276 lines
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276 lines
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package jsonrpc
import (
type rpcHandler struct {
paramReceivers []reflect.Type
nParams int
receiver reflect.Value
handlerFunc reflect.Value
hasCtx int
errOut int
valOut int
type handlers map[string]rpcHandler
// Request / response
type request struct {
Jsonrpc string `json:"jsonrpc"`
ID *int64 `json:"id,omitempty"`
Method string `json:"method"`
Params []param `json:"params"`
Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"`
type respError struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Message string `json:"message"`
func (e *respError) Error() string {
if e.Code >= -32768 && e.Code <= -32000 {
return fmt.Sprintf("RPC error (%d): %s", e.Code, e.Message)
return e.Message
type response struct {
Jsonrpc string `json:"jsonrpc"`
Result interface{} `json:"result,omitempty"`
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Error *respError `json:"error,omitempty"`
// Register
func (h handlers) register(namespace string, r interface{}) {
val := reflect.ValueOf(r)
//TODO: expect ptr
for i := 0; i < val.NumMethod(); i++ {
method := val.Type().Method(i)
funcType := method.Func.Type()
hasCtx := 0
if funcType.NumIn() >= 2 && funcType.In(1) == contextType {
hasCtx = 1
ins := funcType.NumIn() - 1 - hasCtx
recvs := make([]reflect.Type, ins)
for i := 0; i < ins; i++ {
recvs[i] = method.Type.In(i + 1 + hasCtx)
valOut, errOut, _ := processFuncOut(funcType)
h[namespace+"."+method.Name] = rpcHandler{
paramReceivers: recvs,
nParams: ins,
handlerFunc: method.Func,
receiver: val,
hasCtx: hasCtx,
errOut: errOut,
valOut: valOut,
// Handle
type rpcErrFunc func(w func(func(io.Writer)), req *request, code int, err error)
type chanOut func(reflect.Value, int64) error
func (h handlers) handleReader(ctx context.Context, r io.Reader, w io.Writer, rpcError rpcErrFunc) {
wf := func(cb func(io.Writer)) {
var req request
if err := json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&req); err != nil {
rpcError(wf, &req, rpcParseError, xerrors.Errorf("unmarshaling request: %w", err))
h.handle(ctx, req, wf, rpcError, func(bool) {}, nil)
func doCall(methodName string, f reflect.Value, params []reflect.Value) (out []reflect.Value, err error) {
defer func() {
if i := recover(); i != nil {
err = xerrors.Errorf("panic in rpc method '%s': %s", methodName, i)
out = f.Call(params)
return out, nil
func (handlers) getSpan(ctx context.Context, req request) (context.Context, *trace.Span) {
if req.Meta == nil {
return ctx, nil
if eSC, ok := req.Meta["SpanContext"]; ok {
bSC := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(eSC)))
_, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(bSC, []byte(eSC))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("SpanContext: decode", "error", err)
return ctx, nil
sc, ok := propagation.FromBinary(bSC)
if !ok {
log.Errorf("SpanContext: could not create span", "data", bSC)
return ctx, nil
ctx, span := trace.StartSpanWithRemoteParent(ctx, "api.handle", sc)
span.AddAttributes(trace.StringAttribute("method", req.Method))
return ctx, span
return ctx, nil
func (h handlers) handle(ctx context.Context, req request, w func(func(io.Writer)), rpcError rpcErrFunc, done func(keepCtx bool), chOut chanOut) {
// Not sure if we need to sanitize the incoming req.Method or not.
ctx, span := h.getSpan(ctx, req)
ctx, _ = tag.New(ctx, tag.Insert(metrics.RPCMethod, req.Method))
defer span.End()
handler, ok := h[req.Method]
if !ok {
rpcError(w, &req, rpcMethodNotFound, fmt.Errorf("method '%s' not found", req.Method))
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.RPCInvalidMethod.M(1))
if len(req.Params) != handler.nParams {
rpcError(w, &req, rpcInvalidParams, fmt.Errorf("wrong param count"))
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.RPCRequestError.M(1))
outCh := handler.valOut != -1 && handler.handlerFunc.Type().Out(handler.valOut).Kind() == reflect.Chan
defer done(outCh)
if chOut == nil && outCh {
rpcError(w, &req, rpcMethodNotFound, fmt.Errorf("method '%s' not supported in this mode (no out channel support)", req.Method))
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.RPCRequestError.M(1))
callParams := make([]reflect.Value, 1+handler.hasCtx+handler.nParams)
callParams[0] = handler.receiver
if handler.hasCtx == 1 {
callParams[1] = reflect.ValueOf(ctx)
for i := 0; i < handler.nParams; i++ {
rp := reflect.New(handler.paramReceivers[i])
if err := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(req.Params[i].data)).Decode(rp.Interface()); err != nil {
rpcError(w, &req, rpcParseError, xerrors.Errorf("unmarshaling params for '%s': %w", handler.handlerFunc, err))
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.RPCRequestError.M(1))
callParams[i+1+handler.hasCtx] = reflect.ValueOf(rp.Elem().Interface())
callResult, err := doCall(req.Method, handler.handlerFunc, callParams)
if err != nil {
rpcError(w, &req, 0, xerrors.Errorf("fatal error calling '%s': %w", req.Method, err))
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.RPCRequestError.M(1))
if req.ID == nil {
return // notification
resp := response{
Jsonrpc: "2.0",
ID: *req.ID,
if handler.errOut != -1 {
err := callResult[handler.errOut].Interface()
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("error in RPC call to '%s': %+v", req.Method, err)
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.RPCResponseError.M(1))
resp.Error = &respError{
Code: 1,
Message: err.(error).Error(),
var kind reflect.Kind
var res interface{}
var nonZero bool
if handler.valOut != -1 {
res = callResult[handler.valOut].Interface()
kind = callResult[handler.valOut].Kind()
nonZero = !callResult[handler.valOut].IsZero()
if res != nil && kind == reflect.Chan {
// Channel responses are sent from channel control goroutine.
// Sending responses here could cause deadlocks on writeLk, or allow
// sending channel messages before this rpc call returns
//noinspection GoNilness // already checked above
err = chOut(callResult[handler.valOut], *req.ID)
if err == nil {
return // channel goroutine handles responding
log.Warnf("failed to setup channel in RPC call to '%s': %+v", req.Method, err)
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.RPCResponseError.M(1))
resp.Error = &respError{
Code: 1,
Message: err.(error).Error(),
} else if resp.Error == nil {
// check error as JSON-RPC spec prohibits error and value at the same time
resp.Result = res
if resp.Error != nil && nonZero {
log.Errorw("error and res returned", "request", req, "r.err", resp.Error, "res", res)
w(func(w io.Writer) {
if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(resp); err != nil {
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.RPCResponseError.M(1))