This is now "FVM" native. Changes include: 1. Don't treat "trace" messages like off-chain messages. E.g., don't include CIDs, versions, etc. 2. Include IPLD codecs where applicable. 3. Remove fields that aren't filled by the FVM (timing, some errors, code locations, etc.).
1028 lines
29 KiB
1028 lines
29 KiB
package vm
import (
cbor ""
block ""
logging ""
mh ""
cbg ""
builtin_types ""
const MaxCallDepth = 4096
const CborCodec = 0x51
var (
log = logging.Logger("vm")
actorLog = logging.WithSkip(logging.Logger("actors"), 1)
gasOnActorExec = newGasCharge("OnActorExec", 0, 0)
// ResolveToDeterministicAddr returns the public key type of address
// (`BLS`/`SECP256K1`) of an actor identified by `addr`, or its
// delegated address.
func ResolveToDeterministicAddr(state types.StateTree, cst cbor.IpldStore, addr address.Address) (address.Address, error) {
if addr.Protocol() == address.BLS || addr.Protocol() == address.SECP256K1 || addr.Protocol() == address.Delegated {
return addr, nil
act, err := state.GetActor(addr)
if err != nil {
return address.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to find actor: %s", addr)
if state.Version() >= types.StateTreeVersion5 {
if act.Address != nil {
// If there _is_ an f4 address, return it as "key" address
return *act.Address, nil
aast, err := account.Load(adt.WrapStore(context.TODO(), cst), act)
if err != nil {
return address.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to get account actor state for %s: %w", addr, err)
return aast.PubkeyAddress()
var (
_ cbor.IpldBlockstore = (*gasChargingBlocks)(nil)
_ blockstore.Viewer = (*gasChargingBlocks)(nil)
type gasChargingBlocks struct {
chargeGas func(GasCharge)
pricelist Pricelist
under cbor.IpldBlockstore
func (bs *gasChargingBlocks) View(ctx context.Context, c cid.Cid, cb func([]byte) error) error {
if v, ok := bs.under.(blockstore.Viewer); ok {
return v.View(ctx, c, func(b []byte) error {
// we have successfully retrieved the value; charge for it, even if the user-provided function fails.
bs.chargeGas(newGasCharge("OnIpldViewEnd", 0, 0).WithExtra(len(b)))
return cb(b)
// the underlying blockstore doesn't implement the viewer interface, fall back to normal Get behaviour.
blk, err := bs.Get(ctx, c)
if err == nil && blk != nil {
return cb(blk.RawData())
return err
func (bs *gasChargingBlocks) Get(ctx context.Context, c cid.Cid) (block.Block, error) {
blk, err := bs.under.Get(ctx, c)
if err != nil {
return nil, aerrors.Escalate(err, "failed to get block from blockstore")
bs.chargeGas(newGasCharge("OnIpldGetEnd", 0, 0).WithExtra(len(blk.RawData())))
return blk, nil
func (bs *gasChargingBlocks) Put(ctx context.Context, blk block.Block) error {
if err := bs.under.Put(ctx, blk); err != nil {
return aerrors.Escalate(err, "failed to write data to disk")
return nil
func (vm *LegacyVM) makeRuntime(ctx context.Context, msg *types.Message, parent *Runtime) *Runtime {
paramsCodec := uint64(0)
if len(msg.Params) > 0 {
paramsCodec = CborCodec
rt := &Runtime{
ctx: ctx,
vm: vm,
state: vm.cstate,
origin: msg.From,
originNonce: msg.Nonce,
height: vm.blockHeight,
gasUsed: 0,
gasAvailable: msg.GasLimit,
depth: 0,
numActorsCreated: 0,
pricelist: PricelistByEpoch(vm.blockHeight),
allowInternal: true,
callerValidated: false,
executionTrace: types.ExecutionTrace{Msg: types.MessageTrace{
From: msg.From,
To: msg.To,
Value: msg.Value,
Method: msg.Method,
Params: msg.Params,
ParamsCodec: paramsCodec,
if parent != nil {
// TODO: The version check here should be unnecessary, but we can wait to take it out
if !parent.allowInternal && rt.NetworkVersion() >= network.Version7 {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrForbidden, "internal calls currently disabled")
rt.gasUsed = parent.gasUsed
rt.origin = parent.origin
rt.originNonce = parent.originNonce
rt.numActorsCreated = parent.numActorsCreated
rt.depth = parent.depth + 1
if rt.depth > MaxCallDepth && rt.NetworkVersion() >= network.Version6 {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrForbidden, "message execution exceeds call depth")
cbb := &gasChargingBlocks{rt.chargeGasFunc(2), rt.pricelist, vm.cst.Blocks}
cst := cbor.NewCborStore(cbb)
cst.Atlas = vm.cst.Atlas // associate the atlas.
rt.cst = cst
vmm := *msg
resF, ok := rt.ResolveAddress(msg.From)
if !ok {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrInvalidReceiver, "resolve msg.From address failed")
vmm.From = resF
if vm.networkVersion <= network.Version3 {
rt.Message = &vmm
} else {
resT, _ := rt.ResolveAddress(msg.To)
// may be set to undef if recipient doesn't exist yet
vmm.To = resT
rt.Message = &Message{msg: vmm}
rt.Syscalls = pricedSyscalls{
under: vm.Syscalls(ctx, rt),
chargeGas: rt.chargeGasFunc(1),
pl: rt.pricelist,
return rt
type UnsafeVM struct {
VM *LegacyVM
func (vm *UnsafeVM) MakeRuntime(ctx context.Context, msg *types.Message) *Runtime {
return vm.VM.makeRuntime(ctx, msg, nil)
type (
CircSupplyCalculator func(context.Context, abi.ChainEpoch, *state.StateTree) (abi.TokenAmount, error)
NtwkVersionGetter func(context.Context, abi.ChainEpoch) network.Version
LookbackStateGetter func(context.Context, abi.ChainEpoch) (*state.StateTree, error)
TipSetGetter func(context.Context, abi.ChainEpoch) (types.TipSetKey, error)
var _ Interface = (*LegacyVM)(nil)
type LegacyVM struct {
cstate *state.StateTree
cst *cbor.BasicIpldStore
buf *blockstore.BufferedBlockstore
blockHeight abi.ChainEpoch
areg *ActorRegistry
rand Rand
circSupplyCalc CircSupplyCalculator
networkVersion network.Version
baseFee abi.TokenAmount
lbStateGet LookbackStateGetter
baseCircSupply abi.TokenAmount
Syscalls SyscallBuilder
type VMOpts struct {
StateBase cid.Cid
Epoch abi.ChainEpoch
Timestamp uint64
Rand Rand
Bstore blockstore.Blockstore
Actors *ActorRegistry
Syscalls SyscallBuilder
CircSupplyCalc CircSupplyCalculator
NetworkVersion network.Version
BaseFee abi.TokenAmount
LookbackState LookbackStateGetter
TipSetGetter TipSetGetter
Tracing bool
// ReturnEvents decodes and returns emitted events.
ReturnEvents bool
func NewLegacyVM(ctx context.Context, opts *VMOpts) (*LegacyVM, error) {
if opts.NetworkVersion >= network.Version16 {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("the legacy VM does not support network versions 16+")
buf := blockstore.NewBuffered(opts.Bstore)
cst := cbor.NewCborStore(buf)
state, err := state.LoadStateTree(cst, opts.StateBase)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
baseCirc, err := opts.CircSupplyCalc(ctx, opts.Epoch, state)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &LegacyVM{
cstate: state,
cst: cst,
buf: buf,
blockHeight: opts.Epoch,
areg: opts.Actors,
rand: opts.Rand, // TODO: Probably should be a syscall
circSupplyCalc: opts.CircSupplyCalc,
networkVersion: opts.NetworkVersion,
Syscalls: opts.Syscalls,
baseFee: opts.BaseFee,
baseCircSupply: baseCirc,
lbStateGet: opts.LookbackState,
}, nil
type Rand interface {
GetChainRandomness(ctx context.Context, pers crypto.DomainSeparationTag, round abi.ChainEpoch, entropy []byte) ([]byte, error)
GetBeaconRandomness(ctx context.Context, pers crypto.DomainSeparationTag, round abi.ChainEpoch, entropy []byte) ([]byte, error)
type ApplyRet struct {
ActorErr aerrors.ActorError
ExecutionTrace types.ExecutionTrace
Duration time.Duration
GasCosts *GasOutputs
Events []types.Event
func (vm *LegacyVM) send(ctx context.Context, msg *types.Message, parent *Runtime,
gasCharge *GasCharge, start time.Time) ([]byte, aerrors.ActorError, *Runtime) {
defer atomic.AddUint64(&StatSends, 1)
st := vm.cstate
rt := vm.makeRuntime(ctx, msg, parent)
if EnableDetailedTracing {
rt.lastGasChargeTime = start
if parent != nil {
rt.lastGasChargeTime = parent.lastGasChargeTime
rt.lastGasCharge = parent.lastGasCharge
defer func() {
parent.lastGasChargeTime = rt.lastGasChargeTime
parent.lastGasCharge = rt.lastGasCharge
if parent != nil {
defer func() {
parent.gasUsed = rt.gasUsed
if gasCharge != nil {
if err := rt.chargeGasSafe(*gasCharge); err != nil {
// this should never happen
return nil, aerrors.Wrap(err, "not enough gas for initial message charge, this should not happen"), rt
ret, err := func() ([]byte, aerrors.ActorError) {
_ = rt.chargeGasSafe(newGasCharge("OnGetActor", 0, 0))
toActor, err := st.GetActor(msg.To)
if err != nil {
if xerrors.Is(err, types.ErrActorNotFound) {
a, aid, err := TryCreateAccountActor(rt, msg.To)
if err != nil {
return nil, aerrors.Wrapf(err, "could not create account")
toActor = a
if vm.networkVersion <= network.Version3 {
// Leave the rt.Message as is
} else {
nmsg := Message{
msg: types.Message{
To: aid,
From: rt.Message.Caller(),
Value: rt.Message.ValueReceived(),
rt.Message = &nmsg
} else {
return nil, aerrors.Escalate(err, "getting actor")
if aerr := rt.chargeGasSafe(rt.Pricelist().OnMethodInvocation(msg.Value, msg.Method)); aerr != nil {
return nil, aerrors.Wrap(aerr, "not enough gas for method invocation")
// not charging any gas, just logging
defer rt.chargeGasSafe(newGasCharge("OnMethodInvocationDone", 0, 0))
if types.BigCmp(msg.Value, types.NewInt(0)) != 0 {
if err := vm.transfer(msg.From, msg.To, msg.Value, vm.networkVersion); err != nil {
return nil, aerrors.Wrap(err, "failed to transfer funds")
if msg.Method != 0 {
var ret []byte
_ = rt.chargeGasSafe(gasOnActorExec)
ret, err := vm.Invoke(toActor, rt, msg.Method, msg.Params)
return ret, err
return nil, nil
retCodec := uint64(0)
if len(ret) > 0 {
retCodec = CborCodec
rt.executionTrace.MsgRct = types.ReturnTrace{
ExitCode: aerrors.RetCode(err),
Return: ret,
ReturnCodec: retCodec,
return ret, err, rt
func checkMessage(msg *types.Message) error {
if msg.GasLimit == 0 {
return xerrors.Errorf("message has no gas limit set")
if msg.GasLimit < 0 {
return xerrors.Errorf("message has negative gas limit")
if msg.GasFeeCap == types.EmptyInt {
return xerrors.Errorf("message fee cap not set")
if msg.GasPremium == types.EmptyInt {
return xerrors.Errorf("message gas premium not set")
if msg.Value == types.EmptyInt {
return xerrors.Errorf("message no value set")
return nil
func (vm *LegacyVM) ApplyImplicitMessage(ctx context.Context, msg *types.Message) (*ApplyRet, error) {
start := build.Clock.Now()
defer atomic.AddUint64(&StatApplied, 1)
ret, actorErr, rt := vm.send(ctx, msg, nil, nil, start)
return &ApplyRet{
MessageReceipt: types.MessageReceipt{
ExitCode: aerrors.RetCode(actorErr),
Return: ret,
GasUsed: 0,
ActorErr: actorErr,
ExecutionTrace: rt.executionTrace,
GasCosts: nil,
Duration: time.Since(start),
}, actorErr
func (vm *LegacyVM) ApplyMessage(ctx context.Context, cmsg types.ChainMsg) (*ApplyRet, error) {
start := build.Clock.Now()
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "vm.ApplyMessage")
defer span.End()
defer atomic.AddUint64(&StatApplied, 1)
msg := cmsg.VMMessage()
if span.IsRecordingEvents() {
trace.StringAttribute("to", msg.To.String()),
trace.Int64Attribute("method", int64(msg.Method)),
trace.StringAttribute("value", msg.Value.String()),
if err := checkMessage(msg); err != nil {
return nil, err
pl := PricelistByEpoch(vm.blockHeight)
msgGas := pl.OnChainMessage(cmsg.ChainLength())
msgGasCost := msgGas.Total()
// this should never happen, but is currently still exercised by some tests
if msgGasCost > msg.GasLimit {
gasOutputs := ZeroGasOutputs()
gasOutputs.MinerPenalty = types.BigMul(vm.baseFee, abi.NewTokenAmount(msgGasCost))
return &ApplyRet{
MessageReceipt: types.MessageReceipt{
ExitCode: exitcode.SysErrOutOfGas,
GasUsed: 0,
GasCosts: &gasOutputs,
Duration: time.Since(start),
ActorErr: aerrors.Newf(exitcode.SysErrOutOfGas,
"message gas limit does not cover on-chain gas costs"),
}, nil
st := vm.cstate
minerPenaltyAmount := types.BigMul(vm.baseFee, abi.NewTokenAmount(msg.GasLimit))
fromActor, err := st.GetActor(msg.From)
// this should never happen, but is currently still exercised by some tests
if err != nil {
if xerrors.Is(err, types.ErrActorNotFound) {
gasOutputs := ZeroGasOutputs()
gasOutputs.MinerPenalty = minerPenaltyAmount
return &ApplyRet{
MessageReceipt: types.MessageReceipt{
ExitCode: exitcode.SysErrSenderInvalid,
GasUsed: 0,
ActorErr: aerrors.Newf(exitcode.SysErrSenderInvalid, "actor not found: %s", msg.From),
GasCosts: &gasOutputs,
Duration: time.Since(start),
}, nil
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to look up from actor: %w", err)
// this should never happen, but is currently still exercised by some tests
if !builtin.IsAccountActor(fromActor.Code) {
gasOutputs := ZeroGasOutputs()
gasOutputs.MinerPenalty = minerPenaltyAmount
return &ApplyRet{
MessageReceipt: types.MessageReceipt{
ExitCode: exitcode.SysErrSenderInvalid,
GasUsed: 0,
ActorErr: aerrors.Newf(exitcode.SysErrSenderInvalid, "send from not account actor: %s", fromActor.Code),
GasCosts: &gasOutputs,
Duration: time.Since(start),
}, nil
if msg.Nonce != fromActor.Nonce {
gasOutputs := ZeroGasOutputs()
gasOutputs.MinerPenalty = minerPenaltyAmount
return &ApplyRet{
MessageReceipt: types.MessageReceipt{
ExitCode: exitcode.SysErrSenderStateInvalid,
GasUsed: 0,
ActorErr: aerrors.Newf(exitcode.SysErrSenderStateInvalid,
"actor nonce invalid: msg:%d != state:%d", msg.Nonce, fromActor.Nonce),
GasCosts: &gasOutputs,
Duration: time.Since(start),
}, nil
gascost := types.BigMul(types.NewInt(uint64(msg.GasLimit)), msg.GasFeeCap)
if fromActor.Balance.LessThan(gascost) {
gasOutputs := ZeroGasOutputs()
gasOutputs.MinerPenalty = minerPenaltyAmount
return &ApplyRet{
MessageReceipt: types.MessageReceipt{
ExitCode: exitcode.SysErrSenderStateInvalid,
GasUsed: 0,
ActorErr: aerrors.Newf(exitcode.SysErrSenderStateInvalid,
"actor balance less than needed: %s < %s", types.FIL(fromActor.Balance), types.FIL(gascost)),
GasCosts: &gasOutputs,
Duration: time.Since(start),
}, nil
gasHolder := &types.Actor{Balance: types.NewInt(0)}
if err := vm.transferToGasHolder(msg.From, gasHolder, gascost); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to withdraw gas funds: %w", err)
if err := vm.incrementNonce(msg.From); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := st.Snapshot(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("snapshot failed: %w", err)
defer st.ClearSnapshot()
ret, actorErr, rt := vm.send(ctx, msg, nil, &msgGas, start)
if aerrors.IsFatal(actorErr) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("[from=%s,to=%s,n=%d,m=%d,h=%d] fatal error: %w", msg.From, msg.To, msg.Nonce, msg.Method, vm.blockHeight, actorErr)
if actorErr != nil {
log.Warnw("Send actor error", "from", msg.From, "to", msg.To, "nonce", msg.Nonce, "method", msg.Method, "height", vm.blockHeight, "error", fmt.Sprintf("%+v", actorErr))
if actorErr != nil && len(ret) != 0 {
// This should not happen, something is wonky
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("message invocation errored, but had a return value anyway: %w", actorErr)
if rt == nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("send returned nil runtime, send error was: %s", actorErr)
if len(ret) != 0 {
// safely override actorErr since it must be nil
actorErr = rt.chargeGasSafe(rt.Pricelist().OnChainReturnValue(len(ret)))
if actorErr != nil {
ret = nil
var errcode exitcode.ExitCode
var gasUsed int64
if errcode = aerrors.RetCode(actorErr); errcode != 0 {
// revert all state changes since snapshot
if err := st.Revert(); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("revert state failed: %w", err)
gasUsed = rt.gasUsed
if gasUsed < 0 {
gasUsed = 0
burn, err := vm.ShouldBurn(ctx, st, msg, errcode)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("deciding whether should burn failed: %w", err)
gasOutputs := ComputeGasOutputs(gasUsed, msg.GasLimit, vm.baseFee, msg.GasFeeCap, msg.GasPremium, burn)
if err := vm.transferFromGasHolder(builtin.BurntFundsActorAddr, gasHolder,
gasOutputs.BaseFeeBurn); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to burn base fee: %w", err)
if err := vm.transferFromGasHolder(reward.Address, gasHolder, gasOutputs.MinerTip); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to give miner gas reward: %w", err)
if err := vm.transferFromGasHolder(builtin.BurntFundsActorAddr, gasHolder,
gasOutputs.OverEstimationBurn); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to burn overestimation fee: %w", err)
// refund unused gas
if err := vm.transferFromGasHolder(msg.From, gasHolder, gasOutputs.Refund); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to refund gas: %w", err)
if types.BigCmp(types.NewInt(0), gasHolder.Balance) != 0 {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("gas handling math is wrong")
return &ApplyRet{
MessageReceipt: types.MessageReceipt{
ExitCode: errcode,
Return: ret,
GasUsed: gasUsed,
ActorErr: actorErr,
ExecutionTrace: rt.executionTrace,
GasCosts: &gasOutputs,
Duration: time.Since(start),
}, nil
func (vm *LegacyVM) ShouldBurn(ctx context.Context, st *state.StateTree, msg *types.Message, errcode exitcode.ExitCode) (bool, error) {
if vm.networkVersion <= network.Version12 {
// Check to see if we should burn funds. We avoid burning on successful
// window post. This won't catch _indirect_ window post calls, but this
// is the best we can get for now.
if vm.blockHeight > build.UpgradeClausHeight && errcode == exitcode.Ok && msg.Method == builtin_types.MethodsMiner.SubmitWindowedPoSt {
// Ok, we've checked the _method_, but we still need to check
// the target actor. It would be nice if we could just look at
// the trace, but I'm not sure if that's safe?
if toActor, err := st.GetActor(msg.To); err != nil {
// If the actor wasn't found, we probably deleted it or something. Move on.
if !xerrors.Is(err, types.ErrActorNotFound) {
// Otherwise, this should never fail and something is very wrong.
return false, xerrors.Errorf("failed to lookup target actor: %w", err)
} else if builtin.IsStorageMinerActor(toActor.Code) {
// Ok, this is a storage miner and we've processed a window post. Remove the burn.
return false, nil
return true, nil
// Any "don't burn" rules from Network v13 onwards go here, for now we always return true
return true, nil
type vmFlushKey struct{}
func (vm *LegacyVM) Flush(ctx context.Context) (cid.Cid, error) {
_, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "vm.Flush")
defer span.End()
from := vm.buf
to := vm.buf.Read()
root, err := vm.cstate.Flush(ctx)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("flushing vm: %w", err)
if err := Copy(context.WithValue(ctx, vmFlushKey{}, true), from, to, root); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("copying tree: %w", err)
return root, nil
// Get the buffered blockstore associated with the LegacyVM. This includes any temporary blocks produced
// during this LegacyVM's execution.
func (vm *LegacyVM) ActorStore(ctx context.Context) adt.Store {
return adt.WrapStore(ctx, vm.cst)
func linksForObj(blk block.Block, cb func(cid.Cid)) error {
switch blk.Cid().Prefix().Codec {
case cid.DagCBOR:
err := cbg.ScanForLinks(bytes.NewReader(blk.RawData()), cb)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("cbg.ScanForLinks: %w", err)
return nil
case cid.Raw:
// We implicitly have all children of raw blocks.
return nil
return xerrors.Errorf("vm flush copy method only supports dag cbor")
func Copy(ctx context.Context, from, to blockstore.Blockstore, root cid.Cid) error {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "vm.Copy") // nolint
defer span.End()
start := time.Now()
var numBlocks int
var totalCopySize int
const batchSize = 128
const bufCount = 3
freeBufs := make(chan []block.Block, bufCount)
toFlush := make(chan []block.Block, bufCount)
for i := 0; i < bufCount; i++ {
freeBufs <- make([]block.Block, 0, batchSize)
errFlushChan := make(chan error)
go func() {
for b := range toFlush {
if err := to.PutMany(ctx, b); err != nil {
errFlushChan <- xerrors.Errorf("batch put in copy: %w", err)
freeBufs <- b[:0]
batch := <-freeBufs
batchCp := func(blk block.Block) error {
totalCopySize += len(blk.RawData())
batch = append(batch, blk)
if len(batch) >= batchSize {
toFlush <- batch
var ok bool
batch, ok = <-freeBufs
if !ok {
return <-errFlushChan
return nil
if err := copyRec(ctx, from, to, root, batchCp); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("copyRec: %w", err)
if len(batch) > 0 {
toFlush <- batch
close(toFlush) // close the toFlush triggering the loop to end
err := <-errFlushChan // get error out or get nil if it was closed
if err != nil {
return err
trace.Int64Attribute("numBlocks", int64(numBlocks)),
trace.Int64Attribute("copySize", int64(totalCopySize)),
if yes, ok := ctx.Value(vmFlushKey{}).(bool); yes && ok {
took := metrics.SinceInMilliseconds(start)
stats.Record(ctx, metrics.VMFlushCopyCount.M(int64(numBlocks)), metrics.VMFlushCopyDuration.M(took))
return nil
func copyRec(ctx context.Context, from, to blockstore.Blockstore, root cid.Cid, cp func(block.Block) error) error {
if root.Prefix().MhType == 0 {
// identity cid, skip
return nil
blk, err := from.Get(ctx, root)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("get %s failed: %w", root, err)
var lerr error
err = linksForObj(blk, func(link cid.Cid) {
if lerr != nil {
// Theres no erorr return on linksForObj callback :(
prefix := link.Prefix()
if prefix.Codec == cid.FilCommitmentSealed || prefix.Codec == cid.FilCommitmentUnsealed {
// We always have blocks inlined into CIDs, but we may not have their children.
if prefix.MhType == mh.IDENTITY {
// Unless the inlined block has no children.
if prefix.Codec == cid.Raw {
} else {
// If we have an object, we already have its children, skip the object.
has, err := to.Has(ctx, link)
if err != nil {
lerr = xerrors.Errorf("has: %w", err)
if has {
if err := copyRec(ctx, from, to, link, cp); err != nil {
lerr = err
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("linksForObj (%x): %w", blk.RawData(), err)
if lerr != nil {
return lerr
if err := cp(blk); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("copy: %w", err)
return nil
func (vm *LegacyVM) StateTree() types.StateTree {
return vm.cstate
func (vm *LegacyVM) Invoke(act *types.Actor, rt *Runtime, method abi.MethodNum, params []byte) ([]byte, aerrors.ActorError) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(rt.ctx, "vm.Invoke")
defer span.End()
if span.IsRecordingEvents() {
trace.StringAttribute("to", rt.Receiver().String()),
trace.Int64Attribute("method", int64(method)),
trace.StringAttribute("value", rt.ValueReceived().String()),
var oldCtx context.Context
oldCtx, rt.ctx = rt.ctx, ctx
defer func() {
rt.ctx = oldCtx
ret, err := vm.areg.Invoke(act.Code, rt, method, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
func (vm *LegacyVM) SetInvoker(i *ActorRegistry) {
vm.areg = i
func (vm *LegacyVM) GetCircSupply(ctx context.Context) (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
// Before v15, this was recalculated on each invocation as the state tree was mutated
if vm.networkVersion <= network.Version14 {
return vm.circSupplyCalc(ctx, vm.blockHeight, vm.cstate)
return vm.baseCircSupply, nil
func (vm *LegacyVM) incrementNonce(addr address.Address) error {
return vm.cstate.MutateActor(addr, func(a *types.Actor) error {
return nil
func (vm *LegacyVM) transfer(from, to address.Address, amt types.BigInt, networkVersion network.Version) aerrors.ActorError {
var f *types.Actor
var fromID, toID address.Address
var err error
// switching the order around so that transactions for more than the balance sent to self fail
if networkVersion >= network.Version15 {
if amt.LessThan(types.NewInt(0)) {
return aerrors.Newf(exitcode.SysErrForbidden, "attempted to transfer negative value: %s", amt)
fromID, err = vm.cstate.LookupID(from)
if err != nil {
return aerrors.Fatalf("transfer failed when resolving sender address: %s", err)
f, err = vm.cstate.GetActor(fromID)
if err != nil {
return aerrors.Fatalf("transfer failed when retrieving sender actor: %s", err)
if f.Balance.LessThan(amt) {
return aerrors.Newf(exitcode.SysErrInsufficientFunds, "transfer failed, insufficient balance in sender actor: %v", f.Balance)
if from == to {
log.Infow("sending to same address: noop", "from/to addr", from)
return nil
toID, err = vm.cstate.LookupID(to)
if err != nil {
return aerrors.Fatalf("transfer failed when resolving receiver address: %s", err)
if fromID == toID {
log.Infow("sending to same actor ID: noop", "from/to actor", fromID)
return nil
} else {
if from == to {
return nil
fromID, err = vm.cstate.LookupID(from)
if err != nil {
return aerrors.Fatalf("transfer failed when resolving sender address: %s", err)
toID, err = vm.cstate.LookupID(to)
if err != nil {
return aerrors.Fatalf("transfer failed when resolving receiver address: %s", err)
if fromID == toID {
return nil
if amt.LessThan(types.NewInt(0)) {
return aerrors.Newf(exitcode.SysErrForbidden, "attempted to transfer negative value: %s", amt)
f, err = vm.cstate.GetActor(fromID)
if err != nil {
return aerrors.Fatalf("transfer failed when retrieving sender actor: %s", err)
t, err := vm.cstate.GetActor(toID)
if err != nil {
return aerrors.Fatalf("transfer failed when retrieving receiver actor: %s", err)
if err = deductFunds(f, amt); err != nil {
return aerrors.Newf(exitcode.SysErrInsufficientFunds, "transfer failed when deducting funds (%s): %s", types.FIL(amt), err)
depositFunds(t, amt)
if err = vm.cstate.SetActor(fromID, f); err != nil {
return aerrors.Fatalf("transfer failed when setting sender actor: %s", err)
if err = vm.cstate.SetActor(toID, t); err != nil {
return aerrors.Fatalf("transfer failed when setting receiver actor: %s", err)
return nil
func (vm *LegacyVM) transferToGasHolder(addr address.Address, gasHolder *types.Actor, amt types.BigInt) error {
if amt.LessThan(types.NewInt(0)) {
return xerrors.Errorf("attempted to transfer negative value to gas holder")
return vm.cstate.MutateActor(addr, func(a *types.Actor) error {
if err := deductFunds(a, amt); err != nil {
return err
depositFunds(gasHolder, amt)
return nil
func (vm *LegacyVM) transferFromGasHolder(addr address.Address, gasHolder *types.Actor, amt types.BigInt) error {
if amt.LessThan(types.NewInt(0)) {
return xerrors.Errorf("attempted to transfer negative value from gas holder")
if amt.Equals(big.NewInt(0)) {
return nil
return vm.cstate.MutateActor(addr, func(a *types.Actor) error {
if err := deductFunds(gasHolder, amt); err != nil {
return err
depositFunds(a, amt)
return nil
func deductFunds(act *types.Actor, amt types.BigInt) error {
if act.Balance.LessThan(amt) {
return fmt.Errorf("not enough funds")
act.Balance = types.BigSub(act.Balance, amt)
return nil
func depositFunds(act *types.Actor, amt types.BigInt) {
act.Balance = types.BigAdd(act.Balance, amt)