1154 lines
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1154 lines
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package kit
import (
libp2pcrypto "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/core/crypto"
cbg "github.com/whyrusleeping/cbor-gen"
ffi "github.com/filecoin-project/filecoin-ffi"
miner14 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v14/miner"
// TestUnmanagedMiner is a miner that's not managed by the storage/infrastructure, all tasks must be manually executed, managed and scheduled by the test or test kit.
// Note: `TestUnmanagedMiner` is not thread safe and assumes linear access of it's methods
type TestUnmanagedMiner struct {
t *testing.T
options nodeOpts
mockProofs bool
cacheDir string
unsealedSectorDir string
sealedSectorDir string
currentSectorNum abi.SectorNumber
cacheDirPaths map[abi.SectorNumber]string
unsealedSectorPaths map[abi.SectorNumber]string
sealedSectorPaths map[abi.SectorNumber]string
sealedCids map[abi.SectorNumber]cid.Cid
unsealedCids map[abi.SectorNumber]cid.Cid
sealTickets map[abi.SectorNumber]abi.SealRandomness
proofType map[abi.SectorNumber]abi.RegisteredSealProof
ActorAddr address.Address
OwnerKey *key.Key
FullNode *TestFullNode
Libp2p struct {
PeerID peer.ID
PrivKey libp2pcrypto.PrivKey
type WindowPostResp struct {
Posted bool
Error error
func NewTestUnmanagedMiner(t *testing.T, full *TestFullNode, actorAddr address.Address, mockProofs bool, opts ...NodeOpt) *TestUnmanagedMiner {
require.NotNil(t, full, "full node required when instantiating miner")
options := DefaultNodeOpts
for _, o := range opts {
err := o(&options)
require.NoError(t, err)
privkey, _, err := libp2pcrypto.GenerateEd25519Key(rand.Reader)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, options.ownerKey, "owner key is required for initializing a miner")
peerId, err := peer.IDFromPrivateKey(privkey)
require.NoError(t, err)
tmpDir := t.TempDir()
cacheDir := filepath.Join(tmpDir, fmt.Sprintf("cache-%s", actorAddr))
unsealedSectorDir := filepath.Join(tmpDir, fmt.Sprintf("unsealed-%s", actorAddr))
sealedSectorDir := filepath.Join(tmpDir, fmt.Sprintf("sealed-%s", actorAddr))
_ = os.Mkdir(cacheDir, 0755)
_ = os.Mkdir(unsealedSectorDir, 0755)
_ = os.Mkdir(sealedSectorDir, 0755)
tm := TestUnmanagedMiner{
t: t,
options: options,
mockProofs: mockProofs,
cacheDir: cacheDir,
unsealedSectorDir: unsealedSectorDir,
sealedSectorDir: sealedSectorDir,
unsealedSectorPaths: make(map[abi.SectorNumber]string),
cacheDirPaths: make(map[abi.SectorNumber]string),
sealedSectorPaths: make(map[abi.SectorNumber]string),
sealedCids: make(map[abi.SectorNumber]cid.Cid),
unsealedCids: make(map[abi.SectorNumber]cid.Cid),
sealTickets: make(map[abi.SectorNumber]abi.SealRandomness),
ActorAddr: actorAddr,
OwnerKey: options.ownerKey,
FullNode: full,
currentSectorNum: 101,
proofType: make(map[abi.SectorNumber]abi.RegisteredSealProof),
tm.Libp2p.PeerID = peerId
tm.Libp2p.PrivKey = privkey
return &tm
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) AssertNoPower(ctx context.Context) {
p := tm.CurrentPower(ctx)
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s RBP: %v, QaP: %v", tm.ActorAddr, p.MinerPower.QualityAdjPower.String(), p.MinerPower.RawBytePower.String())
require.True(tm.t, p.MinerPower.RawBytePower.IsZero())
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) CurrentPower(ctx context.Context) *api.MinerPower {
head, err := tm.FullNode.ChainHead(ctx)
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
p, err := tm.FullNode.StateMinerPower(ctx, tm.ActorAddr, head.Key())
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
return p
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) AssertPower(ctx context.Context, raw uint64, qa uint64) {
req := require.New(tm.t)
p := tm.CurrentPower(ctx)
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s RBP: %v, QaP: %v", p.MinerPower.QualityAdjPower.String(), tm.ActorAddr, p.MinerPower.RawBytePower.String())
req.Equal(raw, p.MinerPower.RawBytePower.Uint64())
req.Equal(qa, p.MinerPower.QualityAdjPower.Uint64())
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) mkAndSavePiecesToOnboard(_ context.Context, sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber, pt abi.RegisteredSealProof) []abi.PieceInfo {
paddedPieceSize := abi.PaddedPieceSize(tm.options.sectorSize)
unpaddedPieceSize := paddedPieceSize.Unpadded()
// Generate random bytes for the piece
randomBytes := make([]byte, unpaddedPieceSize)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, randomBytes)
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
// Create a temporary file for the first piece
pieceFileA := requireTempFile(tm.t, bytes.NewReader(randomBytes), uint64(unpaddedPieceSize))
// Generate the piece CID from the file
pieceCIDA, err := ffi.GeneratePieceCIDFromFile(pt, pieceFileA, unpaddedPieceSize)
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
// Reset file offset to the beginning after CID generation
_, err = pieceFileA.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
unsealedSectorFile := requireTempFile(tm.t, bytes.NewReader([]byte{}), 0)
defer func() {
_ = unsealedSectorFile.Close()
// Write the piece to the staged sector file without alignment
writtenBytes, pieceCID, err := ffi.WriteWithoutAlignment(pt, pieceFileA, unpaddedPieceSize, unsealedSectorFile)
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
require.EqualValues(tm.t, unpaddedPieceSize, writtenBytes)
require.True(tm.t, pieceCID.Equals(pieceCIDA))
// Create a struct for the piece info
publicPieces := []abi.PieceInfo{{
Size: paddedPieceSize,
PieceCID: pieceCIDA,
// Create a temporary file for the sealed sector
sealedSectorFile := requireTempFile(tm.t, bytes.NewReader([]byte{}), 0)
defer func() {
_ = sealedSectorFile.Close()
// Update paths for the sector
tm.sealedSectorPaths[sectorNumber] = sealedSectorFile.Name()
tm.unsealedSectorPaths[sectorNumber] = unsealedSectorFile.Name()
tm.cacheDirPaths[sectorNumber] = filepath.Join(tm.cacheDir, fmt.Sprintf("%d", sectorNumber))
// Ensure the cache directory exists
_ = os.Mkdir(tm.cacheDirPaths[sectorNumber], 0755)
return publicPieces
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) makeAndSaveCCSector(_ context.Context, sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber) {
requirements := require.New(tm.t)
// Create cache directory
cacheDirPath := filepath.Join(tm.cacheDir, fmt.Sprintf("%d", sectorNumber))
requirements.NoError(os.Mkdir(cacheDirPath, 0755))
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Sector %d: created cache directory at %s", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, cacheDirPath)
// Define paths for unsealed and sealed sectors
unsealedSectorPath := filepath.Join(tm.unsealedSectorDir, fmt.Sprintf("%d", sectorNumber))
sealedSectorPath := filepath.Join(tm.sealedSectorDir, fmt.Sprintf("%d", sectorNumber))
unsealedSize := abi.PaddedPieceSize(tm.options.sectorSize).Unpadded()
// Write unsealed sector file
requirements.NoError(os.WriteFile(unsealedSectorPath, make([]byte, unsealedSize), 0644))
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Sector %d: wrote unsealed CC sector to %s", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, unsealedSectorPath)
// Write sealed sector file
requirements.NoError(os.WriteFile(sealedSectorPath, make([]byte, tm.options.sectorSize), 0644))
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Sector %d: wrote sealed CC sector to %s", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, sealedSectorPath)
// Update paths in the struct
tm.unsealedSectorPaths[sectorNumber] = unsealedSectorPath
tm.sealedSectorPaths[sectorNumber] = sealedSectorPath
tm.cacheDirPaths[sectorNumber] = cacheDirPath
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) mkStagedFileWithPieces(pt abi.RegisteredSealProof) ([]abi.PieceInfo, string) {
paddedPieceSize := abi.PaddedPieceSize(tm.options.sectorSize)
unpaddedPieceSize := paddedPieceSize.Unpadded()
// Generate random bytes for the piece
randomBytes := make([]byte, unpaddedPieceSize)
_, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, randomBytes)
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
// Create a temporary file for the first piece
pieceFileA := requireTempFile(tm.t, bytes.NewReader(randomBytes), uint64(unpaddedPieceSize))
// Generate the piece CID from the file
pieceCIDA, err := ffi.GeneratePieceCIDFromFile(pt, pieceFileA, unpaddedPieceSize)
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
// Reset file offset to the beginning after CID generation
_, err = pieceFileA.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
unsealedSectorFile := requireTempFile(tm.t, bytes.NewReader([]byte{}), 0)
defer func() {
_ = unsealedSectorFile.Close()
// Write the piece to the staged sector file without alignment
writtenBytes, pieceCID, err := ffi.WriteWithoutAlignment(pt, pieceFileA, unpaddedPieceSize, unsealedSectorFile)
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
require.EqualValues(tm.t, unpaddedPieceSize, writtenBytes)
require.True(tm.t, pieceCID.Equals(pieceCIDA))
// Create a struct for the piece info
publicPieces := []abi.PieceInfo{{
Size: paddedPieceSize,
PieceCID: pieceCIDA,
return publicPieces, unsealedSectorFile.Name()
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) SnapDeal(ctx context.Context, proofType abi.RegisteredSealProof, sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber) []abi.PieceInfo {
updateProofType := abi.SealProofInfos[proofType].UpdateProof
var pieces []abi.PieceInfo
var snapProof []byte
var newSealedCid cid.Cid
if !tm.mockProofs {
// generate sector key
var unsealedPath string
pieces, unsealedPath = tm.mkStagedFileWithPieces(proofType)
s, err := os.Stat(tm.sealedSectorPaths[sectorNumber])
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
randomBytes := make([]byte, s.Size())
_, err = io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, randomBytes)
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
updatePath := requireTempFile(tm.t, bytes.NewReader(randomBytes), uint64(s.Size()))
require.NoError(tm.t, updatePath.Close())
updateDir := filepath.Join(tm.t.TempDir(), fmt.Sprintf("update-%d", sectorNumber))
require.NoError(tm.t, os.MkdirAll(updateDir, 0700))
var newUnsealedCid cid.Cid
newSealedCid, newUnsealedCid, err = ffi.SectorUpdate.EncodeInto(updateProofType, updatePath.Name(), updateDir,
tm.sealedSectorPaths[sectorNumber], tm.cacheDirPaths[sectorNumber], unsealedPath, pieces)
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
vp, err := ffi.SectorUpdate.GenerateUpdateVanillaProofs(updateProofType, tm.sealedCids[sectorNumber],
newSealedCid, newUnsealedCid, updatePath.Name(), updateDir, tm.sealedSectorPaths[sectorNumber],
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
snapProof, err = ffi.SectorUpdate.GenerateUpdateProofWithVanilla(updateProofType, tm.sealedCids[sectorNumber],
newSealedCid, newUnsealedCid, vp)
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
} else {
pieces = []abi.PieceInfo{{
Size: abi.PaddedPieceSize(tm.options.sectorSize),
PieceCID: cid.MustParse("baga6ea4seaqlhznlutptgfwhffupyer6txswamerq5fc2jlwf2lys2mm5jtiaeq"),
snapProof = []byte{0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef}
newSealedCid = cid.MustParse("bagboea4b5abcatlxechwbp7kjpjguna6r6q7ejrhe6mdp3lf34pmswn27pkkieka")
tm.waitForMutableDeadline(ctx, sectorNumber)
// submit proof
var manifest []miner14.PieceActivationManifest
for _, piece := range pieces {
manifest = append(manifest, miner14.PieceActivationManifest{
CID: piece.PieceCID,
Size: piece.Size,
head, err := tm.FullNode.ChainHead(ctx)
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
sl, err := tm.FullNode.StateSectorPartition(ctx, tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, head.Key())
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
params := &miner14.ProveReplicaUpdates3Params{
SectorUpdates: []miner14.SectorUpdateManifest{
Sector: sectorNumber,
Deadline: sl.Deadline,
Partition: sl.Partition,
NewSealedCID: newSealedCid,
Pieces: manifest,
SectorProofs: [][]byte{snapProof},
UpdateProofsType: updateProofType,
RequireActivationSuccess: true,
RequireNotificationSuccess: false,
r, err := tm.SubmitMessage(ctx, params, 1, builtin.MethodsMiner.ProveReplicaUpdates3)
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
require.True(tm.t, r.Receipt.ExitCode.IsSuccess())
return pieces
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) waitForMutableDeadline(ctx context.Context, sectorNum abi.SectorNumber) {
ts, err := tm.FullNode.ChainHead(ctx)
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
sl, err := tm.FullNode.StateSectorPartition(ctx, tm.ActorAddr, sectorNum, ts.Key())
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
dlinfo, err := tm.FullNode.StateMinerProvingDeadline(ctx, tm.ActorAddr, ts.Key())
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
sectorDeadlineOpen := sl.Deadline == dlinfo.Index
sectorDeadlineNext := (dlinfo.Index+1)%dlinfo.WPoStPeriodDeadlines == sl.Deadline
immutable := sectorDeadlineOpen || sectorDeadlineNext
// Sleep for immutable epochs
if immutable {
dlineEpochsRemaining := dlinfo.NextOpen() - ts.Height()
var targetEpoch abi.ChainEpoch
if sectorDeadlineOpen {
// sleep for remainder of deadline
targetEpoch = ts.Height() + dlineEpochsRemaining
} else {
// sleep for remainder of deadline and next one
targetEpoch = ts.Height() + dlineEpochsRemaining + dlinfo.WPoStChallengeWindow
_, err := tm.FullNode.WaitTillChainOrError(ctx, HeightAtLeast(targetEpoch+5))
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) NextSectorNumber() abi.SectorNumber {
sectorNumber := tm.currentSectorNum
return sectorNumber
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) PrepareSectorForProveCommit(
ctx context.Context,
proofType abi.RegisteredSealProof,
sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber,
pieces []abi.PieceInfo,
) (seedEpoch abi.ChainEpoch, proveCommit []byte) {
req := require.New(tm.t)
// Wait for the pre-commitseal randomness to be available (we can only draw seal randomness from tipsets that have already achieved finality)
preCommitSealRandEpoch := tm.waitPreCommitSealRandomness(ctx, sectorNumber, proofType)
// Generate a Pre-Commit for the CC sector -> this persists the proof on the `TestUnmanagedMiner` Miner State
tm.generatePreCommit(ctx, sectorNumber, preCommitSealRandEpoch, proofType, pieces)
// --------------------Create pre-commit for the CC sector -> we'll just pre-commit `sector size` worth of 0s for this CC sector
if !proofType.IsNonInteractive() {
// Submit the Pre-Commit to the network
var uc *cid.Cid
if len(pieces) > 0 {
unsealedCid := tm.unsealedCids[sectorNumber]
uc = &unsealedCid
r, err := tm.SubmitMessage(ctx, &miner14.PreCommitSectorBatchParams2{
Sectors: []miner14.SectorPreCommitInfo{{
Expiration: 2880 * 300,
SectorNumber: sectorNumber,
SealProof: proofType,
SealedCID: tm.sealedCids[sectorNumber],
SealRandEpoch: preCommitSealRandEpoch,
UnsealedCid: uc,
}, 1, builtin.MethodsMiner.PreCommitSectorBatch2)
// Generate a ProveCommit for the CC sector
var seedRandomness abi.InteractiveSealRandomness
seedEpoch, seedRandomness = tm.proveCommitWaitSeed(ctx, sectorNumber, proofType)
proveCommit = []byte{0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef} // mock prove commit
if !tm.mockProofs {
proveCommit = tm.generateProveCommit(ctx, sectorNumber, proofType, seedRandomness, pieces)
return seedEpoch, proveCommit
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) SubmitProveCommit(
ctx context.Context,
proofType abi.RegisteredSealProof,
sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber,
seedEpoch abi.ChainEpoch,
proveCommit []byte,
pieceManifest []miner14.PieceActivationManifest,
) {
req := require.New(tm.t)
if proofType.IsNonInteractive() {
req.Nil(pieceManifest, "piece manifest should be nil for Non-interactive PoRep")
// Step 6: Submit the ProveCommit to the network
if proofType.IsNonInteractive() {
tm.t.Log("Submitting ProveCommitSector ...")
var provingDeadline uint64 = 7
if tm.IsImmutableDeadline(ctx, provingDeadline) {
// avoid immutable deadlines
provingDeadline = 5
actorIdNum, err := address.IDFromAddress(tm.ActorAddr)
actorId := abi.ActorID(actorIdNum)
r, err := tm.SubmitMessage(ctx, &miner14.ProveCommitSectorsNIParams{
Sectors: []miner14.SectorNIActivationInfo{{
SealingNumber: sectorNumber,
SealerID: actorId,
SealedCID: tm.sealedCids[sectorNumber],
SectorNumber: sectorNumber,
SealRandEpoch: seedEpoch,
Expiration: 2880 * 300,
AggregateProof: proveCommit,
SealProofType: proofType,
AggregateProofType: abi.RegisteredAggregationProof_SnarkPackV2,
ProvingDeadline: provingDeadline,
RequireActivationSuccess: true,
}, 1, builtin.MethodsMiner.ProveCommitSectorsNI)
// NI-PoRep lets us determine the deadline, so we can check that it's set correctly
sp, err := tm.FullNode.StateSectorPartition(ctx, tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, r.TipSet)
req.Equal(provingDeadline, sp.Deadline)
} else {
tm.t.Log("Submitting ProveCommitSector ...")
r, err := tm.SubmitMessage(ctx, &miner14.ProveCommitSectors3Params{
SectorActivations: []miner14.SectorActivationManifest{{SectorNumber: sectorNumber, Pieces: pieceManifest}},
SectorProofs: [][]byte{proveCommit},
RequireActivationSuccess: true,
}, 0, builtin.MethodsMiner.ProveCommitSectors3)
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) OnboardCCSector(ctx context.Context, proofType abi.RegisteredSealProof) (abi.SectorNumber, chan WindowPostResp, context.CancelFunc) {
sectorNumber := tm.NextSectorNumber()
if !tm.mockProofs {
// Write empty bytes that we want to seal i.e. create our CC sector
tm.makeAndSaveCCSector(ctx, sectorNumber)
seedEpoch, proveCommit := tm.PrepareSectorForProveCommit(ctx, proofType, sectorNumber, []abi.PieceInfo{})
tm.SubmitProveCommit(ctx, proofType, sectorNumber, seedEpoch, proveCommit, nil)
tm.proofType[sectorNumber] = proofType
respCh, cancelFn := tm.wdPostLoop(ctx, sectorNumber, tm.sealedCids[sectorNumber], tm.sealedSectorPaths[sectorNumber], tm.cacheDirPaths[sectorNumber])
return sectorNumber, respCh, cancelFn
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) OnboardSectorWithPieces(ctx context.Context, proofType abi.RegisteredSealProof) (abi.SectorNumber, chan WindowPostResp, context.CancelFunc) {
sectorNumber := tm.NextSectorNumber()
// Build a sector with non 0 Pieces that we want to onboard
var pieces []abi.PieceInfo
if !tm.mockProofs {
pieces = tm.mkAndSavePiecesToOnboard(ctx, sectorNumber, proofType)
} else {
pieces = []abi.PieceInfo{{
Size: abi.PaddedPieceSize(tm.options.sectorSize),
PieceCID: cid.MustParse("baga6ea4seaqjtovkwk4myyzj56eztkh5pzsk5upksan6f5outesy62bsvl4dsha"),
_, proveCommit := tm.PrepareSectorForProveCommit(ctx, proofType, sectorNumber, pieces)
// Submit the ProveCommit to the network
tm.t.Log("Submitting ProveCommitSector ...")
var manifest []miner14.PieceActivationManifest
for _, piece := range pieces {
manifest = append(manifest, miner14.PieceActivationManifest{
CID: piece.PieceCID,
Size: piece.Size,
tm.SubmitProveCommit(ctx, proofType, sectorNumber, 0, proveCommit, manifest)
tm.proofType[sectorNumber] = proofType
respCh, cancelFn := tm.wdPostLoop(ctx, sectorNumber, tm.sealedCids[sectorNumber], tm.sealedSectorPaths[sectorNumber], tm.cacheDirPaths[sectorNumber])
return sectorNumber, respCh, cancelFn
// calculateNextPostEpoch calculates the first epoch of the deadline proving window
// that is desired for the given sector for the specified miner.
// This function returns the current epoch and the calculated proving epoch.
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) calculateNextPostEpoch(
ctx context.Context,
sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber,
) (abi.ChainEpoch, abi.ChainEpoch, error) {
// Retrieve the current blockchain head
head, err := tm.FullNode.ChainHead(ctx)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to get chain head: %w", err)
// Obtain the proving deadline information for the miner
di, err := tm.FullNode.StateMinerProvingDeadline(ctx, tm.ActorAddr, head.Key())
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to get proving deadline: %w", err)
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: WindowPoST(%d): ProvingDeadline: %+v", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, di)
// Fetch the sector partition for the given sector number
sp, err := tm.FullNode.StateSectorPartition(ctx, tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, head.Key())
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to get sector partition: %w", err)
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: WindowPoST(%d): SectorPartition: %+v", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, sp)
// Calculate the start of the period, adjusting if the current deadline has passed
periodStart := di.PeriodStart
// calculate current deadline index because it won't be reliable from state until the first
// challenge window cron tick after first sector onboarded
currentDeadlineIdx := uint64(math.Abs(float64((di.CurrentEpoch - di.PeriodStart) / di.WPoStChallengeWindow)))
if di.PeriodStart < di.CurrentEpoch && sp.Deadline <= currentDeadlineIdx {
// If the deadline has passed in the current proving period, calculate for the next period
// Note that di.Open may be > di.CurrentEpoch if the miner has just been enrolled in cron so
// their deadlines haven't started rolling yet
periodStart += di.WPoStProvingPeriod
// Calculate the exact epoch when proving should occur
provingEpoch := periodStart + di.WPoStChallengeWindow*abi.ChainEpoch(sp.Deadline)
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: WindowPoST(%d): next ProvingEpoch: %d", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, provingEpoch)
return di.CurrentEpoch, provingEpoch, nil
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) wdPostLoop(
pctx context.Context,
sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber,
sealedCid cid.Cid,
cacheDir string,
) (chan WindowPostResp, context.CancelFunc) {
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithCancel(pctx)
respCh := make(chan WindowPostResp, 1)
head, err := tm.FullNode.ChainHead(ctx)
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
// wait one challenge window for cron to do its thing with deadlines, just to be sure so we get
// an accurate dline.Info whenever we ask for it
_ = tm.FullNode.WaitTillChain(ctx, HeightAtLeast(head.Height()+miner14.WPoStChallengeWindow+5))
go func() {
var firstPost bool
writeRespF := func(respErr error) {
var send WindowPostResp
if respErr == nil {
if firstPost {
return // already reported on our first post, no error to report, don't send anything
send.Posted = true
firstPost = true
} else {
if ctx.Err() == nil {
tm.t.Logf("Sector %d: WindowPoSt submission failed: %s", sectorNumber, respErr)
send.Error = respErr
select {
case respCh <- send:
case <-ctx.Done():
var postCount int
for ctx.Err() == nil {
currentEpoch, nextPost, err := tm.calculateNextPostEpoch(ctx, sectorNumber)
tm.t.Logf("Activating sector %d, next post %d, current epoch %d", sectorNumber, nextPost, currentEpoch)
if err != nil {
nextPost += 5 // add some padding so we're properly into the window
if nextPost > currentEpoch {
if _, err := tm.FullNode.WaitTillChainOrError(ctx, HeightAtLeast(nextPost)); err != nil {
err = tm.submitWindowPost(ctx, sectorNumber, sealedCid, sealedPath, cacheDir)
writeRespF(err) // send an error, or first post, or nothing if no error and this isn't the first post
if err != nil {
tm.t.Logf("Sector %d: WindowPoSt #%d submitted", sectorNumber, postCount)
return respCh, cancelFn
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) SubmitPostDispute(ctx context.Context, sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber) error {
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Starting dispute submission for sector %d", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber)
head, err := tm.FullNode.ChainHead(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("MinerB(%s): failed to get chain head: %w", tm.ActorAddr, err)
sp, err := tm.FullNode.StateSectorPartition(ctx, tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, head.Key())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("MinerB(%s): failed to get sector partition for sector %d: %w", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, err)
di, err := tm.FullNode.StateMinerProvingDeadline(ctx, tm.ActorAddr, head.Key())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("MinerB(%s): failed to get proving deadline for sector %d: %w", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, err)
disputeEpoch := di.Close + 5
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Sector %d - Waiting %d epochs until epoch %d to submit dispute", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, disputeEpoch-head.Height(), disputeEpoch)
tm.FullNode.WaitTillChain(ctx, HeightAtLeast(disputeEpoch))
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Sector %d - Disputing WindowedPoSt to confirm validity at epoch %d", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, disputeEpoch)
_, err = tm.SubmitMessage(ctx, &miner14.DisputeWindowedPoStParams{
Deadline: sp.Deadline,
PoStIndex: 0,
}, 1, builtin.MethodsMiner.DisputeWindowedPoSt)
return err
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) submitWindowPost(ctx context.Context, sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber, sealedCid cid.Cid, sealedPath, cacheDir string) error {
tm.t.Logf("Miner(%s): WindowPoST(%d): Running WindowPoSt ...\n", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber)
head, err := tm.FullNode.ChainHead(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Miner(%s): failed to get chain head: %w", tm.ActorAddr, err)
sp, err := tm.FullNode.StateSectorPartition(ctx, tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, head.Key())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Miner(%s): failed to get sector partition for sector %d: %w", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, err)
di, err := tm.FullNode.StateMinerProvingDeadline(ctx, tm.ActorAddr, head.Key())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Miner(%s): failed to get proving deadline for sector %d: %w", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, err)
tm.t.Logf("Miner(%s): WindowPoST(%d): SectorPartition: %+v, ProvingDeadline: %+v\n", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, sp, di)
if di.Index != sp.Deadline {
return fmt.Errorf("Miner(%s): sector %d is not in the deadline %d, but %d", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, sp.Deadline, di.Index)
var proofBytes []byte
if tm.mockProofs {
proofBytes = []byte{0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef}
} else {
proofBytes, err = tm.generateWindowPost(ctx, sectorNumber, sealedCid, sealedPath, cacheDir)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Miner(%s): failed to generate window post for sector %d: %w", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, err)
tm.t.Logf("Miner(%s): WindowedPoSt(%d) Submitting ...\n", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber)
chainRandomnessEpoch := di.Challenge
chainRandomness, err := tm.FullNode.StateGetRandomnessFromTickets(ctx, crypto.DomainSeparationTag_PoStChainCommit, chainRandomnessEpoch,
nil, head.Key())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Miner(%s): failed to get chain randomness for sector %d: %w", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, err)
minerInfo, err := tm.FullNode.StateMinerInfo(ctx, tm.ActorAddr, head.Key())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Miner(%s): failed to get miner info for sector %d: %w", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, err)
r, err := tm.SubmitMessage(ctx, &miner14.SubmitWindowedPoStParams{
ChainCommitEpoch: chainRandomnessEpoch,
ChainCommitRand: chainRandomness,
Deadline: sp.Deadline,
Partitions: []miner14.PoStPartition{{Index: sp.Partition}},
Proofs: []proof.PoStProof{{PoStProof: minerInfo.WindowPoStProofType, ProofBytes: proofBytes}},
}, 0, builtin.MethodsMiner.SubmitWindowedPoSt)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Miner(%s): failed to submit window post for sector %d: %w", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, err)
if !r.Receipt.ExitCode.IsSuccess() {
return fmt.Errorf("Miner(%s): submitting PoSt for sector %d failed: %s", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, r.Receipt.ExitCode)
tm.t.Logf("Miner(%s): WindowedPoSt(%d) Submitted ...\n", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber)
return nil
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) generateWindowPost(
ctx context.Context,
sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber,
sealedCid cid.Cid,
sealedPath string,
cacheDir string,
) ([]byte, error) {
head, err := tm.FullNode.ChainHead(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get chain head: %w", err)
minerInfo, err := tm.FullNode.StateMinerInfo(ctx, tm.ActorAddr, head.Key())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get miner info: %w", err)
di, err := tm.FullNode.StateMinerProvingDeadline(ctx, tm.ActorAddr, types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get proving deadline: %w", err)
minerAddrBytes := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := tm.ActorAddr.MarshalCBOR(minerAddrBytes); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal miner address: %w", err)
rand, err := tm.FullNode.StateGetRandomnessFromBeacon(ctx, crypto.DomainSeparationTag_WindowedPoStChallengeSeed, di.Challenge, minerAddrBytes.Bytes(), head.Key())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get randomness: %w", err)
postRand := abi.PoStRandomness(rand)
postRand[31] &= 0x3f // make fr32 compatible
privateSectorInfo := ffi.PrivateSectorInfo{
SectorInfo: proof.SectorInfo{
SealProof: tm.proofType[sectorNumber],
SectorNumber: sectorNumber,
SealedCID: sealedCid,
CacheDirPath: cacheDir,
PoStProofType: minerInfo.WindowPoStProofType,
SealedSectorPath: sealedPath,
actorIdNum, err := address.IDFromAddress(tm.ActorAddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get actor ID: %w", err)
actorId := abi.ActorID(actorIdNum)
windowProofs, faultySectors, err := ffi.GenerateWindowPoSt(actorId, ffi.NewSortedPrivateSectorInfo(privateSectorInfo), postRand)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to generate window post: %w", err)
if len(faultySectors) > 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("post failed for sectors: %v", faultySectors)
if len(windowProofs) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected 1 proof, got %d", len(windowProofs))
if windowProofs[0].PoStProof != minerInfo.WindowPoStProofType {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected proof type %d, got %d", minerInfo.WindowPoStProofType, windowProofs[0].PoStProof)
proofBytes := windowProofs[0].ProofBytes
info := proof.WindowPoStVerifyInfo{
Randomness: postRand,
Proofs: []proof.PoStProof{{PoStProof: minerInfo.WindowPoStProofType, ProofBytes: proofBytes}},
ChallengedSectors: []proof.SectorInfo{{SealProof: tm.proofType[sectorNumber], SectorNumber: sectorNumber, SealedCID: sealedCid}},
Prover: actorId,
verified, err := ffi.VerifyWindowPoSt(info)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to verify window post: %w", err)
if !verified {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("window post verification failed")
return proofBytes, nil
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) waitPreCommitSealRandomness(ctx context.Context, sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber, proofType abi.RegisteredSealProof) abi.ChainEpoch {
// We want to draw seal randomness from a tipset that has already achieved finality as PreCommits are expensive to re-generate.
// Check if we already have an epoch that is already final and wait for such an epoch if we don't have one.
head, err := tm.FullNode.ChainHead(ctx)
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
if proofType.IsNonInteractive() {
return head.Height() - 1 // no need to wait
var sealRandEpoch abi.ChainEpoch
if head.Height() > policy.SealRandomnessLookback {
sealRandEpoch = head.Height() - policy.SealRandomnessLookback
} else {
sealRandEpoch = policy.SealRandomnessLookback
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s waiting for at least epoch %d for seal randomness for sector %d (current epoch %d)...", tm.ActorAddr, sealRandEpoch+5,
sectorNumber, head.Height())
tm.FullNode.WaitTillChain(ctx, HeightAtLeast(sealRandEpoch+5))
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s using seal randomness from epoch %d for head %d for sector %d", tm.ActorAddr, sealRandEpoch, head.Height(), sectorNumber)
return sealRandEpoch
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) generatePreCommit(
ctx context.Context,
sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber,
sealRandEpoch abi.ChainEpoch,
proofType abi.RegisteredSealProof,
pieceInfo []abi.PieceInfo,
) {
if tm.mockProofs {
tm.sealedCids[sectorNumber] = cid.MustParse("bagboea4b5abcatlxechwbp7kjpjguna6r6q7ejrhe6mdp3lf34pmswn27pkkiekz")
if len(pieceInfo) > 0 {
tm.unsealedCids[sectorNumber] = cid.MustParse("baga6ea4seaqjtovkwk4myyzj56eztkh5pzsk5upksan6f5outesy62bsvl4dsha")
req := require.New(tm.t)
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Generating proof type %d PreCommit for sector %d...", tm.ActorAddr, proofType, sectorNumber)
head, err := tm.FullNode.ChainHead(ctx)
req.NoError(err, "Miner %s: Failed to get chain head for sector %d", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber)
minerAddrBytes := new(bytes.Buffer)
req.NoError(tm.ActorAddr.MarshalCBOR(minerAddrBytes), "Miner %s: Failed to marshal address for sector %d", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber)
rand, err := tm.FullNode.StateGetRandomnessFromTickets(ctx, crypto.DomainSeparationTag_SealRandomness, sealRandEpoch, minerAddrBytes.Bytes(), head.Key())
req.NoError(err, "Miner %s: Failed to get randomness for sector %d", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber)
sealTickets := abi.SealRandomness(rand)
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Running proof type %d SealPreCommitPhase1 for sector %d...", tm.ActorAddr, proofType, sectorNumber)
actorIdNum, err := address.IDFromAddress(tm.ActorAddr)
req.NoError(err, "Miner %s: Failed to get actor ID for sector %d", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber)
actorId := abi.ActorID(actorIdNum)
pc1, err := ffi.SealPreCommitPhase1(
req.NoError(err, "Miner %s: SealPreCommitPhase1 failed for sector %d", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber)
req.NotNil(pc1, "Miner %s: SealPreCommitPhase1 returned nil for sector %d", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber)
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Running proof type %d SealPreCommitPhase2 for sector %d...", tm.ActorAddr, proofType, sectorNumber)
sealedCid, unsealedCid, err := ffi.SealPreCommitPhase2(
req.NoError(err, "Miner %s: SealPreCommitPhase2 failed for sector %d", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber)
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Unsealed CID for sector %d: %s", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, unsealedCid)
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Sealed CID for sector %d: %s", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, sealedCid)
tm.sealTickets[sectorNumber] = sealTickets
tm.sealedCids[sectorNumber] = sealedCid
tm.unsealedCids[sectorNumber] = unsealedCid
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) proveCommitWaitSeed(ctx context.Context, sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber, proofType abi.RegisteredSealProof) (abi.ChainEpoch, abi.InteractiveSealRandomness) {
req := require.New(tm.t)
head, err := tm.FullNode.ChainHead(ctx)
var seedRandomnessHeight abi.ChainEpoch
if proofType.IsNonInteractive() {
seedRandomnessHeight = head.Height() - 1 // no need to wait, it just can't be current epoch
} else {
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Fetching pre-commit info for sector %d...", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber)
preCommitInfo, err := tm.FullNode.StateSectorPreCommitInfo(ctx, tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, head.Key())
seedRandomnessHeight = preCommitInfo.PreCommitEpoch + policy.GetPreCommitChallengeDelay()
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Waiting %d epochs for seed randomness at epoch %d (current epoch %d) for sector %d...", tm.ActorAddr, seedRandomnessHeight-head.Height(), seedRandomnessHeight, head.Height(), sectorNumber)
tm.FullNode.WaitTillChain(ctx, HeightAtLeast(seedRandomnessHeight+5))
head, err = tm.FullNode.ChainHead(ctx)
minerAddrBytes := new(bytes.Buffer)
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Fetching seed randomness for sector %d...", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber)
rand, err := tm.FullNode.StateGetRandomnessFromBeacon(ctx, crypto.DomainSeparationTag_InteractiveSealChallengeSeed, seedRandomnessHeight, minerAddrBytes.Bytes(), head.Key())
seedRandomness := abi.InteractiveSealRandomness(rand)
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Obtained seed randomness for sector %d: %x", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, seedRandomness)
return seedRandomnessHeight, seedRandomness
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) generateProveCommit(
_ context.Context,
sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber,
proofType abi.RegisteredSealProof,
seedRandomness abi.InteractiveSealRandomness,
pieces []abi.PieceInfo,
) []byte {
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Generating proof type %d Sector Proof for sector %d...", tm.ActorAddr, proofType, sectorNumber)
req := require.New(tm.t)
actorIdNum, err := address.IDFromAddress(tm.ActorAddr)
actorId := abi.ActorID(actorIdNum)
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Running proof type %d SealCommitPhase1 for sector %d...", tm.ActorAddr, proofType, sectorNumber)
scp1, err := ffi.SealCommitPhase1(
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Running proof type %d SealCommitPhase2 for sector %d...", tm.ActorAddr, proofType, sectorNumber)
var sectorProof []byte
if proofType.IsNonInteractive() {
circuitProofs, err := ffi.SealCommitPhase2CircuitProofs(scp1, sectorNumber)
asvpai := proof.AggregateSealVerifyProofAndInfos{
Miner: actorId,
SealProof: proofType,
AggregateProof: abi.RegisteredAggregationProof_SnarkPackV2,
Infos: []proof.AggregateSealVerifyInfo{{
Number: sectorNumber,
Randomness: tm.sealTickets[sectorNumber],
InteractiveRandomness: make([]byte, 32),
SealedCID: tm.sealedCids[sectorNumber],
UnsealedCID: tm.unsealedCids[sectorNumber],
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Aggregating circuit proofs for sector %d: %+v", tm.ActorAddr, sectorNumber, asvpai)
sectorProof, err = ffi.AggregateSealProofs(asvpai, [][]byte{circuitProofs})
} else {
sectorProof, err = ffi.SealCommitPhase2(scp1, sectorNumber, actorId)
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s: Got proof type %d sector proof of length %d for sector %d", tm.ActorAddr, proofType, len(sectorProof), sectorNumber)
return sectorProof
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) SubmitMessage(
ctx context.Context,
params cbg.CBORMarshaler,
value uint64,
method abi.MethodNum,
) (*api.MsgLookup, error) {
enc, aerr := actors.SerializeParams(params)
if aerr != nil {
return nil, aerr
tm.t.Logf("Submitting message for miner %s with method number %d", tm.ActorAddr, method)
m, err := tm.FullNode.MpoolPushMessage(ctx, &types.Message{
To: tm.ActorAddr,
From: tm.OwnerKey.Address,
Value: types.FromFil(value),
Method: method,
Params: enc,
}, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tm.t.Logf("Pushed message with CID: %s for miner %s", m.Cid(), tm.ActorAddr)
msg, err := tm.FullNode.StateWaitMsg(ctx, m.Cid(), 2, api.LookbackNoLimit, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tm.t.Logf("Message with CID: %s has been confirmed on-chain for miner %s", m.Cid(), tm.ActorAddr)
return msg, nil
func requireTempFile(t *testing.T, fileContentsReader io.Reader, size uint64) *os.File {
// Create a temporary file
tempFile, err := os.CreateTemp(t.TempDir(), "")
require.NoError(t, err)
// Copy contents from the reader to the temporary file
bytesCopied, err := io.Copy(tempFile, fileContentsReader)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Ensure the expected size matches the copied size
require.EqualValues(t, size, bytesCopied)
// Synchronize the file's content to disk
require.NoError(t, tempFile.Sync())
// Reset the file pointer to the beginning of the file
_, err = tempFile.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
require.NoError(t, err)
return tempFile
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) WaitTillActivatedAndAssertPower(
ctx context.Context,
respCh chan WindowPostResp,
sector abi.SectorNumber,
) {
// wait till sector is activated
select {
case resp := <-respCh:
require.NoError(tm.t, resp.Error)
require.True(tm.t, resp.Posted)
case <-ctx.Done():
tm.t.Fatal("timed out waiting for sector activation")
// Fetch on-chain sector properties
head, err := tm.FullNode.ChainHead(ctx)
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
soi, err := tm.FullNode.StateSectorGetInfo(ctx, tm.ActorAddr, sector, head.Key())
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
tm.t.Logf("Miner %s SectorOnChainInfo %d: %+v", tm.ActorAddr.String(), sector, soi)
_ = tm.FullNode.WaitTillChain(ctx, HeightAtLeast(head.Height()+5))
tm.t.Log("Checking power after PoSt ...")
// Miner B should now have power
tm.AssertPower(ctx, uint64(tm.options.sectorSize), uint64(tm.options.sectorSize))
if !tm.mockProofs {
// WindowPost Dispute should fail
tm.AssertDisputeFails(ctx, sector)
} // else it would pass, which we don't want
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) AssertDisputeFails(ctx context.Context, sector abi.SectorNumber) {
err := tm.SubmitPostDispute(ctx, sector)
require.Error(tm.t, err)
require.Contains(tm.t, err.Error(), "failed to dispute valid post")
require.Contains(tm.t, err.Error(), "(RetCode=16)")
func (tm *TestUnmanagedMiner) IsImmutableDeadline(ctx context.Context, deadlineIndex uint64) bool {
di, err := tm.FullNode.StateMinerProvingDeadline(ctx, tm.ActorAddr, types.EmptyTSK)
require.NoError(tm.t, err)
// don't rely on di.Index because if we haven't enrolled in cron it won't be ticking
currentDeadline := uint64((di.CurrentEpoch - di.PeriodStart) / di.WPoStChallengeWindow)
return currentDeadline == deadlineIndex || currentDeadline == deadlineIndex-1