in task
needRes := worker.Info.Resources.ResourceSpec(todo.Sector.ProofType, todo.TaskType)
if worker.active.CanHandleRequest(todo.SchedId, todo.SealTask(), needRes, sw.wid, "startPreparing", worker.Info) {
tidx = t
if tidx == -1 {
break assignLoop
todo := firstWindow.Todo[tidx]
log.Debugf("assign worker sector %d (ready)", todo.Sector.ID.Number)
err := sw.startProcessingReadyTask(todo)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("startProcessingTask error: %+v", err)
go todo.respond(xerrors.Errorf("startProcessingTask error: %w", err))
// Note: we're not freeing window.allocated resources here very much on purpose
copy(firstWindow.Todo[tidx:], firstWindow.Todo[tidx+1:])
firstWindow.Todo[len(firstWindow.Todo)-1] = nil
firstWindow.Todo = firstWindow.Todo[:len(firstWindow.Todo)-1]
copy(worker.activeWindows, worker.activeWindows[1:])
worker.activeWindows[len(worker.activeWindows)-1] = nil
worker.activeWindows = worker.activeWindows[:len(worker.activeWindows)-1]
func (sw *schedWorker) startProcessingTask(req *WorkerRequest) error {
w, sh := sw.worker, sw.sched
needRes := w.Info.Resources.ResourceSpec(req.Sector.ProofType, req.TaskType)
needResPrep := w.Info.Resources.PrepResourceSpec(req.Sector.ProofType, req.TaskType, req.prepare.PrepType)
w.preparing.Add(req.SchedId, req.PrepSealTask(), w.Info.Resources, needResPrep)
go func() {
// first run the prepare step (e.g. fetching sector data from other worker)
tw := sh.workTracker.worker(sw.wid, w.Info, w.workerRpc)
err := req.prepare.Action(req.Ctx, tw)
if err != nil {
w.preparing.Free(req.SchedId, req.PrepSealTask(), w.Info.Resources, needResPrep)
select {
case sw.taskDone <- struct{}{}:
case <-sh.closing:
log.Warnf("scheduler closed while sending response (prepare error: %+v)", err)
default: // there is a notification pending already
select {
case req.ret <- workerResponse{err: err}:
case <-req.Ctx.Done():
log.Warnf("request got cancelled before we could respond (prepare error: %+v)", err)
case <-sh.closing:
log.Warnf("scheduler closed while sending response (prepare error: %+v)", err)
tw = sh.workTracker.worker(sw.wid, w.Info, w.workerRpc)
// start tracking work first early in case we need to wait for resources
werr := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
werr <- req.work(req.Ctx, tw)
// wait (if needed) for resources in the 'active' window
err = w.active.withResources(req.SchedId, sw.wid, w.Info, req.SealTask(), needRes, &w.lk, func() error {
w.preparing.Free(req.SchedId, req.PrepSealTask(), w.Info.Resources, needResPrep)
defer w.lk.Lock() // we MUST return locked from this function
// make sure the worker loop sees that the prepare task has finished
select {
case sw.taskDone <- struct{}{}:
case <-sh.closing:
default: // there is a notification pending already
// Do the work!
err = <-werr
select {
case req.ret <- workerResponse{err: err}:
case <-req.Ctx.Done():
log.Warnf("request got cancelled before we could respond")
case <-sh.closing:
log.Warnf("scheduler closed while sending response")
return nil
// make sure the worker loop sees that the task has finished
select {
case sw.taskDone <- struct{}{}:
default: // there is a notification pending already
// This error should always be nil, since nothing is setting it, but just to be safe:
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing worker (withResources): %+v", err)
return nil
func (sw *schedWorker) startProcessingReadyTask(req *WorkerRequest) error {
w, sh := sw.worker, sw.sched
needRes := w.Info.Resources.ResourceSpec(req.Sector.ProofType, req.TaskType)
w.active.Add(req.SchedId, req.SealTask(), w.Info.Resources, needRes)
go func() {
// Do the work!
tw := sh.workTracker.worker(sw.wid, w.Info, w.workerRpc)
err := req.work(req.Ctx, tw)
select {
case req.ret <- workerResponse{err: err}:
case <-req.Ctx.Done():
log.Warnf("request got cancelled before we could respond")
case <-sh.closing:
log.Warnf("scheduler closed while sending response")
w.active.Free(req.SchedId, req.SealTask(), w.Info.Resources, needRes)
select {
case sw.taskDone <- struct{}{}:
case <-sh.closing:
log.Warnf("scheduler closed while sending response (prepare error: %+v)", err)
default: // there is a notification pending already
// This error should always be nil, since nothing is setting it, but just to be safe:
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing worker (ready): %+v", err)
return nil
func (sh *Scheduler) workerCleanup(wid storiface.WorkerID, w *WorkerHandle) {
select {
case <-w.closingMgr:
select {
case <-w.closedMgr:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
log.Errorf("timeout closing worker manager goroutine %d", wid)
if !w.cleanupStarted {
w.cleanupStarted = true
newWindows := make([]*SchedWindowRequest, 0, len(sh.OpenWindows))
for _, window := range sh.OpenWindows {
if window.Worker != wid {
newWindows = append(newWindows, window)
sh.OpenWindows = newWindows
log.Debugf("worker %s dropped", wid)