2019-09-07 00:42:01 +02:00

215 lines
4.4 KiB

package deals
import (
cbor "github.com/ipfs/go-ipld-cbor"
inet "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-core/network"
func init() {
type MinerDeal struct {
Client peer.ID
Proposal StorageDealProposal
ProposalCid cid.Cid
State DealState
Ref cid.Cid
SectorID uint64 // Set when State >= Staged
s inet.Stream
type Handler struct {
pricePerByteBlock types.BigInt // how much we want for storing one byte for one block
secst *sectorblocks.SectorBlocks
full api.FullNode
// TODO: Use a custom protocol or graphsync in the future
dag dtypes.StagingDAG
deals StateStore
conns map[cid.Cid]inet.Stream
actor address.Address
incoming chan MinerDeal
updated chan dealUpdate
stop chan struct{}
stopped chan struct{}
type dealUpdate struct {
newState DealState
id cid.Cid
err error
mut func(*MinerDeal)
func NewHandler(ds dtypes.MetadataDS, secst *sectorblocks.SectorBlocks, dag dtypes.StagingDAG, fullNode api.FullNode) (*Handler, error) {
addr, err := ds.Get(datastore.NewKey("miner-address"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
minerAddress, err := address.NewFromBytes(addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Handler{
secst: secst,
dag: dag,
full: fullNode,
pricePerByteBlock: types.NewInt(3), // TODO: allow setting
conns: map[cid.Cid]inet.Stream{},
incoming: make(chan MinerDeal),
updated: make(chan dealUpdate),
stop: make(chan struct{}),
stopped: make(chan struct{}),
actor: minerAddress,
deals: StateStore{ds: namespace.Wrap(ds, datastore.NewKey("/deals/client"))},
}, nil
func (h *Handler) Run(ctx context.Context) {
// TODO: restore state
go func() {
defer log.Error("quitting deal handler loop")
defer close(h.stopped)
for {
select {
case deal := <-h.incoming: // Accepted
case update := <-h.updated: // Staged
h.onUpdated(ctx, update)
case <-h.stop:
func (h *Handler) onIncoming(deal MinerDeal) {
log.Info("incoming deal")
h.conns[deal.ProposalCid] = deal.s
if err := h.deals.Begin(deal.ProposalCid, deal); err != nil {
// This can happen when client re-sends proposal
h.failDeal(deal.ProposalCid, err)
log.Errorf("deal tracking failed: %s", err)
go func() {
h.updated <- dealUpdate{
newState: Accepted,
id: deal.ProposalCid,
err: nil,
func (h *Handler) onUpdated(ctx context.Context, update dealUpdate) {
log.Infof("Deal %s updated state to %d", update.id, update.newState)
if update.err != nil {
log.Errorf("deal %s failed: %s", update.id, update.err)
h.failDeal(update.id, update.err)
var deal MinerDeal
err := h.deals.MutateMiner(update.id, func(d *MinerDeal) error {
d.State = update.newState
if update.mut != nil {
deal = *d
return nil
if err != nil {
h.failDeal(update.id, err)
switch update.newState {
case Accepted:
h.handle(ctx, deal, h.accept, Staged)
case Staged:
h.handle(ctx, deal, h.staged, Sealing)
case Sealing:
h.handle(ctx, deal, h.sealing, Complete)
func (h *Handler) newDeal(s inet.Stream, proposal StorageDealProposal) (MinerDeal, error) {
// TODO: Review: Not signed?
proposalNd, err := cbor.WrapObject(proposal, math.MaxUint64, -1)
if err != nil {
return MinerDeal{}, err
ref, err := cid.Parse(proposal.PieceRef)
if err != nil {
return MinerDeal{}, err
return MinerDeal{
Client: s.Conn().RemotePeer(),
Proposal: proposal,
ProposalCid: proposalNd.Cid(),
State: Unknown,
Ref: ref,
s: s,
}, nil
func (h *Handler) HandleStream(s inet.Stream) {
log.Info("Handling storage deal proposal!")
proposal, err := h.readProposal(s)
if err != nil {
deal, err := h.newDeal(s, proposal.Proposal)
if err != nil {
h.incoming <- deal
func (h *Handler) Stop() {