2020-10-07 00:30:58 +02:00

314 lines
9.8 KiB

package paych
import (
var SendersDoneState = sync.State("senders-done")
var ReceiverReadyState = sync.State("receiver-ready")
var ReceiverAddedVouchersState = sync.State("receiver-added-vouchers")
var VoucherTopic = sync.NewTopic("voucher", &paych.SignedVoucher{})
var SettleTopic = sync.NewTopic("settle", cid.Cid{})
type ClientMode uint64
const (
ModeSender ClientMode = iota
func (cm ClientMode) String() string {
return [...]string{"Sender", "Receiver"}[cm]
func getClientMode(groupSeq int64) ClientMode {
if groupSeq == 1 {
return ModeReceiver
return ModeSender
// TODO Stress is currently WIP. We found blockers in Lotus that prevent us from
// making progress. See https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/issues/2297.
func Stress(t *testkit.TestEnvironment) error {
// Dispatch/forward non-client roles to defaults.
if t.Role != "client" {
return testkit.HandleDefaultRole(t)
// This is a client role.
t.RecordMessage("running payments client")
ctx := context.Background()
cl, err := testkit.PrepareClient(t)
if err != nil {
return err
// are we the receiver or a sender?
mode := getClientMode(t.GroupSeq)
t.RecordMessage("acting as %s", mode)
var clients []*testkit.ClientAddressesMsg
sctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
clientsCh := make(chan *testkit.ClientAddressesMsg)
t.SyncClient.MustSubscribe(sctx, testkit.ClientsAddrsTopic, clientsCh)
for i := 0; i < t.TestGroupInstanceCount; i++ {
clients = append(clients, <-clientsCh)
switch mode {
case ModeReceiver:
err := runReceiver(t, ctx, cl)
if err != nil {
return err
case ModeSender:
err := runSender(ctx, t, clients, cl)
if err != nil {
return err
// Signal that the client is done
t.SyncClient.MustSignalEntry(ctx, testkit.StateDone)
// Signal to the miners to stop mining
t.SyncClient.MustSignalEntry(ctx, testkit.StateStopMining)
return nil
func runSender(ctx context.Context, t *testkit.TestEnvironment, clients []*testkit.ClientAddressesMsg, cl *testkit.LotusClient) error {
var (
// lanes to open; vouchers will be distributed across these lanes in round-robin fashion
laneCount = t.IntParam("lane_count")
// number of vouchers to send on each lane
vouchersPerLane = t.IntParam("vouchers_per_lane")
// increments in which to send payment vouchers
increments = big.Mul(big.NewInt(int64(t.IntParam("increments"))), big.NewInt(int64(build.FilecoinPrecision)))
// channel amount should be enough to cover all vouchers
channelAmt = big.Mul(big.NewInt(int64(laneCount*vouchersPerLane)), increments)
// Lock up funds in the payment channel.
recv := findReceiver(clients)
balance, err := cl.FullApi.WalletBalance(ctx, cl.Wallet.Address)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to acquire wallet balance: %w", err)
t.RecordMessage("my balance: %d", balance)
t.RecordMessage("creating payment channel; from=%s, to=%s, funds=%d", cl.Wallet.Address, recv.WalletAddr, channelAmt)
pid := os.Getpid()
t.RecordMessage("sender pid: %d", pid)
time.Sleep(20 * time.Second)
channel, err := cl.FullApi.PaychGet(ctx, cl.Wallet.Address, recv.WalletAddr, channelAmt)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create payment channel: %w", err)
if addr := channel.Channel; addr != address.Undef {
return fmt.Errorf("expected an Undef channel address, got: %s", addr)
t.RecordMessage("payment channel created; msg_cid=%s", channel.WaitSentinel)
t.RecordMessage("waiting for payment channel message to appear on chain")
// wait for the channel creation message to appear on chain.
_, err = cl.FullApi.StateWaitMsg(ctx, channel.WaitSentinel, 2)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed while waiting for payment channel creation msg to appear on chain: %w", err)
// need to wait so that the channel is tracked.
// the full API waits for build.MessageConfidence (=1 in tests) before tracking the channel.
// we wait for 2 confirmations, so we have the assurance the channel is tracked.
t.RecordMessage("get payment channel address")
channelAddr, err := cl.FullApi.PaychGetWaitReady(ctx, channel.WaitSentinel)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get payment channel address: %w", err)
t.RecordMessage("channel address: %s", channelAddr)
t.RecordMessage("allocating lanes; count=%d", laneCount)
// allocate as many lanes as required
var lanes []uint64
for i := 0; i < laneCount; i++ {
lane, err := cl.FullApi.PaychAllocateLane(ctx, channelAddr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to allocate lane: %w", err)
lanes = append(lanes, lane)
t.RecordMessage("lanes allocated; count=%d", laneCount)
<-t.SyncClient.MustBarrier(ctx, ReceiverReadyState, 1).C
t.RecordMessage("sending payments in round-robin fashion across lanes; increments=%d", increments)
// create vouchers
remaining := channelAmt
for i := 0; i < vouchersPerLane; i++ {
for _, lane := range lanes {
voucherAmt := big.Mul(big.NewInt(int64(i+1)), increments)
voucher, err := cl.FullApi.PaychVoucherCreate(ctx, channelAddr, voucherAmt, lane)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create voucher: %w", err)
t.RecordMessage("payment voucher created; lane=%d, nonce=%d, amount=%d", voucher.Voucher.Lane, voucher.Voucher.Nonce, voucher.Voucher.Amount)
_, err = t.SyncClient.Publish(ctx, VoucherTopic, voucher.Voucher)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to publish voucher: %w", err)
remaining = big.Sub(remaining, increments)
t.RecordMessage("remaining balance: %d", remaining)
t.RecordMessage("finished sending all payment vouchers")
// Inform the receiver that all vouchers have been created
t.SyncClient.MustSignalEntry(ctx, SendersDoneState)
// Wait for the receiver to add all vouchers
<-t.SyncClient.MustBarrier(ctx, ReceiverAddedVouchersState, 1).C
t.RecordMessage("settle channel")
// Settle the channel. When the receiver sees the settle message, they
// should automatically submit all vouchers.
settleMsgCid, err := cl.FullApi.PaychSettle(ctx, channelAddr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to settle payment channel: %w", err)
t.SyncClient.Publish(ctx, SettleTopic, settleMsgCid)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to publish settle message cid: %w", err)
return nil
func findReceiver(clients []*testkit.ClientAddressesMsg) *testkit.ClientAddressesMsg {
for _, c := range clients {
if getClientMode(c.GroupSeq) == ModeReceiver {
return c
return nil
func runReceiver(t *testkit.TestEnvironment, ctx context.Context, cl *testkit.LotusClient) error {
// lanes to open; vouchers will be distributed across these lanes in round-robin fashion
laneCount := t.IntParam("lane_count")
// number of vouchers to send on each lane
vouchersPerLane := t.IntParam("vouchers_per_lane")
totalVouchers := laneCount * vouchersPerLane
vouchers := make(chan *paych.SignedVoucher)
vouchersSub, err := t.SyncClient.Subscribe(ctx, VoucherTopic, vouchers)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to subscribe to voucher topic: %w", err)
settleMsgChan := make(chan cid.Cid)
settleSub, err := t.SyncClient.Subscribe(ctx, SettleTopic, settleMsgChan)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to subscribe to settle topic: %w", err)
// inform the clients that the receiver is ready for incoming vouchers
t.SyncClient.MustSignalEntry(ctx, ReceiverReadyState)
t.RecordMessage("adding %d payment vouchers", totalVouchers)
// Add each of the vouchers
var addedVouchers []*paych.SignedVoucher
for i := 0; i < totalVouchers; i++ {
v := <-vouchers
addedVouchers = append(addedVouchers, v)
_, err := cl.FullApi.PaychVoucherAdd(ctx, v.ChannelAddr, v, nil, big.NewInt(0))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to add voucher: %w", err)
spendable, err := cl.FullApi.PaychVoucherCheckSpendable(ctx, v.ChannelAddr, v, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to check voucher spendable: %w", err)
if !spendable {
return fmt.Errorf("expected voucher %d to be spendable", i)
t.RecordMessage("payment voucher added; lane=%d, nonce=%d, amount=%d", v.Lane, v.Nonce, v.Amount)
t.RecordMessage("finished adding all payment vouchers")
// Inform the clients that the receiver has added all vouchers
t.SyncClient.MustSignalEntry(ctx, ReceiverAddedVouchersState)
// Wait for the settle message (put on chain by the sender)
t.RecordMessage("waiting for client to put settle message on chain")
settleMsgCid := <-settleMsgChan
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
t.RecordMessage("waiting for confirmation of settle message on chain: %s", settleMsgCid)
_, err = cl.FullApi.StateWaitMsg(ctx, settleMsgCid, 10)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to wait for settle message: %w", err)
// Note: Once the receiver sees the settle message on chain, it will
// automatically call submit voucher with the best vouchers
// TODO: Uncomment this section once this PR is merged:
// https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/3197
//t.RecordMessage("checking that all %d vouchers are no longer spendable", len(addedVouchers))
//for i, v := range addedVouchers {
// spendable, err := cl.FullApi.PaychVoucherCheckSpendable(ctx, v.ChannelAddr, v, nil, nil)
// if err != nil {
// return fmt.Errorf("failed to check voucher spendable: %w", err)
// }
// // Should no longer be spendable because the best voucher has been submitted
// if spendable {
// return fmt.Errorf("expected voucher %d to no longer be spendable", i)
// }
t.RecordMessage("all vouchers were submitted successfully")
return nil